Chase Me To My Grave (used to...

By AmariannaRose

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Nadezda (means "hope" origin Slavic) Vāsuki-Nāgī is the daughter of Cissie who is an mediocre butcher/cook wh... More

My Hero🦸‍♂️
Taking The Long Way Home🛣️🏡
When The Past Returns To Take You Away From Your Future
Strength Of The Heart❣💖💞💕💗💓💘💝
Back Where She Belongs.... With ME!!
Life As A Zombified Non-Zombie🧟‍♀️🧟🧟‍♂️
Heading "Home" Once Again🏡🏠
Hard Headed Soldier🪖
🤕🧠What A Headache💆🏻‍♂️💆🏽‍♀️
💔👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨In Love With The Heartless🥰💘
He's All The Rage😠💢😡
👁️👁️Well Would You Look At That!👀🙈!

💐🌹First Date Fears😱😨

406 4 0
By AmariannaRose

On the same day that Chase saw Nadezda at the café he sees her again walking along the busy sidewalk trying her hardest to look so small that she would disappear.... which in Chase's mind would be very hard for someone so beautiful to do.... or at least not get bumped by the people who pass her by as they rush to and fro to get to where they're going and in his haste to catch up to her he made his very first mistake he walked up behind her and says "hello again!"  she jumps and spins around with a frightened expression on her face and even though he regretted his actions he started to believe he should have tried to walk in front of her before saying hello he was grateful she didn't slap, punch, kick him or even spray him with pepper spray as he was sure many women would have done he frowned when he saw that even though he knew she recognized him she still had that look of fear in her eyes "hey! it's ok I won't hurt you"  he promises in a calm tone and he makes his second mistake and touches her arm as he speaks which makes her even more frightened he looks around and realizes that it might not be all about him but the fact that they were in a crowd and he makes his third mistake by taking her hand in his and leading her to a nearby bookstore then his forth mistake by placing his hands on her shoulders making her look up at him as he says in a soft almost breathless voice "let's try that again".... Nadezda's head tilts curiously as she watches Chase walk out of the bookstore then walk back in a few seconds later saying with a playful tone "fancy meeting you here!"  she chuckles softly and smiles which makes him smile and his body sighs with relief until she turns and starts to walk further into the store and looks around at all the books as though she came in here with a different purpose.... as a customer.... Chase follows her with careful, soft, slow steps "is there something I can do for you soldier boy?!"  she teasingly asks as she slowly slides her fingers down the spine of a random book making his body quiver wishing that he was that book he clears his throat as he tries to calm his now aroused body and says "I never meant to frighten you.... let me make it up to you!.... by asking you to go out on a date with me"  she looks over at him and asks "and just how is taking me out on a date "making it up to me"?!.... I know how selectably observant to are!.... you must have noticed how being around people makes me!"  he leans up sideways against the books and places the tips of his fingers on the top of the spine of one nearby keeping his eyes on her as he says "how am I selectably observant?!"  she mutters under her breath with a shrug "must be a guy thing!"  he let's out a short chuckle and a small smile threatens to slide up her lips as she reaches into her pocket and pulls out a pen and says "not to be totally cliché but give me your hand!.... please!"  he looks at her oddly but does as she "orders" and she writes a number on the back of his hand making him softly chuckle "what?!.... the palm gets sweaty faster than the back and you boys tend to "lose" or reuse papers so.... what am I supposed to do?!.... write it on your forehead so everyone can see it?!... though I could write it on your arm but since you are wearing short sleeves they'll still be able to see it... unless I write it in really really small numb.... ers...."  she asks he bursts out laughing making her smile.... Chase's body sighs at the sight of her gorgeously radiant smile god how he wanted to be able to feel those soft luscious lips on his but he knew that it was to soon for that "it's the number of the phone I just bought before you scared me shitless!.... you ass!"  she tells muttering her last two words him breaking him out of his spell and he let's out a short nervous chuckle "I'm not even sure why I bought it to begin with but since he doesn't know the number you should be safe from my father"  she says then pauses "I'm making things worse aren't I?!"  she asks softly "no!"  he replies a a voice that told her that he was lying and Nadezda frowns then walks away again she picks out a few books, pays for them and walks out of the shop with Chase watching her every movement with a sad expression on his face and a minute or so after she leaves he follows her example by picking out the books his fingers were fiddling with moving them back and forth/up and down as he watched her pay for the ones she picked out and then left....

It wasn't until Chase got back to base camp that he actually tried texting the number she gave him "meet me at the café on Monday at 1600 hours...."  he wrote in a flurry of fingers on would think he was a popular teenage girl who was on her phone way to much with how quickly he texted her "who is this and how did you get my number?! 🤔😜"  was the reply he received not even a minute later and he chuckles softly "I think you know who this is! AND how I got this number"  he texts back with a smile then he hears his comrades in arms voices tease playfully "aww look Chase it texting his girlfriend!"  Chase chuckles but doesn't look up as he bravely "orders" via text "send me a pic so I have something to look at when I call or text you"  a reply came not even two seconds later and he could tell that she was teasing as she says "you just want to show me off to your soldier buddies!"  he chuckles there was a short pause and then a second reply as she writes "I'll send you one if you send me one of you in FULL uniform!"  he chuckles then replies "can do.... it just might be awhile.... I just got in"  to his surprise the next thing he received was a picture of her gorgeous smiling face in a dress much like the one he met her in the first time but unlike that dress the skirt on this one was just a little longer her perfectly voluptuous size C breasts in full view and the sight made his heart beat in rapid percussion "satisfied?!"  she asks via text "very!!..... and now it's my turn!"  he replies as he rushes to go put on his uniform.... which thanks to his family's military standing was a "full" on not just a cadet uniform.... he saves her picture in his gallery to place as his home screen later then he places his phone in his locker and as fast as he could he strips out of his everyday clothes then puts his uniform on then rushes outside and finds one of the cadets and has him take a picture with his phone of him saluting in front of the flag that was at half mast.... the cadet took a little convincing before he was able to "coax" him into taking it but once Chase was satisfied with how the picture turned out he takes his phone back from the cadet and sends it to Nadezda...."so!.... café.... Monday!.... 1600hrs?!.... plllleeeeaaaaasssseeee!"  Chase texts after the photo was delivered "I'll think about it!.... hmm!.... umm!.... sure?!"  came the reply he laughs then groans.... a full week.... he wondered if he'd last that long.... luckily his work kept him busy and her father.... well.... we won't go into that.... no one ever found out about Chase not her mother nor her father Nadezda kept both of her phones close by.... the one she bought that very day and the one she's always had.... but answered Chase's calls and texts a lot faster then she did her parents.... which pissed them both (her parents) off immensely.... Nadezda made the excuse that she didn't know his military schedule and didn't want to get him in trouble with his higher ups if he got caught or was late or whatever by texting and chatting with her.... they both had put the pictures they sent one another as their wallpaper and lock screens on their phones.... well Nadezda had his just as her wallpaper just in case the other phone was found.... though luckily she was smart enough to always keep it locked when not in use.... and she had a pretty good memory so she never had to write down her code/pattern etc. for the lock....

When Monday finally came Chase arrived at the café and sat in the same booth he saw her in the first time with a bouquet of roses mixed with other flowers he sat with his hands on the table his fingers intertwined with one another looking extremely nervous and anxious and not even a half a minute after he arrived Nadezda shows up once again in a overly mini super skimpy dress seeing what she's wearing Chase stands up walks over to her before she makes it to far inside and to many people see her in such a distractingly unforgiving outfit gently grips her arm and leads her back out and towards his car whispering softly "I thought this would happen!"  she looks up and him and says with a curious confused expression on her face as he opens the back door of his car "Chase?!"  he smiles down at her reassuringly and says "I bought you some clothes to change into.... and while you do that I'm going to go get something that I forgot inside"  she nods as he gently helps her climb inside muttering to herself "please tell me it's not a dress!"  Chase chuckles as he closes the door and walks back inside to get her flowers once he reaches the table he was sitting at before she arrived he picks the bouquet off it and heads back out to his car once he climbs in he sees a much calmer looking Nadezda sitting in the back seat with a soft smile on her face wearing the shirt and pants that he bought and he noticed that they fit her body perfectly and as always she looked extremely sexy in them "these are for you!"  he says handing her the bouquet of flowers she takes them with a smile and says softly as she breathes in their scent "thank you!"  he smiles at her then puts his car in gear and drives off.... Chase took Nadezda to an empty field filled with wild flowers and a small waiting picnic basket and blanket sitting in the middle of it he found out a lot about her during their date for she seemed to open her heart up to him and trust him with her deepest darkest secrets what it was like for her to grow up an only child in a controlling, dominating household with no love within it and he began to understand her fears a little better and wanted to protect her from them.... "I have to go back to Ohio on Wednesday.... I'd like you to come with me"  he tells her she looks at him with a surprised expression on her face then says with a soft unsure voice "I don't know!.... I mean.... why would you want me too?!.... we barely know each other and..."  he replies "if you come with me we'll have 30 hours to get to know one another"  she chuckles softly which makes him smile "can I think about it?!.... after all I won't be coming back will I?!.... and this..... is all I know!"  she asks softly he looks at her in surprise then says "no.... I have no reason to return and I wouldn't bring you back to the life you've been forced to live anyway!.... I want to show you that you can live in a world without fear.... I want to protect you!.... I've wanted to protect you from the moment I saw you and I never want to stop protecting you!"  she knew that there was a deeper meaning to those words one that excited her as well as frightened her for she wanted to learn it too she just wasn't sure she was brave enough to do so "I'd still like to think about it"  she tells him "I leave at 1500 hours on Wednesday"  he replies she nods.... he hated the fact that he had to take her back to that life the life with those skimpy clothes and he didn't want to think of what else but he knew he had too.... two days.... for two days she would have to live that life and he hoped that once those two days were over she would decide to never live that way again

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