Chase Me To My Grave (used to...

By AmariannaRose

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Nadezda (means "hope" origin Slavic) Vāsuki-Nāgī is the daughter of Cissie who is an mediocre butcher/cook wh... More

My Hero🦸‍♂️
💐🌹First Date Fears😱😨
When The Past Returns To Take You Away From Your Future
Strength Of The Heart❣💖💞💕💗💓💘💝
Back Where She Belongs.... With ME!!
Life As A Zombified Non-Zombie🧟‍♀️🧟🧟‍♂️
Heading "Home" Once Again🏡🏠
Hard Headed Soldier🪖
🤕🧠What A Headache💆🏻‍♂️💆🏽‍♀️
💔👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨In Love With The Heartless🥰💘
He's All The Rage😠💢😡
👁️👁️Well Would You Look At That!👀🙈!

Taking The Long Way Home🛣️🏡

289 4 1
By AmariannaRose

****☝🏻Chase's nickname for the exquisitely recherché woman he loves pronunciation👆🏻****

When Wednesday rolled around Chase was surprised to see Nadezda walk out of the café in the same outfit he bought her for their date on Monday carrying a takeaway cup of coffee and a white paper bag with the café logo on it he was leaning up against his car with his arms crossed along his chest waiting for her but honestly not expecting to show "what?!.... did you honestly believe I would start a new life in the same old clothes?!"  she teasingly asks with a soft chuckle in her tone "no!.... I didn't expect you to come at all!.... just how long have you been in there?!"  he replies as he straightens "oh about a half an hour!"  she replies with a smile he laughs "sitting at that booth by that window watching you stare at the door as I slowly eat my breakfast.... the daintiest bites you'd ever witness!.... if you were paying attention!"  she continues pointing at the very window and booth where he saw her the first time they met a week after the club incident "but to make up for it I bought you breakfast"  she adds handing the bag and cup over to him he chuckles he leans forward to kiss her cheek but after seeing the fear in her eyes he changes his mind and opens the passenger side door for her then closes it after she climbs inside.... they spent most of the ride in silence but he found that it didn't matter just having her there was enough they didn't need to strike up a conversation as a matter of fact he wasn't sure what he would say he has yet to get over the shock of her being there at all he kept staring over at her as she watched the scenery change outside her window and when she fell asleep he would call up a nearby hotel order a room, leave her in the car to go get the key, come back then carry her to the room.... man she was so warm, light, soft.... he stared down at her as he picked her up and laid her in his arms shocked that she didn't wake up and that he was holding her he almost kissed her forehead but feared that the soft touch of his lips would be the one thing that did wake her up so he didn't he just carried her to the room, unlocked then opened the door and laid her down on one of the beds.... yes he got a room with two beds as a matter of fact he made sure that they had such a room available before renting it out it was also the reason he didn't carry her inside till after he got the key so they couldn't try and change his mind he was enjoying his time with her he didn't want his anger to ruin anything and he knew that if they pressured him long and hard enough he would most certainly get angry he couldn't wait to get home to his dog White Fang and wondered how she would react to him.... he had left his pooch in the care of his brother and sister in law while he was in Seattle.... Chase lay in the bed beside the one she slept in and watched her sleep with a soft smile on his face until he in turn fell asleep himself.... Nadezda woke up in an unfamiliar place and became frightened it wasn't until she saw Chase's peacefully sleeping body in a bed next to hers that she calmed down slightly she cautiously got out of the bed she was in walked over to the bed he was in and gently touched his shoulder.... Chase woke with a start at her soft touch then he looked up and saw the frightened expression on her face and begs softly as she slowly starts to back away from him in fear "no!.... don't do that!.... it's alright Nadezdahe sits up slowly and asks "shall we go?!"  she nods he smiles as he stands up and says "I'm starving how about you!?"  she smiles and nods he grips her wrist gently and feels her pulse race and he frowns then he feels her lips softly touch his cheek the kiss was so soft he barely felt it in his shock he let go of her wrist and he smiles as he watches her vivacious figure move away from him....

Before heading to the diner for breakfast Chase and Nadezda take separate showers being that Nadezda only had the one outfit she ended up wearing something of his rolling the sleeves and pant legs a few times as well as one of his belts with an extra hole that he ended up making with the point of a Swiss army knife just to make them fit he chuckles softly with a smile when he sees her walk out of the bathroom in one of his button up shirts and a pair of jeans.... she even borrowed a pair of his boxers.... his eyebrow raises at how sexy she looked in his clothes seeing his expression Nadezda blushes which makes his smile grow.... while waiting for their food at the diner Chase shows Nadezda a picture of his dog "he's adorable!"  she says with a smile after a short pause she asks softly "Chase?!.... where will I be staying when we get there?!"  he replies "with me"  her eyes widen with a hint of fear shining in them and he assures her "you'll have your own room.... though I would suggest leaving your door open at night depending on how you two take to one another you might end up sharing your bed with White Fang"  she smiles.... after breakfast they head back out onto the road.... a few hours later they pull up to a stone front ranch style house.... Chase had called his brother when they had stopped for gas during the halfway mark to warn him of their arrival.... she pumped he paid and the cashier commented on the beauty of his wife.... which he did not correct and tell the man that they WEREN'T married.... so when they pulled into the driveway of Chase's home a little white mutt ran out of a small doggy door out into the yard and yapped in the most adorable way Chase smiles when he saw White Fang rush straight up to Nadezda and got lots of lovin from her which in some small way made him jealous that she stayed calm with his dog but still feared him at times and that White Fang got more love than he did even though it's been barely a month since they knew each other he still wished that they were closer he's trying to be patient but she makes it very hard to do so especially after that kiss even though it was just on the cheek he started to wonder what they would feel like up against his lips, their taste, EVERYTHING and her soft teasing personality.... when she wasn't so afraid of everything.... "I see how it is!.... cheater!"  Chase mutters playfully at his pup making Nadezda chuckle softly which makes him smile....

Chase and White Fang gave Nadezda the full tour of his home then they took her shopping for clothes as well as things for her room so she could make it her own.... that night Chase passed by Nadezda's room and found White Fang curled up against her body as she slept "now I'm really jealous!"  he mutters to himself with a small smirk then heads to his own room and falls asleep himself.... about an hour or so later Chase felt an extra warmth cover the front of his body and woke to find Nadezda laying next to him "I'm sorry!.... I....!"  she says softly as she turns her body to face him not meeting his eyes he smiles and slides the tips of his fingers around her forehead and down her chin softly as he says "don't worry about it.... come here!"  he gently spins her back around wraps his arm around her waist and pulls her closer to him and whispers into her ear with a soft smokey tone "I'm glad you're here!"  her body quivers softly at the sound of his voice and he smiles this was the first time she ever answered his touch without being afraid and he was going to take full advantage of it he wasn't the only one a few seconds later White Fang jumped up on the bed and cuddled up to her body once again making the two humans chuckle Chase kisses her temple and whispers "goodnight Nade (pronounced Nadya)her body jolts in surprise but she whispers "goodnight Chase"  then they both close their eyes and fall into a peaceful slumber

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