The Unfortunate Task of Dating

By Rhirhi99

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Everyone around Ava seems to be in a relationship and maturing as couples. This never used to worry Ava howev... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Five

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By Rhirhi99

I was feeling a bit down this morning. I had to make the shameful walk back to Food for the people to pick up my bike. I tried carrying it home which would have been entertaining to watch because I went through multiple different ways of carrying it. I tried sitting on it and Flintstoning it home which was unsuccessful, then I tried holding over one shoulder because I've seen lots of guys carry things that way, I lost my balance with this and the bike ended up on my back which actually wasn't too bad but wasn't practical as I couldn't get a good grip on it so I ended up holding it in front up me and picking it up but this still had its issues because I had to put it down every ten or so steps because my arms would get tired.

Lizzy on the other hand, was in a completely different mood to me. She was pumped for today. She came over about lunch time to let me know that since I skipped on 'the one' last night, I'm going to be going on that date today. She won't tell me anything about him except for the fact that he was 'really keen' to meet me.

I trust her instincts but before I can even think about going out, there are a few things I need to deal with. Firstly, my sunburn.

"Now see, I just don't think foundation is going to be enough. The only way I'm going to be able to cover up all of this sunburn is if I want to go on this date looking like a cake face," I say, looking at my face in the mirror with my foundation in my hand. "Can't you just look up some remedies and see if there's anything decent," I pester, hoping that she'll eventually just give in and do as I say.

"Look, why don't you just put some more aloe vera on?" she says as an attempt to shut me up.

"I've had aloe vera on all day and nothing has changed! Except for the fact that my face feels disgusting now." I scrunch up my face in an effort to support my argument.

"Fine. I'll have a look and see if anything pops up if it'll shut you up," Lizzy grumbles as she opens my laptop. She seems to be quite proud of herself since nothing good appears to be coming up but then she goes onto this one site which suggest using menthol foam shaving cream.

"At this point I'm willing to try anything," I say, feeling a bit hopeless. I message mum and ask her to grab some on her way home from work.

"So, I think you should go full glam tonight," Lizzy suggests as she looks through my wardrobe.

"Won't I look a little overdressed?" I say back, not liking the path this is going down.

"Trust me, something tells me this guy is going to go all or nothing," she says as she walks out of my room and down to mum's.

"Okay seriously. You have got to tell me where you met this guy!" I cry to her, my interest growing with each minute.

"Well, okay. But you have to promise to keep an open mind," she says stepping closer and grabbing a hold of my arms. "I met him on an online poker match."

"You what? So, you haven't even met him? You have got to be kidding me!" I go to walk away but she keeps a hold of my hands.

"No Ava! You don't understand. He bet a lot of money. I mean a lot a lot. Like it was ridiculous and so I was like hey why not," she says slowly letting go of my hands.

"Well that still doesn't mean I have to go full glam though? He could just go casual," I suggest.

"Yeah well, he actually probably will expect full glam since I told him that you are the perfect match for him because you are extremely proper." She peeks at me from between her fingers, as if that's going to save her.

I tackle her to the ground and we're both screaming. "Why would you do that? I don't know the first thing about being proper and secondly, we already know I'm a terrible liar! Why would you set me up for failure?" I cry sitting on top of her now.

The door swings open and mum walks in. "I got the shaving cream."

I get off of Lizzy and grab it "thanks mum," I say, giving her a little smile.

"It's okay, is everything good in here?" She questions, looking between the two of us.

"Yeah, all good," I reply, giving her a tight smile.

She leaves us be and Lizzy gets up. "Look would you just give it a chance? If you don't like him then all you've lost is one night. Please," she says as she gives me the puppy dog eyes.

"Fine. But I'm not going to be happy about it," I say as I hold out the shaving cream for her to put on me.

She runs up to me and squeals. Yeah, I'm not kidding, she actually squeals and gives me a hug. She leads me back to my room where I put a towel down on the floor to lay on. Hey, I may not be the smartest person but I am pretty quick on my feet when I have to think of ways around cleaning up messes.

"Okay, now shut your eyes and don't breathe," she says with determination in her voice.

She makes sure to take a couple of photos of me with shaving cream on my face saying it is a crucial part of the process. We wait half an hour before I go to the bathroom to wash it off. To say I'm amazed is an understatement. There is still a tinge of red to my face but it is so much better than before.

"This is actually a miracle worker," I say, completely stunned by the results. I can tell that Lizzy is surprised as well but she's too stubborn to admit that she was wrong and I'm just so happy that I can't even be bothered teasing her about this. Maybe this is a sign that this is going to be a good date.

I feel my energy rise and I'm starting to feel good about myself and what the night will bring. I'm feeling so good that I barely had control over the words that came out of my mouth, "Okay. Let's do it. Let's go full glam."

Lizzy just smirks at me, nodding her head as though she new I was going to give into her. She walks out of the bathroom and comes back holding a gorgeous blue and sliver dress with silver heels in her other hand.

"I stole this from your mum's closet, I don't think she'll mind," She says, clearly proud by her find.

"Okay, but don't expect me to be an expert in those heels. And you better not make me walk there," I laugh as I make my way out of the bathroom and start to get ready for my date.

Waving as Lizzy drives off, I turn around and prepare myself for this date. Surely if I go in with a positive mind set, it can only have a positive outcome. Walking in, the waiter who has served me the past few nights is already waiting for me. I get closer and read his nametag, Mason.

"Hello mam, lovely to see you again," he says with a mischievous grin.

"I feel we are at the point where you can call me by my name," I say, joking with him. Sticking my hand out I continue "it's Ava, and sorry about the rose."

Accepting my hand, he gives it a quick few shakes before letting go and begins leading me to my table.

"The rose is all forgotten by the way. You just enjoy your night. Your date is already here," he says, a laugh playing on his lips. "I must say, I think he will be very impressed with what he sees."

I look at him curiously, my stomach starting to twist as I have no idea what is going to be waiting for me at the table.

I stop dead in my tracks when I see my date and I lose all ability to control my legs. Mason realises and comes back to my side. Putting his hand on my arm in an effort to assist me to the table, he comments with a smirk "Ava, you must keep moving. It would be rude to keep your date waiting."

I sit down across from my date and accept his hand as he introduces himself, "I'm Tommy, thanks for meeting with me. I must say I am impressed with what I see. I'm assuming you're Ava," he states and I just nod my head as confirmation. I don't trust my voice so I take this moment to assess what is in front of me. He's dressed from head to toe in a tuxedo, hair gelled with not a lose hair in sight. I can see a glimpse of a watch on his wrist and from the glance that I got, I'm assuming it's a Rolex. I land on his face and I just about gag. This must be illegal? He looks like he is 12 years old and I have no idea what to do or how to get out of this situation.

"Speechless? Don't worry about it. I tend to have that effect on people. It's a curse that I was born with but I've learnt to use it to my advantage," he talks as though this is a common occurrence.

I forget all about being proper but something tells me that it's really not going to matter. It's not like I'm hoping this date works out.

I stare at him for a little bit longer and watch as he swirls his water, sniffs it then takes a sip out of it as if it were a glass of wine.

"How old are you?" I question, leaning forward on my hands, cutting straight to the chase.

"13 years old sweet cheeks but give it another two months and I'll be 14," he smirks as though I'd be impressed by this.

"Okay Tommy. Well you see, I'm actually 19 so this probably isn't the best match but I thank you so much for coming out tonight to meet me," I say, trying to sound kind so that I don't hurt his feelings.

"Oh, I know how old you are but listen honey bun, age is but a number to me," he says as though he is oh so wise from his many years on this earth.

"Listen Tommy, I'm just going to use the bathroom really quickly, okay?" I say as though it's a question however I'm up and out of my seat before he even has time to answer.

I grab my phone out of my purse and start dialling Lizzy's number.

"Pick up, pick up, pick up," I mumble into my phone as I pace the bathroom.

"Ava?" she answers confusedly.

"Lizzy. You better come and get me right now or I swear you are never going to hear the end of this," I practically scream at her.

"What's going on Ava? Are you alright?" she questions, concern laced in her voice.

"I am out with a 13-year-old. You dolled me up and basically prostituted me to a little 13-year-old boy!" I yell at her. I start looking for a way to get out and see a window that is cracked open a little. Using all the strength I have in me, I push myself up and manage to swing a leg over. Bringing my other leg over, I prepare myself before pushing myself off of the ledge and landing on the ground outside of the bathroom. Bringing the phone back to my ear, I return my focus to Lizzy.

"I'm outside now, so drop whatever you are doing and come and get me," I say angrily.

"Ava, I can't. I didn't expect you to be finished this early so I let Grace borrow the car for a while," she says, followed by a string of apologies. I know it's not entirely her fault but she is the one who set us up. A frustrated sigh makes its way out of my mouth and I think over my options. I could just drop everything and run but I'd feel guilty leaving a 13-year-old in there. I guess I know what I'm going to have to do.

"Fine. I'll go back in but you better be ready to pick me up when this 'date' is over," I say, not waiting for a reply and hanging up the phone. I know there's no point trying to climb back through the window so I storm back in through the front door. I start making my way back to our table when Mason catches up and walks beside me.

"You know, it is rude to skip out on your date. Especially when they've been nothing but kind to you," he says without looking at me.

"Shut it," is all I say in reply and walk faster to the table.

"Hi, Tommy. Sorry I was gone so long," I bark out through gritted teeth.

"No problem. I figured you were just dealing with your period," he replies way too casually. I just about spit out my drink but manage to stop myself before I do.

The night comes to a close and I walk Tommy out to the front of the store.

"So, you got a ride coming?" I question, trying to make a bit of small talk as we wait outside.

"My mum," He replies, nodding at the car that pulls up against the curb.

"Ah well, enjoy the rest of your night," I say before turning around.

"Ava. Why don't you join us, mum will drop you home," he says before hoping in the car and closing the door. I figure the night can't get any weirder so I just silently hop in the back and send Lizzy a text saying I don't need to be picked up, I just can't be bothered dealing with her tonight.

I can't even begin to describe how odd of a sensation it was for me sitting in the back seat of a car while the mum of my 13-year-old date drives me home. It was bizarre to say the least and I was so glad when I was able to step out of that car.

I look at my phone and see I've been spammed with messages from Lizzy but I just ignore them all. She can suffer for a night. I make my way to my bedroom and lie down on my bed grabbing Mr. Teddy.

"You know what Mr. Teddy? Right now, you're in a with a really good chance of being my best date."

Turning off my lamp, I close my eyes but not before seeing a message from Tommy.

From Tommy:

Got your number from your friend.

From Tommy:

Sorry. I don't think this is going to work out.

Well thank god for that.

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