Nico di Angelo and the Avenge...

By RowanLaufeyson1

41.1K 856 789

This is the rewrite of my previous fic under the same name. Please read this one!!! When Chiron tells Nico he... More

Chapter One: Literally EVERYONE Ships Solangelo
Chapter Two: Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, Off On a Sort-Of-Not-Really-Kind-Of Quest We Go
Chapter Three: Oh Captain, My Captain; Oh Oracle, Fuck Off
Chapter Four: I've Got a Theory--
Chapter Five: Nico's Nightmare
Chapter Six: For Once, We Don't Have to Analyze Bad Poetry!
Chapter Seven: In Which Fury Trusts Natasha's Judgement (Only Tony is Surprised)
Chapter Eight: Percy Jackson, Meet the Avengers
Chapter Nine: Story Time
Chapter Ten: GsFDI, [Redacted]
Chapter Eleven: Plotting Battle Course and Such
Chapter Twelve: All About Loki('s Numerous Betrayals)
Chapter Thirteen: The Scarlett Letter
Halloween Special!
Chapter Fourteen: Honestly, Who The Hell Writes Letters These Days?


3.1K 58 34
By RowanLaufeyson1

Hey y'all! It's me, Rowan! 

So, a long, long time ago-- we're talking, like, barely pre Age of Ultron-- I came up with this little fic idea. How about a crossover featuring everyone's favorite boi, Nico, whomst I hold near and dear to my heart? And ofc his bf Will. Because i'm love Solangelo.

I wrote it (well, most of it), and I published it, and I really loved it. Apparently, a lot've y'all loved it too, which warmed my big ole gay heart. But after a while I just... lost that spark. Which happens a lot, especially with me. Thing is, I did want to write it. I just... couldn't. It felt stale.

Years have passed since, like, 2015 when I first published. A lot has happened in the MCU (like... a lot. Anyone else not feel so good?). I've changed my opinions about a few characters. This Probably Had A Lot To Do With Why I Ran Out Of Juice For Writing This.

But then about a year ago, I started musing with the idea of rewriting NdA&tA. Re-reading it, I noticed a few plot holes, a few things that made me cringe, but also a few things I really love. Recently, I decided, "hey, fuck it, it's now or never". 

So here's what's changed:

-I'm funnier now so my story is funnier (jkjk... kinda)

-Rachel doesn't go on the initial quest with Nico and Will. She feels a Prophecy coming and promptly IMs the bois. 

-(spoilers ig but not too bad) Nico and Steve know each other for a reason that is not simply Steve saving Nico's scrawny ass from a fight way back in the late 30's

-Clintasha... will not be an explicit thing in this version. Sorry, guys. Clintasha is Very Valid but I just... don't really ship it anymore personally?? Mostly because I've started HC Nat as a lesbian (@ me projection much????). Writing explicit Clintasha was one of the barriers I had when I was trying to continue on with the original version. HOWEVER I will do my best to throw subtle hints at that, and if you wanna interpret anything as Clintasha GO ON AHEAD I ENCOURAGE YOU! 

-the Prophecy has changed a little bit??? only in wording lol

-my weird self-insert is not a part of this version. It was cute then, but it is... how to say this... not my style anymore

Here's what's the same:

-the general plot outline lmao sorry don't wanna say too much in case people are hopping on this version now

-There's Solangelo as well as some hinted and eventual Stucky

Here's some general info going into the story:

-Nico and Will are aged up; though the events of the story take place soon after the Giant War, Nico is about 17 and Will is almost 18. I felt... weird writing about a fourteen and fifteen year old, even though I don't and probably won't write anything smutty. I was fine writing it when I first started, because I was fifteen then myself, but now that I'm an adult it's... wrong for me to write.

-there's a lot've swearing.

-I Love You

anyway, here we go! I might update this a bit more as I go along, but for now.... yeet. 


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