Can't Stop Thinking About You...

De CynthTheWriter

20.3K 223 506

There's gayness! There's smut! There's fluff! There's against! There's abuse in different ways! Now enjoy the... Mais



497 5 12
De CynthTheWriter

Alfred suddenly teared up, dropping the bag that he bought for Mystery and ran up to him then hugged him tightly. He missed Mystery hugs since he felt so cold without him. Alfred, didn't want to let go this time; Not what just actually happened yesterday with all the drinking. Mystery hugged back gently, feeling the warmth around Alfred. He had to admit he really missed Alfred.

Alfred cried on Mystery chest, he missed him so much. Alfred didn't know what he could've done if Mystery wasn't around him anymore. Mystery just gently started crying.

He forgot all about the whisky for a moment, he was just so happy to see Alfred once again.

Alfred- I missed you so f*cken much!

Mystery- language Alfred but..I missed you too

Alfred and Mystery didn't stop the hug anytime soon. The only thing that have made them stop when Mystery noticed a bag that Alfred had with him.

Mystery- hey Alfred, don't mean to ruined the moment, but what's in the bag?

Alfred and Mystery both looked at the bag.

Alfred- I almost forgot to give it to you!

They let go off each other and walked to the bag what Alfred gave him. Alfred handed the gift to Mystery then Mystery saw what's inside.

Alfred- do you like it?

Mystery eyes sparkled when he saw candy.

Mystery- Like it? I love it!

Mystery hugged Alfred then kissed his forehead. As Alfred tail started to wag.

Alfred- I'm glad you love it


It was 6:48pm, Mystery and Alfred picked up the car and Mystery drove.

Alfred- Be careful Mystery! I don't want to see you get hurt anymore...

Mystery- don't worry Freddy, I won't let that happen again

Mystery kept driving and Alfred looked out the window frame. They were up at a mountain and the view looked amazing, seeing the city that became more smaller.

Alfred- Jeremy where are we heading?

Mystery- It's a surprise~

Alfred- common, you know I don't like surprises

Mystery- But Freddy~ It's our last day before we go back to work and I want our last day to be perfect!

Alfred blushed then sighed, thinking Mystery will give him a better gift then his own.

Alfred- F-Fine

Mystery- That's the spirit!

Mystery sayed cheerfully while Alfred smiles with a blush; Mystery kept driving while Alfred felt himself getting sleepier. Until he felt a bump, he realized they made it up the mountain.

There's was nobody there exept for them. Mystery and Alfred got out of the car as Mystery put his hands on Alfred eyes, not letting him see.

Alfred- Please don't make me trip

Alfred sayed in a nervous tone

Mystery- don't worry my love~ I won't let that happen~

Mystery stopped Alfred steps and opened Alfred's eyes.

Mystery- Ta-Da!

Alfred was amazed by the view. It was the sun down and Alfred finnaly got the chance to see it. Mystery and Alfred sat down seeing the sun go down.

Mystery looked over at Alfred who eyes were shining because of the sun. He thought Alfred looked cute  then looked back at the sun. The sun went down slower and slower, until it finnaly made it to a different surface.

Mystery and Alfred thought it looked amazing and beautiful. To see something they never seen before until now.

Alfred- Mystery that was beautiful

Mystery- I'm glad you liked your suprise

Alfred- I loved it

Mystery went behind Alfred then kissed his cheek, causing Alfred to blush.

Alfred- Mystery!

Alfred giggled making Mystery blushed how cute Alfred giggles were.

Mystery- gosh dammit Alfred. Why do you have to be so cute!?~

Alfred- h-hey I'm not cute!

Alfred sayed blushing more than he was before. Mystery pinned Alfred to the grass, leaving Alfred to blush massively.

Alfred- J-Jeremy?

Mystery French kissed Alfred and Alfred was shock all the sudden.

Alfred- Mmpf!~

Alfred was enjoying this so much that he wanted more. Alfred French kissed back, feeling turned on. After a couple of minutes they stop leaving saliva between their lips.

Alfred- ah~ M-Mystery more~ Plleeeaase~

Mystery just grinned then let go of the shibu, leaving a messy blush on Alfred.

Mystery- Man, your so greedy that it makes you look even more cute~

Alfred- Mystery what the hell?! You son of-

Mystery put his index finger on Alfred lips to shush him.

Mystery- I know I just teased you but can you keep it down for your...master?~

Alfred blushed massively hearing what Mystery just told him. Alfred just listened to Mystery command. After a couple of seconds, Mystery let his index finger go of Alfred lips.

Mystery- Awe~ Your such a good puppy~

Mystery kissed Alfred lips once more before they enjoy the view of the city.

Alfred- I hate you..

Alfred sayed putting his head on Mystery chest.

Mystery- I love you too~

Mystery and Alfred were enjoying the nice view of the city lights while talking and cuddling. Alfred couldn't think of anything that can ruin this moment.


Mystery and Alfred made it home, sleeping in Mystery bedroom. Feeling eachother warmthe.

It was 5:20am in the morning and Mystery had just woken up. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. The feline turn around to see Alfred sleeping peacefully. Mystery gently smiles the leaned forward to kiss Alfred forehead. The feline got off bed soon after he was able to finnaly stay awake.

He walked over to his closet and grabbed a towl and his clean clothes. To take a nice relaxing shower. Mystery was about to walk out, until he heared Alfred muffling around.

Alfred- where are you going?

Alfred said weakly, still to tiered to see what's going on. Mystery walked over to him then kissed his lips softly.

Mystery- Mystery needs to go to work, you go at 7:00am. Remember that puppy~

Alfred- yes Mystery..

Mystery- Nah non na! What is it?

Alfred groaned for a moment with a blush across his face.

Alfred- yes m-master

Mystery patted Alfred head.

Mystery- good puppy~

Mystery sayed with a smirk then Alfred just went back to sleep and Mystery smiled at him warmly. He walked down stairs over to the bathroom then took off his clothes from yesterday. Mystery got the water ready then went in, taking a shower.


Mystery walked to work since he didn't want Alfred to walk to their job. After twenty minutes of walking, Mystery finally made it right on time. He walked toward to his office and unlocked it. Mystery went in and closed the door behind him then sat down on his desk doing the bills.

Mystery did a nonstop of working until around seven there was a loud thump on the wall. He decided to go to the next room which was one of the patients room. He opened it and saw Kao.

Mystery- What's the meaning of all this Kao?

Mystery said sternly until he notice blood coming out of Kao forehead. This surprised Mystery and he ran over to get an aid box and return to Kao. He bent down to Kao level while the little ram started crying of how much pain he had in him.

Mystery- sh, calm down Kao. It's just me

Kao calmed himself down then was able to speak.

Mystery- how did this happen?

Kao- o-one of the patients ran away when I tried to stop him but he just grabs me and throws me hard on the wall. I'm sorry Mr. Burns

Mystery- Kao this is not your fault, we'll get that patient back and it okay to call me by my name. We are friends after all

Kao- Right..sorry Mystery

Mystery- no need to apologize. Now hold still, I need to check your forehead

Kao- Kay

Mystery went close to Koa face to studie his forehead, to know how damaged it was. 

Apparently that was a bad idea to look a little to close. Alfred was trying to look for Mystery to ask a question but once he found the feline. He saw Mystery close to Kao face that seemed like they were kissing. Alfred jumped to conclusions, thinking Mystery had been cheating on him.


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