A Irondad And Spiderson Story...

By igiveyouconsent

49.6K 1.3K 1.1K

Peter Parker was a normal teenage boy who lived a happy life with friends and family. But no, actually, thats... More

Peters Great Day
mR sTaRk
Running away in a Flash
Iron man does whatever an Iron can
Bucky boi
The frickity frack tick tack snick snack wick wack
A/N ( please read ) ( i never do A/N's)
Discontinuing ( must read )
Spiderman Oneshots


6.6K 195 217
By igiveyouconsent

Peter woke up from yelling in the kitchen. He could tell it was Clint and Nat so he just rolled his eyes and ran out to see what was up.

"CLINT HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU NOT TO DRINK THE MILK STRAIGHT OUT OF THE CARTON!" Natasha yelled while slamming the milk carton on the bench, spilling some in the process.

"WELL WHY WOULD I DRINK IT ANY OTHER WAY???" Clint yelled back as he tried to get into the vents.

"Why don't you just use a glass next time, bird brain." Peter said as he grabbed a bowl and put cereal in and then took the milk off Natasha and poured it in his bowl. Natasha just made a disgusted face.

"You're still gonna use that?" She asked him as she dug her nail into Clints leg to stop him from climbing inside the vents. Clint winced and jumped back down.

Peter just brought the milk carton to his mouth and started drinking from it, making Natasha AND Clint both make an 'ewww' sound. "Ew I drunk out of that and now you are... gross" Clint said and then laughed to himself.

"Yeah... now you're gonna get Clint aids.." She snickered as she started to walk off. Clint started to run after her. "I DON'T HAVE AIDS!" he shouted.

Peter just laughed and went back to his room to get ready for school.

~~~~~~Time Skip brought to you by John Lemons~~~~~~

Tony had decided to take Peter to school today, pulling up in an Arc Reactor powered car with a bit of Tony Pizzazz™️. The result of this bringing a lot of attention towards Peter. Like THE Tony Stark taking Puny Parker to school made everyone really shocked.(i was so tempted to write 'shooketh' instead lol)

During his first period all Flash did was glare daggers at him, he had heard the rumours that Tony Stark had taken Peter to school but he absolutely refused to believe them. So he was going to confront Parker at lunch. He threw a note at his head making Peter turn to him and Flash mouthed to him, 'You, me, Lunch' making Peter gulp.

Peter was sitting with Ned and MJ at lunch as usual. Michelle had gotten closer to them over some time and actually considered the two nerds as her friends, she also recently found out that Peter was Spider-man and did not take it too well. "So I saw you in that Stark car this morning, Peter." MJ said, not looking up from her book.

"And?" Peter asked her as he took a bite from his apple. He knew where this conversation was going.

"And I was wondering if-" MJ started to say but Peter quickly cut her off.

"First of all the car is powered by an arc reactor so it's eco-friendly and no just because I was with Mr Stark doesn't mean I'm gonna stop hanging out with you guys and go hang out with Flash or something..." Peter told her. MJ put her book down.

"What I was going to say is I was wondering if you were staying with Tony permanently." She told him, which put him into thought for a moment.

Like he of course doesn't want to go back to his Aunt but he's gonna have to sooner or later. There's no way Tony was gonna let him live with him and though he did want to live with Tony, he didn't want to be a burden to him. "Well uhm no I'm just gonna be thrown back to my Aunt at some point I guess." Peter sighed.

Ned looked at Peter with a confused look on his face, "What exactly happened with you and your Aunt anyways?" He asked him. Peter mentally cursed to himself.

"Oh! Uhm nothing much I just d-did something?"

MJ looked at him with a raised eyebrow, "Was that a question or an answer?"

"A-answer?" Peter stuttered, MJ was going to repeat her question when suddenly Peters phone rang. He took it out and smiled when he saw the name, 'Tinman :D'.

He quickly answered it. "Hey Mr Stark. What's up?" He asked him. Peter suddenly winced when he heard yelling through the phone.

"H-hey Petey boy! So uhm I'll be picking you up from school today. When does it finish again? Right! 2pm!" Tony said. Peter frowned, why was he acting so strange?

"You can't have him, Tony! I need him!" Peter gasped, Why was Tony with May?

"What is it exactly you need him for?? What do you need him as your punching bag when you don't win any money from those bets you've been placing recently? Yeah that's right I know about the money you've been betting! I even know that you bet Peters college money his parents had left him!" Tony said to May. Peter didn't even realise he was crying till MJ wiped the tears off his face. Aunt May lied to him about his college money??!

"I lost my job yesterday, Tony. The only reason I've been keeping him since Ben died is because I get money from the government for being single and raising the child alone!" May told Tony, Peter and Tony gasped. Aunt May only kept him for money? Should he even be calling her Aunt May???

"Well you seem to be doing a horrible fucking job at raising him, don't you? You used to make that kid feel special and now he feels like absolute shit every time he goes back to that apartment. But now, luckily he won't have to go back to this shithole." Tony told her, clearly enraged with her.

May just scoffed, "Shithole? The only reason it's a shithole is because that stupid boy can't even clean it properly! He just comes back here and plays with lego or talks to his friends or he goes off to that stupid internship with you. It's always, 'Mr Stark!' This or, 'Mr Stark!' That." Peter could practically hear her roll her eyes from the other side of the phone.

"Oh I'm sorry, did you think when I said 'Shithole' I was referring to the apartment? I was talking about you!" If Peter wasn't upset like he was right now he probably would've laughed at what Tony said, "But anyways, I can assure you now, If Peter chooses to come home and live with me, Pepper and the other Avengers then that's exactly what's gonna happen. I'll get my lawyers on this soon. Don't bother trying to come to the tower to get him if he chooses to stay with me, I'll just have security escort you out." Peter heard Tony then slam the door behind him.

"M..Mr Stark?" Peter whispered into the phone.

"Oh shit.. kid I thought I pressed mute instead of speaker. Oh my god you didn't need to hear that." Tony said to Peter, "I'm sorry you had to hear that kid"

"U-uhm it's alright... I think I needed to hear that, Mr Stark." He told him. It was silent for a moment on the other end.

"Are you okay?" Tony asked.

Peter looked at the time and saw the bell was gonna ring in a few minutes, "I'm not sure... uh I have to go now Mr Stark. I'll see you at home."

"Peter, I'm picking you up, remember?" Tony reminded him.

"O-oh right... I'll see you after school then, Tony." Peter internally groaned because he knew how smug Tony would be for hearing him call him by his first name.

"Bye Peter." He snickered.

"Bye Mr Stark" Peter smirked and hear a scoff at the other end of the phone right before ending it. He then turned back to his best friends who just stared at him with worried expressions on their faces.

"Dude... you just went through several different emotions throughout that whole phone call..." Ned said. Making Peter think about all the things May and Tony had said and he frowned.

"I almost started drawing your face but I stopped once I saw how many times your expression was changing... and also because I'm a nice person." MJ told him as she flipped the page, pretending that she wasn't even the slightest bit worried for her friend just a moment before.

Peter grinned at her, "Thanks MJ."

She acknowledged what he said and glanced up at him, "No problem, loser." MJ smirked.

"Ouch MJ, I thought you said you were a nice person." Peter told her with a glint of smugness in his eyes as he looked straight at her. Ned looked at Peter in horror and he felt sorry for his friend. He's gone somewhere he can't back out of now.

MJ raised her eyebrow at him and was about to comment on it when the bell rang, "You're a lucky kid, Peter." She told him before getting up and walking off to her locker.

Ned just kept staring at him. Peter took notice of this, "Yes?"

"Dude! Are you trying to get yourself killed! And besides.. y'know I thought you had a thing for her." Ned said, whispering the last part. Peter just nudged him.

"Of course I have a thing for her! But I'm not just gonna straight up tell her that and like you know MJ! She seems to actually like it when I do that stuff... I think I actually have a chance with her." Peter said as the two started to walk off to their lockers.

"Well alright man.. you do you. I'll see you next period." Ned just waved him off as he headed in the other direction off to his locker.

As Peter was heading to his he heard an announcement, "Peter Parker to the front office. Peter Parker to the front office." The voice repeated, Peter just rolled his eyes at the fact that they had to repeat themselves. He knows its so if people didn't hear the first time, they can rely on the second time to know what it's about, but with peters enhanced hearing he hears it regardless of the amount of sound students are making throughout the halls.

Once he got there he saw the main receptionist and smiled as he recognised her as the nice one. She looked up from her computer, acknowledging the person who had just entered the room. "Hello Peter, your Aunt May called about a minute ago saying she's on her way now to pick you up early." She smiled at him. Peter froze. May was coming to get him? Now?

"Shit..." He cursed. The receptionist looked taken aback.

"Excuse me?" She asked him, "You know we don't tolerate swearing on school grounds, Mr Parker." Peter just ignored her.

He instantly took his phone out and put it up to his ear. "Karen, call Mr Stark." A teacher who had been in the office as well just laughed.

"Peter, Honestly when I heard these rumours about this 'Stark Internship' I didn't think you'd be the one to start them." The receptionist laughed along with her, Peter rolled his eyes as he took the phone off his ear and put it on speaker.

"Mr Stark unavailable right now, shall I try again, Peter?" The AI asked him. The receptionist and teacher shared confused looks. Peter just sighed in annoyance.

"Dammit! Argh.. just leave him a message saying that Mays coming to the school." He told Karen. It was silent for a moment.

"Mr Stark seems to already been informed of this and began driving to your school.. the moment they got the call from May Parker." Peters face just looked so darn confused. "What? How?! You know what.. don't tell me.."

Suddenly Peters Spidey Senses™️ were tingling. "There seems to be a dangerous figure behind you, Peter. Would you like me to scan the person to see who it is?" Karen asked.

"No need, Karen. I know exactly who it is." Peter spoke into the phone. "May.." He said then turned around. She looked angry.

"C'mon.. we're going home." May said and nodded towards the exit.

Peter scoffed, "Home? Hm where is that again?"

"You don't get to speak like that to me, Peter." She snarled. The two ladies behind the desk looked like they wanted to intervene but didn't know how or whether they should.

"There's no law that says I can't do tha-" Peter was cut off by May grabbing his shirt and dragging him outside, he pushed her off once they got near her car.

"You've been spending too much time with that Stark! You sound exactly like him! You know what? Your internship.. gone.. spending time with Stark.. gone.. friends coming over.. also gone!" She told him in an 'matter-of-factly' tone.

Peter scoffed, "Yeah well.. your nephew.. gone.. your husband.. gon-" Peter stopped himself... he knew he crossed a line. Not only hers but his own. He was so angry and fed up with May that he began to say something he didn't even mean!

His Spidey Senses™️ were tingling again and he looked up to see Mays hand rise up, getting ready to slap the shit out of Peter. He closed his eyes and got ready for impact.. but received.. none?

He opened his eyes to see Tony, who had a firm grip on Mays arm. "Your guardianship? Gone! Well... almost gone." He told her and pushed her back from Peter. Happy forced her away and made sure she went no where near the two.

"Tony!" Peter said and went to hug him who hugged him back immediately.

"Hey kid. Are you alright? I'm really sorry you heard that shit May was yapping on about." Tony said, ignoring the grunt from nearby.

"Yeah I'm alright I guess but seriously.. I think I really did need to hear those things even if you might've told me anyways but I'd rather hear it from her than have you repeat the crap she came out with." Peter said nervously.

"First of all.. as Cap would say it.. Language! And yeah I guess you're right.. I'd hate to have to tell you that stuff." He sighed.
They were quiet for a bit till Peter spoke up, "So u-uhm.. did you mean it? About the guardianship thing and that offer about me living with you and the others.." Peter asked.

Tony grinned and started to lead him to his car, "Of course!" Peter looked up at him, "I m-mean as long as you want to that is."

Peter hugged him again, "I'd love to, Mr Stark." Peter laughed as Tony groaned, the two then got into the car.

"You need to stop with this 'Mr Stark' business if you're gonna live in my tower, kid." Tony told him as he started the car and flipped his sunglasses on. Peter copied his movement and put his own sunglasses on.

"Of course, Mr St- I mean Tony.."


Holy crap 2500 words of the story
Bye lol

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