Soundtrack of my Summer

By InconceivableNotions

11.3K 209 255

When Brooke is invited to a wedding in the small town of Bridgewood, she can’t help thinking it’s déjà vu. As... More

2. Flashback
3. Against All Odds
4. Strength and Dignity
5. Choices
6. Arrivals
7. Missing Drake
8. Five Reasons

1. Trip Down Memory Lane

1.4K 25 38
By InconceivableNotions

Okay so sorry for the long wait! Took me forever to write this and i'm still not happy with it but thought I'd upload it. Thnks to moonstar912 who motivated me to write it :P check out her stories/poems and go check out XONobleXO her story's really good :D anyways enjoy and don't forget to comment, fan and vote!! xxx 


1. Trip Down Memory Lane

"Brooke!" My mum's voice filtered up the stairs as I struggled to cram the last few things in my suitcase.

"Yes Mum, I'm coming! Just give me a few minutes!" I yelled back.

I sighed in frustration as I tried to shove my England football top and crop pants into the tiny space remaining in my already bulging case. I finally managed to squeeze it all in and I gratefully zipped it up, then lugged that and the other massive suitcase that was leaning against the wall out onto the landing. I turned back and my gaze fell on the photos scattered across my worn-out carpet. I shouldn't be doing this; I was meant to shut the door and close the shutters on the past that pressed on me, suffocating me every second of my life.

But I couldn't resist. I took a step forward and picked up the nearest one.

And in that moment, the whole world fell away.

It was just me and him. We were near the ocean; the brilliant blue water glittered as the sun's rays hit the gentle ripples. We were surrounded by wild violet and deep red flowers, warmed by the sun and there was an island breeze that tousled his short, golden brown hair with a subtle coastal glow that highlighted the bronze twists embedded in his slight spikes.

He had his arm around me, flashing his white smile and I....I looked like I was in total bliss. It was picture perfect.

I let the thin paper fall through my fingers and gazed as it fluttered silently to the floor, claiming its place next to the other dozen photos carelessly strewn on the floor. I felt the tears pricking my eyes so I walked out and shut the door firmly. I had promised myself that this was it. Another summer, a new start, a fresh chapter. And I was going to start now.

I hauled my luggage down creating a racket as the cases bumped against the wall and clattered against the stairs. A smile automatically spread across my face as the smell of pancakes flirted with my memory. I walked into the kitchen to find my mum frying and humming a familiar tune, unaware of my presence. I snuck up behind her and grabbed the plate with a huge pile of syrup-drenched pancakes when a hand suddenly closed around my wrist.

'Uh-uh. Not so fast young lady.' My mum turned to look at me, a lazy smile flickering across her face.

'Aw c'mon! It's taken me ages to get all that lot packed up! I'm starving!'

'That's what happens when you leave it all to the last minute and it doesn't help that you're the world's worst packer.' That's my mum; the ever helpful and supportive figure in my life.

She turned back to the frying, taking the pancakes up to a level of perfection. No joke. If you haven't tried my mum's pancakes, then you haven't tried the world's finest pancakes. I walked past her, grabbed a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice from the counter and jumped onto a bar stool.

'Yeah well, we're not all perfectionists like you. You know how much I hate the whole process of packing.' I complained flippantly.

'You mean you whinge throughout the whole process of shopping, picking clothes out, folding them and stacking them neatly at the base of a suitcase,' she retorted.

I laughed lightly. 'That summed it up pretty well. I just don't see the point. Do you have any idea how hard it was to choose that many clothes, then trying fit them all in a tiny case?! It was a bloody mission I tell you.'

'I managed.'

'Like I said; perfectionist.'

I tucked into my plate, a rich and buttery smell seeping into my nostrils. I craved their warmth in my mouth and was mesmerized by the sweetness of the syrup unfolding on my tongue, followed by the delicate, buttery flavour of the cake itself. It was mouth-watering, with the subtle hint of honey trickling down my throat. It was so good.

'Mmmmm.....,' I swallowed hard, savouring every moment of it. 'These are amazing!'

'Always the tone of surprise,' she said, a smile in her voice as she took her seat opposite me.

At that moment, rays of gold shone through the glass panelling while the sun took its place in the pale blue morning sky. The kitchen instantly glowed as the rays reflected off the fuchsia walls and silver tabletop. The first day of July was certainly living up to its promise. British weather hardly allowed any days of sunny pleasure; I hoped the rest of the summer would hold up.

'Lena would have a fit and a half if she heard all your complaining and judging by what you've told me, I'm pretty sure your suitcase is a tip,' my mum commented, continuing our conversation.

'Lena knows where her loyalties lie. She should be happy I'm going to her wedding at all,' I exclaimed. My extremely lovely, yet highly irritating cousin was making it increasingly difficult to sympathise with her.

'She's your favourite cousin,' my mum said gently. 'She needs you there, now more than ever.'

'Why? Coz she thinks she's going to be fourth time lucky?' I sighed. 'I just don't get it. She's been there, done that three times already. What makes her think this one will be THE guy. She's walked down the aisle in Rome, with Tony; Hawaii with Michael and then France with Ashton.' I ticked them off my fingers as I went along.

'Now she brings this wedding to Bridgewood, and I'm thinking to myself whether or not it's worth it. She deserves better,' I finished quietly.

'I know she does but you know Lena. She finds a guy, thinks she's fallen in love and the following year she's getting married. But this time, I dunno, it seems different. It genuinely seems like she's found the right person.'

'But doesn't she feel like she's torturing herself? After three times, you'd have thought she would have, you know, quit on the whole marriage thing but she's just as determined as ever.'

I was honestly curious why she hadn't given up on love. I didn't understand how she had the courage to let herself love again or be loved. Three times being screwed over is enough to make any person cringe from the word 'love'.

'Maybe this guy's different, makes her feel completely different to before. If he's able to keep her smiling and make her feel that this is the right decision, who are we to question it?'

So true. Once was enough for me to turn away from guys, permanently detach myself from them, but Lena's always been stronger than me. She has something in her I'll never be able to explain or understand.

I carried on eating, thinking of Lena and what she must be going through. How was it that she had the strength to carry on going, to stop herself from holding back from her past and moving on in search of happiness? If what my mum had said was anything to go by, then she must have found it.

'Brooke, are you going to be ok?'

I looked up to see her looking at me tenderly. See, that's what I love so much about my mum. She's not my mum; she's my sister and friend. She's wild and crazy and we'll hang out and do all the insane things that friends do. But looking back, I realise how much I'd taken away from her. After my dad died, she didn't slip into her own world, blocking the whole world out. She was the opposite. She moved forward by thinking of him in all the good things she did and even though she stayed who she was, she'd lost him. And this past year, I guess she lost a little part of me too.

Instantly, I felt guilty. 'Yeah mum, I'm fine.' I smiled at her, determined not to let anything ruin this summer.

'You don't have to pretend Brooke,' my mum said softly. 'I know this isn't easy for you. Going back there.'

I laughed humourlessly. 'I'll be fine mum. It's not like I'll be seeing him. It's just the place that holds memories but once we get into the wedding preparations and all the rest of it, I'll be alright.'

'Everything will be ok. It might take time, but soon, the pain will subside. You'll find someone else and it'll be forgotten,' she said gently.

I forced a smile. It was hardly likely but I was prepared to make this trip count. And nothing was going to ruin it.

A rush of cool air breathed into the warm kitchen as the side door that led to the garden opened.

'Hey guys. I miss breakfast?'  

Justin sidled up to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of coke before brushing past me and ruffling my hair.

'Hey sis.'

He held up his hand for me to high-five and I happily obliged. I slapped my hand against his and he visibly winced.

'Ouch. What have you eaten for breakfast?'

His eyes fell on my plate now wiped clean of any evidence of his favourite snack but he scrunched his nose, taking in the intoxicating smell and his eyes widened.

'No way.' He waited for my response and I grinned.

'Oh yeah. Pancakes. They were scrumptious. Hot with maple syrup. Doesn't get better than that buddy,' I stated matter-of-factly.


'So what?' I asked innocently.

'So where are mine?'

'Oh right. There aren't any left. They were too good for me to resist. Sorry mate.'

He bent closer to me, his breath tickling my ear.

'You gotta do better than that. You really have to work on your acting,' and he straightened up, strode confidently to the cooker and helped himself to the last few pancakes. He smirked at me and took his place next to mum.

He took a long sip of coke and I raised my eyebrows at him.


'Coke for breakfast? Seriously?'

'Need the sugar rush. It's been a long morning.'

'I see. I notice you've scrubbed up well,' I said, taking in his crisp, white shirt that was slightly open at the top paired with deep blue jeans. He grinned at me and I watched in fascination as he crammed mouthfuls of pancake into his mouth. He washed it down with a deep swig of his bottle then said as a way of explanation,


'Ah. What happened?'

'The expected. She burst into tears, told me how much she'll miss me and that I should ring her twice every day. She's barely gone a day without seeing me. Four weeks is gonna be a killer.'

He smiled ruefully and ran his hand through his chocolate brown hair; he'd inherited my mum's looks with a chiselled face and a fair complexion that brought out his light, hazel brown eyes. I, on the other hand had taken after my dad.

'So, what about you?'

'What about me?' I asked

'You gonna be ok?' my brother replied softly.

I loved my brother for this. At 19, he was one year older than me and he was my best friend. We had this connection that people really didn't get. They expected us to argue and squabble like siblings are supposed to but we never did. We'd always been close and ok, sometimes, we did have the occasional argument but after my dad died, we turned to each other. We could really relate to one another and he's always got my back. I'd do anything for him and I know he'd do the same. We have such an indescribable bond, I wouldn't be able to live without him.

After I'd told my mum what had happened, Justin was the first person I really let in. I opened up and he really got my pain. He tried to help me move on but even that didn't work. After that, he was just always there for me and he picked me up on my really bad days. That was good enough.

'Yup I'm gonna be fine. This summer's a turning point. No more clouds and gloom. Maybe this is just what I need to help me move forward.'

'Brooke, everything's going to work out. I promise.' I smiled at him gratefully and my heart lifted. I suddenly couldn't wait for the summer to begin.  

I jumped up and asked my mum who was watching us intently,

'So, when are we leaving?'

She looked at the clock. 'Now. Get your bags and cases in the boot and we'll set off. I want to get there before noon.'

Justin stuffed the last of his breakfast into his mouth and we dumped everything in the sink before we walked into the hall.

'Hey, you seen my iPod?'

'Uh, yeah. I think I saw it next to the ambiguous, vague object by the non-descript place.' I smiled sweetly. He rolled his eyes.

'Gee, thanks. Kudos to you and your inner thesaurus. Why did I bother asking?' he muttered to himself as he ran up the flight of stairs two-at-a-time. I grabbed my own from the hallway table and waited for him to return.

'Mum, c'mon! We're ready!' he shouted.

He pulled my cases behind him as he made his way to the car. I followed him out and got in the back of the car as Justin climbed into the passenger seat.

He turned to look at me.

'Your cases were so heavy! What did you put in there, your entire wardrobe?!'

'You have no idea how accurate that comment is. Do you know how long it took me to pack? You know, I spent all last week shopping for these gowns with frills and stiletto heels that I know will break my ankles. Urgh I cannot tell you how bad those shopping trips were.' I shuddered.

He shook his head and laughed. 'You are such a weird girl.'

'Shut up.' Though I had to smile.

'Ok so you all set to go?' My mum took her place in the driving seat and we were off.

'How come the CD player isn't working?' she asked.

'Brooke looked at it. It died of shock.'

'Wow Justin. Your first original thought ever... in the history of ever. It must have died of loneliness,' I retorted.  

He looked at me from the mirror and grinned, his eyes twinkling with humour.

'So what's the plan when we get there?' he asked my mum.

'Well your Aunt Katherine has a house where all the immediate guests are staying. You'll love it. It's by the beach and you'll all be under one roof. You're going to have a blast.'

Lena had told me about the house; it was very similar to a beach house, just on a bigger scale. And I could imagine the beach and perfect scenery that came with it.

'Awesome!' Justin was practically beaming.

I couldn't blame him. My family's really cool and when we get together, well, my mum pretty much summed that up - it's a blast. I put my head back and closed my eyes, my earphones drumming out the rhythm to a track.

I wasted so much time, didn't see the signs, you stood in my way

Somehow it all just disappeared, and here I stand

With nothing left...

Just a fading picture in my pocket that I don't wanna see again

I can't pretend that this was ever meant to be

When all we are is just a fading picture.......

I looked outside to see the countryside rushing past me in one swift movement. The landscape streaking past was all green and gold, sun-drenched fields and clouds rimmed with a dazzling orange.

You know I'm lost without you

Somewhere in the dark

You know that I'm lost without you, lost without your love

I'm lost without you, I don't know where to turn

And here in the dark I'm burning, I'm lost without your love

'Brooke!' Justin's voice dimly found my ears.

'Mhnm?'I distractedly looked at him.

He rolled his eyes at me. I pointed to my earphones and sighed.

'What? I thought it would be pretty obvious that I can't hear you.'

'Check it out.' He glanced outside and I followed his gaze. I slowly pulled out the earphones, transfixed as we entered Bridgewood. The city was incredible. It was like having a little piece of New York, right here, in the heart of England.

Even early in the afternoon, it was buzzing with energy. The shops' doors were wide open, pulling in customers from every direction. Advertisements, signs and posters hung from the buildings in a dazzling array of colours. I opened my window eagerly and was immediately deafened by the car-honking, shop owners shouting and blaring music that was streaming from miles elsewhere. A massive Gossip Girl digital billboard was flickering strangely in the afternoon sun, bearing the lettering:

Who needs a vampire in a Volvo, when there's Chuck Bass in a limo?!

I chuckled quietly to myself. I couldn't agree more.

Buildings of sorts could be seen in the softly lit distance. Each tower was a testament to architecture, whether it be modern design, or classic etching from centuries ago. We passed by Bridgewood School of Art, a tall, Edwardian building, traditional in design with small grooves; resembling tiny seashells and a small Georgian tilt to its stature.

I was speechless. Art was my passion. I would die to study here, a place world-renowned for its achievements in Art and Design.

We were entering the suburbs; a breeze drifted in, lightly scented with the aroma of street vendors and restaurants. A line of fast-food chains, with everything from pizza-by-the-slices to mushroom ravioli, from toasted bagel with Swiss cheese and tomato slices, to warm Caesar salads with creamy dressings, and from warm beer to martini. There was a funky, arty vibe in the atmosphere, with the people around us splashing colour into the dulling corners. The streets were still full of partiers, girls in mini-skirts and five-inch heels in 30 degree weather.

My mum spoke, breaking the spell that was holding us captive to the city's inner beauty.

'It's extraordinary,' she murmured and I saw the admiration in both her and Justin's eyes. I stared out the window, hungrily taking in every detail.

'It's hard to believe that this place has its own beach. I mean it's like. It seems a bit weird; I can't see it in a place like this,' Justin wondered.

'Not really. Like, when you see it, you'll just feel like it connects. It'll be like stepping into a different dimension of the same city, yet it all links. You know what I mean?'

'' he genuinely looked puzzled. I smiled at his confusion.

'When you see it, you'll understand. It's like crossing over into this completely new world, a different side to the city but at the same time, it all connects to make this amazing picture,' I explained.

'Ok, whatever. I'll just take your word for it.' Typical Justin. Trust him to feign ignorance when he doesn't get something.

'Guys, just a quick reminder. When we get there-'

'Here we go again,' Justin muttered. 'Seriously mum, we could do without the lecture!'

'You haven't let me finish!' my mum exclaimed in mock indignation.

'We don't need you to. We know what's coming next so please don't embarrass us or yourself. You'll be doing us all a favour.'

'I don't think so. I'm just warning you guys,' she looked pointedly at Justin.

'What?! Stop looking at me like that! You're creeping the hell out of me!'

'I'm looking at you because this is aimed at you.'

'And what about Brooke?'

'It's not so much for her as it is for you.'

'Urgh you can be so annoying at times mum you know that?!'

'Yeah, I know. It was in the job description when I applied for the position of 'family manager',' she said simply. 'Anyway, I'm telling you that I know that there are going to be a lot of girls there, and temptation can sneak up on you at any time-'

'Mum! Please stop! I really don't need this,' he groaned, colour rising into his cheeks. You could see him squirming uneasily and I grinned, settling myself in the back seat comfortably. Oh boy, this was going to be entertaining. The only thing missing was my box of popcorn.

'Justin, I'm just warning you. I don't want any....funny business.' Justin was now burning red; he could pass for a beacon. I held back a laugh.

'MUM! You can honestly stop now,' he begged. His displeasure was so amusing and I was desperately trying to hold my laughter in.  

'AND,-' my mum raised her voice above his, completely ignoring him. 'If you do decide to do something reckless and utterly stupid, for gods sake, be CAREFUL. I really don't want to have to be burdened with an unplanned pregnancy.'

This was too much. By this time, I was silently shaking with laughter.

'Geez mum, I have a girlfriend! Now can we PLEASE close this conversation?!' and I spluttered into a fit of laughs. I couldn't help it.

Justin turned to glare at me.

'What is wrong with you?!' he asked, his face burning with embarrassment.

'Your-face-,' I managed to gasp and I saw my mum smiling, trying not to laugh. Then she too couldn't last any longer and we both burst into fresh fits of laughter.

'Oh shut up the pair of you,' Justin snapped. That just started both of us off again. He crossed his arms and looked straight ahead, scowling.

'Stop being a spoilsport. You should have seen your face. Classic picture,' I told him, still laughing. 'Ow, my cheeks hurt now!' I rubbed at them, rubbing some feeling back into them.

'Serves you right,' he muttered.

I started to laugh again, then stopped midway.

'WOW.' I stared at the captivating sight that lay before us. Justin's eyes widened.

'That is- that is- that is so cool,' Justin finished lamely, struggling to convey it in words.

'We're here,' my mum murmured.

'Here' meant that we had left the suburban area and now in a single street leading off into the distance. We stopped outside a white wooden gate rooted in chiffon white sand that glittered in the sunlight. It led into a blanket of sand where a set of brown wooden stairs led up to a decked platform with a glass balcony. Two loungers lay nearby and behind, two massive rooms separated by glass panelling, overlooked the Pacific Ocean. Above, another floor, also with all-glass windows and a magnificent view of the beach below. It was the perfect beach house.

Words could not, would not do this house justice.

We sat in the car for a few moments, just staring at our home for the next four weeks.

'Well, we better get moving,' my mum finally said. 'Leave the bags, we'll come back for them.'

We opened the gate, our feet sinking into the warm sand. Me and Justin were still looking at the house in awe when suddenly, I was grabbed from behind. I whirled around when-

'OHMYGOD!!!!! You guys are here! I am so happy to see you!!'

'Lena-can't-breathe-' I gasped for air.

'Oh right, sorry,' she chuckled and let go of me, her green eyes wild with excitement. Her straight hair was a soft strawberry-red and it swept around her heart-shaped face in the light breeze.

She hugged my mum and pulled Justin into a big bear hug.

'How's it going Justin?'

She turned to me again and I could feel a big smile spreading across my face.

'So? You ready for your big day?!'

'2 weeks!' she squealed and then, like two crazy girls, we were shrieking and hugging each other madly.

'Oh god, it's been so long! What's up with you guys? What's new? Oh my god you have to tell me EVERYTHING! I heard about-' she was chatting away animatedly and I shook my head at her never-ending energy. She hadn't changed one little bit.

'Whoa, slow down Lena! Give the girl some time to breathe!' a young man had walked up to us and slipped his arms around Lena's waist. He was tall, with coffee skin, warm, green-grey eyes and dark brown hair.

Lena laughed breathlessly.

'Sorry, got carried away. Brooke, this is my fiancé.' She smiled up at him and he returned the smile before looking at me.

'Enrique. It's so nice to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you.'

'It's great to see you too.' I raised an eyebrow. 'Enrique? Are you Spanish?'

'No. My mum's a big fan of Enrique Iglesias,' he stated simply. I laughed and he winked at me. He greeted Justin and my mum, talking to them like he'd known them his whole life. It was impossible to not like this guy. He was warm and gentle and made you feel completely at home. And Lena seemed so happily in love.

My thoughts were interrupted by Enrique.

'Ah, here he is! Brooke, I'd like you to meet my best man.'

I turned around, following his gaze and took in a sharp intake of breath.

'Drake,' I breathed.

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