Running From The Wolves ✅COMP...

By thedevilsdaughter300

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"This is the story of Hazel..a tale I tell to others...a tale not many know of.. Such a loving child with her... More

82 Final
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By thedevilsdaughter300


Sitting at the top of the house watching the sun slowly set. Mason and I sat quietly next to each other, our minds racing yet none of us saying a word.


He hummed in response

"should we run away"I asked

" We should...not only for our but also everyone else's life here. If we receive any threats again we are leaving..." he stated

"I agree..but the pain I'd feel now that I'm connected to the pack..and the mate bond.." I sighed

" yea....but if it's something really serious we need to leave so nothing happens to them" he said

Putting his arm over my shoulder and pulling me closer. I laid my head on his shoulder still keeping my eyes on the sky.

"..I don't want him to break down what we've created..the bonds I've never thought I'd have." I say

" me too..but we both know that won't go well. let's go before Xavier starts to yell at us" he mumbled

Slowly standing up as he was already walking towards a window.

" wait should we tell him about moms promise"

" YES YOU SHOULD! Also it's getting dark we need you two down here" max shouted 

I looked down seeing him and Xavier looking up at me.

I sighed and walked towards the window when a glimpse on the corner of my eyes..I saw someone.

' Xavier someone in the tree lines..someone was there' I warn him

Being inside the room as Mason looked at me when I heard growls and paws hitting the ground.

' they'll tell me if they see meet us at the office' he spoke

I didn't respond as I realized his tone was slightly different. Going towards Mason as we both walked out the empty room and down the hall.

' do you think he's mad?' Mason asked

' you've known him longer?' I scoffed

' yea but lately his attitude and feelings have been all over the place. You've seen it first hand.' He shrugged

' first hand?'

' Hazel really? Ever since you've gotten here he's been pushing others away. He's trying to not let many males near you but him, max, and me..sometimes other alphas but even so he hates letting others near you'

'..I've noticed that'

He sighed as we arrived at the office.

' I'm already dreading this'

I laughed and opened the doors. Looking inside seeing Xavier and a few other guards looked over to me.

Max stood near the door and gave me a slightly concerned look.

Slowly we walked in and I took a seat. Seeing he looked serious nearly intimidating to other. His eyes seemed to hold curiously but somethings else making me glare right back at him.

"what is it? Spit it out I see you want to say something big guy" I smirked

He chuckled and spoke

" I just want to know more about you guys. I feel left out that's all" he shrugged

I rolled my eyes knowing he had something deeper to say

' wonder what's going through his head'

' from what we are going through right now..who cares!' Mia snarled

" well...w-we-"

" don't mason" I say as I shut him up

I stared into Xavier's eyes feeling the air around us thinning. The quiet air, only the breathing of ours broke through.

Crossing my arms and laying back on the chair as I spoke.

" don't look at us like that he might fear you but I don't. You were just acting like a child with me earlier now feel like I'm a threat. Careful, remember I bite" I say

He looked away and lays back on the chair. Max came beside him and gave me an apologetic look.

''s just his alpha side comes out and I have to submit ' mason sighed

' just talk' I sighed

" We made promises to our mother" he started his eyes looking at the table

" Yes I know that" he said as guards start to come near us

' kinda want to scare them'

' from boredom?' Mia said

' yea..'

"Since little..our mother has been telling us these promises. We didn't know why and we still don't."

Looking at him and looking back at the tables he started to recite them.

" don't cry. Fight, kill if need to. Help those in need and protect each other." We both said in sync

" we broke all of them" I commented

' that wasn't all of them' mason mind-linked me

' we need to keep some things to our selves at the 'x's '

It was quiet in the room as I looked over to Xavier.

" you guys have really been through so many things" he mumbled

" I was doing that look because I knew it would make Mason getting to know you guys more deeply is-"

" I don't know a thing about you..Xavier. I could just be saying a bunch of lies. Maybe even everything I who are you?"

It was quiet for a moment as I heard small snickering from a guard. Looking over as he froze.

" don't look at him like that. You're arguing with me. So tell me oh great alpha. What do you have to hide?" I smirked

" you"

" Cute but no." I scoffed

" Xavier" I say

" yea"

His tone lowers as he didn't seem interested in talking about him. I sighed and looked at Mason.

' you know, don't you..'

He shrugged as I ruffled his hair a little.

" why do you not tell us anything about you?" I ask

" ....because"

"because why?" I mocked

" don't mock me" he lightly snarled

" don't act all rough when you were totally different not to long ago" I scoffed

I noticed his ears turnings a small pink when he snarled again.

" Because you keep all-"

"What? Keep all what?" I growled

" Alpha just tell her. What you're doing his pushing her away." Mason spoke

" no their both just stubborn" max chimed in

Suddenly Xavier stood up and walked towards us. I looked at Mason seeing he was just as confused as I was.

As he came closer to my side he pulled my seat and grabbed my hand. I looked at him for a moment before he pulled me up over his shoulder.

" this again!? Put me down You big stupid-"

" everyone can rest for today. Tomorrow we'll take a break and try to relax."

" oh yea cut me off mid sentence! I'm talking! Let me go before I-"

" calm it down. I'll tell you everything you want to hear tomorrow. Every single detail. Only if you quiet down a little. Remember you've just been through something a few days Agreed?"

I gripped onto his shift as I stayed quiet for a moment before sighing and slightly relax.

" head in early tonight..everyone. Remember to switch out guard duties" he ordered one last time before walking away.

' bye mason...'

He waved with a small smile on his lips. Letting my self getting carried away by Xavier as I slowly felt my self becoming exhausted once more.

My eyes slowly shutting not being able to keep my self up much longer.

' it's not a far walk...I can't keep my eyes open'

' need it' Mia spoke

I hummed as I slowly let my body relax when I felt my self being slowly placed onto a bed.

Opening my eyes to see him over me looking at me.

" I don't consent you creep" I muttered

He laughed as he rolled over and laid beside me.

" I'm not a creep..hey, I'm really sorry about earlier. How's your hand? Your thoughts...everything. Are you okay?"

I turn my head to him as he was already looking at me. Looking up at the ceiling I spoke.

" In short no. Not really..My body has probably healed these cuts and wounds but how I'm actually doing? Not great. Masons heading the same way.."

I turn to my side away from him as I felt him tap at my back.

" I'll be here if you both need me. You know that. Grace, my sister you met Ashley? And max will be here for you." He whispered

" that's what they say and walk away" I whispered

Feeling him pulling me towards him as he grabbed the sheets and placed them over us.

" we won't..I won't."

" we won't leave you. You both are to damaged. Left with the wrong people again you can truly turn the way you hate. So we'll be here right beside you guys, for you to protect us and we do it back."

I stayed silent as I let his arm lay over my side as his other was felt at the ends of my hair twirling them

"Promise you won't leave no matter what happens to me and matter how bad or terrible we are and how much we fight others..don't leave us" I whispered the last part

Placing his forehead on my back and felt small circle on my back. The other hand still on my side.

"I promise I won't ever leave you or Mason"

Feeling tears weld up as I took my hand and slowly intertwined it with his free hand. Gripping it as I let my eyes closed.

' he won't leave'

' he promised he wouldn't'

Letting my self slowly be engulfed by the tried and restless nights I've lately been having I finally relaxed.


A room so dark. The walls purely cement with cracks here and there. Hearing small whimpers beside me.

A man stood in front of me. His eyes a glowing orange-red. A sinister smile on his lips seeing his claws out and droplets of blood feel to the floor from his claws.

A scream ripped from my throat seeing who the blood was from.


" what happen to the strong girl I used to know huh?"

" please why are you doing this? Let us go, you already have power and people you needed. What else do you need from us?"

" I want you to be dead to never be on the face of the earth you were a mistake you took everything away from me!!"

"I did nothing we did nothing you killed our mother. You made everyone hate you. YOU DESERVE TO DIE"

Seeing he growled and walked towards us reaching Mason beside me.

About to protest and argue with him when immediately grabbing his neck and digging his claws in masons neck.

A screamed once more as I tried to run to him but..I couldn't move.

Mason was defenseless and unconscious. His eyes were barely open till he shouted in pain.

" Mason-"

Blood surround me, the blood of my own brother. His lifeless body right next to me. His eyes were wide as he looked lifelessly at me.

I screamed. My body ached as I watched someone else die and I couldn't do anything. I screamed his name for him to wake up but I knew he wouldn't deep down

" Now it's your turn"

He  grabbed me by the hair as he talked and screamed into my face. I cried out feeling hopeless when he looked at me one more time. He smirked widely when he shoved his claws into my chest as I screamed.


•Xavier's POV•

I was awake. Looking outside my balcony watching the sky turn a pink then blue and the sun rose to its place.

Going inside and starting my day with the pack. Going around the territory to check everyone. Doing their duties.

Knowing she was sleeping I went through the morning without trouble.

Finally arriving back to my office I heavily sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. Looking at all the stuff I needed to start doing to keep the pack under control and keep Hazel and Mason under control.

' max' Marco spoke

' right, thank you I knew I was missing something'

Immediately knowing he would be up in the morning to nearly evening.

' why haven't you been as close as I've been ordering you to be?' I snarled to him

' I can't's not in me to invade her space like that.'

' I gave you the order to be close to her as much as possible not watch her from afar. This is your last warning Max'

' of course alpha I'll follow your command' he formally spoke

I didn't respond as I kept looking at the papers sent to me.

'Who am I...'

I chuckled as I slowly replayed the memories with me and my mother.

' if only you didn't run away from us...I miss you dearly.'

" Xavier, they are in trouble..."

Startled by the female voice I looked over seeing no one. Reciting what she said I stood confused when a painful scream came from a familiar girl.

Running out the office of mines and sprinting down the halls as I heard pack members shouting to me what's going on.

Ignoring them and bursting into the room seeing a trembling and panting Hazel on the bed. I looked at her seeing sweat covering her body as her eyes were shut closed.

" haz-"

' we have a problem! Masons screaming in his sleep!' Max spoke to me

My eyes widened as I looked at her uncontrollably shaking body.

' Hazel as well is having the same situation' I say

I then looked around the to see what could help only for her to scream. I flinched from it and looked at her once more.

Going and holding her in my arms as that wasn't stopping her.

Her face contorted to discomfort and distress as tears pooled down.

" Hazel stop wake up. Please stop wake up" I said to her as I caressed her cheek but she didn't respond.

" Kill me! Not him!" She spoke

' mason just-

' just said don't kill me..not him' I say

' yea but a she' he said

Furrowing my brow as I looked at her once more and as I realized something.

' something is wrong they are both having the same dream' I say trying to put the puzzle together

' alpha...what is going on?'

' I don't know...'

As I kept cradling her in my arms I let my scent come out trying to stop her. Hugging her and letting the sensation run through my body against hers.

A sudden jump in my arms as she gasps. I loosened my grip on her as she sat up and held her chest tightly.

Her body still trembled as tears didn't stop flowing

' stop crying...'

' make her stop crying. Stop it' Marco said

' mason woke up! He doesn't look to good' max said

I didn't respond and grabbed her arm pulling her to me. She quickly reacted to her hands around my neck as her claws lightly dug in.

Her eyes were full green as she bared her fangs at me. Tears still dropped as her trembling figure never stopped.

Not having to say anything she let go and pulled me into a hug.

Wrapping my arms around her torso and pulled her closer as she didn't fight about it. Letting my scent and the strange comforting sensation out again.

Her hands tangled into my hair hearing sniffles against my shoulder.

' bring mason to my room' I order

Minutes later there was a knock and in came in Max and Mason.

[lots of M names 💀 max, Marco, Mason. Maria was hazels mom name geez 😭] 

Hazel not knowing who walked in she let out a loud threatening growl out making Max freeze as Mason lowly growled back.

That brought her attention as she slowly looked over and let go. Slightly missing her legs around my waist and sat on my lap while hugging me. I missed her touch the second her body warmth went to Mason.


•Hazel POV•

My eyes could only focus on him now. My brain felt scattered as I didn't feel Mia. It felt as if she was gone.

We both locked eyes staying quiet for a moment before he came to me and hugged me. We both slowly went down to the floor and put our foreheads together.

' he killed you...I saw it..I saw him.' I whimpered

' he killed you and I was next' he added

'we saw each other...he's going to kill can't fell Mia' I say

' is your wolf acting strange as well' he asked

And I nodded as he sighed and knew he could be the only reason why this was happening.

" would you two be okay if it's you guys in the room? I'll send someone two give you some food." Xavier asked

We nodded as I couldn't look at him. I could only feel the aching pain in chest.

" remember to wash up...I'll be back in a little"

' we'll be can go'

' alright, just be careful'

' Of course'

Hearing the door finally close I looked over seeing a set of feet in front of the door.

' max...' I thought

' he's been following you for a while now. An order from Xavier' Mason said

I hummed as I still felt the aching pain in my chest. My hand slowly went to where he killed. My hand on his chest.

' it hurts too'

I closed my eyes seeing everything he had done. The blood pooling out as his eyes locked with mines.


Fluttering my eyes open seeing nothing but darkness. It felt odd and comforting but the dream struck at me.

Quickly sitting up seeing light as a familiar room caught my eye.

" Haze? Are you okay?" The voice spoke

' what if this is a dream. What if I turn around and he's there..what if-'

A hand was placed on my shoulder as I felt tense.

" Haz-"

" MASON!" I shouted

Sudden arms engulfed me and pulled me to them.

' run run run run run' I repeated

My claws slowly grew as I placed them on the person arms. My fangs appears under my top lip. I growled as I felt my self slightly shaking.

" it's's okay. I'm here." He spoke

He left go with one hand as he caressed my hair and laid me against his chest sitting up.

The calming scent of honey and the soft sensation against my skin.

" he's resting in his room. You're wide awake with me Hazel." Xavier calmly spoke

Retracting everything as I gripped his hand that was around my torso.

" I'm sorry" I whispered

" no need" he whispered back

Slowly relaxing against him once more as I couldn't keep my eyes open.

' Mia..I need you'


•Xavier POV•

Sitting up as my thoughts pondered about the last few days. I sighed and looked over to my sleeping mate beside me.

Placing my thumb against her cheek as I smiled at the thought of her hugging me earlier.

How she would argue back and didn't hesitate to at least try to put me in place.

I nearly laughed and placed a small peck on her head.

' alpha' Marco spoke

' what?' I questioned

' how she's calls us know it drives you mad. How she came into the training area that day. Just wake her up. Just kiss her once more' he whined

My face felt hot as I moved away from her and stood up from the bed.

' no. Stop. She needs time I can't push her-'

' you did. You sure did. Kissing her and holding her hands as you growled I certainly know you did.'

I felt my body start to get hot remembering what I was doing. I let a growl slip as I quickly covered my mouth.

' take her please' he begged but I knew that would go bad for the both of us.

' please just one touch' he whines

" n-no she's going through something right now" I weakly spoke

'Now, we need it now' He demands

' just a hug. That's all. That's all.' I told him

He didn't respond as I slowly walked towards her.

" don't do it"

Startled by the voice I stepped back when I felt Marco trying to take over.

' I can't. I can't do it'

Quickly leaving the room as I felt my body becoming hotter as Marco was trying to come out.

My eyes started to blur a little signaling me I needed to get out.

' I almost gave into you this time.'

' no you desired to, too' he argued

Running down the steps in the quiet house as I saw guards bowing but I didn't pay any mind.

Nearing the doors I opened them and stepped out feeling the cold air against my skin. Though it didn't work to cool me against my blazing skin.

Feeling my claws and fangs quickly grow out. My ears being of a dog as I growled. Feeling the aching pain of not having her near by was plaguing my mind.

' turn back to her..go back-'

Not responding, I took my last shot of being aware of my surroundings. Sprinting into the trees and not stopping till someone tackled me mid run.

I growled as my vision was a full blur. Baring and snarling at the person as I stood up when their hands were placed on my face and pulled me in.

Their lips crashed with mines as I immediately kisses back when I heard a small whine. Pulling away and gave a warning growl.

' she isn't Hazel..I want Hazel..this ain't Hazel' I snarled

" Xavier come here" she pleaded

I walked towards her blurry figure with my claws out ready to attack her when she grabbed me once more and kisses me again.

Grabbing her wrist about to pull away when a voice spoke startled me.


"Hazel" I mumble

' mate. It's our mate.' Marco spoke

Immediately he gave me back control and seeing her and everything around so clearly.

She stood their with a broken expression. I walked towards her only for her to step back so I stopped.

" haze-"

"Why? You promised you wouldn't leave me..Just why?"

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