The Unfortunate Task of Dating

Von Rhirhi99

39 3 0

Everyone around Ava seems to be in a relationship and maturing as couples. This never used to worry Ava howev... Mehr

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Six

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Von Rhirhi99

I woke up to a message from Jessie this morning asking for me to help him decide on a suit for his wedding. I was shocked to say the least, they only got engaged a few days ago but he told me that him and Shay just couldn't bare to wait and want their wedding to happen as soon as possible.

It would be so easy for me to assume that the real reason they want the wedding to be done so early is because they don't want to do it later on when Shay has a big baby bump, or after she's given birth because it would just be too hard with a baby and consequently, they would be shorter on money.

It would be such an easy thing, to assume that, and I have no doubt that when some of our friends and family find out that Shay is pregnant, I'm sure they'll be thinking exactly that, but I know the truth. I know Jessie and Shay and I know that none of those factors have influenced their decision because they wouldn't care when, where or how they get married because they are just so deeply in love with each other.

There was a time that I thought that their love for each other would eventually disappear and they would go their separate ways but they defied the odds and have proven to me that the fairy tale romance that so many people crave, (myself included), is real but is most likely one in a million. I don't mind though, because I would give up my perfect romance a hundred times over if it meant my brother could be with his one true love.

"So, what do you think about this one?" my brother questions, looking at himself in the mirror. I look him up and down and try to show him a supportive smile but he sees through it within two seconds. "You don't like it," he states looking slightly deflated.

"It's not that I don't like it. It's just that it kind of looks exactly the same as the last four you have tried on," I say trying not to bring down his spirits too much.

"No, you're right. I just want it to be perfect."

"I know you do but you do know that Shay is going to marry you no matter what suit you pick. I mean she's not going to look and you and be like 'ugh, he went with that one," and then ditch you at the altar."

"I know that. It's just that it is such a big decision and I just want to look as good as possible." He sits down on the couch next to me and leans his head back on the cushions behind us.

"Look. You stay here and I'll go and see if I can find you something else, okay?" I say, getting a double thumbs up which I take as confirmation to go.

Looking through the racks, absolutely nothing is jumping out at me. I go to meet back up with Jessie, empty handed unfortunately when I hear a voice that sounds annoyingly familiar. I follow the voice, hearing them say "Alright, I call you later," before seeing who it belongs to. I drop to the floor in hopes of hiding but I somehow got myself caught on one of the suits and the whole rack comes tumbling down on top of me.

I lie there for a minute, not moving, just trying to evaluate all of the moments in my life that lead me to this point before I hear people trying to lift the coat rack back up. I accept the hand in front of me and get pulled up, back onto my feet and recognition sweeps across Mason's face. He turns and helps the shop assistant put the suits back on the rack before telling them that he's got this and will make sure I'm alright. They leave without much convincing.

"Ava. So, one of your dates worked out well I'm guessing," he says smirking at me.

"If you must know they have all been brilliant but I've decided to just see who else is out there first before making any decisions," I reply stubbornly, crossing my arms over my chest in a huff.

"Right. Because the sweat master was a real hit, and then there was the boy who was clearly into the opposite sex and oh! Let's not for the little millionaire who must be half your age. Yeah. You're right. They were brilliant."

"Fine, so maybe they weren't that great but I don't see why it's any of your business," I say dismissively as I begin looking through the suits again, hoping he'll take the hint and leave me alone.

"What are you doing here anyway? I didn't take you for a suit kind of girl."

"I'm looking for my brother. He's getting married soon and he wanted my opinion. And why are you here?"

"My sister's best friend is getting married and she's basically like family so we all got an invite. Well not an official invite because they haven't been sent off yet but my sister said we are are all most definitely invited."

I spy a suit that actually looks promising and grab it off the rack, careful to not bring the whole thing down this time. "Well, I've got to run so, see ya," I say basically power walking out of there and back to Jessie.

"What to you so long?" Jessie groans as I reach him.

"Oh haha, ugh some idiot knocked over a suit rack so I was helping the shop assistants put them all back where they belong," I respond, shoving the suit is his hands.

He walks in the direction of the changing rooms before turning and saying "it was you wasn't it?"

I just nod my head with a pout on my mouth and Jessie walks into the changing room laughing.

The curtain opens and he pokes his head out, a massive grin on his face, "Are you ready?" he questions.

"So ready," I reply sitting up straighter.

He steps out and I am stunned. He looks amazing. The suit is a nice, navy blue colour with the lapels and tie being darker and with a satin material. He has a simple white button up on underneath with a matching white pocket handkerchief.

"This is the one," He says, turning away from the mirror to look at me.

"This is the one," I repeat smiling at him.

Clearly, I'm much better with men's fashion than I am with women's fashion. Mental note, practise putting outfits together for myself.

"Where are we going?" I question as Jessie drives straight past the turn off that would take us home.

"Okay now I was going to tell you but I wasn't sure if we'd even get time to go and I sort of kind of put it off because I knew if I told you, you wouldn't what to go," Jessie says rushing his words out.

"Wouldn't want to go where?" I question, squinting my eyes at him.

"Dancing lessons."

"Dancing lessons? Why Jessie, Why?"

"Well, because I want to be able to dance with Shay without stepping on her toes but I want it to be a surprise so I couldn't go with her so my next best option was you."

"Jessie! This so is not fair co-"

"Please, for me," Jessie says cutting me off.

I look at him for a minute before sighing and he smiles a little, knowing that he has won. "You're lucky I love you," I grumble.

Turning the music back up, I look out of the window and try to prepare myself for what is about to come.

Jessie is over there working with the dance teacher and I got stuck with some old guy who keeps trying to cop a feel.

"You remind me of my first wife," he says, smiling suggestively at me.

"Oh well poor her," I reply pulling myself away from him and sitting down on the bench.

I eventually change positions and lie down on the bench and play with my phone. Turning it to camera, I hold it above my head and move it up and down making faces at myself.

"AVA!" Jessie shouts in my ear.

Me being me I drop my phone on my face and while trying to stop it falling on me, I lose my balance and roll off of the bench and fall onto the floor.

Looking up at him, I give him the death stare, "What Jessie, what?" I question picking myself up off of the floor.

"I just had the best idea," he says, basically bouncing on the spot.

"Not another one of your good ideas, please."

"Trust me, you're going to love this one."

"Fine. Hit me, what is it?"

"We should do our dance at the wedding!"

"Our dance?"

"Yes, our dance! The one we made up to 'Hot N Cold' by Katy Perry."

"You want to perform that, at your wedding?" I question, looking at him as if to say 'are you sure that's what you want to do?'

"Yes! I do! I think it would be so good. Shay would love it and so would mum."

I think it over for a minute but I know what my answer will be as soon as I picture mum's face when she sees us performing it together.

"Okay. Let's do it," I say, a smile creeping on my face.

"Good choice sis," he says, giving me a hug.

"Do you even remember it?"

"Well, most of it and I'm sure we can find the video so we can watch it to fill in the parts that we forgot."

"I forgot she videoed it! Maybe we should play it in the background while we dance to it?" I say thinking out loud.

"That's why you're my sister," Jessie says smiling, "always filled with great ideas."

"So does that mean we can get out of here now?"

"Yeah, I think I got the hang of it and from the looks of it, you needed a lot more help than I needed anyway," he chuckles as he walks towards the exit sign.

"Hey, you didn't say that when we made up that dance together!" I yell as I chase after him.

Jessie comes home with me and we are thankful for once to see that mum isn't home yet. We steal her computer and start looking through her photos and videos.

"It's got to be in here somewhere," I say as I scour her computer for the dancing video.

"Wait go back, is it that one?" Jessie says, point at one of the videos.

I bring it up and upon realising that it is the one that we want, we watch it, laughing at ourselves the whole way through.

"This is going to be hilarious," I laugh, getting up next to Jessie, "so, should we try and go through it without the music first?"

"Yeah that's probably the most sensible idea," he says stretching his arms out.

It goes about as well as you can imagine and our dance moves make me want to burst out laughing. From hair whips, to rolling on the floor, to having a secret handshake we laugh and laugh and it makes me realise just how much I miss my brother.

We get so caught up we forget to pay attention to the time and we freeze when we hear mum coming in the front door.

"Jessie. I wasn't expecting to see you today!" She yells down the hallway. We quickly close the video off of mum's computer and I race it back to her room. I'm glad we thought to copy it earlier on. I race back to Jessie and make it just as mum comes in.

"Why are you two all sweaty?" She questions suspiciously.

Jessie and I look at each other hoping the other will think of an excuse.

"Have you two been practicing your slow dancing together for the wedding?" she asks slyly, a smiling forming on her face.

"Yep! How did you know?" I burst out, way too loud and Jessie hits my arm to try and tell me to cool it.

"You guys think I'm not clued in but I am onto it," she says while trying to click her fingers in a 'z' formation.

We try to not laugh at her but we fail miserably and mum just puts her hands on her hips in mock annoyance.

"Well I'd better be off anyway," Jessie says grabbing his keys off of the bench.

"No. You have to stay, please Jess, I barely get to see you these days," Mum whines and I can see that Jessie is going to give in. Neither of us are strong enough to say no to our mum.

"Okay, I'll stay," he says and mum rushes up and gives him a big hug.

"Okay, Ava. I need you to go turn the oven on to 180 degrees please," she says as she walks away.

"Aye, Aye captain," I say, mock saluting her.

Dinner was great. We all had such a good time, laughing, joking and reminiscing. We walk to the front door and say our goodbyes to Jessie.

"We better see you and Shay around here more often," mum says fiercely.

"I promise to make more of an effort," he says, giving her another hug goodbye. "Wait. Stay there," he says as he runs back to the car. He walks back holding a cream envelope with 'Mum & Ava' written on the front in beautiful handwriting.

"You're invite to the wedding," he says smiling to us, "I have to remember to stop off at the post office box on my way home so I can send the rest of them off. I was meant to do it this morning, oops," he says shrugging his shoulders up.

We say our goodbyes and make our way back inside. We go to the kitchen and mum opens up the invitation. It is so gorgeous but the thing that stands out to us is the date. It's in 2 weeks.

"I knew it was going to happen soon but I didn't think it would be that soon," mum says looking at me worriedly, "how on earth are they going to get everything organised by then?"

"It's Jessie and Shay mum. They always figure everything out," I smile as I walk around the bench and give her a hug.

"Love you," I say as I kiss her cheek.

"Love you too babe," she responds though she doesn't take her eyes off of the invitation.

Mental note, get a date for the wedding.


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