Each Cut A Little Deeper {Ale...

By P3nc3yPr3p

66.5K 2.2K 517

Her mothers dead. Her fathers abusive. The kids at school show her no mercy with the words they say, that see... More

Chapter One ~Done For~
Chapter Two ~Blown Away~
Chapter Three ~I'm Sorry~
Chapter Four ~Searching~
Chapter Six ~Can't Find My Place~
Chapter Seven ~Sillohettes Up On The Wall~
Chapter Eight ~Returing Home?~
Chapter Nine ~Falling From The Skys~
Chapter Ten~Off The Cliff~
Chapter Eleven~AfterMath~
Chapter Twelve ~Horizons Lay At Bay~
Chapter Thirteen ~Walking With Fire~
Chapter Fourteen ~Head First For Halos~
Chapter Fifteen ~I See You Sitting Before Me~
Chapter Sixteen ~False Promises~
Chapter Seventeen ~Dead But Alive~
Chapter Eighteen ~Where Will I Be Waking Up Tomorrow Morning?~
Chapter Nineteen ~The Face Of Beauty~
Chapter Twenty ~Into our icy blues~
Never mind!!!

Chapter Five ~Wax Will Drip As So As Blood~

4.7K 131 13
By P3nc3yPr3p


"Sir, can we ask some questions?"a blond haired lady asked me as they wheeled Luna out of sight.

I wiped my eyes and nodded my head. she gave me a small smile and pushed he glasses back up to the bridge of her nose "okay..."

"All I know is her name, Luna. I found her on the Moselum steps with blood dripping from her arms. I picked her up and ran here" I told the lady deciding to leave the first incident out.

She nodded and walked off behind the desk typing some things in to the computer.

"You can go sit in the waiting room on the forth floor closest to her room 412" the woman I previously talked to told me. "thank you" I replied heading over to the elevator pressing the 'up' button.

I reached Luna's floor searching for the number the lady down stairs told me she was in. I turned the corner and there it was the second door on the right. I slumped my tired body next to the beige painted door frame and rested my head in my hands feeling a familiar darkness take over my limp body.

-------------------THREE HOURS LATER------------------

"Sir? wake up. Is Luna Jacobson your friend the one in room 412?" A dark haired lady asked me.

"Y-yes? is she okay? I mean ur-gh" I looked down to my knees. I saw the woman smile out if the corner of my eyes.

She lead me into the room that revealed the once again unconscious Luna... Jacobson. I rushed to her side and held her hand. And just looked at her. she's the most beautiful person I've ever seen. I need her.

"Sir, I know it's not my place to say this, but... I can't help but notice how you look at her. you love her, don't you?" These words hit me. hard. like a pile of bricks just blocked all of my emotions. love? that's such a strong word. I've only known her for, what? 4-5 hours. I barley knew anything about this beautiful girl except her name!

But I could feel it. this burning passion for her.

I knew that love was a very overly used word, but, this. this time it's real.

"You know what? I think I just might love this Beautiful woman that's lying in front of me. but I'm confused. I barley know her. but somewhere deep down I feel its, so right." I exclaimed still looking at Luna.

The woman sat next to me "sometimes you can't help who you love. no matter the time. but I know you need to be here for this girl, Luna. I used to know her father, her.. Mother. she passed away about 7 years ago. her dad became... abusive. no one could tell him anything. that's when Luna shut everyone out she's done stuff like this before. I guess she finally hit her end point. you need to watch over her. take it slow, it's all up to time, son."

And with that she left the room like nothing happened.


I woke up. but my eyes wouldn't open. the air was different. not like the cold October air I died in. But warm and stuffy. WAIT?! how am I awake if I'm dead? I desperately needed somebody, to feel someone's warmth. for them to wrap me in their cooling embrace. Alex.

I needed Alex.

I started to breathe frantically. not being able to open my eyes to see someone. to know I'm not dead. to see Alex. was literally heart breaking.

"ALEX! ALEX HELP MEE?!" I screamed In agony. as if I would die if I didn't see him right then and there. warm tears flowed from my still closed eyes.

Suddenly I heard his voice "Luna?". heaven was consuming me. only it wasn't heaven. it was simply the voice I've been needing to hear since the day my mother died. He was my happiness. but then again, I barley knew him. only know his name. how the hell do I already had feelings for him? or any feelings at all?!

But all of those thoughts faded away when I heard him say my name. and then a strong pair of arms wrap around me.

I now felt safe. my breathing hitched as I felt his warm breath on my neck. obviously he was giving me a hug, what I need most at the moment.

I was able to open my eyes. open my eyes to see the most beautiful person I've ever seen through my dark green eyes. I was meet by his light brown eyes meeting mine. my arms still around his neck.

And for the first time in a while I was finally able to smile. i know... it sounds selfish. and it is. but I still did it, not caring anymore because his existence was now my happiness.

I then let go of the breath I was holding in not realizing I wasn't even breathing.

He smiled and me. enough to make me melt.

And that's all it ever took. just a simple smile.

And I was in love.

((A/N: Hey thanks for reading. like srsly it means like... a lot!! Tittle credit: Motionless In White -City Lights -JILLXD))

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