Chase Me To My Grave (used to...

By AmariannaRose

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Nadezda (means "hope" origin Slavic) Vāsuki-Nāgī is the daughter of Cissie who is an mediocre butcher/cook wh... More

My Hero🦸‍♂️
💐🌹First Date Fears😱😨
Taking The Long Way Home🛣️🏡
When The Past Returns To Take You Away From Your Future
Back Where She Belongs.... With ME!!
Life As A Zombified Non-Zombie🧟‍♀️🧟🧟‍♂️
Heading "Home" Once Again🏡🏠
Hard Headed Soldier🪖
🤕🧠What A Headache💆🏻‍♂️💆🏽‍♀️
💔👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨In Love With The Heartless🥰💘
He's All The Rage😠💢😡
👁️👁️Well Would You Look At That!👀🙈!

Strength Of The Heart❣💖💞💕💗💓💘💝

239 1 1
By AmariannaRose

"Chase?!"  Nadezda says with soft tone into Chief's phone "Nade?!"  Chase replies with a hint of confusion in his tone she chuckles softly then says "I should have known you'd get the "full report"!"  she sits down in the chair by the desk that Chief's phone had laid on before she had picked it up and she starts to explain everything that has happened since she came to Seattle "it seems my mothers new boss is just as protective of me as you are!.... though he did do things a bit differently than you would have.... he doesn't know the full story but he got the gist of most of it by watching my reactions to the world.... and in more of a brotherly way as well.... it's strange!.... you protected me from my father he protects me from my mother and then you both end up protecting me from both.... he.... rented.... the live in hotel room I'm staying in and hired a bodyguard of sorts for me.... to be honest I think Chief may have offered to protect me.... he copied the same thing you did for me at the club where we first met on the streets where I met him.... well it was on a sidewalk for him but.... same rule applies I suppose"  she tells him and he chuckles "I'm okay now Chase.... I had kind of hoped you had gotten the bank statements and started to put everything together.... it's the main reason I offered to pay for what they "gifted" me.... it's strange here now.... it's like half of Seattle has been turned into Zombies.... my bodyguard, my moms boss, along with her other employees and my mother have been turned.... his name is Blaine DeBeers.... I know who he's supposed to be but I don't see that side of him.... I see the one who's trying to do good without knowing how to actually be good"  she pauses then says softly "even though I am.... safe.... I miss you and I should probably let you go.... you probably have a lot to do.... goodbye Chase"  she hangs up then places the phone back on the desk and walks away from it then heads back to work.... a few weeks after that call Nadezda was driving back to her hotel room she didn't realize that she was being followed until she felt her father push her down onto her hotel room floor after she opens the door to it she crawls backwards in fear as he walks towards her with a dark dangerous hungry look in his eyes and a sickening of possessive desire smile on his face as he follows her inside as she starts to stand up and head towards the small table in her foyer where she keeps the gun Chase had given to her long before she was taken from the one place she truly considered home she felt her fathers presence behind her and even though she was afraid she lifted the gun pointed it at him and growls in a low fearful tone "don't you touch me!"  her fathers smile grows as he says "you would never use that on me my little temptress!"  his eyes widen as she pulls the trigger and a bullet makes it's home in the place where his heart would be if he had one Nadezda gasps then flinches as she watches her fathers body fall then she takes her phone out and calls the only person she could think of that would be able to help her.... Blaine....

Blaine walks into Nadezda's hotel room with a surprised look on his face as he looks at the body on the floor and the woman standing frozen in shock staring at the gun in her hand "he was going to touch me!.... I couldn't allow that!.... not anymore!!"  he hears Nadezda say in a soft small voice and he walks over to her and hugs her lightly to him at first her body reacted as it always did it jolted/jumps in fear then once she realizes that she is truly safe it calms and she starts to cry not sure how to handle hearing as well as feeling her tears yet not wanting to let her go Blaine holds her till she stops rubbing her back gently with his hand "who is he?!"  Blaine asks softly once the tears finally end "my father!"  she replies and his body jumps in surprise which makes her chuckle "not that he's worth anything there's no point in wasting a perfectly good brain!.... though I'm not sure...."  she says then stops he places his hand on her shoulder which makes her look up at him as he says "I'll take care of it!"  she smiles at him and walks away when all the sudden he hears her sing softly "my girl, my girl, where will you go I'm going where the cold wind blows in the pines, in the pines where the sun don't ever shine I would shiver the whole night through her husband, was a hard working man just about a mile from here his head was found in a driving wheel but his body never was found"  he smirks then calls up Chief to help him take care of her fathers body.... Nadezda ended making a meal out of her fathers brain much like the ones she makes for Meat Cute and most of Blaine's customers.... four people ended up eating the meal she made out of his brain Blaine, Chief, Cissie and Chase though one might believe that she may not have meant to feed Chase the meal made from her fathers brain she wanted Chief and Blaine to understand where her fear came from her mother on the other hand saw Chief and Blaine eating a meal that Nadezda made and wanted to be "one of the men".... Chase walked into Meat Cute just in time to see Cissie storm towards Nadezda in a heat of anger "YOU!.... you killed him!!.... you ungrateful little whore!!!"  Cissie growls as her eyes turn red with rage Chase walks over and stands inbetween the two women staring down Cissie his own eyes glowing red Cissie looks up at his terrifying furious face and backs away "Chase.... I'd like you to meet my mother.... and she's right.... I did kill him!"  Nadezda says softly as though this was an everyday thing Chase's eyes turn back to normal as he says with a soft surprised tone "your mother?!"  he turns to look at her and asks "killed who?!"  she replies " father...."  his eyes widen in surprise then he smiles and says "well it's about time!"  she laughs as Cissie looks surprised then growls lowly "so!.... I'm about to go on break if you want to join me.... oh and mother my cookbook is in Blaine's desk.... you know just in case you want to work on your cooking skills.... though your best bet at this point is to stick with cooking as a semi-above amateur chef!"  Nadezda says as she loops her arm through Chase's then walks out of Meat Cute Chase chuckles as he lets her lead him out of the butcher shop then he leads her towards his car opens the passenger side door open for her waits for her to slide in before shutting it then jogs over to the drivers side and gets in himself "you've changed!"  Nadezda says softly as he puts on his seatbelt "I had to.... and so have you!"  he replies "not by much"  she says in a soft sad voice as she turns her attention to the scenery outside her window he places his hand on her thigh and feels her jump in fright "so I see!"  he mutters softly with a hint of sadness in his tone....

Nadezda feels a small body jump onto her lap and looks down to see White Fang look up at her she smiles and pets him lovingly giving him a doggie version of Eskimo kisses as she directs Chase and tells him how to get to the hotel she's been staying in once they get there he follows her up to her room and she heads straight to the kitchen to make lunch he follows and wonders if he could as well as should walk over to her as she turns her attention to the stove while preparing her meal "I have a few premade "zombie approved" meals in the fridge if you want to heat them up"  she tells him without looking at him Chase's body moves with uncertainty he knew the rules of his business and had brought some brain tubes with him but he didn't want her to feel any odder than she already did by eating from one of them as she ate an actual meal so he walks over to the fridge opens it up and sees a few Tupperware within with a letter "z" written on them and smiles as he takes one out then searches for a fork... or at least starts to when she opens the drawer close to him that was filled with silverware once again not looking at him.... once she finishes cooking she prepares her plate then finally looks over at Chase who made himself at home at her kitchen island as he ate the zombie approved meal and whispers once she realizes which meal he actually chose "I didn't mean that one!.... he's going to think I did that on purpose!!"  not hearing what she said Chase looks at her oddly she forces a smile then sits down next to him and starts eating her own meal and that's when she sees a few silver tubes peeking out from the small travel bag Chase brought with him "what are those?!"  she asks pointing over at them "brains.... with our business being what it is and the "side effects" of eating brains in this form.... though this is really good!"  he replies she smiles as she thinks to herself sadly "you're not going to think so in a few minutes.... you might even hate me!"  then she goes back to eating in silence.... as Nadezda was doing the dishes after she and Chase finished lunch she felt his hands cup her hip then slide up her sides "that's it next time I'm labeling the damn things with "clues" as to which brain made what meal!"  she thinks to herself with a hint of sarcasm as she feels Chase's lips lightly start to kiss her neck "who's brain am I on?!"  Chase asks softly and he starts to wish he had never asked her body didn't react to his movements until he asked her that question and then it jolted in fear and that's when he realized just who's brain it was and he takes a step back as he says in a surprised and bitter tone "your father?!"  she takes a step back and looks down at the floor with a sorrowful expression on her face and as she turns to walk away she feels him gently grip her arm as he growls lowly his eyes glowing red with rage "don't you turn away from me!"  he feels her jump then says with a soft apologetic tone as his eyes return to normal "no!.... I didn't mean it like that I just....!!"  he sighs heavily then continues "it isn't that I don't want to continue what I started.... I don't want to turn you!"  he cups her chin in his free hand and brings her head up so that she was looking into his eyes and explains "it's one of the many side effects of being a zombie.... if I do what I WANT to do!.... what I've wanted to do for a long time!.... what this brain wants me to do!.... which I find disgustingly sick! the way he thinks about you!.... even if you didn't do it on purpose.... after all I never asked if you knew what sort of brain was in my meal so it's partially my fault that this even happened.... part of me is glad it did for I can see why you are so....!"  he stops and she finishes for him "frightened of everything and everyone?!.... do you think I LIKE being this way!?.... I've wished I was stronger that I didn't need a protector to "save me" from things I should be able to save myself from my whole life! but they both raised me to be the small little mouse staring at the poisoned cheese in the trap wanting to take a taste but to afraid of getting caught and killed once it did.... I wanted to allow you to do what BOTH our bodies have begged for for over a year but the words of my father and the fear took over.... from the moment I laid eyes on you I wanted you to be the one to prove to me that he was wrong!.... that my fears were misplaced that my hate for something so normal was unnecessary!.... that there could be love within it and not just dominance but everytime you get close I push you away by letting that fear take control!.... and who says that my turning would be a bad thing?!.... they're going to want you with another zombie anyway right!?.... and who knows maybe it could help!.... you've tried everything in your power to help me get over my fears.... training me to protect myself but we both know that it didn't work!.... what if that does?!.... what if those "side effects" your people are so "afraid" of.... or at least don't want could help be be as strong as everyone including myself wishes I was.... I've heard their whispers I'm not deaf nor am I stupid!.... besides.... I'm not sure I'm strong enough to "share" you"  he raises an eyebrow at her with a small smirk on his face and she says "oh don't look at me like that!.... every man has needs and you've been fighting yours for a whole year.... as far as I know anyway.... and I doubt that even you.... the "mighty" Chase Graves.... could fight them off any longer and now that your a zombie you'll have to go looking for other zombies to feed that desire.... even if it doesn't mean anything to you it'll still hurt!.... my brain and heart can't take even the thought of seeing much less imagining you with someone else even if it is just for a "quickie".... I want it to be you!.... I've always wanted it to be you!.... but if you wish we'll wait till the brain wears off so that you can feel that it is truly you and not whatever thoughts my father had of me as he....!"  Chase smiles his lips meet hers and she moans softly at their gentleness and he tells her softly "alright!.... we'll wait!.... as you said.... I want it to be just me during our first time and everytime after that!.... and I wouldn't be able to stand it either!.... the thought of being with anyone else.... I can't nor do I want to imagine it!.... but I am taking you home.... I will not allow your mother to control you any longer.... you're mine and no one else will have you!"  she smiles and his lips meet hers once again the kiss deepens but once she feels "her father" return she pushes him away then walks out of the room and he fights the urge to storm after her and discipline her for doing such a thing.... Chase and Nadezda spent the next few hours packing her things Chase had to separate himself from her a few times as her father started to take control.... he would spend those few moments taking what they had already packed and placing them within his and her car.... Nadezda texted Chief and had him drop her car off for her he had told her that he wished to stay in Seattle and continue to work for Blaine which made her smile as she says before he walked away with a wave over to Blaine's waiting car "alright C.... take care of yourself! bye BDB!"  Blaine smiles and waves at her as he drives back to Meat Cute his heart aching knowing full well that he was going to miss her but he was glad that she was finally getting away from her overly controlling mother and he was curious as to who it was that had the ability to make her leave without fear of her mother finding her and bringing her back

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