Stolen Identity

By DandraAnnetta

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'You'd like to think you are sure of yourself. You know who you are, what you like, your interests and your d... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 11

131 8 4
By DandraAnnetta

I can honestly say that walking into that place was one of the scariest things I’ve done. It was just straight to be honest and nothing else- just a long, straight, geometrical hallway that seemed to stretch on forever. The hallway loomed down ahead; the bright strobe lights above us making everything else look stark and abnormal. The smell of metal filled the air and the hallway seemed to go on forever as I strode forward as strongly as I could without showing my actual fear inside.

A wave of claustrophobia hit me as my breathing instantly quickened. Please, I thought to on-one in particular. Please let there be some open space. My prayers however remained unanswered as the hallway seemed to stretch on for eternity. In an instant, Joey grabbed one of my hands and gave me a smile when I gazed at him questioningly. Why is he being so nice? Either way, I wasn’t going to let go. I feel sick, I need all the support I can get.

Lost in my thoughts, I didn’t even realise that we had stopped at literally a dead end and the doctor was tapping a code into the hand pass code thingy. I’m not entirely sure what it is yet or what its proper name was either. Sensing a movement behind me, the realisation hit me that Joey was no longer holding my hand. I frowned and clenched my fist, trying to hold on to the only warmth that comforted me out of the 2 possible options. A whirring noise sounded nearby and to my horror, the steel wall that I thought represented the dead end opened and a whole different world illuminated inside.

Unknowingly I walked inside and gazed in awe at the vast number of high-tech equipment that had claimed its place in there. Guns, lasers, cards, pens, there was everything! Amazed I pick up what seemed to be a gun and imagined aiming it at the doctor. The thought was incredibly tempting but I decided to aim it at one of the targets situated in the far corner of the room. Memories of my target practise with Joey came to mind and it hit it squarely in the centre.

“You really should not do that” Joey piped up behind me. I laughed, not bothering to turn around.

“And why shouldn’t…” my voice trailed off as I saw the wooden target vaporise before my eyes. The arrow imbedded in it dropped from the growing slush that it had caused the wood to turn into and finally, it remained on the floor in a pile.

“Exactly” the doctor’s voice whispered beside my ear and I shivered. He really does give me the creeps, I think as I rub my ear clean.

“Get into the room” he demanded as I raised an eyebrow at him. Excuse me? You don’t demand for me to do anything, I’m doing a whole bunch of stuff for you as it is!

“Get. Into. The. Room.”

“No” I said defiantly, picking up another gun-like weapon. Adrian nodded his head once and before I knew it, Joey had me by the waist, carrying me to the white room that I had completely ignored earlier when I first walked into the room.

"Get off me you turd!” I shrieked before letting out a blood-curling scream. Due to my efforts, the gun I was holding dropped from my fingers. I kicked and slapped and I know that I hit quite a lot of skin. His groans of pain confirmed that. But he persevered and finally flung me into the white room like I was a rag doll.

I hit one padded wall with such a force that the protection wasn’t even worth it. Groaning, my eyes flickered over to the arm that now started to bruise. Before I could even utter a word, the door zoomed shut and looking behind it I felt my last shred of hope burst into smithereens. There were no windows, no glass, nothing to let me see anything outside of the white room.

“Megan” a voice boomed over the sound systems. My hands went to cover my ears defensively and I glared at nothing in particular. The hatred I feel right now for those two defies humanity.

“What?!” I shrieked, punching one wall in fury.

“Please enter the dome.”

“What the fudge-“

But a whirring noise cut me mid sentence and turning slowly, a new door had opened. With immense caution, I advanced towards it, hearing my heart beat increase steadily. But when the door shut behind me again, showing no signs of re-opening, my heart beat went sky high.

“In the dome, the controllers can create various environments similar to your training. Both outdoor and indoor environments can be stipulated. You shall only leave, once you complete the task” the voice droned, mechanical in all its glory.

“Who are the controllers?” I asked, having a nagging feeling that I already knew.

“Doctor Adrian Morgan-Smith and Joey Cash” the voice answered back in monotone. I mentally slapped myself before slumping to the floor in defeat. What do they want me to do now? I’ve endured hours of training that would put anyone else into depression.

“You guys are crazy!” I screamed, yelling at the ceiling. “This sounds like some random Hunger Games chiz!”

“Please stand and remain still-“

“Hell to the no!” I shrieked, crossing my arms across my chest defiantly.

“Controller Two, Joey Cash, will now enter the dome to complete the task with you.”

I groaned and rolled over onto my back. Great, all I need is for him to be hauling me around like a doll. Closing my eyes, I waited for the inevitable. And sure enough, he lifted me up from the ground where I had lain and dropped me into something he thought resembled a standing upright position. I landed harshly, rubbing my ankle in slight discomfort. Imbecile.

He didn’t look exactly ecstatic to see me either, I think quite fearfully as I suffer the impact of his death glare. He shook his head before running a hand through his dirty blonde hair.

“Would it kill you not to be so stubborn?” he spat out at me as he looked up at the ceiling.

“I am not stubborn” I growl back, resisting the urge to kick him. He laughed, pointing at me accusingly frantically.

"See! You’re just exhibiting even more stubborn behaviour!”

I stood there not saying anything for a while before realising he was right. And that is what stopped me from giving him some sarcastic reply. The room lighted up, and the dull room that I had entered a mere five minutes ago had become an indoor death waiting to happen.

Red lasers appeared out of nowhere and its web restricted me from moving at all. The red from the lasers were the only light in the room and at the end of it, a podium with a large white diamond encased in glass stood glaring at me, daring me to just steal it. Cameras, motion activated I guess, stood in 2 corners of the large almost circular room. A burst of sweat broke out on my forehead as I watched the laser almost intensify under my glare.

"You may now start.”

Taking a deep breath, I twisted and twirled my body underneath the rigid light. They were everywhere. There wasn’t a chance of any clean escape at all. My gymnastics will be put to the test in this. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Joey advancing forwards with a grace that was amazing. He was almost half-way whilst I was moving slowly through the red maze.

“Just relax” I hear Joey say as he stops at the halfway point and watches me intently. “Just move, you’ll find that your background will just sort of slip in!”

I groaned and closed my eyes. The adrenaline rushing through me was sadly being confused for fear instead of excitement and I tried desperately to gain control of my shaking body. Breathe. Just breathe and everything will be alright.

Opening my eyes after my little motivation speak gave me a whole new perception of this maze. It wasn’t inescapable. I grinned, clearly seeing the complicated but do-able gymnastics routine in my head. Then… I did it. I lifted one leg completely vertical and passed it over one line and then everything became easy. Before I knew what I was doing, I was standing in front of the pristine glass podium. The diamond glittered inside and I looked to Joey beside me. He raised an eyebrow.

“What?” he asked rudely, as I glared at him expectantly.

“I don’t have my kit” I bit out, slightly aggravated. “I didn’t bring it, because you morons called me over here” I spat out, my voice escalating in volume. “And you didn’t tell me what exactly this stupid reunion would entail!”

“If you were any good, you would have come prepared” he said angrily, running both his hands through his dirty blonde hair. That single statement alone made me see red.

“If I’m so crap, where the hell is your kit?!” I yelled back, leaping towards him and kicking him in his stomach. Obviously, he wasn’t expecting this and fortunately didn’t have time to block my blow. He doubled over in pain and in a fit of rage, I kicked him again. The sound of my foot; my hard, converse covered, expertly skilled foot, connecting with his body was like music to my ears.

“No offence but I wasn’t exactly planning to have to come in here with you” he growled from the ground as I laughed harshly. I bent down to his eye level and grinned manically.

“Oh but if you were any good, you would have come prepared” I said innocently, using his own words against him. In a fit of blind rage, I picked up the one thing I did have in my pocket, my silver shock pen that I had insisted on carrying during the flight, and without any hesitation I stuck it in Joey, watching him convulse silently to a stop.

After a couple of minutes, I looked at his almost lifeless body and the first remnants of guilt set in. I pulled my hair from its ponytail, sighing at the amount of relief I suddenly felt. I really must’ve put it on tight. Crawling across to Joey, I stuck two fingers to his neck trying to find his pulse. At least he wasn’t conscious, or else this would be extremely awkward right now. As I kept prodding my fingers across his smooth skin, I frowned.

“Come on” I whispered to myself, pushing slightly harder. But I couldn’t find anything. I couldn’t find a pulse, no beating, nothing. Worried, I rolled him onto his back and leant over his body. His eyes were still closed but he didn’t even show any signs of breathing. Hesitating a little, my small pale hand awkwardly touches his chest. Every nerve ending, every cell, every part of my being prayed that I would watch my hand rise and fall to the rhythm of his breathing.

But it didn’t.

Straddling his lifeless body, I bent down so that my ear was near to his lips. And there was nothing. No warm breath tickling my ear, no breathing, nothing.

“No. No!” I screamed, my hands instinctively go for his chest and all my inhibitions left the window as I pumped firmly, trying to get his heart beating again. The tsunami of guilt and sadness that crashed down upon me was overwhelming and I almost couldn’t breathe myself as I start to cry hysterically.

Large, chunky sobs escaped my body, making me shake to the point of no return. If he dies, I think regretfully, not even wanting to consider the concept, they can kill me too. It’s not some Romeo and Juliet thing; I need him. He may be some pompous jerk who was awful to me when we first met, but he’s the only thing that has been steady and consistent ever since this whole thing went down. When he first hugged me, he confirmed that he would be there for me.

Tears pricked my eyes again as the realisation hit, with my desire to keep him alive stronger than ever.

I tilted his head back and parted his dry lips, bending down to try and give CPR. It was awkward at first, the feel of his lips on mine, but I ignored it. I just wanted him to live. Retreating, I only had to pump his chest once before he started coughing. Gasping, I stopped, waiting for him to fully confirm his consciousness. Open your eyes, I beg to him mentally. Open your beautiful, bright blue eyes Joey, just flicker your eyelids, I will be just as happy.

As if hearing me, his eyes opened, and he looked at me with an expression of shock plastered on his face. And at that moment, my eyes flooded with tears. I grabbed him into a hug where he lay, hugging him so tightly I became concerned that he wouldn’t breathe again.

"I’m so glad you’re alive” I say into his shoulder, not caring whether he thought I was completely insane. He wrapped his arms around me as he chuckled lightly.

“I do intend on staying alive for a while yet” he joked weakly. Realising our compromising position, I climbed off of him and wiped away my tears. He shook his head quickly, trying to rush some blood back to them.

Gazing at him, I was shocked at how relieved I really was. You know how you feel and how you may react but there’s always a small part of you that doesn’t really believe it. When it happens, you are shocked.

“Megan. Joey. Please leave the dome via the white door to your left” I hear the doctor say coldly through the intercom. A look passed between me and Joey and we just knew that we were in so much trouble.  After we glumly walked back to Adrian, he carried a look of disdain that could kill a sick bunny.

“What was that?” he asked coldly, glaring at us both. Joey scratched that back of his head whilst I tried to summon the words to speak. Before I could even try, he stopped me with a wave of his hand, closing his eyes in pure frustration.

“Just don’t. I don’t care, at least no-one died.”

For once, I didn’t feel the need to fire back at him. For one thing, it was my fault that Joey almost died and second, this was the first time that he caused a true feeling of excruciating fear to control me. It’s safe to say that I didn’t like it. I flinched when he came towards me with a yellow folder, filled with paper. Shoving it in my hands, he turned around and pressed a button on a remote that I didn’t know he had in his presence.

“First mission” he called, pointing towards the screen. As he did, a picture of possibly the sweetest boy I have ever seen graced the screen. My breath caught in my throat at how gorgeous he really was, his brown hair so casually worn and his brown eyes emitting warmth that made me smile. Even though it was a head shot, you could tell that he was really tall.

"Justin Garcia. Son of Predro Garcia, owner of that multi-millionaire jewellery company, Diamonds. We want this diamond” Adrian said, snapping me away from Justin and instead onto a large raspberry pink diamond. My eyes widened in shock. It was beautiful.

“This Argyle Diamond is one of the rarest in the world, so rare in fact that only a tenth of 1% of the diamonds produced at the Argyle mine are pink. The brightest ones are even rarer. That diamond on the screen is simply for show- he has no intention of selling it and we need it in order to move onto our second mission.”

“So what do you want me to do?” I asked, trying to get to the point. He grinned.

“You need to get close to Justin Garcia, so close in fact that he gives you the password to the room that this diamond is held in. We need details; security tapes, watch change-over, equipment used for protection. As much as you can because once you do, you and Joey over there will break in and get it to me before they even realise it’s gone” he went on to explain, turning off the screen.

“I’ll be getting a job as Pedro’s new assistant manager. I’ve been an intern for months and he finally promoted me” Joey piped up from the background. “I can try and get information but everything else will come from you.”

I stood there for a moment, lost in my own thoughts.

So the whole basis of this mission will be lying to someone I know I’m going to get too fond of? Why can’t I watch from afar or something? I’m already dreading having to converse with my so-called parents. A little voice in the back of my head scolded me harshly. Stop it, they tell me. Stop being resentful. Embrace this opportunity. You’re no longer sweet, innocent Hannah you are Megan Chivonsky, and Megan wouldn’t think twice about this whole thing. She’s cold. It’s time for you to do the same. I let out the breath I’d been holding and pushed my hair off my face.

I looked at them both before hearing myself accept the mission.

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