JJBA x Reader | Oneshots

By obsessedwithkenmaaa

225K 3.8K 7.7K

There's not enough of these around here and I feel like I need to insert some input uwu I'm actually just a... More

A/N and Requests!
View milestones UwU (a/n)
Guido Mista x Fem!Reader [a day out]
Narancia Ghirga x Fem!Reader [problems]
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A/N: im alive!
Im sorry about this.
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Gyro Zeppeli x Fem!Reader (different)
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This is for DIO
Author update

Johnny Joestar x Fem!Reader (Grace)

14.2K 237 380
By obsessedwithkenmaaa

Fun fact! Gyro is my favourite Zeppeli ❤️

Everyone is fine, no deaths òwó and the steel ball run hasn't happened. (But Johnny still finds Gyro while looking for corpse parts)


3rd person

Johnny was glad to take a break, he was tired from travelling with Gyro.

He sat in a tavern with the older man and talked about where their next expedition would take them.

"Johnny, I think we should settle for a night or two... we've been traveling for ages now." Gyro groaned at the 19 year old as he yawned.

The bell of the tavern door rang as a female, about Johnny's age, walked through the door, she was dressed differently, instead of the usual lady outfit, she wore a form fitting performer outfit. She walked over to the bar, Johnny's eyes followed her. Gyro chuckled as Johnny sat, staring in awe.

"Can I get a glass of water, please?" The bartender nodded as he went to fulfil her order. During her wait, a much older man that was balding and clearly had no clue about dental hygiene, made a move on her.

"What's a little lady like yourself doing walking around without a man on her?" Her nose scrunched up at the smell of the booze that loomed around him, "smooth legs, large chest and beautiful hair... you're begging to be taken, missy" his hand reached her thigh and before Johnny or anyone in that matter could call him out, her knee dug right into his side. With this, the man fell off the barstool and was winded. The tavern was in awe, a silence hanging over the room. The bartender placed her drink, as to which she place her money and took the glass.

Not a single word was uttered for a good while as the tavern watched the girl. She turned from the bar and walked right to Johnny's table, taking a seat across from them.

"I hope you don't mind but you guys seemed to be the most friendly here..." her voice rang into the teens ears and she smiled softly.

"We don't bite." Gyro chuckled at his own statement before taking another swing of his drink. The girl smiled at the older man's statement before turning to the teen.

-(y/n) POV-

"I'm glad. I'm (Y/n), by the way" you put your hand out to them, which Gyro shook and Johnny also did quickly.

"I'm Johnny Joestar, this old man is Gyro Zeppeli," he kept a hold on your hand "What's your last name?" Your stomach sank as you looked away.

"I don't have one. I was adopted into... the circus" your head hung a bit as you delivered the news to them, you were slightly ashamed by your upbringing because you were always throwing yourself into training, you never had fun or learned how to read and write because of wanting to impress the others. The circus was all you knew though... even with the set backs, you had a massive family that loved you and that's all you could have asked for. However it does not stop the hurting of seeing the ones you love being discriminated in the streets for being different or being 'a gypsy'. You never receive discrimination in the same way, because of your fair looks, you're mostly cat called by much older men even though you're only 17. You were snapped out of your thoughts by a squeeze on your hand, Johnny's hand still held onto yours like a lifeline but you didn't mind it, it wasn't like any the advances the other men make, it was like he was being gentle with you like you were porcelain, he was being polite but you could tell he wasn't as friendly with you as he was his partner in crime.

"If you're from the circus... does that mean you're performing nearby?" The boy questioned you and you nodded with a smile.

"Yea! Wanna see me practice? I only came here for a drink because I'm on a quick break from practice, but I'll have to go back soon anyway so... come with?" Johnny turned to Gyro with a questioning look and Gyro shrugged.

"You can go if you want, I'm staying here" As soon as Gyro gave the half assed go ahead, Johnny nodded. You stood and was confused when Johnny did not. Gyro burst into laughter at your confusion. "He's a paraplegic, (Y/n)" The two boys sat in silence as this was revealed to you.

"I see. Let me help you." You pick up Johnny in a bridal style, to your surprise he's pretty light. He was shocked by your strength, "I'll bring him back Gyro, don't worry." You carried the teen out with you.

"If you take me to my horse I'll be fine, just in the stable over there" he pointed over to the stable behind the inn and you start to walk in that direction, once in there he directed you to his horse and he told you to put him on the floor. His horse did some weird trick and suddenly Johnny was on his horse, you assume they have a close connection.

You started to walk towards the circus' direction when Johnny called you over. You turn to see him with his hand out and when you take it he pulls you up and you sit on his horse behind him. You didn't know where to put your hands to you kept them to yourself, politely.

"You might want to put your arms around me" You sighed and did as he said, slowly and loosely wrapping your arms around his torso. You felt a small chuckle shake his body and you hummed as you rested your head into his back.

"It's past the corn fields" upon hearing this his horse started to move and your body jolted, causing you to hold Johnny tighter.

While riding you talked about family.

"Yea... I consider them all family so I have about 11 brothers and 5 sisters... which is actually super annoying... but I love them all, even the ones that left too early..." Johnny hummed in response "what about you? Any siblings?" Johnny's chest tightened at the memories of his brother. You quickly noticed and shook your head, scolding yourself, "you don't have to if you don't want to, I get that we only just met."

"I'll tell you when I know you better..." you hummed as you understood. You saw the large tent ahead and pointed it out to Johnny, which he responded by turning the horse's trot into a canter, this caused you to hold Johnny tight again.

Upon arriving at the tent, you told him so go round back to get in as the front area was blocked off during rehearsals. You hopped off the horse as you opened the curtain for the boy and his horse to get through.

"Guys! Look! (Y/n) got a boyfriend~" your 'little sister' Katya, who was only 8, giggled as she ran up to you and leapt into your arms. You lifted her and smiled.

"He is not my boyfriend, Kat. I met him at the tavern and I offered him to show my practice as he didn't have much to do." You turned to Johnny, your smile still on your face as you held Katya in your arms. The older teen couldn't hold back a smile while looking at your sister's eyes gleaming at the sight of a horse. You put her down and she runs away back to the others. "Sorry about that... I've known her since she was a little baby and we are very close." You put your hand out to him, "pass me the reins as I'll direct you to where you can be with your horse" he hesitated, but ultimately gave in and gave you the reins to his horse. You smiled as you lead him to the front of the performing area, where you would have crowds of people watching however it was empty as your show wouldn't be for another 2 days.

"This place is massive..." you giggled at his words and you hummed as you tied the reigns of his horse to one of the benches and pulled Johnny back into a bridle carry to place him down. "What do you do?"

"I'm mostly a trapeze performer, but I can use hoops, fabric, swings, anything! I'll just show you," you pointed to a platform above the rest of the performance area and smiled, "watch up there, I'll quickly run around!" Johnny grabbed your hand before you left.

"Be careful" his look of concern was genuine and you smiled softly.

"I will be." And with that you ran off to climb the tall ladder to the top. Once up there, you chalk your hands and behind your knee, you looked down to see Johnny and you waved to him. You knew he saw you as he waved back. You saw the two long wavy, (f/c) fabrics handing from the ceiling and you leapt and grabbed them.

You wrapped your legs around the fabric and started gracefully moving into flexible positions in the air, as you slowly dropped into the splits without the use of your hands, Johnny's jaw dropped. In that moments of your small poses, you would keep eye contact with Johnny. He thought you were beautiful, you were everything, was he falling in love with you? Was it your grace or your beauty? Was it the fact you kept a smile on your face and was extremely friendly or the fact he knew that you were strong and somewhat independent? He didn't know the answer himself, but what he did know is that he was getting lost in the performance, almost to the point where he forgot that he didn't have that control in his legs. You knew you had him wrapped into the web of your performance and decided to pull a scare. You made sure the fabric was wrapped around your waist and arms, undoing the wrap on your legs. You leaned forward and went into a free fall, tumbling to the ground. Johnny's heart jumped from his check and his stomach dropped to the floor. His body lurched forward, just to find itself on the floor as his legs betrayed him, he had a look of horror on his face as you fell.

You stopped your fall with the fabric around your arms and you quickly lowered yourself gently to the floor, running to Johnny as soon at your feet met the earth again.

"Johnny! Are you ok? I'm so sorry!" You kneeled by him and picked him up, putting him back on the bench. His outfit was littered in mud, dust and stains as you used your hand to pat off all of it. Johnny held your wrist and looked you directly in the eye, a dark determination burning in them as he pulled you closer.

"You made me completely forget that my legs were unusable... you made me want to run and catch you... you scared me." You gasped as his alarm wrapped about your waist, "how did you do it? Did you cast a spell? Do you have a stand? Was it a corpse part?" You blushed.

A stand...

You did have a stand... but you didn't use it... why is he asking?

You sighed as Johnny looked at you with desperation for an answer.

"I have a stand... but I didn't use it on you." Johnny's eyes widened, the dark determination fading.

"So... you're just that beautiful and graceful in general... huh?" You blushed brightly at his complements and looked away. No one ever flirted with the circus girl before... did he really mean it?

"Don't play with me like that, it hurts. I don't want another liar. " Your chest squeezed as you admitted to the pain of a broken heart from your past. He lured you in and told you that he loved you, but he lied just so he could get you into bed with him, which he never achieved as your stand beat the shit out of him as he told you his plan to use you for sex. Before you knew it, Johnny's hand was on your cheek and was wiping tears you didn't even know were there. You look him in the eyes to see a soft glance.

"I'm not a liar, (Y/n)." You both stayed in the same place for a while, looking at each other in a comfortable silence. You turned away and stood up.

"I think you should go...." you untied his horse and let it trot over to Johnny.

"(Y/n)... please..."

"No Johnny! Please go!" You snapped, you were evidently crying. "I'm not being heartbroken again, so don't come in here thinking you can toy with my heart!"

Johnny sadly mounted his horse and sighed. He could sense your worry of falling in love again, and therefore decided he'll try again tomorrow. He was determined to make you love him and realise that his love for you is true.

"See you later... (y/n)" and with that he rode away, his heart aching with the love and desire he has for you, but he had not given up.

~~week later~~

A few days of rest from traveling turned into a week with you. At every given opportunity, Johnny would be found with you, the girl he loved. Although it kind of annoyed Gyro, he couldn't blame the boy for acting like a normal 19 year old for once.

During the week, Johnny taught you to ride, while subtly holding your waist and placing light kisses on your neck, however he soon found that you were extremely flustered by this and told him to stop or you would push him off, which you would never so your threats were empty. He took you on a date by the lake in your town, which you would admit was cute as a picnic blanket and food was laid out ready for the two of you.

Today he was going to ask you to be his, and runaway with him to travel for parts. You had fallen for the boy as well and you learned to trust him too. However, could you just leave you family... just like that...? For a boy you've know a week?

You walked into the town with two of your little sisters, they giggled as you swung hands with them. Johnny saw you from a distance and decided to trot over.

"Hey! (Y/n)! It's your boyfriend again~" Katya shouted out and you heard Trixie giggling even more than previous. And when Johnny arrived they both started to sing "Big sis got a boy friend! Big sis got a boy friend!" You blushed bright red as you smacked one hand each over their mouths.

"Hey Jojo! What's up?" Johnny chuckled at the nickname, the same nickname his fans gave him.

"Not much, (N/n)~ What about you?" As soon as you opened you mouth to answer, Trixie licked your hand and got straight to the point.

"When are you gonna marry our big sis? She talks about you all the ti-mwhh" you cover Trixie's mouth and forget all about Katya s she giggles and goes out of reach.

"Trixie is right! She talks about you every day! She almost fell in practice cas she's so in love with you~" you tried to grab her and you ended up giving up. You let her talk, "she loves you! I can tell you love her too! I see the way you look at big sis!" Trixie jumps out of your grasp.

"Just marry her already and take her away! She's happier with you!" You look at the two girls who high five each other, this was their plan all along. Your face was scarlet as the two girls ran away back to 'home'

"Is that true... (y/n)?" You look up at Johnny and you stand up. You smile softly, nodding. You couldn't talk after that, you were far too embarrassed.... "then ill listen to their demand," he pulled out a red rose, symbolising love, "marry me and make me the happiest guy alive... journey with me"

You reached out for the rose and you pull Johnny down further so you can kiss his cheek.

"Of course I will... Johnny Joestar" And with that, you were pulled up onto his horse. You happily wrapped your arms around his slender build, without any hesitation.

He rode to the circus so you could gather your things, Katya and Trixie had already told 'your parents' the news of you having a boyfriend and they hugged you tight as it would most likely be the last time you will ever see them. They gifted you one of the horses from the stable, a cream and brown paint-horse mare who was more than capable to keep up with Johnny, she was young so she was no where near as trained, but you was sure Johnny would help.

As you rode along side Johnny, trotting towards Gyro, who was already mounted on his horse.

"Finally! Let's get going!" You smiled as you looked at Johnny, who gave back the eye contact.

All three of you rode across America to find 'corpse parts', yet you never questioned it.

~~~almost a year later~~~

You walked out of the house, supporting Johnny as he tried to walk. With the corpse part, he healed his legs, yet it was not enough to make him stand right away therefore for months he had been training.

You felt him wobble in you hold and you sighed.

"Babe, let's take a break..." you spoke softly and kissed his cheek but he had a dark determination back in his eyes.

"No. I will walk. I want to walk with you down the isle, I want to stand as I put a ring on you finger, I want to be able to place my chin on top of your head as we slow dance and I want to make our little Joestars in the right way." He winked at you on the last one and you blushed madly, smacking his arm playfully. You giggled as he chuckled, walking on wards, "I love you, (Y/n)"

"I love you too..." you summoned your stand out to heal at his legs quicker, though the uses spin through them and gets Gyro to help with small doses, your stand helps too. He had more spring in his step and walked a bit quicker, still with your support though.


You walk down the isle in a white, short at front to long at back dress. Your family was there and your 'father' walked you down the carpet in the church. You reached the end with your vail still covering your face. You are passed onto the man you were to marry.

He lifted the vail to see your perfect face, as well as to give you sight of his.

As you exchanged rings, Johnny stood before you as a proud man. Gyro, as always, was his right hand man.

And to seal your fate.

A kiss.

~~~bonus meme~~~

You had tried for kids with Johnny and failed in the past, which severely upset you.

Today you hugged him as he walked back into the house. He smiled at you, giving you a kiss on the lips.

He walked through to the kitchen as saw a cake... this was unusual.

'We got one in the oven'

Johnny looked in the over to see a bun...

A bun...?

A bun!

He ran back through and wrapped his arms around you, peppering you with kisses.

"Oh god, (y/n)! I love you!" He placed a hand on your stomach area and you laughed as he whispered, "I love you too little one."

That night, you cuddled into each other, your heart filled with love for Johnny and the baby. You kissed your husband's lips and smiled as he spooned you, rubbing circles on your stomach.

"I'm gonna be a dad~" he sung into your ear as you laughed. "And my wife is the most beautiful woman in the world~! I can't wait to try for more kids after this~" you smacked him playfully.

"Good night, sweetheart"


:) sorry I suck at writing uwu

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