Fight Like Hell! (A DOOM x RW...

By Warlord-Dregon

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[DISCONTINUED] Attention: This is an AU for both DOOM and RWBY. Some things will be altered or changed involv... More

Prologue: A New Beginning
Mission 1: Not Earth?
Mission 2: The Lion
Mission 4: Hello Again
Secret Level #1: The Forgotten Prophecy
Mission 5: Challenged
Mission 6: The Hooded One
Mission 7: Welcome to Vale
Mission 8: His Gift
Mission 9: Beacon
Mission 10: Ozcar, The Wizard
Mission 11: Mission Briefing
A Challenger Approaches
Mission 12: The Mission Begins
Mission 13: His Trial in the Forgotten City
Final a/n
Secret Level #2: Rules Broken
Mission 13.5: Tampering with Fate
Mission 14: Lost & Found
I'm going to be honest
I'm done
Final message

Mission 3: The Nest & Upgrades

5.5K 89 144
By Warlord-Dregon

Doom Slayer's POV

I quickly made my way to where that Lionheart fellow told me where to go. It took me a while to find it, seeing how I didn't exactly know where it was. But I eventually found something that could be what I was looking for.

I'm currently standing outside of a cave entrance. From where I was standing I could see that the entrance was like a downwards hill, so I might need to climb my way back up.

'Hope this is it.' I thought as I was debating whether or not I should go in. I look up behind me and stared at the sun, which was staring to set. I probably have a few hours before it becomes nighttime. I couldn't help but sigh. 'Alright...lets do this then.' Deciding it was better to investigate than wasting time, I step into the cave. Almost immediately I began sliding down the downwards entrance. I dug my right arm into the ground behind me, slowing my decent. Once I was close enough towards the ground, I jump off the mini hill and land on the flat ground. Thanks to my suit, it compressed the damage my legs would've taken. When I stood up, I noticed that the floor beneath me all wet and muddy. I look down and saw my boots already covered in mud.

'Seriously?' Looks like when I'm done, I'll also be needing to clean my armor. 'Great...'

Anyways, I look up and studied the cave I was in. The cave was pretty small, probably could be used as a small home or something if someone wanted to. I saw a white metal trailer on the other side of the cave. 'That must be it.' I made my way over there as I heard the ground beneath me squish as my feet became slightly heavier with each step I took.

Once I made it to the trailer I began to circle it, checking for any signs of damage. The wheels look fine. I only saw a few dents on the trailer that aren't exactly noticeable from a few feet away. Other than that, nothing looked too damaged. After checking the trailer, I made my way to the back. I saw the metal door and saw a lock on it. Deciding it wouldn't hurt to check, I rip off the lock and raised the door up. Inside the trailer I saw a bunch of creates, metals, and a few large weapon parts.

'This definitely is the blacksmith's stuff. I don't think anyone else would need these.'

After inspecting the inside, I closed the trailer and began to wonder how I was going to get this outside. I look back to the way I came from and noticed how steep the hill was. I can only imagine how irritating this'll become. I hope there's something I can use in this cave.

I turn around and look around to see if there was some chains or something I can use. And to my surprise, there was. On the other side of the cave, there was a pile of chains leading somewhere on the floor. I walk over to it and picked it up. I noticed it was pretty long and rusty, so maybe I could still use this. I also noticed the chains were leading somewhere. One end of the chains lead towards the darker side of the cave. My eyes followed the chains, and what I saw made my eyes widen.

There was a machine attached to the other end of the chains. The machine looked pretty old. It had dirt and mud all over it as half of its body was stuck within the dirt. It's left leg looked like it was ripped off from the body as it's right arm was missing. And what looks like to be the eye was ripped out as wired were torn out. I ran over to it and kneeled to take a closer look. I began to inspect every possible part I could find that wasn't either ripped apart or beneath the ground. As I inspected the arms, I noticed something was covered in dirt. I quickly cleaned the dirt off of it. When I was finished, my eyes widen again when I saw a symbol, one I wasn't exactly happy to see.

'What the hell?' I thought, 'When did the Nazis get fucking robots?'

No one's POV

As the Slayer continued to study the machine with full attention, something was watching him from the other side of the cave. The creature slowly and quietly step closer to the Slayer as he wasn't paying attention.


Outside of the cave, everything was peaceful and quiet, at least it was. The Slayer was thrown out of the cave and his back slams into the ground a few feet away from the entrance. He silently groans as he tries to get up while feeling slightly dizzy. 'Damnit...' He thought.

Inside the cave, a Grimm growls, catching the Slayer attention. The Slayer shook off the headache as a Grimm walks out of the cave.

'So that's what hit me?'

A flashback from the first time the Slayer woke up on this planet flashes in his mind. He remembers the unicorn that looks very similar to the Grimm in front of him. And then another flashback flashes, this time of the other creatures that he's faced a few minutes after. He clenched his fists tightly as he feels unsure about this beast.

The Grimm growls before lunging at the Doom Slayer. The Slayer managed to pull out his super shotgun from nowhere and shot the monster in the face, stunning it. The Grimm stands on its two back legs, trying to shake the pain off while roaring into the air.

'So this thing is weaker than those other creatures or something?'

The Slayer shook his thoughts out as he didn't allow the Grimm to recover as he switched his weapon to his rocket launcher and shot the Grimm in the head, which explodes as bits of the head flew everywhere. Once the body drops to the ground, it made a loud thud. The Slayer puts his rocket launcher away as he heard more growling from all around him. The Slayer looks around to find a bunch of other Grimm begin to surround him.

'Damn...I don't have time for this.'

A few Beowulfs ran at him. The Slayer grabs his super shotgun, reloads it, before shooting them to bits. Then, he turns around to grab an Ursa's arm before he used most of his strength and spins around with the Grimm. The other Grimm tried to run at him, but was knocked back by the force of the Ursa that the Slayer spins around. He lets go and the Grimm flew at a few other Ursas, knocking them down. The Slayer took this time to get his heavy assault rifle and used the mini rockets to blow up the Grimm. After, he looks around to find all of the Grimm dead.

'Seriously? Just a few of them this time?'

The Slayer walks up to the cave again as he puts his gun away. He was about to enter the cave until he saw red glowing eyes.

'Guess I-.'

The Grimm pounces on him before throwing him out of the entrance. The Slayer's back was smacked against a tree, breaking it. He grunts as he slowly looks up to find a new Grimm running at him.

'Aw, piss.'

Again, the Grimm grabs him before it threw him to the side. This time, he skids across the ground. Once he stops, the Slayer began coughing as he began to get back up. But he wasn't fast enough as the Grimm was standing over him and began to slash him over and over again with its claws.


It reels it's arm back before punching the Doom Slayer through a tree. The Grimm roars into the air as the Slayer struggles to get up. Once he was on both of his feet again, he saw the Grimm was about to charge at him.

'This thing is too damn fast!' This time, he pulls out his chainsaw and revs it to life. 'Come on, you piece of shit!'

The Grimm charges at him. In the matter of seconds, the beast was almost standing over the Slayer. But he used his thrusters just in time to jump over the Grimm and stab his chainsaw into its flesh. As the beast tries to stop itself, it only made things worse as the chainsaw ripped its back in two, allowing black liquid to spew everywhere. Once the Slayer lands on the ground, he remained still as the Grimm stops running. A moment passes before the Grimm drops dead in two. The Slayer stands up before he puts his chainsaw away as he looks back to the Grimm.

'That better be the last of them.'

He looks around, making sure that was the last of the Grimm. Seeing no more of the Grimm trying to kill him, the Slayer made his way back into the cave.

Mini time skip

A few hours passed as the Slayer was working on getting the trailer out of the cave. As the sun was about to set, he walks out of the cave, dragging the trailer behind him with the chains from the robot.

'Holy fuck! How did theses demons get this damn thing in there?!'

After struggling a little, he was able to pull out the large trailer from the cave. He let's go of the trailer as he pants a little, exhausted from dragging the heavy thing up the steep entrance.

'What exactly is in that thing? I've either gotten weaker or those parts are made up of some kind of heavy metal.' The Slayer straightens up and turns towards the sky, seeing the moon rise. 'Now, to get this thing to the blacksmith.'

Time skip, Mistral,

It was quiet and calm in Mistral. Almost everyone was already asleep, almost...

The Doom Slayer was dragging the trailer in the streets of Mistral. Few people were still awake and doing their own thing. Those who witnessed the Slayer were surprised by the sheer strength the man had.

After dragging the trailer for a little longer, the Slayer drops the chains as he looks at a shop in front of him. "Almost done." He pants. The Doom Slayer walks up to the shop and knocks on it. Seconds pass as he waits for someone to open the door. The door creeks open as a man in his late thirties peeks his head out.

"Yes?" The man asks

The Doom Slayer pulls out his notebook and writes in it before showing it to the man.

"ㄚㄖㄩ'尺乇 ㄒ卄乇 乃ㄥ卂匚Ҝ丂爪丨ㄒ卄 ㄖ千 ㄒ卄丨丂 卩ㄥ卂匚乇, 匚ㄖ尺尺乇匚ㄒ?"

The man took a moment to read the message. He lifts his eyes up to stare at the Doom Slayer's helmet. "Y-Yes I am. Who are you?" The blacksmith asks, not entirely sure about y/n.

The Doom Slayer scribbles in his notebook again before showing the man.

"Ꮆㄖㄒ ㄚㄖㄩ'尺乇 爪丨丂丂丨几Ꮆ 丂ㄩ卩卩ㄥ丨乇丂."

The blacksmith's eyes widen before he swings open the door.

"Really?! Where is it?!"

The Doom Slayer nods before stepping to the side to show the giant trailer. The blacksmith steps pass him as his eyes began to tear up a bit.

"I don't believe it..." The blacksmith says in disbelief before looking back to the Slayer, filled with excitement. "You actually did it! Thank you so much! You saved my job! Can you help bring the stuff inside?"

The Doom Slayer nods before the two went to work to bring everything inside.

Time skip

After a few hours of walking in and out to bring stuff in, the two finished. During the time, the blacksmith asked why the Slayer helped out, which the latter explained how he needed his armor repaired and found out about the missing supplies. The blacksmith understood and went straight to work on repairing the armor he was given as he gave the Slayer a separate room to rest up in until he was done.

Right now, the blacksmith walks up to the room the Slayer was staying in. He knocks on the door, trying not to be rude. "Hey, I'm done." He says, raising his voice a bit. "I've got good and bad news. Bad news is that most of your armor was severely damaged. I'm afraid I can't fix that. The materials that the armor was made out of is completely different than what I have. But good news though: I was able to save some of the armor. I pretty much had to make a new set of armor from scratch and gave you're armor a complete make over. I've also made a few other changes to the armor to match the looks. Hope you'll like it."

He waits for an answer. Instead of receiving one, the door creeks open before a hand pops out, the Slayer gives a thumbs up. The blacksmith saw this before nodding to himself.

"I'll let you check it out yourself. It's in the room down the hall to the right. I've got more work to do so let me know if you need anything else." The blacksmith says before walking away to work on making more weapons, giving the Slayer some privacy to walk to his armor.

Mini time skip

The blacksmith was busy studying some blue prints on a table. He was trying to make a new sword until he heard footsteps coming from behind. He looks back to find the Slayer in his upgraded armor.

He smirks as he sees the Slayer trying to get used to the new upgrades. The Slayer lifts his left arm and extends the blade on his gauntlet, studying it before he retracts it.

"Figured you must of needed a new melee weapon," The blacksmith began, "So I got you a new blade. It can slice through most small Grimm like butter. But you'll need to weaken the bigger ones first before using it-otherwise the blade will break. And as you can probably tell, it's retractable. Oh! And you can now punch through walls! The gauntlets are strong enough to let you punch your way out of almost any situation!"

The Doom Slayer nods before he looks at his new little cannon on his shoulder.

"Oh! That's a beast! It's a prototype so it might not always work correctly but when it does, it's badass! It's a combination of a mini flamethrower, grenade launcher, and a missile launcher as well! I hooked up a little something in your helmet. It scans your brain when you want to use it. Gatta warn you though, at first, it's gonna be different to get used to, but I figured someone like you would be able to work with it. And you can choose which mode you want so you can try all three if you want. It's also modifiable so in the future, you can upgrade it further. You like?"

The Slayer gives a thumbs up. The blacksmith smirks as he fist bumps into the air.

"Yes! Knew you would like this!"

The Slayer nods in appreciation before he starts to head for the front door as the blacksmith was still celebrating. But he stops when he noticed something by the door. Once the blacksmith was done, he noticed the Slayer was staring at two weapons on a separate table; One was a white auto rifle with a blade attached to it and a sword.

"Hey!" The blacksmith walks over to the Slayer, stepping between him and the weapons. "Afraid you can't touch those. They're from another client of mine. She dropped those off for me to repair until she comes back. And she's very picky with people touching her stuff."

The Slayer simply shrugs. He turns and began to make his way for the door until he heard the blacksmith yell something.

"Oh, wait!"

The Slayer stops and turns around, slightly tilting his head in confusion.

"I was wondering if you had any weapons you needed an upgrade on..."

The Doom Slayer thinks for a moment before he pulls out his super shotgun and handing it to the blacksmith. The man grew a creepy smile as he studied the weapon.

"I have the perfect modification for this! Give me a minute!"

He runs back to his little work spot before he places the shotgun on the table and began to rummage around his tools next to the table. As he looks through it, he mumbles to himself.

"No...that's not it... Not that... No, no, no... Gah! Where is it?!...Aha! Found it!"

He pulls something out as he blocks the Slayer's view of it. The Doom Slayer crossed his arms as he waits. The blacksmith puts the Doom Slayer's shotgun on the center of the table and begun to work.

"If I do this... add this to here... make sure it's evenly straight... And done!"

He smiles proudly before he walks to the Slayer and hands him back his gun.

"There! Hope you like it!"

The Doom Slayer studied his shotgun before putting two fresh shells in and lifts his gun up a little to find the new attachment move.

"It's a claw/grappling hook! With that, you can grapple onto any opponent and it'll reel you to them, allowing you to get up close and personal."

The Doom Slayer grins under his helmet before he puts his gun away. He then got his notebook out and writes something on it before showing the man.

"ㄒ卄卂几Ҝ丂 千ㄖ尺 ㄒ卄乇 卄乇ㄥ卩. 卄ㄖ山 爪ㄩ匚卄 ᗪㄖ 丨 ㄖ山乇 ㄚㄖㄩ?"

The blacksmith read the message and smiles. "What? You don't owe me anything! I was more than happy to help!"

The Doom Slayer tilts his head again before he began to write and showed it.

"尺乇卂ㄥㄥㄚ? 乃ㄩㄒ ㄚㄖㄩ ᗪ丨ᗪ 丂ㄖ 爪ㄩ匚卄 千ㄖ尺 爪乇. 丨 几乇乇ᗪ ㄒㄖ 尺乇卩卂ㄚ ㄚㄖㄩ. 乇丂卩乇匚丨卂ㄥㄥㄚ 丂丨几匚乇 丨ㄒ'丂 卂ㄥ爪ㄖ丂ㄒ 爪ㄖ尺几丨几Ꮆ."

"Trust me, I'm good. You saved my job." He crosses his arms, "That's more than enough. You've saved my family and I from living on the streets. Plus, upgrading your stuff was the most fun I had in my life. It was exciting working on your suit. So I feel like we're even."

The Doom Slayer shrugs before he wrote something down.

"ㄚㄖㄩ 丂ㄩ尺乇 丨 匚卂几'ㄒ 尺乇卩卂ㄚ ㄚㄖㄩ 丨几 卂几ㄚ山卂ㄚ?"

"Weeeelllll..." A devious smile forms on the blacksmith's face. "If anyone asks where you got those upgrades, can you tell them I did it? If you do, I'm sure my business will skyrocket!"

The Slayer nods his head before he puts his hand out, which the blacksmith happily shakes with his own. "You're welcome back anytime you want if you need more upgrades or a place to stay." The Slayer nods before leaving, moving on to his next goal. But before he left the room, the blacksmith calls out to him. "By the way, the name's Jackson!" He yells whilst waving goodbye.

The Slayer looks over his shoulder and nods before leaving the room, heading to who knows where.

To be continued...

Hope y'all enjoyed. As per usual, if you've noticed any bugs/issues with the images or whatever, please either DM me or comment here. Much appreciated. Peace out.

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