[Editing] Mr. & Mrs. Bully (L...

By dksdks

320K 10.2K 1.1K

People can be enemies and lovers at the same time, you know. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
34 - END
Attention Please
New Fanfiction

Chapter 2

12.6K 372 95
By dksdks

It's still dawn when Luhan first opens his eyes. He rubs his eyes and does some stretching. He always is a morning person and it reflects his discipline. As usual, he turns on the TV to watch news about economy and stock. After all, he is the heir of his father's company and this is the basic. He listens focusly but suddenly he hears a knock on the door which is followed by the maid's voice. 

"Come in"

Luhan commands and immediately sees the maid in, bringing his breakfast. The maid arranges a little table on his bed and serves the breakfast. It's his habit to have breakfast on his bed before gets ready for school. After the maid leaves, he starts eating but never forgets about the news.

'CHS group maintains their position as the top company in Korea but this month JH group raises the sells by 3% and impresses the public by catching up the CHS group'

Luhan furrows his eyebrows. He knows about JH group but all this time he never puts any interest in them because JH group always ranks 4 or 5 below his father's company, CHS group. Now, JH group catches up and steps on the same level as CHS group, he starts to feel curious. Are they a possible partner or rival?


After getting ready for school, Luhan walks downstair and joins his family on the dining table. He had his breakfast but he spares his time for family quality time. He greets his father and mother politely then he turns to wave at his little sister who sits beside his mother. Yes, he has a little sister, her name is Lami and she is 4 years old. Despite of their age gap, they still have a good relationship, they are close to each other. Luhan really loves his little sister.

"I watch the news, but dad, the JH group---"

"You have nothing to worry, son. JH group is not our rival" His father talks as he is aware of his son's concern.

"JH group is soon to be our partner. I know the CEO, he is my closest friend, back then in highschool" His father explains further more.

Luhan now feels a relief. Sure he is still in highschool but he cares about the company. He studies really hard about business and economy, hoping that someday he will build the company even better. They continue to talk and sometimes he teases his little sister, joking around with his family.

Luhan checks his watch and it's time to leave. He excuses himself and walks, but suddenly he hears Lami's high pitch scream, calling him. He stops and sees Lami run to his direction. She stops infront of him and smiles cutely as she hands down the car's key.

"Thank you, little princess" Luhan talks like a little kid and ruffles her sister's hair softly.

"Let's go" Luhan holds her hand and she just stares blankly.

"To where?" Lami asks.

"To school, oppa will drive you there" Luhan answers and witnesses how her eyes change and twinkle prettily. It's such a blessing to have a cute sister like her.

"Mom! I will go to school with Luhan oppa!" Lami shouts as she jumps excitedly. Hearing that, their mother rushes to their place and asks her son if it's alright. Luhan just nods convincingly then their mother agrees.

"Okay then, take care, kids---" Their mother smiles and kneels down to meet lami's eyes "---Lami-ya, mom will pick you up later, ok?" She continues.

Lami nods and gives kisses on their mother's cheeks. Afterwards, Luhan bids his goodbye and leads his sister to the car. He buckles the seatbelt for her and drives her to school. After a while, they arrive at her kindergarten and he drops her off. He waits and makes sure that the teacher brings his little sister before he drives away. Yes, he admits it. He is a total little sister fool. 


Luhan arrives at school and goes to his 'exclusive' parking lot. There is an unwritten treaty among students in this school that Mr. and Ms. Bully both have their own exclusive parking lot. No one is allowed, no, no one is brave enough to do so as it has its consequence. In the middle, Luhan sees an appearance of a white expensive car and he decides to step on his brake. That's Jihye's car and of course he has an evil idea to ruin her morning. He executes his plan as he now switches to step on the pedal and drives to the other side of parking lot. He is going to snatch her exclusive parking lot and crush her mood. He waits for the right timing. Once he sees her car approaching, he makes a dramatic maneuver as he successfully steals her space.

"Yes!" Luhan shouts and laughs as he imagines how shocked and mad she is.

In the other hand, Jihye, who is surprised with the sudden crazy car's movement, she instinctively steps on the brake. In one second the car stops violently. It causes her body to fling and hit the steering wheel before the seatbelt holds her body and puts her in an initial position. Her eyes are wide opened and her heart beats real fast. She looks shocked and she breathes heavily. Once she collects herself together, she looks and stares at the car. How she wants to curse when she finds out whose car it is. She scoffs and without thinking she gets out from the car to confront.

"Asshole" Jihye swears in her low tone. Then she knocks at his window's car and when it rolls down and reveaIs his face, she yells.

"Luhan, are you out of your mind? That was dangerous and this is my space" Jihye scolds him.

"Sorry not sorry, but now this is mine, go find another space" Luhan talks in his sweet voice and rolls up the window.

Jihye drops her jaw. It really annoys her to the point where she loses all her words. She speechlessly watches Luhan casually gets out of his car and leaves. She immediately runs after him and after they are close enough, she tries to snatch the car's key from his hand. It fails miserably as she is not that fast and he has a great reflex. He instinctively lifts his hand and protects the key up in the air, completely taking an advantage of his height. She jumps and jumps as she rejects to give up. She whines quietly but he hears that and he just chuckles.

"Just give up, you are too short to reach it" Luhan mocks her.

Jihye pretends like she doesn't hear his words and she is in denial that she already loses the battle. She is so stubborn and Luhan just enjoys her desperation before he grabs her wrist and forces her to stop. She puts a fierce expression but it switches when he drags her to her own car and intimidates her to get in and sit on the passenger seat. She frowns yet gives in. She watches him runs to the other side and occupies the driver seat.

"Get out, now" Jinye speaks between her gritted teeth.

Luhan just glances at her and smirks as he grips on the steering wheel. He gives her no warning and suddenly steps on the pedal. Jihye's petite body is surprised with the sudden force and once again she flings forward. She glares at him as she knows that he intentionally does it to mess with her. He surely is a pro to make her mad. This is so annoying and she grumbles. He chuckles secretly and asks her to sit prettily and enjoy the ride with a handsome driver. She just rolls her eyes when she hears his narcissistic comment, but she still obeys and sits back on her seat. She silently sees him parks her car on his space and scoffs. He really pisses her off.

"You, asshole, I hate you" Jihye tells him as she coldly stares into him eyes.

"Oh, really?" Luhan teases and makes fun of her. He smirks and leans his face closer to hers when he sees her breathes heavily.

"I'm asking" Luhan is such a teaser.

"Get out!" Jihye can't take it anymore. She yells as she pushes him toward the door.

Luhan just mockingly chuckles, gives her one last look and gets out as she wishes. Jihye watches him until he disappears from her sight. She then frowns deeply as she apologizes to her dear car as it needs to stay there. She babies her car as she pats the steering wheel gently. Just wait and see, she will take her revenge.


The class begins and passes like a wind. The last class of the day starts immediately when Mr. Park, the economy teacher, enters the class. It's boring for Jihye as she already understands the lesson but she still listens though she does that lazily. She leans and rests her back on her chair. In a blink of eyes, the devil behind her disturbs as he pulls her hair lightly. She turns to see him and glares. He stops but when she looks away, he continues and distracts her from the lesson.

"Stop it" Jihye whispers intimidatingly as she smacks his hand as punishment. Luhan smiles as he is happy because he successfully teases her.

"Open page 11 and try to solve those questions, work in pair" Mr. Park commands.

Jihye immediately reads the questions and smiles arrogantly as it's too easy for her. Still, she taps on Youngjae's shoulder, the one who sits in front of her, and asks him to be her partner.

"I'm with Nana, sorry" Younjae apologizes but she just smiles and asks another. However, she is just unlucky because everybody has a partner already.

"Now, who still don't find a pair?" Mr. Park asks.

Jihye raises her hand and that moment, all the students gasp. She looks around and sees why her classmates react that way. The other one who raises hand is non other than Luhan. Well, everybody knows what will happen next. It's either a war or a bloodshed, everybody is positive about that. Mr. Park is aware too, but he Spll asks them to work in pair and they have no choice. Jihye sighs as she slowly turns her chair around and sits face to face with him.

"I bet my head you can solve these alone" Luhan talks.

"Of course" Jihye proudly says and unconsciously falls into his trap.

"Great, you can do everything alone then" Luhan speaks and throws the paper to her.

"Yah, seriously" Jihye snaps at him as she shows her disagreement but he just smirks annoyingly. She tries to hold back her anger as she hands him the paper but he just looks away and ignores her. She calls his name but he pretends like he doesn't hear. Her blood boils and she shouts at him frustratedly.

"Both of you! Stop bickering and do your assignment!" Mr. Park scolds them.

Jihye frowns and Luhan witnesses it all. She looks so mad and he knows, it's not the right time to continue the game so he decides to take the paper and quietly does the assignment. She then joins and helps him to do it together. In less than 20 minutes, they are done and submit their work to Mr. Park. They are the first pair to finish those questions. As they collect their work, Mr. Park talks some nonsense and warns them that someday they are going to fall in love if they insist to keep fighting like that. Both Luhan and Jihye deny as they cringe their face. Never.

An hour later, the bell rings and Jihye packs her stuffs in a hurry. She runs out from the class and rushes to her exclusive parking lot. There, she spots Luhan's car and smiles evilly as she takes out a marker from her backpack. It's a revenge time. She walks closer to his car and starts writing nasty and crazy words on its polish surface. She feels satisfied with her masterpiece and giggles but it doesn't last as she hears the owner's voice. She looks at his direction and grins. Luhan is so ready to yell but she waves at him and runs away from him.

"Kim Jihye, you're dead" Luhan screams his lungs out. His eyes catches Jihye's masterpiece and he doesn't know what to say. That crazy girl really seeks for trouble. He curses lowly then he tries to erase her masterpiece with his jacket sleeve but looks like she uses a permanent marker. He curses once again as he gets in and slams the door. He right away leaves his school and brings his car to get a service. This time, only this time, he lets her slip. Next time, he is going to make her regret. 


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