NoizxReader Fanfic

By Hungry753

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Hey guys, just wanted to write a NoizxReader Fanfic. It's where the Reader gets trapped in the anime/gaming w... More

Chapter 1 "The Alley"
Chapter 2 "Aoba Seregaki and Noiz"
Chapter 3 "The Chase"
Chapter 4 "The Nightmare"
Chapter 5 "Stories Behind the Scars"
Chapter 6 "Your History"
Chapter 7 "Koujaku and Tae-san"
Chapter 8 "Clear"
Chapter 9 "Midorijima"
Chapter 11 "Interogation"
Chapter 12 "Nightmare"
Chapter 13 "New Job"
Chapter 14 "The Bet"

Chapter 10 "Mink"

192 4 1
By Hungry753

Authors note: Hey guys. I'm back at it again!  I know updates have been slow but I have to work a lot more than usual because of stupid rules set at my job. I have a lot of homework but I have been doing a pretty good job at  keeping up with it. Same goes for my attendance at school. I have B's in all my classes which is really good seeing I would only get C's or D's. Sometimes F's. I love it at the community college! Everyone is so nice and willing to help students! I can go to free mental health counseling and finally let loose all my feelings and emotions. Hopefully with my life slowly getting back on track I'll be able to update more often! Thank you all so much for supporting me in my ups and my downs. Thank you all for being so patient with me and my mental health. You all are really the best. Now then, back to this fanfiction!  I do not own any of the DMMD characters! I wish I did!!! <3


Aoba: *laughs a bit* Let's head back to my place. I have work in a bit. Plus we can give you your gifts at home.

You: More gifts? You guys shouldn't have ;^; That's it! I'm cooking for all of you! *you try not to tear up*

Clear: I bet your cooking is delicious (Y/n)-chan!

You: I hope it is. *you wipe your eyes slightly*

Ren: (Y/n) are you alright? Did we upset you?

The guys look at you with worried expressions. Noiz being the master of showing no emotions shows a hint of worry as they all look at you. You smile at them but couldn't hold the tears back anymore. You hiccup and wipe your tears away with your sleeved hand.

You: I-It's not that *hiccup* I'm j-just not used to *sniff* getting gifts or just receiving this much kindness. *you smile brightly at them* Thank you.. So much. *wipes away tears*

The guys look at you and smile back, however you can see the sadness in their eyes. Noiz who was standing beside you pulls you in for a hug, he holds you close as he wraps one arm around your waist and the other rests on the back of your head. He rests his chin on the top of your head, petting your hair. Your eyes widen at his sudden actions as well as for the guys who all join in for a group hug. They hug you tightly and comfort you as you cry. You tried your best to calm down but you just kept crying. Noiz sighs softly as he continues to pet your hair. You smile a bit, you found a place where you belong. You feel happy being with them. They slowly pull away once your crying came to a stop. You smile at them and hug them each individually. They each hug you back.

You: Thank you so much. I'm glad I'm here with you guys.

Aoba: *smiles warmly* Of course, that's what friends are for. You're one of us.

Koujaku: *hugs you again and kisses your forehead* We will always be here for you.

You: *blushes* Th-Thank you. *smiles*

Noiz: *glares at Koujaku* Let's go.  *walks away*

Aoba:  He's right, or else I'll be late for work. *follows Noiz*

You nod and pull away from Koujaku as you follow them.  Clear and Koujaku follow behind you. You all eventually arrive to Aoba's house. You enter and were greeted by a happy Lobo. Lobo jumps on you and you fall back.

You: WAH?! *falls back* Easy! Heel! XD

Lobo: *licks all over your face* Master! Master! Hi! I missed chu!

You: *giggles* Lobo! Hello to you too XD! I missed you too! *tries covering your face*

The guys laugh at the situation as Noiz heads to the living room.  You struggle to get up but finally manage. The guys head to the living room and you follow with Lobo. Lobo sits beside you as you sit on a beanbag chair.

Aoba: Here cx. *hands you a bag*

You: *takes the bag* Thank you Aoba!  *opens it* Oh cool!! *takes it out* It's a bunny pillow!! *0* I love it! Thank you!

Clear: *hands you a medium sized box* Here (Y/n)! *smiles*

You: *takes the box* Thank you Clear! *opens it* Oooh! A jellyfish plushy! Cute cx! Thank you again!

Clear: *smiles happily* I'm glad you like it!

Aoba: *looks at the time* We should get going (Y/n). Don't wanna be late.

You: Right! *smiles and takes the gifts upstairs* One sec! *you grab your inhaler and head back down* Ready!

Aoba: Okay, we'll be off. Thank you for coming over guys. *bows his head*

You: Thank you! *bows your head as well*

Koujaku, Clear, and Noiz stand up and head out. Saying their goodbyes as they leave. You smile at them and look at Aoba. Aoba smiles at you as he heads out with you, locking the door behind him. You and Aoba head to the junk shop. You both arrive and you look at the shop.

You: Heibon? Cool!

Aoba: It's not much but I'm sure Haga will let you work here. He needs the extra help. *enters the shop*

You: I just hope I don't mess up. 

A bald man walks over to you guys and greets you both. 

Haga: Aoba! Nice to see you early this time. *jokes* Ah and who's this?  A girlfriend of yours?~ *teases*

You: *blushes lightly* It's not like that! *shakes head and arms frantically*  

Aoba: *laughs nervously* Actually she's just a friend of mine. Haha. Her name is (Y/n). But she is looking for a job here. She recently moved in to Midorijima and has no family so Grams and I took her in. We were hoping if it's okay if she works here, I can train her and help her around the shop. Plus we could use the extra help.

Haga: *blinks and thinks for a bit* Hmm well... Alright. I don't see why not. *smiles* Make sure to train her well okay Aoba? I'll be in the back doing inventory. Call me if you both need anything! *walks away*

You: *nods* Thank you sir! *smiles*

Your thoughts: 'I can't believe it! I got my first job already! Wow!'

Aoba: Well, allow me to show you around and how everything works. *smiles* We're basically customer service. We answer calls, sell at the front desk, and we do deliveries as well. 

You: Wow, sounds easy enough.

Aoba shows you the basics of the shop, things that need to be done as he checks the computer for any delivers. He sees one.

Aoba: Looks like we have a delivery. I'll go ahead and take it, you keep watch of the shop. 

Just as he was getting ready to leave, a group of at least 6 people walk in to the shop and buy some parts. Your eyes widen as you sweat drop.

Your thoughts: 'It can't get worse right?'

It did get worse, because three noisy kids came in running around the shop. Yelling and horsing around.

Aoba: *sweat drops* Um. How about you deliver the package? I can handle this. *laughs nervously* Use your coil to lead you to the address so you don't get lost.

You: *nods* Okay. *takes the package* I'll be back fast! *runs out*

You run to the address that you put in on your coil while Aoba tends to the shop. You get closer to the north district and the streets were getting bad. You blink as you look around.

You: Okay, I'm on the bad side of town. *sighs* I'm getting close though. *you stop at an abandoned building* Scratch? Where have I heard that name before? *shrugs* Oh well. *knocks on the door* Hello? I have a delivery for someone in this address!

The door suddenly swings open and your sweater is suddenly grabbed. Your eyes widen as the hand groping your sweater suddenly yanks you inside. You scream in shock and fear before the door closes shut.

You: Put me down! I'll kick your ass! Pussy ass motherfucker!! 

You swing your arms in the darkness as you were being held up by your sweater. You wince as you punched something, it felt like someone's face. The lights turn on as you're in a room surrounded by men, they look like bikers. You were frightened but you dared not to show it as you glare at the man holding you up. He was very tall and was wearing a pink headband. He's well built and his outfit looked cool.  And then it suddenly clicks in your head. Scratch? Bad city? He is Mink.

You: So. You're Mink. *frowns*

Mink stays silent as looks at you. He looks angry as his grip remains the same. He cracks his neck twice, one on each side.

You: Say something motherfucker! Was this a trap for Aoba?!

Mink suddenly slams you to the wall as he holds you up. His grip on your sweater tightens as he holds you up against the wall. Your eyes widen at the impact of the wall as the air is knocked out of you.

You: Agh!! *gasps a bit for air* Tch.. Weak.. *slowly reaches for your coil*

Mink notices what you're doing and uses his free hand to grab your hand, pinning it above your head. You growl in annoyance and then try to bring your coil up to your pinned hand. Which was stupid of you as with that same hand he grabs that hand and pins both your hands above your head now.

You: Tch. How manly of you. Attacking and harassing a woman. You make me sick, how dare you attack someone defenseless.

Mink: You attacked me first. I merely returned the favor.

You: *rolls your eyes* Oh so you CAN speak! *frowns* What do you want?

Mink: Where's Aoba?

You: Bitch, like I'd ever tell you. Nothing you'll do will make me betray Aoba. Ever. 

Mink: Search her.

The men in the room nod and begin to search you, patting you down and occasionally squeezing your sides. You tense up and fight the smile that was beginning to form. Mink notices and raises a brow. A man pulls out your inhaler and the cube Noiz gave you.

Mink: Tie her up. *lets go of you*

You: Like hell you are!  *dodges a man*

The men blink and try grabbing you. You dodge and run towards the door. Mink glares a bit and runs after you. A man blocks the door and you curse under your breath. You quickly turn slightly and head towards the window. However, Mink grabs your sweater once again from behind, he grabs the hood and yanks you back. You fling back and squirm.

You: Let me go!

Mink tosses you to the men. The men catch you and tie you to a chair. You thrash and squirm around as you try fighting back. However, they overpowered you.

Mink: Are you with Ruff Rabbit? *holds up the cube Noiz gave you*

You: I'm with Nonya.

Mink: Nonya?

You: Yeah, as in nonya damn business bitch!

Mink: *glares* Don't test my patience brat. *folds his arms*

You: I don't give a flying fuck you fucking piece of a stupid motherfucking dick shit pussy ass dipshit.

Mink: *sighs in annoyance* How do you know Aoba?

You: From yo momma puto.

Mink: Listen here brat. You better start answering or things will turn ugly real fast.

You: Bitch please. I've been tortured my entire life. You can't do anything worse than what they did to me. You wanna break me? Go ahead and try motherfucker. You're a cucaracha. You can't break me. There isn't any torture in the world that can break me.

Mink: *slight smirk* Is that so? There isn't any torture in the world?

You: Damn right bitch. You're just wasting your time. 

Mink: Take her shoes off. 

The men nod and do as they're told. You try and kick them but they tie your legs on a bench where they prop your feet on.

You: Tch. Pussy. What are you gonna do, cut my toes off? Break them? Burn me?

Mink: Something worse. It will make you beg us to stop. *takes your socks off* Blindfold her. 

A man nods and puts a blindfold around your eyes. You try to bite him but fail.

You: This won't work!

Mink: We'll see about that. 

Mink drags a finger up the sole of your foot. You immediately tense up and shake your foot.

You: Wh-What are you doing?!

Mink: *chuckles* Already stuttering? What happened to all that talk? *slowly traces his finger up and down your foot*

You shriek and squirm in the chair as you giggle at the feeling. You tried to hold back but you couldn't, it tickled so much. Mink nods as he is pleased with the reaction. He pulls away.

Mink: Tickle her until she talks. *hands someone your inhaler* Give her this if she has an asthma attack. She'll crack soon, and when she does, call me. *leaves the room*

You: W-Wait! NO! NO DX! Anything but tickling!! *squirms*

The men nod and crack their knuckles. They each take turns tickling your feet, using different tools. 


Authors Note: Hey guys, hope you liked this chapter! I know it's been a while since I updated, as I said before I have just been very busy with life and stuff.  Anyways, hehehehe Who will come to your rescue? What does Mink want with Aoba? Will you break and tell them everything? Who knows! We'll find out in the next chapter! Until next time guys! BYE!!!

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