Spice of Love - Completed

Von 50shadesofblues

67.6K 2.2K 71

This is the Catherine Little and Sadiq saga. Book 3 of the Little Sisters and a standalone. 16 year old Cathe... Mehr

Sugar and spice
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21- Epilogue
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Author's Note.
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Chapter 12

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Von 50shadesofblues

It did not take Sadiq long to pick up on her vibes. Cat was back to being angry. Scared, but angry. And with a determined raise to her chin, she turned her back on Sadiq and bit her tongue, refusing to give him the time of the day. This time though, he took offence. It helped somewhat being naturally oblivious to the males of her species. But that had only been true until Cat met Sadiq.

Still, it gave her a foundation to work with. An idea to explore and possibilities to contemplate, all while enjoying her success in turning his initial smirk of smug satisfaction to one of anger and then intense irritation. All without the use of actual words.

They were both terribly silent. The entire way. It was downright amazing that they could communicate so much with so few words. Cat ran a hand through her blond curls, not caring if she ruffled her hair even more out of sorts than it already was. And she remained oblivious to his avid interest as his green gaze narrowed in on the movements of her hand.

"The silent treatment? I thought you were above such pettiness."

He thought wrong.


His eyes tightened in anger at her insolence.


Cat jolted at the sharpness to his tone, her gaze snapped around to clash with his and her hand shifted to flatten against the baby bump not completely visible but easily discerned with touch. Cat compressed her lips into a firm line. Sadiq stared at her, his gaze bright with emotions he no longer wanted to hide. Cat met his stare, refusing to give in, even when she saw the softening to forest greens.

"It doesn't have to be this way..." began Sadiq, his voice soothing, as if talking to a startled child. "This is going to be a new beginning for both of us."

Cat narrowed her blue eyes. Her stare glacial. "There is no us, Sadiq. There never was."

Sadiq compressed his lips and lifted his brow. "You don't believe that any more than I do." He reached out for her hand and she shied away, but he was not having it. His hand clasped about hers. Warm against the chill of her fingers, frozen even in this hot climate. But then fear had its own way of chilling a person to the bone.

"What I believe is that you are bent on making not one but both of us miserable... for life."

"If you believed that you would never have shared my bed," pointed out Sadiq, reasonably.

"There is no accounting for good sense... or the lack of it," muttered Cat, with a clumsy shrug.

Sadiq sighed, his hand tightening over hers, but otherwise he fell silent. Lifting their clasped hands between them, Sadiq bent over to brush his warm lips against her chilled skin. Meeting her insolent gaze with one of his own, he deliberately let his gaze fall in a slow, leisurely descent to rest on her suddenly trembling lips. The taunting smirk she wore there hesitated than fell away completely. Her teeth came out of their own volition and sank into the petal softness of her bottom lip, only just stopping before she broke the skin. But the deed was done. In one smooth move of imperceptible cunning on Sadiq's part, the tables were turned. Gone was the animosity she had been working so hard to contrive between them.

In its place was the smouldering tension that got her into this mess in the first place. The sexual tension that never failed to raise its ugly head between them. She loathed it. She loathed him... but she was beginning to suspect... she loved him more.

The four-wheel drive pulled up to an abrupt halt, snatching her attention away from Sadiq's drowning gaze as awareness of their surroundings came flooding back. Cat drew in a deep, shaky breath and she found herself looking anxiously about. In the vast desert space was an oasis and in its midst was an Aladdin-like palace with turrets and domed roofs.

The door at her side was jerked open, and without a backwards glance Cat clambered more to escape the prince's daunting presence than anything else, but still she was caught out in awe of the surrounding visage. The place was breathtaking. Resembling every desert fairy-tale palace imaginable. Only it was vast. Widespread and lavishly green in foliage that it stood out like an oasis unlike any seen before.

"It's beautiful," Cat breathed out to Sadiq as he came to stand beside her. He flicked a sardonic gaze sideways at her before breaking out in fluent Arabic with the man that came forward to greet him.

Cat turned back to take in the view almost dreamily. The place was so out of the ordinary that her usually staid imagination actually took flight. She could have almost found herself blubbering with childlike excitement on sighting Disneyland, but thankfully, she didn't. Instead she remained stoically silent, mute in awe.

Sadiq moved to her side. Boldly reaching out for her hand against to clasp it in his. He tugged her closer to him and bent his head to her hair, breathing her in.

"We have much evolved since we started this," he murmured almost under his breath, but Cat strained her ears to catch his words. "I would never have allowed it to go this far with simply anyone else, Cat. Allah made you for me. We are meant to be." His husky voice washed over her, spilling out goosebumps as it caressed her skin. Cat shivered, unable to deny the longing in his voice or the longing in her silence.

Just then several dark Porsche Cayennes came rolling through the great gate to speed to a halt before them. More doors swung open and closed. A spill of expensively shod feet hit the dust. But Cat's eyes were arrested by a lovely brunette clad not in a Burqa like herself, but in what had to be the very latest in French design.

"Sadi!" A cloud of expensive perfume engulfed her as the woman sped on by and Cat almost staggered back feeling slightly nauseous. A feeling that shot up to new uncomfortable highs when the woman flung herself so carelessly into Sadiq's arms. His grip on Cat's hand laxed and reflectively shot up to field her.

"Lia! What are you doing here?" Sadiq growled almost angrily, in stark contrast to the woman's robust greeting. His emerald gaze shot up over her thin shoulders accusingly as he searched out the culprit that brought his Lia there. Cat bit back bile and followed his gaze to settle on a sheepish looking man, who unlike his... wife?... dressed in traditional garb. He now swept forward, albeit hesitantly, as he noted the death stare Sadiq was giving her.

"You know how she is," the man muttered with a helpless shrug. "As soon as the Sultan sent in notice of your pending nuptial there was no stopping her. She shopped 'til she dropped, and then packed us all out here."

Sadiq glared at him before reaching down to clasp the woman's skinny shoulders and wrenched her out of his arms. "You know better than to come here. Especially now."

"It's is the perfect lure," came the exquisitely accented voice. "But how could I resist."

Sadiq stared at her then shook his head. "It's good to see you again, sister," he said formally.

Lia grinned a Cheshire-kitten smile before she turned her attention to Cat.

"I am Lia, this pighead's sister," said the unrepentant Lia.

Cat choked back on a surprised laugh, knowing just what pigs meant to a Muslim. She couldn't help grinning back. It was good to have found someone not afraid to tell it like it is. She shot a taunting grin up at Sadiq before recalling he had here there against her will, and to wed her, no less. The grin fell abruptly away.

Sadiq sighed. Lifting a hand, he gestured ahead of himself. "After you," he said to his sister, reaching out to hold Cat back when she went to follow.

It was already late in the day, twilight twinkled invitingly in the skies as the shadows passed overhead, casting the land below into the gloom of night. Cat allowed Sadiq to tighten his hand over hers and then merely followed as he led her in. Already, she felt her spirits lower with the sun over the horizon, and the bleakness that flooded into her soul matched the darkness that was creeping rapidly across the desert plain as Saudi Arabia moved to tuck in for the approaching night.

The echoing silence was the first thing she noticed on stepping into the palace. The stillness brought about by the vastness of space only broken by the resonating footsteps of their pattering feet. Even Sadiq's expensively shod feet gave out a more hollowed-out sound. There would be no sneaking past the guards in this place. Guards that, oddly enough, appeared far fewer than she'd imagined. But, then again, this was clearly a state-of-the-art building, equipped with the very latest in security surveillance, as evidenced by the sophisticatedly mounted security cameras. Some visible, but Cat was sure there were many more less visible.

A man came forward to greet them. Clad in traditional attire, he greeted Sadiq, Lia, and her husband, but ignored Cat altogether, save for a cursory glance that started and ended on her hair. She had never felt more blond than she did at this moment. In a country governed by the dark in hair, Cat stood out as the anomaly. She lifted a hand gingerly to tug her blond hair behind her ear. The veil, she had long lost on board the flight. There had been no need for it on landing here. The prince was enough of a passport in, and the security presence was hardly about to listen to her side of the tale. Just as they were bent on ignoring her here at the palace. The prince's hand left her own, before moving to the small of her back to push her forwards. Then it fell away altogether, and Cat was reminded of the fact that no touchy-feely was permitted in a public space in this country. Already the prince had gotten away with too much, but then only because he was a prince.

They were led along a vast corridor and then into a lift that took them up to the royal family's private wing. The group split up then. With Sadiq leaning over to brush his lips against his sister's cheek, and then the couple heading off in one direction with a cheerful wave and Sadiq towing Cat away in the opposite direction.

"My suite of rooms is this way," he said by way of explanation to Cat's bewildered look. And Cat looked despairingly back as the only female she had laid eyes on in this palace grew further away. It was not that she worried overmuch on that regard, but Cat couldn't help but be aware that she was very female, very blond, very blue-eyed, and very alone in this place. A point driven forward by all the male eyes that had landed on her, encountered Sadiq's glare, and then sped away in their long walk from the car to his suite of rooms.

An electric keycard later and the doors swung open to admit Sadiq and Cat. Cat's gaze roamed around the room, not really seeing any of it. Fatigue unlike any she had ever experienced before settled deep in her bones. It was not all to do with jet lag either. Or her pregnancy. Or life in general. She was bone weary from just contemplating her future.

"Can I make a call?" Cat asked as she moved further into the opulent room, her arms waving listlessly about her. Her roaming gaze moved back to the prince when he failed to respond. And what she saw there shocked her. A mirror image of her own weariness reflected back at her. Only his wasn't something that had been put into place over the mere expanse of a few days, few months, or even a few years. A lifetime's worth of fatigue reflected back at her, shocking her into unexpected silence. It was only then she realised that all this while she had never really seen Sadiq. The real Sadiq. The one who hid himself away from the world with his sardonic looks and mocking persona.

"Can it wait?" Sadiq asked, lifting his hand to rub the back of his neck before he shrugged out of his leather jacket and draped it over the chair.

Cat nodded her head. Her parents were going to weep the night away over her absence whether she made that call or not.

Sadiq dug out his own phone from his pocket, tapped a few keys and lifted it to his ear. He spoke an elaborate number of words, all sounding more and more foreign as they spewed out from his lips. Cat stared open-mouthed at him. She blinked. Across the globe and on his home turf, and now he was entirely alien to her in every way. The polished and sophisticated visage of Sadiq the Sadist was stripped away and all she saw now was him. The real him. The Saudi Arabian Prince. Cat gulped. She had a feeling the transformation was only just starting. That as time moved on, his veneer will unravel more and more. But who was it she loved? The city slicker with an exotic roughness about the edges or the traditional Sadiq, steeped in a language and culture she didn't understand?

Were they even the same?

"I am tired," murmured Cat quietly, suddenly overwhelmed.

"In a bit. I have ordered us both a meal."

Cat glanced around uncertainly. "My room."

"You will share my room, Cat. My bed." He moved on past her, stripping off more of his westernised façade as he went. His leaving littered the path, until he emerged into his room clad only in his khaki pants. Those too got unbuttoned and shrugged out off. Sadiq moved on past the humongous bed, towards the far end of the room where the walk-in closets were. Cat blinked at his disappearing back and turned to take in the room. It was vast and dark. The pattern and colour scheme being bold purples, blacks, and greys, there wasn't much room for light. With the curtains drawn shut against the setting sun, the only glow of light came off the lamps softly accentuating the room from their strategic perches in various corners of the room. Cat eyed the bed, knowing instinctively she could not sit on it, not if she ever wanted to stand on her feet again. At least for the next twenty-four hours. Just glancing at it had her swaying on her feet.

Cat deliberately turned away and made for what she assumed would be the bathroom. She emerged a moment later no less stunned by the opulence in there then she had been over the rest of the place. That alone spoke volumes of the state of her mind. Face and hands washed, Cat now felt fresh enough to contemplate a hearty dinner. She was suddenly famished.

"I hope you ordered a mountain of food," said Cat, turning as she heard a noise by the door. Sadiq stood there half-naked, wearing only a loose-fitting pair of white pants that brought out the stark contrast of his tanned skin. Her gaze drifted over him and settled on his chest. A chest that closed the distance between them. Cat swayed on her feet. And his arms came about her waist.

"Do you wish to shower first? I have prepared for you a change of clothes."

Cat gave a slow shake of her head.

"Okay, let's eat first then," said Sadiq with a sigh. "You can slip off your shoes; the carpet here is soft to touch."

That, it certainly was. Cat obligingly kicked off the bedroom slippers she traversed half the world in, and sank her feet into the plush carpet. Her breath left her lungs in a relieved sigh. Being kidnapped may not be such a bad thing if it meant her residing here forever. She could toss aside her conviction for this luxury alone, but that chest robbing her sight of anything else, all but nailed it. Cat shook her head, a self-mocking smile splaying across her lips. Luxury could turn a girl's head.

He reached for her fingers, and turning, he tugged her along after him. They moved out towards the living room and on towards a quiet nook where a table for two had been set. The food was in abundance and the aroma appetising. Cat felt her mouth water before her ass even hit the seat of her chair. She was salivating as she reached for her spoon. "What is it?"

"Shawarma. You must have eaten the Lebanese version of kebabs? The food here is an eclectic mix that differs across the regions, as does the culture," murmured Sadiq, before spearing his fork with the lushly spiced meat and taking a mouthful.

Cat moaned, unable to stop herself at the erotic sight that not only tantalised her tastebuds but wreaked havoc with her senses. Cat realised she was starved for more than just food. She eyed him hungrily. But Sadiq merely offered her a tight smile before nodding to her plate. "Eat."

She dropped her gaze with some reluctance and found herself speared anew with the display of exotic cuisine before her. She dug in without preamble and found herself moaning appreciatively over every mouthful. They ate in silence, both relishing each mouthful and paying due respect to the offerings on hand.

"Glorious food and lavish surroundings," sighed Cat, leaning back against her chair, her stomach satisfied. "What's not to like?"

At that Sadiq lifted his signature sardonic brow. "If you think I would believe that, Cat, you don't know me at all." He leaned back against his own chair replete and sighedt with satisfaction.

Cat's brow furrowed at that. "I don't, Sadiq," she snorted. "Not really." Looking about her, she added, "But you are right; opulence will only catch my attention for so long." It was a heady rush that was already starting to fade. A longing for home was starting to swamp her senses and her mood shifted with it. Images of her mum and dad, wrought by her departure, stole her attention. A longing to see them again had her shifting uncomfortably in her seat. She felt the oppression of a sad mind on a full stomach. It was not a happy combination. Already, she felt her gut churning with rising anxiety.

"Come." Sadiq rose abruptly to his feet, reaching his hand out for her.

Cat shook her head, biting back a silent whimper.

Sadiq reached down for her, pulling her up and into his arms. He held her against him, his hands running soothingly up and down her arms. "Shhh," he murmured softly. His breath fanning warmly against her skin, and he bent to nuzzle along the side of her neck. Cat drew in a shaky sigh and then Sadiq stepped back, retaining his grip on her arm as he led her along after him. He made for the room, moving past the bed and on towards the bathroom. He left her there standing uncertainly in the centre and moved ahead to plug the bath and turn the taps on. Warm steam flooded the room. He reached for vials of scents and soap displayed along the counter and emptied a few in. Then he was back by her side, reaching about her to help her out of her clothes. Stripped bare, he drew her towards the bath and held her hand as she climbed in and lowered herself into it. The warm water and soothing scents did their magic, robbing her of her worrying thoughts and releasing her from the inner anguish she had caught herself in. Sadiq sank onto his haunches beside her, folding his elbows over the edge of the tub and leaning there, watching her. Cat shifted towards him, laying her head against the side closest to him. His hand reached out to run caressingly over her damp hair then moved past her to turn the taps off. He reached for the shampoo next and proceeded to pour a handful in his palm. Rubbing them together, he swept his hands through her hair before shifting to massage her scalp and the last vestiges of fear and worry seeped right out of her. She relaxed completely under his ministration, and after the thorough wash he gave her, Sadiq helped her to her feet. Draining the water, he lifted the showerhead to spray warm water that drifted down her soap-slicked body in rivulets.

A moment later and he had her bundled into a large luxurious towel and lifted into his arms as he took her to bed.


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