A Summer To Remember

By L0vely003

14.9K 375 56

Ayla is a high schooler in Wisconsin, her and her parents go on a vacation every summer. This summer it just... More



313 8 3
By L0vely003


Ayla's POV

I wake up with the urge to throw up. I get out from underneath Brennan's arm and rush to the bathroom to empty my stomach into the toilet.

I decide to just hop in the shower. I take my time standing under the hot water. I also make sure to brush my teeth while I'm in the shower.

I don't know why, but I like brushing my teeth in the shower, I think it's so much easier.

After I get out of the shower and dry off, I wrap my towel around me.

Knock Knock

I hear from the other side of the door.

"It's Brennan," Brennan says.

"Okay, come in"

Brennan walks in as I'm brushing my hair while looking in the mirror. He comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. Pressing a couple kisses along my neck and shoulder.

"Good morning," He says.

"Good morning" I reply before turning around in his arms and pressing a kiss to his lips. As I pull away, Brennan pulls me back into another passionate kiss.

Knock Knock "Breakfast is ready," Katie says.

"Wow, what bad timing," Brennan says as he pulls away.

"It's not like we could do anything anyway, your family is here"

"It doesn't help that you're not wearing anything except a towel" He sighs, "I know, I love my family, but it was nicer when it was just you and me in the cruise room, so we could do whatever we wanted to."

"Mhm," I mumble as I kiss him one last time, before opening up the door and walking back to Brennan and Ryan's room so that I can get dressed.

I put on a pair of black legging and one of Brennan's sweatshirts, along with some grey fluffy socks. Before walking into the kitchen, seeing my favorite meal on the table. It's the first thing Brennan ever cooked for me.

"Good morning," I say.

"Morning" Ryan and Mike say.

"Good morning beautiful," Katie says.

"Good morning sweetie," Jill says and she puts the finishing touches on breakfast.

We all sit down and eat. I guess there is a big game on today so after we are done eating, everyone sits down in the living room to watch it.

After about 20 minutes, Katie stands up "I'm bored. Ayla, do you want to go do something."

"Sure," I say standing, Brennan grabs my wrist causing me to turn towards him. He makes kissy noises. I roll my eyes and lean down. Brennan grabs my chin between his pointer finger and thumb. He places a firm but passionate kiss to my lips. As he tries to deepen the kiss I pull away.

I mean, we are in the middle of a room, with his entire family, and he wants to make out?

I put my lips to his ear to whisper, "Later".

I stand up fully and walk with Katie to her bedroom. "What do you want to do?" I ask.

"Watch a movie?" She asks.

"Sure" I reply.

"Twilight, Breaking Dawn Part 1?" She asks.

"Oh hell yeah" I respond.

(A/N I know I know, a lot of people don't like Twilight, but I do. Mostly because I'm a hopeless romantic. Sorry not sorry)


We are at the part where Bella just had her baby.

I suddenly feel nauseous, I put a hand over my mouth and run to the bathroom, throwing up breakfast.

I shortly feel Katie hold my hair back.

After I'm done, I sit down on the floor. Feeling exhausted since I don't have food in me anymore.

"Are you okay?" Katie asks.

"Katie, I- I think I might be p-pregnant," I say, shakily.

I've been thinking about it for a couple of days but didn't want to say anything. I thought maybe I just got the 24-hour flu or something, and that it would go away. But it didn't.

Katie stands up and starts pacing.

"It's got to be Brennan's right?"

She asks.

"Well he is the only guy I've ever had sex with, so I hope so."

She turns to me and smiles.

Is she okay?

"I'm going to be an aunt"

"Maybe," I correct her.

I tear starts to threaten to escape. I sniffle.

Katie gets down to my level and hugs me.

"Ayla it's okay. You and Brennan will figure it out"

"What if Brennan doesn't want to stay with me, or your parents hate me, or my parents hate me?" I ask starting to actually cry.

I swear, it's the hormones.

"First of all, Brennan couldn't leave you even if he wanted to. He loves you more than he's ever loved anything. He'd give up sports for you. Second, my parents could never hate you. They literally see you as one of their own. Which is kinda odd now that I say it out loud because you and Brennan are together, and that's kinda incest. But my point is, they love you, almost as much as Brennan. Lastly, I don't really know your parents so I don't know how they would react." Katie kinda rants.

"My mom told me that if I ever got pregnant she would be very disappointed, and my dad would probably kick me out," I explain.

"If your parents kick you out then you could live with us, and you'd never have to leave. Actually, that's a great idea, you should live with us. Do you think I could pay your parents to kick you out?" She asks

I laugh through my tears, "A crisp 20 would probably do the trick"

She laughs with me, "Now we don't know anything for sure. How about we say we're going to get ice cream, we go out, get a pregnancy test, get ice cream and then come home and have you take it? Sound good?"

"Sounds great, I could really go for some ice cream right now, and some cuddles with Brennan," I reply, mumbling the last part as I wipe under my eyes.

"Well I can only buy you one of those, so let's get going."

Katie walks out to the living room while I walk towards the front door to get on my trusty white converse. Well, they're not very white anymore, because I wear them so often.


Katie and I are now on our way home, everyone once in a while, Katie feeds me a spoonful of ice cream. Since I'm driving, so I can't eat it by myself.

Katie and I pull into the driveway and unbuckle our seatbelts before grabbing our ice cream, and the pregnancy tests, and walking straight to the bathroom. I know, ice cream in the bathroom, disgusting, but right now, I really don't care.

Katie stands outside the door, after shoving me in with the pregnancy tests. I grab one and unwrap it, making sure to wrap up the wrapper in toilet paper and place it in the trash can. I pull the cap off and pee on the end of the stick and then I put the cap back on. I set the test of the counter and place a random piece of paper over the spot where the answer shows up. We bought one of the pregnancy tests that either says "pregnant" or "not pregnant". I don't want to have to try and figure out if there is two lines or one.

I open and door to let Katie in. Once she is in, she shuts and locks the door.

"And now we wait," I say.


Three minutes go by, and I swear it's the longest three minutes of my life. My phone times goes off, I stand up, from the toilet seat, and walk to the pregnancy test, and grab the end in one hand, and the piece of paper in the other, with Katie standing behind me looking over my shoulder. Before I pull the paper off, I take a deep breath, "This could be the moment that my life changes forever"...


I know, cliffhanger. I'm really excited about the chapter, and so I decided to put it up now. The next chapter will be on Saturday. I don't know what time, but probably late at night, because that's when I write.

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