The Extroverty-Introvert

By LethargicGenius

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Hey Guys! John is a 15-year-old student who is trying to figure out the best way to stay connected with his... More

CHAPTER 2:-The Problem I Have With Weddings.
Chapter 3:- Embrace the Third Wheeling
Chapter 4:-A Bad Start Does Not Mean It's A Bad Day.
Chapter 5:-Always Keep Your Phone In The Bag!
Chapter 6 :- Abdomen Guards Should Be In All Sports!
Chapter 7:- Never Daydream When A Girl is Talking.
Chapter 8:- Grandmothers
Chapter 9:- Is it Pancakes Or Videshi Dosa?
Chapter 10:- It's My Birthday!
Chapter 11:-Should I Make A Move?
Chapter 12:- The Things We Do For Love
Chapter 13:- Tutoring Natalie.
Chapter 14:- Can A Hairband Be A Weapon?
Chapter 15:- Watson, We Have A Problem!
Chapter 16:- Lost and Found.
Chapter 17:- Those Are A Nice Pair of Tits.
Chapter 18:- Do My Instincts Warn Me?
Chapter 19:- The Creep is Back.
Chapter 20:- Wait, You're a Gangster?
Chapter 21:- The Target's Daughter
Chapter 22:- Perspective
Chapter 23:- The Betrayal
Chapter 25:- Overconfident in a Tuxedo
Chapter 26:- Psyche Grandma Rose!
Chapter 27:- Always Lock the Door
Chapter 28:- The Brief Past
Chapter 29:- Juan and Jose
Chapter 30:- Prom

Chapter 24:- What the heck Rachel? Where are my Clothes?

39 6 4
By LethargicGenius

*John is walking home*

Subconscious Mind:- "Jeez man that was some kind of a bizarre thing that you just witnessed! I mean, Aakash's family being GANGSTA, some weird crook causing mayhem across the neighbourhood and threatening to kill his father and some how Natalie comes in the picture! I've got to say you did well back there.."

I still cannot believe what just happened in a matter of hours and the fact that I am alive is another shocker! 

*rubs his hair in confusion just before entering the house*

At least there is one thing that I can guarantee from this situation, i.e. there is nothing that can get worse than this! That's when Rachel barges out of the front door and pushes me down with brute force!

"Ouch!", I wailed in pain.

"Watch your step stupid...Aah great you've dropped the bags!", she said while helping me up.

I reached down to pick up one of the dustbin bags that she dropped and gave it to her without giving it another look.

"Why are you in a Tuxedo?", she asked.

"Oh nothing, it was a last minute party at Aakash's..", I replied while covering the blood stained white shirt I was wearing.

"", she nodded.

I gave it a minute and then asked her if she needed help.

"What are you throwing away anyways at this hour?! That too in.....5,6,7..8 freaking bags! Did I miss one of your slaughter mania where you kill off all the people that annoy you?", I hissed around before entering the house.

"Nope! That list is toooo long and you'd be the first one dead if I were to go on a killing spree.", she replied rather subtly but gave me a warm smile.

I walked up the stairs with my hands on my chest and giving her the most "I'm surprised by your answer and I totally didn't see that coming" look to her before I slammed the door to my room.

Silence kicked in.

I switched on the A/c and sat down on my bed and started to recollect everything that had happened and what was about to happen in the weeks to come; the creepy man, Aakash's truth, the kidnapping and the reality that I have a wedding to attend tomorrow !

"Ahh Fuck!", I screamed and picked up my phone to check the date, today was a Saturday....soooo tomorrow is a SuNdAy. Oh god I have to go to church and add to that there is a wedding too, I HAVE BE IN FORMALS!

*voice from downstairs*

"Johnathan! At least acknowledge that you're home honey, we were all stressed out about your whereabouts! Anyways, I hope you remember it's Uncle Benjamin's son, Alston's wedding tomorrow! Make sure you have your Tuxedo ready!"

"Alright Mum!", I answered back. 

Great now I have to check on my attire for tomorrow. I let out a soft grin and then walked up to the cupboard and swung it open. To my surprise, the Tuxedo was right in front of my face! So I placed it on the bed and quickly started to undress myself so that I could dump the bloodstained shirt in the washing machine.

After the normal shoes, socks, blazer, bow tie and finally the shirt was out, I checked myself out in the mirror and gestured a salute! 

Subconscious Mind:-"Cringe."

I walked into the bathroom and bathed to glory in hot water! AAh I love taking a bath!

Subconscious Mind:-"Still Cringe."

Soon I was out of the bathroom and wore my PJ's that were dumped on the chair next to my study table, and then I ran toward the cupboard to look for my super comfy blue sweater and then my plan was to just lie down and watch YouTube for the rest of the night!

As soon as I looked into the cupboard my jaw dropped!

"Where are my clothes?!", I screamed.

I ran downstairs and in excitement tripped and instead rolled down to the end of the stairs.

"Ouchhhh..", I looked up to Rachel giving me a warm grin.

I stood up without wasting a second and gave her THE LOOK! You know, the look that you give someone when your just waiting for them to confess for their sins, add to that I was taller than her so I was practically towering down at her! But all of this was in vain because this crazy wamen did not even twitch an eye!

"I ask again, Where are my CLOTHES?!", eyes still not taken away from hers.

She was cool as a cucumber, instead of being a coward she just grabbed my hair and pulled me down and whispered,"I took out the trash dimwit."

Subconscious Mind:-"oHHHHH the shivers down his spine! I can only imagine how bad ass that could have been! Oh wait...yeah it's happening in front of me.."

I was dumbfounded, flabbergasted...(insert synonyms to over exaggerated words describing a situation like this)

I ran outside and towards the trash can outside the house and pushed the lid up out find 8 bags in there! OOhhhh the poor meee! I was about to give a dramatic end dialogue to my sister about "old is gold" when Mom walked out of the house and just shut me down.

"Don't act like those were all your clothes, you know for a fact that you only wore like 5 T-shirts and that same pajamas all the time! The truth is only one bag contains your clothes and rest are just the actually trash around the house, thanks to Rachel the house finally looks guest friendly!"

I shied away and ran upstairs like a diva who saw her ultimate crush, but before I could slam the door shut Rachel called out to me and pointed at a bunch of shopping bags in the hallway.

I ran downstairs again and found 7 bags full of men's clothing! H&M, Aeropostale, AllenSolly and a box that said GUCCI!

"Are you serious? All of this for me?!", I picked up the Gucci box that contained a Black Gucci Sweater! You know the one with the "Gucci" written like a cross!

My dad walked in and gave me a pat on the back,"It was her first salary on her internship in Morgan Stanley, go thank her!"

I was speechless! Her first salary and she spent it on meeee?! Oh I felt like a spoiled brat! I hugged Rachel like the small teddy bear that I was!

Subconscious Mind:-"uhhh, practically you were bigger than her in size, sooooo you should not be called small...Alright I won't ruin in the moment!"

"Thanks! Like a lot! I'm serious but you didn't have to the throw away my clothes didn't you?", I gave a my cutest face that I could pull off.

She immediately grabbed the sweater away from my hands and said,"Uhh this is for your cousin. Everything else is yours."

My face dropped.

My first Gucci product that I got, wasn't for me after all?! What the heck!

I took a step back and gave my sassiest look to her and asked,"Oh! If it was't for me then for WhO  Is It FoR?!"

She took a pause and said,"It is for Aeron, it's his birthday tomorrow.....oh you forgot didn't you?"

That moment I just hoped that I could sulk in the corner of my room from the moment I entered the house, oh how forgetful I could be! 

"OH so you did forget...great.", she added.

"I didn't realize that..", I tried to cover up.

"It's fine dad bought him that sweater so you can sit down and relax now.", Mom added.

"Oh thank god! But wait so you could buy it for him but not for meee?", I asked.

Dad just gave me a disappointed look that is when I knew that if I did not leave the room in the next 10 seconds, he would eat me alive.

Subconscious Mind:-"He must be like my son is such a waste of sperm mann!"

I took the bags with me upstairs and started to scavenge through the clothes, the smell of new clothes is the best! There was this one particular shirt that caught my eye though, it was a black shirt and I looked amazing in it, I was surprised that all the clothes fit me!

"I just asked the salesman to give the smallest size of everything, after all a guy with a waist size of 28 doesn't need to find it hard to get his choice of attire.", Rachel said from the doorstep.

"Dude, seriously even though you were a bitch and threw away my clothes in the bin, I am soo happy that you got me new ones because you know how lazy I am nowadays..", I replied.

"Oh yeah, and for the exchange of this good deed I stole your comfy blue sweater so byeee!", she screamed and ran downstairs and locked her room door.

It took me a minute to register that, but as soon as I heard that she stole my favourite sweater! Oh it was game on!

I ran back down and started banging the door,"Open the door, thief! Give me the sweater back!!!"

"Try to find it dumb ass, you'll never get it!!! Ahahahahah!", she screamed.

I kicked her door once again and turned around inside to the hallway.

"Oooh someone's looking good!", Mom said.

Side note:- Parents have this thing of making kids wear all of their new clothes before washing them so they can judge it in a "more homelike environment".

"Damn boy! You seem to be growing really fast, but your waist isn't catching up isn't it?", Dad chuckles.

"Shut it with the tiny waist jokes Mathew! He's got a good body shape, don't make him loose it by taunting him to gain unnecessary warmth cushions around his waist now! You're looking good Jonathan, go upstairs wear another pair of the clothes and show us! Go on!", Mom said.

"My name is John! You guys kept it yourself remember?", I whispered.

"Will you try to look more alive and healthy if we call you John?", Dad taunted.

"What?!", I asked.

"Come fast and have food boy! It's already so late and you never have food on time, we've been waiting for you for soo long, I could probably just eat your mother!", Dad said.

"Yuck.", I replied.

"Not like that....Ugh, Anitha we've lost our innocent boy, he's growing into Satan's chosen one.", Dad said.

"What?!", Mom jolted up with her cross ready.

"Seriously mom!", I stormed up the stairs into my room and shut the door for the last time.

All I could hear is the laughter from the hall, before the room got covered in the cold air from the A/c, Ahh the chills!

I could sleep from eternity...

"Come down John! I want to watch tonight's 11pm special on T.V!", Grandma screamed.

I was furious!

"Ughhh! Coming!", I replied.


Heellllloooo there peoplleeee!!!

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Welcome to 2019!

I know I am quite late for this, but how's your year going by, because mine is just amazing, sooooo many things happening and so many new people that I came across!!

So what do you think of John's Family? Are they ruthless in making fun of him and his antics and do you guys want more of them? Let me know in the comments!

And we just hit 1000+ reads on this book! I cannot explain in words how excited I am and how much this means to meee! THANK YOU SOOO MUCH FOR THE CONSTANT SUPPORT!

Keep reading and keep liking the book,it makes me smile everyday and gives me another reason to keep adding chapters to the story for you guys to read.

Until then Peace!


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