You do as I say, understood?

Oleh diaryofabrokengirl8

56.4K 1.5K 611

Adelaide is 22 years old. She has been living in LA for two years now. To run away from her demons and her pa... Lebih Banyak

Saying Goodbye
The new Professor
Whats happening?
Did I Scare You?
What Could Go Wrong?
Shutting Down
Trapped Inside Myself
When Demis Dom Side Takes Over
Pushing Demi Out
A Taste Of Her Own Medicine
Time To Relive The Past
Trying To Feel Sane
Healing All The Old Wounds
First Night In Rehab
Struggling Through Detox
Be My New Addiction
Love; Is Complicated
Trouble In Paradise
Who Do You Belong To
Making Sure She Feels My Love & Plotting Revenge

Shit Hits the Fan

1.8K 69 36
Oleh diaryofabrokengirl8

Demi's POV

I'm standing outside of Addys house, I've been absolutely worried sick all day. I just need to see her to make sure that she is okay

I hear her unlock the door

"Come in.." I hear her soft broken voice say and I open the door, Adelaide is turned with her back towards me as she slowly walks towards her back door.

Her house is dark, all the lights are off except for one dull closet light, I can feel myself panic a little but I close and lock her front door and follow her towards the backyard, she slowly sits on one of the patio chairs and I sit next to her, I can't see her face because there is no light on

"Can I turn the light on love..?"
"No...I want it dark.." she quickly states
"What's going on Addy... please.. I'm worried sick about you. Are you okay? Why can't I see your beautiful face?"
I hear her sniffle softly, I know she didn't want me to hear it, but I did. I see her outline as she wipes her eyes and then reaches for her cigarettes, her hands are shaking furiously. I stand and walk over to her slowly which causes her to jump

"Shh.. it's okay.. let me help you" I grab her pack of smokes and slide one out for her, slowly place it between her lips as I grab the lighter. She turns her face when the flame comes up

"Please let me see you.." she shakes her head and takes the lighter from my hands as she turns away from me to light her cigarette
I let out a deep sigh as I grab a cigarette out of her pack for myself and quickly light it before returning back to my seat

"I thought you said smoking was bad for you"

"It is.. but this stress and tension isn't helping me right now at all. I just need to release a bit of it"

"I'm sorry I stress you out.. and I'm sorry I caused you to worry.. but.. you don't have to be here.." she says to me quietly and I walk back over to her as I cup her beautiful face in my hands, her body clenching up as I do so

"I'm not going to hurt you.. and I want to be here okay? So just stop. I want to be here for you." I state in a stern yet soft voice
All I can see are her dark eyes, I see their glisten, full of tears and I slowly wrap my arms around her which once again causes her to tense up

"Fuck that hurts.. please stop.." she cries out
The worry I had before quickly returns and I slowly release her

"Why does it hurt Addy...?"

"I fell..."

"Well, can we go inside and maybe I can look at where you hit yourself when you fell? So I can see if it's serious or not? And clean it up for you if it needs cleaning?" I say reassuringly

"No... I already cleaned myself up..."

"How did you manage that if it's on your back?"

"I just took a long shower... let the hot water clean me.."

"Yes honey I get that, but I need to see the damage you caused, and maybe put some antibacterial ointment on it or something so it won't get infected"

"No please... I don't want you to see.." she says in a shaky voice and I let out a deep sigh

"How did you fall Addy..?"

She looks at her cigarette as she inhales then releases the smoke and I do the same, I wait for her to answer but the answer never comes

"Adelaide. How did you fall. Answer me"

"I just... tripped..." she mutters

"How did you hit your back if you tripped my dear"

"I... took a step back.. and one of the pups was behind me.. and I fell back and hit the corner of the counter..." Okay Adelaide. You're not a very good liar. At all. So what the fuck really happened. I need to get her to the light so I can see. But she's clearly not going to allow that.

"Let's go inside. I want to see." I state as a command

"I don't want to show you... plus.. I want to smoke another cigarette.." she says as she puts out her cigarette and reaches for the pack on the patio table, her hands are trembling and I sigh as I walk towards her, putting my cigarette out as well and grabbing her pack as I get another cigarette for her out. I place it between her lips and I grab the lighter. She hesitates as she tries to reach for it

"I won't look okay? You're shaking a lot.. let me light it for you.." she nods softly as I pull down on the lighter, the flame quickly coming up, she leans forward to light her cigarette as I look at her face out of the corner of my eye. My stomach plummets as I catch a glimpse of her black eye and the two huge bruises on her face. Her busted lip, and the bruise around it, my eyes fill with tears as I pull the lighter away and set it down on the table. Wrapping her slowly up into my arms as I hold her trembling body against mine. Who did this to her?! What the fuck is going on. I am fucking livid right now. And if Adelaide doesn't start fucking talking then I know I'm going to lose my cool soon.
She releases the smoke between her lips as I look down at her small trembling figure

"Adelaide.. I need you to be completely honest with me. Please.. what happened. You can trust me. You can tell me absolutely anything, I would never judge you okay? But I'm really worried right now. And I need you to start talking to me. Now." I state, my voice cracking as the tears flood my eyes.
No Demi. You can't cry. You have to be strong for her.

"I'm sorry Demi... I can't tell you..." she says in almost a whisper, her voice completely broken, with no emotion whatsoever. That's it. Enough.
I lift her up from the chair, carrying her in my arms and I take the cigarette away from her, putting it out in the ashtray as I open the door and carry her in. Setting her down on the counter in the kitchen and turning on the light. She holds her hands over her face to hide it from me. My stomach turns even more as I see her bruised and cut open knuckles

"Adelaide. What happened. Talk to me! God damnit I'm right here!! Just fucking talk to me! Move your hands!" The sound of my voice echoing in her house makes her jump as she makes herself even smaller than she already is. Like she's trying to just completely disappear
She cries softly into her hands, then slowly starts to remove them from her face. She looks down at the ground

"Look at me. Please. Look at me."

She shivers as her face slowly turns up to face mine. I let out a gasp as I look at her completely broken and bruised face. The black eye completely hugging her left eye, the white in her eye completely red and bloodshot, two huge black bruises on either side of her face, her lip completely busted open, and a small bruise hugging her lips. I look down at her neck and see a hand mark around it. Tears start to pour down my face, my blood completely fucking boiling at the sight

"You need to take off your clothes and show me your body. Right now." I command through my fit of tears. She slowly nods and I help her off of the counter and follow her towards her room. I turn on the light. Her room is always super neat. But not today, her bed is completely messy, there's blood on the sheets and on the ground. I try to hold my anger. I need to see her body and all the damage that has been done to her. Then we will sit and talk about who did this and I will drive her to the hospital, then inform the cops. One step at a time.

She looks up at me with broken eyes, as she starts to slide off her black hoody, then her leggings. My stomach is turning and my knees feel weak as I look at her broken and battered body. Whip marks clutching onto her body, gashes covering her from head to toes. And the black bruises engulfing her small figure.
I look up at her, her body trembling as I grab her arm. She flinches and I look down, wide, deep gashes covering her entire forearm. I know that this.. she did to herself. Tears flow down my cheeks, and I see both her wrists and ankles have marks on them, like she was tied up. I'm going to kill whoever fucking did this to her. I swear to god.

Her knees buckle and I grab hold of her fragile body, slowly setting her down on her bed. She makes a disgusted face as she looks at her bed, and her body tightens, her jaw clenching and tears streaming down her broken face.

I gently pick her up and walk her to the living room, setting her down slowly on the couch and her body relaxes a little. I can feel my blood boiling.

"What happened. And who did this" I say through clenched teeth

She looks down at the ground, her body shaking as she grabs her arm, picking at her wounds. I grab her hands in mine and softly kiss them.

"Don't you dare try and bullshit me Adelaide.
I need you to tell what fucking happened. And who the fuck did this to you. NOW"
She flinches at the sound of my voice and cowers. She looks up at me with dead eyes, and no expression

"I deserved it..."

"No the fuck you didn't. NO ONE DESERVES THIS. Tell me what the fuck happened. And who fucking did this!!!" I have completely lost my shit and my anger and my dom are completely taking over.

"She.. texted me last night.. while you were here... telling me to get ready because she was going to be coming for me today.... that she was going to show me that I belonged to her... that's why I had to get you to leave last night... I didn't want her to hurt you Demi..." her voice breaks as she starts sobbing, clutching onto her knees like her life depended on it.

"Who is she. I need names" I command

"Ga...Gabriella..." she manages to say through tears and I get up from the couch, walking over to grab her phone and mine

"Call her. Right now. Tell her to come." I say with anger pumping through my veins, I'm going to teach this Bitch a fucking lesson. She thinks she's tough? Oh honey. She has no fucking idea.

Addy shakes her head furiously as she starts to panic, sobbing louder and her breath out of control

"No please... Demi please... I don't want her to find out that I told... I don't want her to hurt me again..."

"Listen to me." I place my fingers under her chin forcing her to look at me

"She will NEVER lay a fucking finger on you AGAIN. Do you understand? For as long as I'm alive. That bitch will never fucking touch you again" I say through gritted teeth.
"I have a plan. Do as I tell you. Trust me"

She softly nods as she takes her phone from my hand. Her hands viciously shaking as she dials the number. She sets the phone on speaker and sets it on her lap as tears stream down her face. I sit next to her and rub her back softly to reassure her that it's all going to be alright.

Gabriella: what do you want slut? Miss me already huh?
-yes... please.. can you come over...?
Gabriella: oh you're such a horny little slut, didn't get enough of me fucking your brains out, did you?

She did what? Oh this bitch is fucking DEAD

-I ... want more... can you come over...?
G: I'll be there in 10 minutes slut. Be ready for me. I'll bring another syringe full of your favorite to keep you calm, because god knows I'm going to fucking destroy you. Be there soon honeybee

Addy hangs up and I look over at her, my eyebrows furrowed

"Syringe...? Of what?" I question and Addy looks down

"Answer me!" I command

"She drugs me... so I can't fight back...." my face turns red as my insides feel like they're about to fucking burst. Remain calm Demi. You'll give this bitch a taste of her own medicine soon enough.

I grab my phone and I call my old friend Wilmer. He's a police chief so I know he can help. I dial him and he quickly answers

Wilmer: Hey Demi, everything ok?
- No Wilmer, I need your help, I need you to come to this address. Be here in 20 minutes. Can you do that?
Wilmer: I can be there in 5
-No Wilmer, I need you to be here in 20. I need 10 minutes alone with this bitch before you take her away.
Wilmer: Okay, I'll be there in 20. Stay safe and don't get into too much trouble ok? I'll see you in a bit
-thank you Wilmer.

I end the call and set my phone down. Letting out a deep breath as I look over at Addy who is a complete nervous wreck

"Hey, it's all going to be okay. Okay? I'm here. I won't let anyone hurt you. I promise"

She nods her head softly and I hear a knock at the door. Game time baby.

I walk over and call the pups softly as I let them out to the backyard. Anger and adrenaline pumping through my veins.
I hide behind the front door and nod to Addy signaling that I'm ready for her to open the door.

Addy walks over to the front door slowly as tears stream down her face, she unlocks the door and takes a deep breath before turning the knob

Ooooo cliffhanger!!!
What's gonna happen next?
Maybe I'll update again tonight, since sleep has legit left the chat

Comment and vote!

And please don't forget, if you're going through a tough time, don't hesitate in messaging me. I'll be here to listen to anyone about anything. I've been there before and I know how shitty it feels to feel like you're all alone. I'll do my best to help you back up to your feet.

I love you guys!

Stay strong 💪🏽

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