Making Memories

By GirlWithFaith2003

14.4K 135 6

When I had gotten invited to Los Angeles by an internet friend, I was thinking it wouldn't be that much of a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 9

450 5 0
By GirlWithFaith2003

"Okay, so you already went through basics right?" Woods asked.
"Yes." I said.
"Okay let me quiz you." Woods said.
"Go for it." I said.
"Show me what the frets are." Woods said.
"Those." I said.
"Correct. Now, the fret board." Woods said.
"That." I said.
"Yep. Now, the neck." Woods said.
"This whole thing." I said, pointing it out. I'd done this for all of them.
"The headstock and tuning pegs." Woods said.
"Easy. It's blatantly obvious." I said.
"You're smart, and a fast learner." Woods said.
"That's what my teacher told me." I said.
"Okay, lastly show me the bridge, nut, sound hole, and pick guard." Woods said.
I pointed to all of them correctly.
"I'll show you my nut." Woods said laughing.
"Woods! There's a time and a place. Right now, I'd like to focus on learning guitar please." I said.
"Can't a joke?" Woods asked.
"No, I got it, I just want to learn guitar." I said
"Okay, fine." Woods said.

Woods shows me how to play the simple chords. The only one I struggle with with is F. It's so intricate and my fingers aren't used to pressing down on the strings. By the end of our session, my fingers are bright red and are in pain. Woods suggested that I put my fingers in a bowl of ice. He told me the more I practice, the more I'll get used to it. Then, my fingers will get calluses and then it won't hurt anymore.

Woods left his guitar at my place so I could practice. He has plenty of guitars anyway. I sit all night going over everything that we went over. I realized that I was overthinking this and take a break. I sit at my computer to start writing up a little story. It ended up being about this person travelling all over the world, experiencing different cultures, and having the best of times while doing it.

The next day, I head to work. I sit around until someone asks for my help. I go from base to base, as I usually do, helping out whoever needs it. When the day is over, Cat comes up and told me that both our schedules line up for a singing lesson this Friday. She'll make sure she sets up a time every Friday for an hour-long lesson on singing.

I walk into Chill Records at around 2:30. I stand there. This brings me back to the days of choir in high school.
"We first need to find your vocal range. Are you soprano or alto?" Cat asked.
"Alto, I can't hit those high notes." I said.
"Okay, from about F3 to F5." Cat plays both notes, "Can you keep tempo and key?"
"Yeah, I mean at some point my voice might crack." I said
"Oh okay. We can work around that. Let's start with a simple major scale." Cat said.

She runs me through the major scale. I stay slightly on key. I can assume because I'm getting nervous, that's the reason I'm not staying on key. I train myself to get back on track as I go back down the scale. We do this process over and over until I get it right. Once that's done, I go through the other warm up I remember from high school. I sing each solfege in which it sounds like a song. It starts with 'so' and ending with 'do' or 'so' for altos, do for tenors and basses, and 'mi' for sopranos. It's kind of hard to explain, but that's the best I can do.

When the 15-minute warm ups was done, we move onto the next exercise. This is the point where I pick a song and sing through all the way, then Cat critiques it. This is to see what I can improve on based on how well I sing. I pick Strawberries & Cigarettes by Troye Sivan. I play a nice karaoke track and pull up the lyrics. I finish singing the song, looking at Cat to see what she has to say.
"First of all, great song choice. You had a few moments where you almost tried to copy the exact recording. You also didn't stay consistent with your volume." Cat said.
"Okay. I'm naturally a quiet person, so maybe that's why." I said.
"Yeah, I need to hear you. Don't be scared to be loud. Project your voice. Push through your diaphragm. I'm sure you've heard that one." Cat said.
"Yup, all the time from my choir director. She always told us this too. To put your hands on your back to straighten up. If you're leaning, then your voice won't stay on key or something like that." I said.
"And she's correct." Cat said.

She continued to go down the list of things I could work on. The list wasn't very long, she just explained them in depth so I'd understand. I understand what she's trying to say. All I need to do is practice more. I haven't sang consistently since I graduated high school. It's been a few years. I know what I need to work on and continue doing so.
"Oh, looks like we're out of time." Cat said.
"Oh okay. This was nice, thanks Cat." I said.
"You're welcome. Remember what I told you and work on it." Cat said.
"I will, see you next time." I said, walking out of the recording room.
"Bye." Cat said.

I get back to work soon after. Once work was over, I head home. I practice singing and guitar. Woods comes over at around 6. He helps me out learn even more on guitar. I sit next to him and watch his fingers fly across the fretboard. He's so cute when he's playing. He's in his element right now. Music is his true passion. I can see it in his eyes. Woods pauses and notices me staring with lust in my eyes.
"Is this. . . Turning you on?" He asks.
"What do you think, pretty boy? You can sing and play guitar. Two qualities that I adore in guys, other than a humorous and kind personality." I said.
Woods places the guitar down next to him. He tugs on my arm and I climb into his lap. We begin making out. Soon, this makeout leads to the bedroom. Once again, Woods and I have "a little fun." I don't do these sorts of things often, but when I do, I enjoy it every time. Woods always makes sure to take the proper precautions before hand. I appreciate that. At least he's a gentleman, and that's why I love him so much.

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