I love You More and More Ever...

By GleeForever213

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This is the second book in the New Girl series. Disclaimer: I don't own Glee or any songs or characters, I on... More

Cleaning Pools and Sunburn
Wal-Mart and Water Balloons
Trip to SC!
Family Reunion
Family Reunion Part 2
Meeting Brenda's SC Friends
Bored and Babysitting
Back to School!
Hit and Run
Recovery and Meeting
Leaving the Hospital
Win or Lose?
It's Not True
Authors Note
Pajamas and Spongebob SquarePants
Christmas Again!...Already?
Another Author's Note!
Family Photos!
Free Time!
Last Day Together
Sequel Info!

Who Is Who?

682 22 1
By GleeForever213

Brenda's POV

While we were still outside by the fire I thought of something.

"I'll be right back." I stood up from my spot next to Sam, of course. I ran, barefoot, to the house and upstairs to my room. I went to the back of my closet, I've never mentioned it before but I have a walk in closet that is huge. I picked up the big box and took it back outside with me. Everyone watched as I set it on a table.

"Okay so, I don't know why I haven't done this yet, since Sam and I have been dating almost a year, and I absolutely hate this dude. Not Sam, someone else. Jordan Walters." There were groans all around the group. "Honestly, I forgot all about this box. It's been sitting in the back of my closet since we moved in." I opened it and took out an old shirt. Without hesitation I threw it in the fire. I threw all of the clothes I had of him in it, which was only a few shirts. I picked up a few pictures, made sure they weren't of family, and threw them in easily, the fire getting a bit bigger. There were a few cheers around the group, mostly Sam and the guys. I made sure all of the pictures of me and him were in the fire then I just stood in front of it looking at pictures. I found one of Sam and I laying on the couch when we first go together. I had used my digital camera to take the picture since I love taking pictures. I had my eyes closed tight and I was sticking my tongue out. Sam had his eyes crossed and was also sticking his tongue out at the camera. I laughed and handed it to some random person. It was Puck, of all people. He laughed.

"Dude, were you high in this picture?" Sam looked at it confused. Puck passed it to Quin and soon everyone had seen it and were laughing. Sam still didn't know what they were laughing about. He finally got the picture and covered his face.

"Oh God." I laughed. I ruffled his hair.

"Sam, you really need a hair cut."

"No way B. I love my hair to much." I looked at him.

"So you love your hair more than me? Wow Sam, that really hurts my feelings." I said, trying to make it look like I was sad. Which didn't work very well. I was giggling the whole time.

"Fine, I'll get it cut soon. And you know I love you more than anything else." I smiled at him and kissed him.

"Ya know, I'm surprised that you and Trouty have lasted this long." Santana said picking at her nails.

"Yeah, I mean, he dated Quinn when he first came here, then it was Santana, then Mercedes, Brittany, and I think he had a slight crush on Marley and Kitty but I don't know." Finn said. Sam pulled his hat down over his face and I laughed. I patted his shoulder. I guess he was either embarrassed, or thought that I was gonna be mad. I took his hat and put it on my head. He looked at me and said,

"You look good in my hat." He looked at my shirt. "And my shirt. When did you put it on?" I smiled.

"I may or may not have put it on when I went in the house." I said scooting away from him a bit. He laughed and nodded.

"Holy shit! Guys, look at this." Puck exclaimed. Everyone passed his phone around confused as they looked at the picture. All I thought when I saw it was that it was just a pile of metal.

"Um, what is it?" I asked.

"A buddy of mine that works at the scrap yard sent me the picture. It's my bike." Sam took it out of my hand and examined it again.


"How the hell did he live if it looks like that?" Finn asked. I looked down, remembering what I heard the nurses saying.

"When I went to see him the day he got in the accident, I heard the nurses talking about him. They were saying that it wasn't possible for someone to live after that. They said that he must've had a really good reason to be alive and fighting." Sam rubbed my knee.

"I swear to God, I'm not lying when I tell you this. I flippin saw my life basically flash before my eyes, literally. It's like I was standing there, perfectly fine, beside my own bed where I was practically dead for a few seconds." No one said anything for a few seconds." You wanna know what else I saw?"


"I saw Chord and Mercedes."

"Doing what?" Puck asked stupidly.

"Together, idiot. Like, boyfriend, girlfriend together." It was quiet, but awkward this time."

"So, me and Chord?" Mercedes said. Sam nodded and gave Chord a thumbs up.

"Will you come with me, Mercedes?" Chord asked, holding a hand out to her. She looked at us and I nodded encouragingly. She took his hand and followed him to the front yard. Some of the girls made a face.

"Okay, I'm bored now." Sam said, his good leg started bouncing up and down. I literally had to sit on it to get him to stop." I looked at everyone else.

"I have to do this every single time." I said, pushing hair out of my face. They laughed. Sam stopped bouncing his leg and I sat back down beside him. A few minutes later, Chord and Mercedes came back holding hands and smiling. I raised my eyebrows at her and she laughed. I clapped my hands.

"Well, who wants to go in? I'm freezing my butt off over here. Even if Sam's shirt is big on me, like way big on me, I'm still cold." He stuck his tongue out at me. He got up slowly, using his crutches. I saw him wince.

"You okay?" I asked worriedly. He nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I let it slide this time. Sam and I went in first, followed by the rest of us. I made him sit on the couch and then sat beside him. Once everyone was seated, Dwight asked,

"I know I should have asked this sooner, but what did the doctor say if he was in any pain?"

"She said to give him two pain pills every five hours. And that since he had a bad concussion, he would some times get bad headaches and be in a lot of pain." Dwight nodded. "And if he doesn't she said it could cause him to have a fever, but she didn't say why."

"Is that why his face is so red? Or is that because of the cold outside?" Brittany asked. I looked at Sam's face closely. It was really red. I reached over and felt his forehead.

"When was the last time you took the medicine?" I asked.

"Like six hours ago." I shook my head. I went to the kitchen and got the pills and some water. I brought it to him and he quickly popped them in his mouth and swallowed them with the water. I was wondering why he still had his jacket on. He made himself comfortable by snuggling into the blanket I gave him. His head was in my lap so I started playing with his hair.

"How long have you been feeling bad, Sam?" I asked. He shrugged.

"Don't know." He mumbled. I sighed. Everyone in glee club stood up.

"Well, we need to get going. It's getting late and we need to get home." The guys fist bumped Sam and the girls gave him hugs and kisses on the cheeks. Soon, it was just me, Sam, mama, Dwight, Mary and Chord. Everyone else in the house had gone to bed. Sam was just about to go to sleep when I had to tell him to sit up. He did tiredly and just sat there for a second. He shook his head and rubbed his eyes. He stood up. We walked over to the stairs and Sam looked up them.

"Need help babe?" I asked. He shook his head. I started walking up the stairs then I noticed he wasn't following me.

"I need help." He said, shyly. I smiled and went down to help him. When we got to his room I sat him on the bed and helped him take his jacket off. He still had his black T-shirt and plaid pajama pants on. He laid under the covers and I went to my room to put my night clothes on. It was just a tank top and shorts. I jogged back up to his room and saw him sitting up, waiting on me. I got in the bed with him and put my head on his chest.

"You know you didn't have to wait on me right?" I asked.

"I know. I wanted to though." I smiled.

"And Sam, if you need any help, don't be afraid to ask me, or mama, or Mary, Chord or anyone else." He nodded and fell asleep.



Brenda's POV

Sam got his cast off of his arm two weeks ago and he just got his cast off his leg. I know he was happy. Even though it was a bit hard to walk fast. He went back to school the Monday after he got out of the hospital. Sectionals was in a few weeks and we finally got the set list figured out. This week we're learning the songs then next week we're going to learn the dances. Sam and Chord had the exact thing on today. Chord had started coming to school with us, but he wasn't in glee club, but he was always there. They had on a blue shirt, jeans, a black jacket and tennis shoes. They were sitting right next to each other. Apparently, they were going to try and trick me. I was the last one in and I sat next to Sam. Just because they're identical twins doesn't mean I don't know who is who.

"Hey Sammy!" I said kissing his cheek.

"How'd you know it was me and not him."

"I'm not stupid Sam, I know who my boyfriend is." Did I forget to mention they have the same hair cut now? He grinned and took my hand as Mr. Schue started talking.

"Okay so, the only thing that we have to choose for the song is the rapping part." He said. Everyone looked at Sam. He looked up from my hair. I swear, he is always playing with my hair.

"Huh, what?"

"Do you want to do the rap at Sectionals?"

"I guess so." We spent the rest of the period practicing the songs.

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