Eleven 11 "Dark Nightmare"

By DloaVirus

230 49 13

Enter the spine-tingling world of Short Horror & Fantasy Stories with this first installment, Book One. From... More



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By DloaVirus

Lucard was an old writer with multiple novel prizes. He invented the machine called the Mind Writer. This machine could write very clearly what the person using it was thinking. He thought it was the way of the future. The machine was attached to the head like a cap and by connecting it to a computer and downloading the mind-reading program the machine was able to reproduce the story the person was thinking. Lucard won Invention of the Year with his machine and wrote with it multiple books.

Lucard always wanted more and came up with the idea of modifying his machine into a virtual reality adventure. He wanted to connect various humans including him to the machine so that the machine could reproduce their adventure in the virtual world into a story so it would feel as real as it could be. The task was very complicated but he was very patient and he did not know when to give up. The new machine was called Virtual Mind Writer it was created to give each person a character in which they knew a basic role and a story to play in the virtual reality freely. The virtual stage provided the place and a situation already installed on the machine. Lucard and the others were supposed to react to the virtualization giving the machine a more realistic story and responses from the characters. All the components were done, all he needed was to test the machine. He implemented to the machine a story he had not finished. He explains the basics of the stories to his ten subjects all friends of his. The story was simple Lucard played the role of a wolf master and his ten friends were wolf warriors by his side protecting his palace from the incoming vampire attack. The rest of the story was up to them to see how it would unfold. There were eleven human subjects in total, the rest were all part of the virtualization program.  After explaining all the sequences that he wanted the story to take to his friend it was time to put the machine on their heads and start the virtualization. No one else was involved in the test and Lucard was in control of ending the virtualization at any moment. The virtualization began and here is the full story written by the machine:

Lord Ragma king of the wolf race was losing ground to the vampire clan called the Night Souls. They had been battling for turf for many years. Lord Ragma was not as strong as he used to be but still was the strongest of all wolves. He was losing lots of his warriors battling the vampires outside of their kingdom. He decided to call all of his people living outside to get inside the palace. His kingdom was divided into eleven sectors. There were ten cities with the palace in the center. Each sector had a Wolf commander in charge. All eleven including Ragma are called the Berserkers a name they got for killing vampires until there were none. Ragma had eight of his Berserkers guarding outside of his palace and two with him inside. The Night Souls were getting close. There were thousands of them. Clubs, Wallok, Raiko, Gurot, Lokens, Rox, Keko, Vozi, and a few hundred wolves were waiting in front of the palace gates. Conjuron was the master of the Night Souls clan. He was a prior Berserker left in the battle for dead after being bitten by a vampire. In the process of dying he became the first wolf to convert into a vampire giving him tremendous power. He wanted revenge on Ragma and all the Berserkers. The time had come and the Night Souls arrived at the palace. Conjuron had a massive army of vampires and started sending them by the hundreds. The Berserkers dispatch them easily but Conjuron keeps sending more. After a while, the vampires had killed all wolves less the eight Berserkers. Conjuron still had more than five hundred warriors. He sent all of them against them.

The Berserkers were overwhelmed by the number of vampires. They had a great battle and killed many vampires but the numbers were too much and all eight died. Conjuron had a few hundred warriors left. Ragma was astonished by the death of eight of his Berserkers. He commanded Pain his most loyal Berserker to escape throw the back with the wolf civilization. Pain leads the way throw the back. Conjuron having been one of the Berserkers in the past had a small army waiting in the woods at the back of the palace. Pain and the others were surprised by the vampires as soon as they entered the woods. On the lone Berserker, their attack was concentrated. The other wolves ran as fast as they could. Pain kills almost all of the vampires before dying from several bites giving his people time to hide. Conjuron calls the rest of the vampires to go into the castle. Ragma felt it was him and his lone Berserker Dogma. Conjuron commanded his vampire to break the entrance door but none of them could do it. Dogma implores Ragma to escape but Ragma is too stubborn to leave his castle. Conjuron approaches the castle door and destroys it with one punch. About a hundred vampires ran in to attack Dogma and Ragma. They all perish at the hands of the two Berserkers. Conjuron enters the castle and Ragma runs toward him. When Ragma is about to hit him Conjuron appears on the back of Dogma passing his entire hand throw Dogma's body killing him instantly. Ranma could not believe it was him and his former warrior Conjuron. They fought destroying everything in their path. Ultimately Ragma had the upper hand but when he was about to kill Conjuron a hidden vampire struck him from behind giving Conjuron time to bite Ragma. As Ragma was dying he took a remote out of his pocket but Conjuron gave him a final blow before he could press the button. Ragma was dead and Conjuron took the remote from the floor. The remote had a timer going down. Conjuron and his lone vampire search the premises looking for survivors. After a while the remote began to sound and when the time expired the virtualization ended.

Maintenance personnel found Lucard and his friends still connected to the machine. All eleven were rushed to the hospital. They all were in a coma and slowly one by one died from brain inactivity. The story was publicized in honor of all eleven men. It made selling records and was number one for several years. Lucard was the lone one alive but still in a coma. One day he miraculously disappears from the hospital. Many people since said they had seen him. A few even had the chance to talk to him saying that Lucard did seem different and said that his name was Conjuron.

The End

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