Total Drama World Tour From T...

By wolfchibi27

38.7K 668 498

Name: Yuna Sakura Pet Fox Name: Uteki (Meaning Raindrop) Age: 16 (Turns 17 in Episode 5) Friends: Owen, Izz... More

Walk Like An Egyptian Part 1
Walk Like An Egyptian Part 2
Super Happy Crazy Fun Time Japan
Anything Yukon Do I Can Do Better
Broadway Baby!!
Spending Time With An Angel Like Her
Slap Slap Revouloution
Can't Help Falling In Louvre
Newf Kids On The Block
Jamaica Me Sweat
Seeing Her In A New Light
I See London...
The Ex-Files
Taking A Sneaky Break

The Am-Ah-Zon Race

1.9K 39 17
By wolfchibi27

With Alejandro choosing to keep his manipulation from Yuna will he be able to control his feelings for her? Find out now! and this is Yuna's outfit for the day.

Alejandro's Point Of View
I got very little sleep last night. Why you may ask? Because I lied straight to Yuna's face and the guilt is eating away at me.

She was currently resting on my shoulder looking through her Polaroid pictures she had taken so far not paying attention to the world around her which I admired her........... spirit for as she should be relaxing.

After I lied to her my heart felt like someone put a hundred daggers in it and wouldn't stop until I confess my.........Lie to her.

Yuna was truly the only thing keeping me sane on this plane of doom. The blubbering fool beside me kept muttering things about the plane system failing which was starting to get on my nerves.

Owen: "Going down *Snores Loudly* Engine failure"

Me: "Would you pipe down already!"

I hit him in the side causing him to frantically think the plane was going down unfortunately for me his fists were in my range as he puched me onto the floor.

Yuna: "Alejandro are you okay!??! *Gasps* Your eye!!!!"

Owen: "Whoa what a terrible dream Al what happened?"

Me: "Nothing a little ice and revenge won't fix"

Owen: "Cool wait did you say revenge?"

Me: "Of course not off topic do you have any serious allergies?"

Owen: "Let see now"

Yuna helped me off the floor and led me back into my seat again. She carefully examined my eye as Uteki ran up to both of us and sat on my lap.

Yuna: "Uteki comfort Alejandro I have to find something for his eye be good now"

She kissed her on the head which made me feel something I haven't felt in a long time..... Jealously.

Uteki nuzzled against me comforting me sensing my pain I was in because of my eye. I patted her head as Yuna came back with an ice pack and sat down next to me.

Yuna: "Here this might be extremely cold but it will help numb the pain from your eye ps I asked Chef if he had anything for your eye so he's looking for it now"

Me: "Gracias Angel"

She held it up to my eye as the pain began to pass away but during this time I saw the true beauty in her eyes it almost seemed that her eyes were tempting me.

Chef came in wearing a nurse's outfit and put an eyepatch on me. Yuna took a photo of Chef as he took the photo out of her hands and left the economy class.

Yuna took out another copy of the photo and showed me causing me to laugh. Noah was sleeping when a rat fell into his mouth but he spit it out again.

Noah: "Ugh Stupid economy class!!"

Me: "Next time we get on this plane we better be back on first class"

Yuna: "But what if we don't are you going to shout at us?"

I was shocked. No way was I going to shout at this beautiful pure angel in front of me.

Me: "Of course not Chica I am just tired of being here in economy you understand right?"

She nodded her head before tying her hair up in a cute stylish messy bun that really made her adorable.......

Owen: "Yeah, Cool let's be a team *Grabs Yuna and holds her* a team that gets along, all of us with everyone forgiving anything that ever might have happened by accident or whatever Yeah!!!"

During his excitement he threw Angel onto the floor but she wasn't in pain even though I was concerned about her as she got up again and fixed her hair as Chris had an announcement to make over the intercom.

Chris: *Intercom* "Brace for landing we've arrived at our next destination..... the Amazon but the runway is a little short"

Owen started freaking out as I mentally prepared myself for today. Yuna patted my shoulder as we hit some turbulence causing her to hold onto me and I would be lying if I said it wasn't magical in that moment.

Confessionals Start

Alejandro: "Why did that dulce cariño angel think I was going to be disappointed in her? I need to find out more about her *Notices the camera* in order to eliminate her once and for all!! Or keep her until the finale"

Confessionals End

Yuna's Point Of View
After the plane landed Chris explained that we had to travel towards the giant statue of Chris's ego and we had to rest during the night because it was going to take us 8 hours to reach him which I thought was a bit much but then I realised it's Total Drama of course it was going to be crazy.

I had my neon backpack on with all the essentials I needed: Comics, Flashlight with spare batteries, Candy/Marshmallows, Umbrella just in case and of course my camera.

Uteki decided to tag along with us much to Chef and Chris's dismay it was sad to see them hold onto each other trying to comfort the other.

We came along a fork in the road with Team Victory going to the left while the rest of us were trying to decide which path to take as well.

Tyler: "Whatcha think Left? Yeah left is definitely good right Yuna?"

Uteki went in front of us and started to look at the two paths she then pointed to the left path and I instantly carried her into my arms.

We started to walk through the left path that Tyler picked for us. It was extremely hot so we all took our time to reach where Chris was standing.

Chris immediately stroked Uteki as she yelped at him causing him to awe and keep petting her  as Tyler tried to explain what was missing from the zip line.

Tyler: "Where's the hanging on thingy part?"

Chris: "The hanging on thingy?"

Tyler: "You know the riding stick... the zipper buckle handle!"

Yuna: "You mean the T bar it's gone probably because of Team Victory but good guess Tyler"

Alejandro: "We need no T bar we are Team Chris is really really really really hot!!"

I videoed him saying that and sent it to his father needless to say his father sent me a text saying that's my boy with a smile face at the end of it.

Alejandro shouted arriba as he went down followed by Owen who burned his hands making me cringe in pain for him then Tyler went next taking off his pants who got bit by piranhas.

Izzy stuffed Noah into her backpack and rode down it as me and Chris were laughing at Noah who glared at us both.

I got out my umbrella and used the hook to grab onto the zip line. Uteki jumped onto my head as I took a deep breath before leaping off felling the wind in my hair cheering in excitement as I reached my team.

I walked past Alejandro and flipped my hair as he looked at me in awe probably because of my awesome skills as Izzy walked beside me.

Izzy: "You didn't tell me you had a magic umbrella!!!!"

Me: "No Izzy I just used this to join our team speaking of which should be catching up to us right about now"

The boys finally caught up to us as we finally made it to a clearing where we could set up camp.

I rested on the ground with Uteki in my arms watching the clouds go by which always relaxes me whenever I'm in Japan. Thoughts were racing through my head thinking about Japan.

Although I was happy I was doing this I started to think was I okay moving from my village or away from Japan. I didn't notice Alejandro coming over to me and sitting next to me.

We both sat next to each other in total silence with Uteki playing with Izzy as she playfully growled at her. I still watched the clouds but Alejandro placed his hand over mine hiding the blush forming on my face.

Alejandro: "You're thinking of them aren't you Angel?"

Me: *Sighs* "I just feel like I'm letting them down but at the same time making them proud"

Alejandro: "Angel you are doing them extremely proud and I feel you are the most determined out of all of us even me"

I laughed before shaking my head as the team set up the camp. Night was slowly falling over us as Alejandro lit the fire for us.

I was leaning on Alejandro's shoulder as I was watching the flames while sharing my marshmallows with everyone. Alejandro hand was still over mine so I didn't mind as I slowly fell asleep on his shoulder.

3rd Point Of View
Alejandro notices Yuna asleep on his shoulder as he silently chuckles and placed her along with himself onto the ground and rests himself against the log falling asleep with Yuna in his arms.

During the night growling is heard by Noah and Owen discussing what might be causing the growling.

Alejandro: "What is that?"

Owen blows on the fire revealing giant caterpillars surrounding the campers. They all scream except Yuna as she reaches for her backpack and lifts out her candy supplies attracting the caterpillars.

She throws them deep into the forest as the caterpillars chase after them with everyone breathing a sigh of relief with Yuna still shaking.

Alejandro helps her by bringing her into a hug as she grips onto him gently as he softly pets her head as she slowly falls asleep on him as they both have a smile on their faces causing Izzy to take a photo of them together.

Time Skip To The Next Day
Team Chris wakes up and rushes to where the next challenge is with Yuna and Izzy racing each other causing Owen to cheer both of them on.

As they reach the challenge Uteki jumps into Chef's arms as he scratches her ears making Yuna take a photo of them as Team Chris begin searching for the idol.

Uteki scratches the ground where Alejandro and Yuna are which the two of them begin digging the spot revealing the golden idol as they both cheer in victory.

Team Chris lifts Yuna in the air with her smiling as Alejandro lifts her down but his hands don't leave her waist as she looks down at the ground nervously as he soon relishes the warmth coming from her.

Time Skip
Yuna is currently flying the plane listing to the radio nodding her head to the rhythm with Sierra rushing in crying her eyes out.

Yuna: "Sierra what happened no internet connection!!??"

Sierra: "No.....Cody....Cody......Cody voted for me!!!!!!" *Sobs uncontrollably*

Yuna nearly cries herself as she holds her hand and nearly loses her cool before announcing something on the intercom.

Yuna: *Intercom* "Good evening Contestants this is your temporary captain of the total drama plane Yuna but I have a sad announcement to make: Cody Emmet Jameson Anderson has broken poor sweet Sierra's heart and he better hear this worse of all Cody you made Uteki cry!!!!!! Mark my words Cody you will pay.....Thank you and have a good night sleep"

Yuna hi fives Sierra as the two form a plan to help Sierra get married to him and have a happily ever after unaware of Alejandro smiling at the two friends but mostly smiling at Yuna.

End Of Episode 8

A/n: Hey Guys
1: Sorry it's been so long
2: I'm proud of this chapter
3: When should Alejandro confess his love to Yuna!
Okay Peace!!!!

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