The Bodyguard (Editing)

By AbbyTheAmazing

406K 13.3K 989

when august is promoted into being the new body guard for one of the most notorious drug dealer's daughter in... More

please read
1: A woman in my bed
2: Deal?
3: He's back
4: Chained
5: why
6: Somethings up...
7: The past
8: Deal, or no deal
9: Lady
10: Obstacles
12: Sometimes the Messenger Shoots You...
13: Quick Exit
14: Home
15: Welcome home
16: Home sweet, Home
17: Unthinkable
18: Revenge
19: Marcus
20: Get it Off Your Chest
21: The Hunt (Prt. 1)
22: Tired
23: Take care of ya'
24: FB
25: parle vouis français?
26: Moving Forward
27: Diving
28: Rain down on me
chapter 29: Preview...
chapter 29: MVP

11: Understanding

14.7K 435 37
By AbbyTheAmazing

August's POV

After Dice explained to Lady what happened I went to the room Sya was placed in, she was laying on a medical bed with her arm over her eyes just in her undergarments, clenching her side. They had her all patched.

I walked in and sat on a stool near her bed and kissed her shoulder. She moved her arm and looked up at me then looked down. "Damn they got ya girl half naked on this cold ass table with no blanket, ain't that some shit." She said sitting up on the end of the examination table. I chuckled at her crazy ass and handed her a black sweat suit they had set out for her. She stood up and looked in the full body mirror across the room. she looked down with tears in her eyes getting dressed.

"I bet all of this is for her." She said while slipping her socks on letting a lone tear fall. I sighed and locked the door and pulled her into me letting her cry softly. I looked down at her admiring her face, even with the scratches and tears streaming down her face she was still the most beautiful women I have ever met.

I licked her falling tears causing her to laugh in my arms. "Babe stop." She said pushing me away with a laugh before pulling her timbs back on. she slicked her hair into one if those top knot things and limped to the door.

"Sya..." I called. She turned around and looked a me. "What?" She asked. I grabbed the ring off the medical stand and placed it on her finger. "You know one day I'll get you a ring one day." she smiled and stood on her tip toes kissing me like never before with that oh so familiar spark.

"Come on." She said opening the door. Everyone in the room stopped and looked at her.

Sya's POV

"Now that Cyrus has unhandily whooped my ass, what the fuck is next?"


How in the hell can a room full of hundreds of people work for him and not one of these niggas know what's going on. I shook my head and face palmed. How are Cyrus and I working together and he doesn't even tell his own people shit?

"I'm only going to say this one..."

After going over the plan me and Cyrus discussed at the hospital everyone went to doing their own thing. I followed Michael to Cyrus's office and saw him tonguing down Lady. I cleared my throat causing her to quickly fix herself and look away from me.

"What can I help you with? How was my course?" I chuckled to myself and noticed the nose guard and the bruise on his exposed chest.

"Cut the shit. We leave in couple of days and I had to fill your team in on our plan. I hope you told your little girlfriend cause it's going on whether she likes it or not." I walked out the room confidently while hearing lady yelling at Cyrus.

I walked up stairs slowly where I heard shad laughing and walking in where I saw them playing pool. "lil niggaaa you survived." Shad came running at me lifting me in the air making me laugh in pain.

"You know how many people have died in there you barely made it off there with a scratch." Michael says hyping people up in the room.

"Okay, okay. Thank you I know I'm the shit." I said holding my side laughing. They settled down and continued playing pool. I grabbed a blanket and pillow from a couch and cleared the balls from the table right in the middle of their game and laid down. "Ayyyyeee what the hell!" I heard Dice groan.

"Ayyyyyeee shut that shit up. I had a long day." they scuffed and sat on the couches watching whatever cartoon was on the TV.

The door opened, making a creaking noise. I looked over and August sat on the end of the pool table looking down at me with his back facing me holding something. "What do you want?" He chuckled before speaking. "I guess you don't want these hot cheetos then. I had to steal them." I shot up and grabbed them from him pecking his lips, not even caring were he got them from. "I love you." I said against his lips. He smiled and kissed me back.

We got off the pool table so the guys could have their game back. We got cuddled up on the couch when the sound of the intercom came on.

"Remember we are on lock down, lock your doors, lights out. You leave you're already dead don't fuck with me."

We heard Cyrus voice echoe thrift the whole warehouse. The lights went out except for the TV, the dancing glow from the arcade games, and the moonlight from the small window. The only thing that can be heard from outside was the howling. I jumped into August's arms and hid my face in his chest.

"What's wrong babe?" I shook my head and pulled the covers over us, clenching on the ends of my sleeves. I don't know why I was scared but I was. August kissed me a couple times and laid back so I was laying on his chest between his legs, rubbing his hand repeatedly down my back. I rubbed August's ear, something I did when I was stressed, and imagined I was back at home.

August POV

I listened to Sya's light breaths as she slept with her hand on my ear. I wish I could just throw her over my shoulder, steal her away, and drive to a place where no one knows us and settle down and get married. I can't imagine our kids but I know they would be beautiful. That's just something I find myself thinking about often.

She nestled into me, but a scowl grew on her face and she tensed up in her sleep. I kissed the top of her head and her face relaxed.

Dice and Michael were playing thumb wars like two little ass kids, making me laugh. I looked over at shad and he sat on the pool table watching them as finished the rest of the hot cheetos I brought with me for Sya and watched the TV. I shook my head knowing she would raise hell when she saw the rest were gone.

A ding came on, from the intercom.

"Santana you are needed in Cyrus's office in the next ten minutes, I repeat Santana you are needed in Cyrus's office." A female voice said.

She was about to kill me for waking her. I kissed her face repeatedly until she woke up. "Move nigga, damn." She swatted me away and clung back onto me. "Cyrus needs you in his office." I whispered in her ear. She looked at me in disbelief.

"Whhhyyy?!" she whispered yelled. She pulled down the end of her hoodie top as she got up then shuffled to the door, opening it and closing it with a slam making the top of the wall crack. We all looked at each other confused.

Sya's POV

"What does he want? I JUST talked to him." I asked my self as i painfully walked down the stairs to his office. It felt like miles till i actually got there, I knocked on the door and it opened. I was pulled into the darkness of the office quickly by my hair. I didn't scream I just started fighting till whatever it was let me go. I was hit in my side, knocking the wind out of me. I never got pain medicine after I got the stitches, which is now adding insult to injury.

I got picked up from the floor by my by my sore ear and was slammed on something hard. It was the desk.

The light came on and it was Cyrus, sweating over me, I'm not surprised. he got closer to me and spat on my face. I clawed at his eyes and nose and he punched me in the face so hard I saw black for a second. I groaned loudly trying my best not to cry. He threw me on the floor and I landed on something. He kept kicking me, like how he did when he was killing my baby. I looked down and it was a unconscious Lady. I rolled her over once he stopped.

Forgetting about the amount of pain I was in and saw her chest was rising and falling. I noticed a blood covered chain of undone wire hangers on the floor. I laid her on her side, getting her of her injured back. I looked at him and he was leaned back on his desk with his arms crossed.

"Wake up." I said shaking her.

"See how all this happened? You screw me over little devil and this will be much worse." He sqauted down to my level. "I will personally reach around that pretty little eyeball of yours and snatch it straight from your fuckin face if you dont get me into that house. Understand?"

I nodded and spit the blood from my mouth on his shoes. He mumbled to himself speaking in gibberish. I shook my head trying to stay conscious. I weakly stood to my feet and grabbed my mom and dragged her to the door quickly. I felt blood running down my face. being only able to see from my right eye, it was making it so hard to see. The pain was so unbearable to the point it was going numb. I got her to that room I was in and buzzed the medical people in. For a warehouse it has everything. They quickly put me on the table and told me to lay still as the searched for a vein. Once they got the needle in they attached a syringe to the end. I tried to stay awake to see what they were doing to my mom, but I couldn't stay awake.

August POV
(4 hours later)


icheal got buzzed to the medical room and to see what was going on, since he's on the medical team. He asked me to go with him just incase there was something wrong. When we arrived down they're he read a chart on the door and saw Ru'Sya and lady's names on the board with the word critical next to them and rushed inside. I couldn't go in but a briefly saw here laying there sleep.

She can never catch a break.

I choked my worry trying not to get stressed out in front of ask these people. I needed answers. it's going on 2 AM and-

"It's bad man." Dice said walking in, sitting next me with his head down interrupting my thoughts. He was able to go in there considering that is good mom in hm there. "Cyrus thought he was teaching them a lesson and lady almost bled to death, but Sya I don't even wanna tell." I felt my heart beating so fast I could've sworn I was having a heart attack. "Is she...".

"No! No, she's alive. Micheal in there now, cleaning her up. She's okay. but uh...." He put his head in his head and he got silent for a moment and I saw a tear fall. I put my hand on his shoulder and let my tears go.

We all wanted out and we couldn't leave without Sya. I refuse to.

Micheal came in with blood on his scrubs. "I'll bring Sya out. She's super doped up so be careful. They were able to save the eye, but it'll take sometime to heal". I was confused but ready to see her.

Dice and I walked down a stairs to the entrance of the warehouse where it was close to the medical room. I sat on a nearby chair trying to calm my shaking legs and hands.

Dice's POV

Me and agust have been sitting here for what seems like forever.

Cyrus came down and stood a couple feet from us, making me angry. I side eyed August and his face was turned away like he wasn't trying to look at him. I stared at the devil that stood next to us. Cyrus cracked a evil smile at me and focused back to the door. He knows about Sya being my sister and he's been trying to get me to turn on her and my mother lately. I don't know why but I'm starting to really think why we're doing ask this in the first place.

Micheal walked out and nervously flagged Cyrus to come in. The door shut loudly. Moments later I could hear screaming. The door slammed open and Cyrus was dragging Lady out by her ankles, causing me and August to stand to our feet. "Why'd you do that to her? Why? I hate you!" she screamed and somehow flipped herself to her stomach and was clawing at the floor as he dragged her to God knows where. I noticed her chest and back where bandaged. blood steaks on them telling the whole story. He stopped and threw her over he shoulder making her scream and tossed august a set of keys. "Make sure she's comfortable, she'll need it." And kept walking.

August's POV

I ran to the door and opened it. micheal was washing his hands and some lady was putting a bandage on Sya's face. I couldn't see what was happening there are to many people crowding around her.

Micheal told the women to give us space and they left out a door on the other side. I looked at her and light purple boot prints covered her sides and she had a bandages wrapped around her head, wrapped around her eye. "she's alright. Cyrus wanted to get his point across, but Sya is the head of whatever they got going on and she's the only way to get him inside that house. But this will set him back like a week or so. She can't go anywhere like this." I nodded unable to speak. "I will tell him that what he did wasn't such a good idea, hopefully he'll understand." Michael left out the room to get cleaned up.

I pulled a stool next to Sya and held her hand. "They finally gave my ass a blanket." She said making me laugh. "You heard all that?"

"No I tuned you guys out but that loud ass door slammed and woke me up. I heard Lady screaming though. Cyrus is really fucked up in the head. I know this will set us back some but he needs to fuckin relax. Watch that niggas feet, he's like seven foot Jackie Chan." Even in a lot of pain she's still herself.

I helped her get dressed since she couldn't stand to be in this room any longer.

I stood her to her feet and she avoided the large mirror so she couldn't see herself and slowly moved to the door. "This is some good ass medicine. Got me feeling like princess Jasmine on the magic carpet." I busted out laughing and shook my head.

What am I gonna do with her?

Sya's POV
(Thirty minutes later...)

After snailing my ass behind august to this deep sea of the warehouse, we stopped at this door that seemed kind of hidden away. He pulled this silver key from his pocket and opened the door. August put me down then patted the walls for a light switch and the room lit up. there was a bedroom and couches with a ass bathroom. "I'll get the guys, since we have to "monitor you"." he said leaving the room and I sat on the bed, alone.

This room seemed untouched, there was even dust on the beds comforter. I kicked off my shoes and rested my body against the headboard. The door slowly opened and Cyrus stood there, making my blood boil. "I hope you fully understand that I will do more than take an eye. I will do more than take your child. I will end the lives of all the people you love one by one and then take you and torture you till can barely hang on to your meaningless life. Enjoy this room, because you aren't allowed to leave unless i say so." He tossed a bottle of medicine at one of the couches and  left out the door and the guys entered watching Cyrus's every move. I was more scared of him killing the people I love more than I was killing me.

August and the guys walked an hour after and sat down with bags in hand. "We snuck out went on a run for some snacks." Shad said and then shyly walked toward me and handed me several bags of hot cheetos and amongst other things. "I uhh, um, ate the rest of the other bag, I'm sorry." He said quickly and ran behind the couch August was sitting on.

"It's okay, I'm too drugged up to fight right now." They all laughed and laid on the bed joking around. They're all I need right now. But I still wonder how all the helpers and my dad are doing.

"Locked down is still in action." Cyrus said over the intercom. Shad locked all the locks on the door and laid back next to me.

We started watching a movie when the howling started but this time it was closer... 


{why does Cyrus keep beating Lady?}

{does august wanna marry Sya?}

{how do you think things are going back home?}

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