4. Strength and Dignity

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Hey guys! Sorry for the wait. I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it :) I'm actually in college atm so the study centre is not providing much inspiration which may have affected it a bit :P But I really hope you like it and plz comment, fan and vote!! xxx


4. Strength and Dignity

Drake's POV

We were already at the house and I felt sick to the stomach.

'Dude, you ok? You're as white as a sheet.' Callum was looking at me with concern.

'I'm fine,' I lied.

'Yeah, right. You're nervous coz you'll be seeing her again.' He had a mischievous glint in his eye. 'Chill bro, you've got me,' he said, winking at me.

I rolled my eyes. 'Great, thanks. That makes me feel loads better.'

He bounded up the stairs and I followed. He was about to enter when I finally realised something.

'Aren't you going to put a top on?'

He was only wearing a pair of blue and black shorts and black flip-flops. He paused for a second and pretended to think.

'Nope.' He grinned then walked in.

'Show off,' I muttered, quickly catching up with him. He was fast approaching the dining room.

'Callum, you can't seriously be thinking of going in with-'

Too late. He sauntered in leisurely and I groaned, slapping my forehead. This was not going to go down well. I skulked in the corner to avoid any humiliation on my part. Everyone looked up at his arrival and I saw Brooke's eyes widen in surprise before a smile started playing on her lips. Her smile was leaving me breathless; my heart felt like it stopped beating like an ice sculpture that would splinter into a million pieces if it ever beat again. I took a deep breath to steady myself and looked away.

I glanced at Katherine and I could swear she was biting back a laugh. Justin and his mum were both looking puzzled, as though unsure of how to react. Enrique was looking at his friend in despair and Lena simply looked bored.

'Ah Callum. Thank you for deciding to join us,' Katherine said sarcastically.

He bowed in mock graciousness while saying,

'It's a pleasure ma'am.'

I sucked in a breath. What a douche bag. He had nerve, I'll give him that. Katherine glimpsed at his body and smirked.

'Pleasure's all mine. Are you not going to wear a top?'

'Nah. I'm open to viewing,' he grinned and plonked himself in the chair opposite Brooke. I was mortified. God how embarrassing is this guy?

'Who brought you over without taking you home to put some clothes on first?' Enrique asked, raising his eyebrows.

I walked out of the shadows with a hand raised.

'Guilty,' I said, glaring at Callum. He ignored me. Naturally.

I dropped into the remaining seat next to Justin and he gave me a hard look. I swallowed. Brooke had obviously confided in him. Brooke's mum was looking at me strangely. As though she was trying to figure me out. I quickly filled my plate and kept my gaze down. It looked like winning everyone over was not going to be an easy task. But I guess that was expected.

'So you're the beautiful Brooke,' Callum said, leaning back in his chair, studying her face.

'If you already know who I am, then why the question?' she looked at him evenly.

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