The Other Side | Jikook

By ItsJustSammi

294K 13.4K 1.6K

How big is the difference in lifestyle from one who lives in the riches and someone who comes from the street... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
New Jikook

Chapter 33

4.1K 219 7
By ItsJustSammi

Jungkook POV

"It's better I stay. I can't continue to fall more and more in love with you if I'm here..."

My already widened eyes widen even more if possible, my lips parting in surprise. He... what?

"What now?" I manage to mutter out, trying o comprehend and properly process what the older boy's said.

"You need to just get out of here... before Woo comes and finds you, Jungkook. You just need to leave me. I-... I know you don't... feel the same, Kookie. I know you don't... love me, and that's okay. I don't... blame you, and I don't... love me either. But, I love you... and that's only gonna... continue the more... I'm around you. I can't... keep falling for you... if you're not... around. So, just... go." Jimin breathes out, words and breaths sounding labored. I can feel the tears welling up in my eyes at his words, now realizing why he was so upset last night when he ran off. Why it was so different from before.

"No. No, I'm not leaving you here, Jiminie. I-I love you too and I'm not leaving you here. I'm gonna get you outta here a-and we're gonna get you home and get you all taken care of." I cry quietly, pulling the pocket knife I'd brought with me out and going around the chair so that I'm behind him in order to reach the ropes binding him there.

"Kookie, you don't. You don't love me. Y-you just think you do because I'm the first person you've ever had around you and I told you that I love you. You don't really love me. Nobody ever could anyways. Nobody loves a drugged up whore, and that's all I am. All I'll ever be." Jimin whimpers softly. I shake my head, not wanting to have this conversation right now when I need to be focusing on getting him out of here. When he needs desperate medical attention.

I just remain silent instead of arguing otherwise with him, as much as I really want to, focusing on cutting through the ropes. It takes me a good couple minutes, Jimin whimpering all the while, before I finally get them all free. In an instant, I scoop Jimin up into my arms and hurry back up the stairs. Dongwoo just gives me a nod as I race past him and outside to the car, hopping in and hurriedly telling the driver to get us to a hospital. Dongwoo is staying behind so that he can explain when the police arrive and to make sure that Woo doesn't escape before they get there, that way we won't have to worry about anything happening to Jimin or anyone else ever again.

Jimin doesn't fight me as I hold him tightly to me, just simply grateful to be able to have him in my arms again. He whimpers continuously though, growing quieter and quieter the further we get from the club, worrying me more than I already am for the boy.

"You're gonna be okay, baby. I promise. You're safe now and you're gonna be okay. We're gonna get you all taken care of and then we can go home. You're so strong, Jiminie. So strong, baby. I'm right here with you, I'm not going anywhere. I promise." I whisper softly in his ear, kissing the top of his head. He eases up slightly in my arms, seeming to relax a bit at my words and it makes me feel just a tad better. At least I know I can still comfort him and make him feel a bit better and more secure.

Thankfully, we arrive at the hospital a few minutes later. I hardly wait for the car to stop moving as I jump out with Jimin in my arms, rushing inside as quickly as I possibly can.

"Please, help him! He's lost a lot of blood!" I yell, hoping to gain some attention to get him help. Luckily, a couple nurses rush to me with a bed and instruct for me to lay him down. Biting my lip worriedly, I gently set him down before they run off with him in tow. I finally collapse, sobbing my heart out as I fall to my knees.

It's been extremely difficult this entire time, trying to keep myself together so that I could help him. I can only be so strong for so long though. It was hard enough when I'd found out he'd been taken. It was a punch to the stomach when I found my mother's dead body on our living room coffee table and a picture of Jimin all beaten and bruised atop of her.

Thankfully, nobody tries moving me, just letting me sit there and cry as I try to process everything that's been happening in the last twenty four hours.

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