My Savior (boyxboy)

By carlileandsquidgy

1.8K 101 8

Austin Carlile and Alan Ashby meet in school. Both of them are seniors, Alan is the new kid, Austin is friend... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Author's note

Chapter 15

54 4 4
By carlileandsquidgy

Hey sorry for taking so long to update, school is insane I get so much homework.

Alan's POV:

I woke up in Austin's bungalow at 11AM the day after the party. I carefully unwrapped Austin's arms from around me and stood up, wincing at the pain on my ass. I took my phone off the charger and gasped when I saw the date. It was december 20th which means its almost Christmas. I really gotta get moving on his Christmas present. I sighed and went into the bathroom and pulled down my pants, looking in the mirror at the marks from the night before. 

A smile creeped up on my face and I looked back to the bed where Austin was still sleeping. I went to the bathroom with some difficulty and brushed my teeth. Then I walked towards the bed quietly and crawled next to him, kissing his neck until he woke up. His eyes fluttered open and he looked at me and smiled. "Hi Alan" Austin said happily, wrapping his arms back around me and squeezing me.

"Hey handsome" I replied, kissing his cheek and smiling. Austin quickly caught me off guard and kissed me deeply, sliding his tongue across my bottom lip asking for entrance. I tried to keep up with him. I opened my mouth allowing him entrance when he suddenly stopped. "I'm gonna go shower and stuff." Austin said before kissing my cheek and getting up. I just stared at him "OH... okay..."

I said and pulled out my phone. 

I got a text from Jenna so I opened it and read it. "Hey Alan Tay and I are going to the mall today do you and Austin wanna go?" I smiled and replied. "Sure we'll meet you there at 1." I said and threw my phone back on the bed.

After a few minutes Austin got out of the shower in only a towel wrapped around his waist. He walked over to his dresser to look for clothes for the day. He had water dripping down his chest and toned body. I felt myself getting even more turned on. I was still turned on from the surprise makeout session we had before. "Like what you see?" Austin said winking. "Austin Carlile you are the sexiest person alive." I said, checking him out. Austin shrugged and dropped his towel. My jaw dropped open. Austin just smirked and started getting dressed. "Quit being suck a tease you jerk!" I said with a groan. "Never!" Austin said with a chuckle. 

After Austin got dressed he came over and laid next to me. "Oh yeah I totally forgot!" I said hitting myseld on the forehead. Austin just looked at me confused.  "Aust, Jenna and Tay invited us to the mall I said we would meet them there at one. Can you drop me off at home so I can get a change of clothes?" I asked Austin, taking a hold of his hand. 

"Sure princess lets go." Austin said. He dropped me off and I walked inside. My mom was at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee and her laptop. Probably doing some buisness stuff. "Hey mom" I said and sat down next to her, putting my phone on the table.

"Hey Alan how was the party? Did you drink a lot?" My mom asked concerned. She felt my forehead to check if it was warm and held my face in her hands, looking at my features to see if I was hungover. I just laughed and shook my head. "Nope both Austin and I didn't drink." I said proudly. My mom smiled and took a sip of her coffee.

"If you weren't drinking you must have been doing something else." My mom said with a wink. "No mom we just laughed at drunk people." I said quickly. My mom just giggled and shook her head. "Then what's with the hickeys on your neck then?" She said raising an eyebrow.

My eyes went wide and I put my hand up to my neck, covering whatever marks were there. I silently cursed at Austin for giving me those. My mom laughed and coninued typing on her laptop. "I'm going to the mall with Austin and our friends Tay and Jenna today so I'm gonna go get ready." I said, getting up and going upstairs.

I took a shower and got dressed before I went back downstairs. I had ten minutes before Austin would get here but knowing him he'll be early. I walked down the stairs and froze when I saw my mom looking at my phone.

"Mom what are you doing?" I asked, running over to her and taking my phone out of her hands. My mom just giggled. "Well you got a text and I read it. It was from Austin, he said he is on his way and he loves you. But then I got bored and went through your pictures. Did you do that to Austin's back? If you did it must run in the family because I used to leave marks like that on your father all the time."

I just stood there with my mouth open staring at my mom. The door opened and Austin walked in. "Hey Janett, hi Alan." He walked over and put an arm around me. My mom smirked and raised her eyebrows. "So Austin hows your back?" 

Austin just looked at me and then her. "Ummm fine I guess?" My mom laughed loudly. "The look on your face" She said pointing to Austin. "and the look on your face!" She said pointing to me. "You guys must really love eachother." She said with a smile. Austin smiled and nodded before kissing my cheek.

"Anyways what are you guys going to get at the mall?" My mom asked taking another sip of her coffee. "I'm not really sure I think I'll just browse and stuff I don't have anything really in mind." I said. "Same here" Austin said.

"Do you need any money Alan?" My mom asked, taking out her bag. "No mom I have money its fine." I said before hugging her and leaving.

We got to the mall and met Jenna and Tay in the food court. They were sitting at a table laughing together. We sat down and they continued to laugh. "Hey guys" I said happily, waving at them. They laughed louder. I looked at Austin who was also confused. 

They both finally stopped laughing and looked at us. "What's so funny?" Austin asked. They looked at each other and started laughing again. "You two... Last night..." Tay said inbetween dying of laughter. I felt my face heat up. They were talking about how they heard us having sex last night. 

"Austin fuck me now!" Jenna quoted me. "You're so sexy Alan holy shit." Tay added, quoting Austin. They both kept laughing. "Alright guys thats enough. I don't know if you two remember this but we walked in on you to gettin' it on." Austin said smirking. They both stopped. "Oh yeah..." Jenna said, blushing and giggling.

"Did you guys see Jack and Alex on the dance floor last night? Tay asked laughing. "They were all over each other!" She continued. Alan and I looked at each other and shook our heads. "We saw them somewhere else though." I said. "We were looking for an empty bedroom and we walked in on Jack giving Alex a blow job." Both Tay and Jenna were hysterical laughing. "Wait wait thats not even the best part!" I said laughing with them. I couldn't stop laughing, I was in tears. "Austin... you tell them I can't talk" I said while laughing. "After we walked in on them Jack stood next to Alex and they were both completely naked...and completely drunk...." Austin paused and covered his mouth with his face, letting out one of his cute little snorts.  "and... and Jack said 'You guys are gay wanna join in?' and Alan and i walked out of the room!"

We were all laughing hysterically. "Alright guys lets go shopping!" Tay said loudly. "I wanna go to hot topic!" Jenna and I said at the same time. "Austin you're coming with me incase I can't reach something on a high shelf" Tay said dragging Austin with her. "Alan if you need anything text or call me I love you!" Austin said while Tay continued dragging him. "I love you too!" I shouted back.

"So Jenna, off to hot topic?" I said smiling. Jenna nodded and we made our way to the store. I got a pair of grey skinny jeans and a shirt that said "cat meowtal" and Jenna just got some random band merch. We walked out and were just looking around when I saw a pet shop at the end of the section of the mall. "We're going to look at cats, no arguing!" I said, taking Jenna's arm and pulling her to the shop.

Jenna and I had been shopping for a while and I still had no idea what to get Austin for Christmas. I think I'm just going to get him a bunch of little things. I got him all the starwars movies, all the disney princess movies and medium sized boxer briefs. I'll buy him concert tickets later when I get home. Also I'll probably just top it off with sex or something. 

After we went Christmas shopping, Jenna said she had a surprise and dragged me to a section of the mall I had never been. We went into a dark store and I looked around. "Jenna where the hell are we-" I cut myself off. We were in a sex store.

"I had to stop by and get my lady a couple things and I thought you would be interested." Jenna said with a smirk. I blushed and nodded before we split up and browsed. "So many choices!" I thought to myself excitedly. I'm weird aren't I? I picked out many different things and paid for them. We left the store and both Jenna and I had gotten two bags worth of stuff from the store. They were big black bags with no logo on it which I guess was smart.

I realized she had been talking about Tay a lot. She must really like her. "I hope after Tay and I are dating for a while we end up like you and Austin. I mean you guys are always happy and smiling when you're together and its the cutest thing I've ever seen!" 

I smiled and laughed. "Jenna that's insanely sweet! I hope you and Tay are happy and cute together. I mean come on you two together make one badass team!" I said causing Jenna to smile.

We walked back to the food court and talked about what we bought. I felt kind of comfortable talking to Jenna about sex for some unknown reason. I think it's because she isn't a guy or my mom, but she knows what I'm talking about. 

While we were talking I took out one of the things I got for Austin and me. It was a vibrator and lets just say I was pretty excited to try it out. "Yeah but don't you see Jenna it has like five different levels and OH SHIT THEY'RE COMING" I stuffed it into the bag and smiled at Austin and Tay who were getting closer.

Austin's POV:

I had helped Tay reach about 20 shirts off high shelves. I guess you could say she is obsessed with shopping. We payed for her stuff and walked out of the store. "Alright Tay I need your help." I said, getting her attention. "Christmas is coming up and I need you to help me figure out what Alan wants. We're gonna be like spies okay?" I said smiling at the much shorter girl. "Oh my god yes I'm in" She said suddenly going serious.

We had been looking for Alan and Jenna for 15 minutes and there was no sign of them. I was about to give up when I heard Alan's adorable... but unbelievably loud... voice. "We're going to look at cats, no arguing!" I smiled and nodded at Tay before following them at a safe distance. 

We were watching them from the window of the pet store, Alan walked into the little pen where a bunch of kittens were. He immideatly gasped and picked up a little black kitten. "OH MY GOD LOOK AT YOU! YOU'RE SO TINY AND CUTE I WANT TO HOLD YOU FOREVER!" 

Bingo, my perfect Christmas present was found. Tay and I ducked down when Jenna and Alan walked out of the store and waited for them to get far enough away. We walked into the pet store and I went up to the counter.

"Um excuse me, I want to get that black kitten as a Christmas present for my boyfriend. Is there any chance you could keep it here tonight and I'll pick her up tomorrow?" I said hopefully to the woman working there. She smiled and nodded. "It would be no problem!" I paid and we walked back to the food court where we said we would meet Alan and Jenna again.

We saw them sitting at a table talking and walked over. Alan was holding a box but when he saw me he quickly stuffed it into one of the two black bags he had with him. Well that was weird. I sat down next to Alan and gave him a quick kiss. "What's in the bag?" I asked smirking at Alan. "Oh nothing... you know... stuff..." Alan said crossing his arms. I chuckled and kissed him again. "Whatever you say Alan." 

We all hung out for a while at the mall before heading home. Alan had to go home to spend time with his mom so I decided to spend the night chilling with the old man. I love hanging out with my dad because he is just like me. We have the same sense of humor, we like the same sports teams. He is just great to be with. 

The next day I drove to the mall and picked up the kitten I was going to give Alan in a couple days for christmas. My dad had agreed to watch it until it was time to give it to Alan. I was just excited to see his reaction.

I'm gonna skip to Christmas so they can give each other the presents and stuff so yeah! Also I'm probably gonna write the next chapter today or tomorrow so yay 

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