I love You More and More Ever...

By GleeForever213

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This is the second book in the New Girl series. Disclaimer: I don't own Glee or any songs or characters, I on... More

Cleaning Pools and Sunburn
Wal-Mart and Water Balloons
Trip to SC!
Family Reunion
Family Reunion Part 2
Meeting Brenda's SC Friends
Bored and Babysitting
Back to School!
Hit and Run
Recovery and Meeting
Leaving the Hospital
Who Is Who?
It's Not True
Authors Note
Pajamas and Spongebob SquarePants
Christmas Again!...Already?
Another Author's Note!
Family Photos!
Free Time!
Last Day Together
Sequel Info!

Win or Lose?

647 22 2
By GleeForever213

Third Person POV

The New Directions were on stage long with the other two clubs. They had already announced who third place was and they were about to announce the winner.

"And the winner is..." Carrie said. "New Directions!" All three judges said at the same time. Sam was the first to hug Brenda.

"I can't believe it!" He yelled over the noise.


"I don't know!" She laughed at him and watched as he and Finn chest bumped. She expected him to fall flat on his butt, so did other people that were watching, but he didn't. She smiled. After the New Directions sat down in the audience, the three judges were standing on the stage. They all h ad a mic in their hands.

"Now, we are doing something a little different!" Carrie yelled into the mic. The audience cheered. "We, the judges, are going to tell you all what our favorite performance from the New Directions was. Chris?"

"I liked them all, but the duet between the blond dude and the brunette was great." Sam snorted. The blond dude and the brunette. Brenda looked at him and laughed to.


"I agree with Chris. They were all wonderful but the last one was amazing."

"Same here, Blake, Chris. I loved them all but the duet stood out. And I don't think Alan would want you to call his niece and her boyfriend 'the blond dude and the brunette.'" Carrie said. Chris made a face.

"I don't know your names, well, Sam's I know but I don't know the girls name. Speaking of you two, can you come up here?" Brenda and Sam looked at each other and walked hand in hand to the stage. Sam, being the gentleman he is, picked Brenda up bridal style and carried her up the stage. He put her down and wrapped his arms around her waist. She giggled at him as the audience awe'd. He grinned.

"What's your name?"


"I like that name. And Sam is short for Samuel right?" She asked Sam.

"Yes ma'am."

"Oh, so you're a country boy, huh?"

"Yes, ma'am. I was born and raised here."She raised her eyebrows.

"You look like-"

"Paul Overstreets son Chord?" Carrie nodded, smiling. Sam looked around and saw Chord nodding at him to tell her. "Were brothers."

"Do you mean like really good friends or actual brothers?" Blake asked.

"Both, like, legit." Brenda looked at him.

"Why do you keep saying legit?" She asked. He looked at her and shrugged.

"I don't know. I just like saying legit." She giggled. She looked at the audience and made a face. She twirled her finger around her ear saying that he was crazy. He mocked her and she elbowed him in the stomach. The audience laughed. He wrapped his arms around her again and kissed her shoulder. He didn't care if anyone saw him loving on his girlfriend.

"So, you and Chord are really related?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Huh, that's weird. Anyway,was that an original song?"

"Yes, ma'am." Brenda said.

"Who wrote it?" Blake asked.

"I did, sir." Brenda said.

"Alright, you don't have to be all formal. Both of you."

"Sorry, sir. That's how I was raised." Sam said.

"Me too."

"It was a great song, just so you know."

"Thanks, ma'am."

"Where are you from?"

"I was born and raised in Darlington, South Carolina."

"I've been to South Carolina, not Darlington though."

"I used to love it. I hate it now. Well I don't hate it but...yeah." She nodded in understanding. Sam started playing with Brenda's fingers then he took a bracelet out of his pocket and put on her wrist. She didn't even notice it. Sam felt his phone buzz in his pocket and took it out, hiding it from everyone else. It was from Bree, one of the Cheerio's. She wouldn't leave him alone.

Hey Cutie! How are you?

Leave me alone, Bree.~ He texted back and put his phone in his pocket. He thought, I'm gonna block her number later.

"Sam? Sam. Sammy Evans!" Brenda was trying to get his attention.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Nothing, just wanted to make sure you were sane. You're over there mumbling to your self." She giggled at the face he made.

"Oops, ha ha. Sorry." The three country singers talked to them for a little while and then Carrie told them to meet them in the lobby of their hotel, since they were staying there too. Once everyone else was at the hotel, they were spread out all over the lobby. Brenda was leaning against the wall and Sam had his hand on the wall beside her head, well, her shoulder anyway. He had his feet crossed.

"So, do you like the bracelet?" He asked. She somehow still hadn't noticed it.

"What bracelet?" She looked at her wrists and saw it. It was a golden bracelet that had diamonds all over it. There was also a little golden heart hanging from it. She gasped and smiled at him.

"Thank you. I love it." She looked up at him and kissed him. Then it turned into a full out make out session. That was, until someone cleared their throat.

"Well, lil' Sammy is quiet the charmer isn't he?" An unfamiliar voice asked. Sam and Brenda broke apart and turned to the voice. Sam knew who it was. It was his twenty year old cousin John. No one had noticed the big group of people come in the door. Sam took Brenda's hand and pulled her over to his family. He hugged them all, and there were a lot of them. He introduced them to Brenda and then they left, saying that they'd see him later.

"I got Golden Coral to save the two party rooms they have for us, since they know we have a big family." Mary told Sam after they left. He nodded and looked at Brenda.

"Now where were we?"


Brenda's POV

Later that day, the Evans, the New Directions and my family went to Golden Coral to meet up with the rest of the Evans. I had on a long sleeved purple shirt and black skinny jeans. I had my brown cow boy boots on too, and my hair was starting to curl again. I had it straightened during the performance. Sam had on the green shirt Rachel had got for him on Christmas, black pants and shoes. Sam and I walked in to the party room last and the whole room erupted in cheers. Sam smiled. We sat down with in the middle of the room. There was a huge round table that fit everyone, even the New Directions. While we were eating, Sam's cousin Courtney asked him,

"How have you been, Sam?" He stopped shoveling food into his mouth long enough to answer her.

"I've been good. Besides the accident." She looked down. She was like 12 and was short with blond hair and brown eyes. I heard her sniff and she wiped her eyes. Sam looked at her and stood up. He walked around to her side of the table and picked her up, again, she was little, and put her in his lap.

"Don't cry Court! I'm fine." She still kept crying into his chest. Grandma Evans tapped me on the shoulder from where she was sitting and asked me,

"Why is she crying?"

"She asked him how he's been and he said that he's been good. Besides the accident. That's what made her start crying."

"Oh, right! That's what I wanted to talk about! Thanks for reminding me dear!" She stood up and whistled. I tried to stop her from saying anything but she didn't pay me any attention.

"Everyone! I want you to listen please!" Everyone turned toward her. "I'd like to say something about Sam and his accident. Well, actually I wanted to ask you about it." She sat down and everyone looked at Sam who didn't say anything.


"I'm sorry grandma, I really don't like talking abo-" John interrupted him.

"Tell us everything." Sam sighed.

"I was on Puck's motorcycle since my stupid truck wouldn't start. I was at a red light and the dude in this big black truck hit me. I had four broken ribs, my arm was broken in three places and my leg was broken in four." He said it without any emotion. He just stared at a wall while he talked. "I had to be revived twice. I lost a lot of blood. I had to have surgery on my arm and there was a huge gash on my left side." He said.

"Did it leave a scar?" John asked.


"Can we see it?" Now I'm really starting to think this John dude had problems. Sam sighed and stood up. He took his jacket off first, then he pulled his shirt over his head, then pulled his wife beater off, showing off his abs and his scar. The whole room gasped. One girl whispered,

"He has abs?" The scar was starting to fade a little bit but it was still red around it. Then he turned around to show them his back. Well, his shoulder. There was another scar on his shoulder. It wasn't that noticeable but they could see it. He put his wife beater back on but left his shirt un-buttoned. He sat back down and pushed his plate of food away, which still had some food on it. He put his hands in his lap and looked at his hands while his grandpa tarted talking.

"Wow, son. I can't-I don't know what to say." John knew exactly what to say though, and it was stupid.

"Dude, you still have abs? You've had them since you were like, ten!" Sam looked at him like he was an idiot and stood up.

"Excuse me." He mumble and walked out of the room after grabbing his jacket. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. I stood up and said,

"Ya know, he really doesn't like to talk about it. Especially since it hurt all of us to see him that way and he hated being treated like a baby. And John? Really? He doesn't like showing his scar off." I then followed Sam. He was sitting on the curb outside of the restaurant. It was right in front of the window that the party room was, so everyone could see him. I sat down beside him. We didn't say anything for a while. I glanced back and saw everyone looking out the window at him.

"I wish they didn't make me talk about it. It brought back bad memories." He said. He still didn't look up. I rubbed his shoulder.

"I know Sam."

"I never did tell you what else I saw while I was, whatever it was." I shook my head. "Well, it's the only thing I hope doesn't happen."


"My grandpa dies." He said, his voice wavering.

"You're really close to your grandpa, aren't you?" I asked.

"Yeah. He saved my life, remember? He's the one who taught me how to ride a motorcycle, the one who taught me how to swim, the one who taught me how to plant and he taught me how to ride horses, without falling on my ass." He laughed slightly. Then, he frowned. "I don't want to lose him, B. I'm not ready for that." His voice cracked and the tears started coming.

"Oh, Sam." I wrapped my arm around his waist and put my head on his shoulder. He sniffed and wiped his nose. I pulled back and made him look at me. "I wasn't ready when my grandma died. But, I didn't know her as well as you know your grandpa. And it's okay to cry Sam, I've already told you this." I looked into his eyes, which were red and puffy, "And no one is ready for death. When my dad died, I wasn't ready for it. I cried for days and I rarely ever smiled. It broke my heart when he died, and mama just didn't want to live without him. She wanted to kill herself, but she didn't." I was crying now, too. "But no one, I mean no one, is ready for death." He sniffed again.

"I just keep thinking about it though, B. I can't help it." Tears started pouring down his face and he bit his lip. I pulled him into my arms and let him cry. I sniffed and wiped my nose. I rubbed his back.

Third Person POV

 "Is he crying?" Puck asked, shocked. Quinn looked out the window and saw Sam in Brenda's arms. His hair was in his eyes so she couldn't tell.

"I think so. I'm not sure though."

"Yeah he's crying alright." Mary said.

"You're not going to go out there?" Rachel asked.

"No, I think Brenda's got it handled." Mary said, watching as her son pushed his hair out of his eyes. She saw how red they were, but he wasn't crying anymore.

Brenda's POV

After Sam sat up, I could tell that he was done crying. I wrapped my arms around myself since my stupid butt didn't bring a jacket. He looked at me and started taking his jacket off.

"What are you doing?"

"Giving you my jacket. It wasn't a very smart idea not to bring one was it?" I blushed He put it around my shoulders and I stuck my arms in the sleeves. It was way to big on me but I wrapped it around my self and smelled it. It smelled like him. He stood up and wiped his face. He held his hand out and I took it. He pulled me up and then pulled me in for a hug. He started swaying a little bit. I looked up at him and smiled. He smiled his cute southern smile. I stood up on my toes and kissed him passionately. When we pulled apart, I could here people in through the window whistling. It was just the guys now, Puck, Artie, Joe, Ryder and Jake. All but Puck turned around and sat back down but Puck stayed at the window. He mocked crying and Sam flipped him off. He laughed and sat down with Quinn. Sam and I walked back in, hand in hand to finish eating.

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