The Player Bet

By Naooomi_

124K 3.5K 618

"When his lips met mine it was like a fire burning inside me was finally let out. I had experienced many of h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 12

5.1K 155 8
By Naooomi_

The Player Bet12

sorry it's short

-------CHAPTER 12-----------

I couldn't stop the frown that went onto my face. Had I actually thought he would treat me somewhat decent? He was cheating on me already and it was only the first date! Or maybe he was cheating on her with me...

"How long have you been dating?" I asked curiously.

"Two years," she explained and I did what seemed impossible; I choked on my own spit. Gross right?

How was I supposed to tell her that Blake had been cheating on her with random girls the whole time? I would get him to tell her that's what I would do.

"Here's my number incase you need someone to talk to," I told her feeling horrible. This poor girl had been lead around by him for two years. She looked at me curiously but shut up when Blake sat down.

"Hi Blake. I just met your girlfriend," I told him, snarling out the last word. He visibly paled and I fought the urge to slap him across the face.

"Why do you say it like that?" Kaylin asked and I gave her a quick apologetic glance which made her frown.

"Why don't you explain Blake," I told him and he put his head in his hands.

"Well..Uhm Alyssa is my cousin," he spit out that last part and Kaylins eyebrows furrowed.

"You told me she was your stepsister," she murmered and turned to me with pleading eyes to find the truth. I stood up out of my seat.

"Come on Kaylin honey, we can do without him," I told her and pulled her by the hand. I could tell Blake was the first guy to cheat on her. That Bastard.

"How long," she murmured, holding back her tears as she bit her lip.

"This is our first date, but he's been with other girls throughout high school," I told her sympathetically. I hated boys like that. What would I do about the bet? David would surely let me out of it. I wouldn't go after a guy who cheated on me on the first date. What about living with him? I inwardly groaned. We had been eating dinner as a "family" lately.

I pulled Kaylin with me as I steered towards Haley's house. We needed girl talk badly, and I could tell that Kaylin didn't want to cry in public. We walked up to the cute little house and I knocked. Haley appeared only seconds later, allowing me past without a word as soon as she saw Kaylin. We all headed up to her room. It was bright purple, with black and Dark purple pillows and bedding, and dark brown furniture. She had posters plastered everywhere as normal teens would.

"What happened," she said bluntly, pulling out a kettle from god knows where.

"This is Kaylin, Blake's girlfriend of two years," I said and Haley looked back at me with wide eyes. She walked over and sat Kaylin on the bed. She knelt infront of her and grabbed both of her hands.

"Okay hun, this is how it works; I know you don't really know us at all, but we've both dealt with situations like this," she left a bit of a pause as she have me a shy glance," and what we do is cry it out and talk about everything. Alyssa and I will listen, you just let it all out. Then we drink tons of hot chocolate, eat popcorn and Icecream, drink, and do stupid things to distract us all night, okay?"

Kaylin nodded and layed back on the bed. She bit her lip for a second, then finally let it all out.

"I remember when we first met. He was so sweet, he bought me flowers and chocolate and begged me to go out with him. So I did. We went on dates all the time. I remember one time when we just spent all night together under the stars. He was the perfect gentleman. We dated and did cute things exclusively for a year. Then I gave myself to him," she choked out and I could help the tear slip down my face. "A while later we found out that I had to leave for eight months. He promised to stay faithful. We video chatted every night and every morning. He texted me in the morning saying something like 'good morning beautiful' and at night he would send 'goodnight my lovely. I'll dream about you tonight. Well be forever and always'. I thought I had settled down the player. I got back a month ago but hadn't had time to see him. The first time I saw him was today. He was my first everything."

I couldn't help but start crying along with her. I had such similar stories every time I was cheated on.

"He was my first date, my first kiss, my first boyfriend, my first love, my first..." she choked out and just started bawling. I hated him. I hated people like him. Every guy who had cheated on me flooded back into my mind.

From when I had started dating at thirteen years old every relationship I had ended drastically. The only two to come back were threatening me. They needn't worry. I would stay away from Blake. Kaylin let out another bone chilling cry.

No, I wouldn't stay away from Blake. I would act like nothing was wrong, that I'm used to it. I would kiss him, cook for him, hold his hand. I would take him on dates and hold his hand when he was sick. I would help him study. I would buy him cute little things, and give him cute little surprises. I would tell him he's perfect and that he's the only one I needed. I would tell him I loved him. Then I would give him a taste of his own medicine.

I would play the player.

I would crush his pathetic little heart just like every guy has done to me, just like he did to Kaylin.

It was time for Blake Richards to crash and burn.

The old bet was over, but I was starting a new goal for myself and I was more determined than ever.

Blake Richards was in for some shit.


The goals The same, the ending will just be planned as different. >:)

I bet your like WHAAAAAt.

With a little t.

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Keep it up!

School starts on the fourth. I'll try to get an update on the 3rd maybe cuz I'm camping all week.


If you want the update :)


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