Chapter 15

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The buzzing of Sadiq's phone brought an abrupt end to their afternoon siesta. Cat lifted her face from where it lay burrowed against his chest.

"It's your phone," said Cat softly.

"It can wait," muttered Sadiq, his arm resting over his eyes as he lay splayed out beneath her.

"It could be important. And besides, I am hungry," declared Cat, finally recalling the lunch she missed. She wondered if it was still there. Not waiting for his response, she clambered off him and then the bed, dragging her clothing back into place as she went. The food sat there still, cold beneath its cover, but still looking delicious to her hungry eyes. She tucked in without preamble.

"I..." Sadiq paused, eyeing her with exasperation. "It's tea time and you are eating your lunch. Cold."

Cat merely shrugged, her mouth too stuffed to do more.

"I have to go. I have been summoned," said Sadiq, before glancing about the place disgruntledly. "I'll do something about this place," he murmured almost absently, before turning back to face her. "You belong back in my room with me."

He reached down to lean over her, his hand shooting past her shoulder to snatch her hand, clutching at the spoon filled with stew and brought it to his lips. "Yep, cold. You should ring for something hot."

Cat shook her head. "I'm too hungry to wait."

"Meals must be eaten on time, Cat," he murmured reprovingly, before bending to brush his lips against her hair and then moving to stride out of the room without a backward glance. Cat stared after him, momentarily nonplussed. Then she bent her head back to her task of devouring her meal.

A knock on the door, a moment later, told her it had all been planned. The phone call, an attempt to summon Sadiq away from her. It was a conclusion Cat came to when the queen walked in next, with Marina and another lady in her wake.

"You will need to be measured for your bridal clothes," said the queen as she moved to seat herself, while the unknown lady stepped forward, moving towards Cat.

Cat reached for her glass of water and downed it all in a long gulp before she rose to her feet. Spreading her arms about, she posed for her measurements to be taken. The woman flicked out a measuring tape and began to move about her, calling out some things for Marina to scribble down as she went.

Cat ignored the pretence for what it was, knowing the two women were there for show. The queen was there for another reason altogether. A reason that surely coincided with her own wants.

The woman straightened a short while later. She muttered a string of something that apparently excused her and then was gone with Marina following closely in her wake. The door clicked shut behind them and Cat took the opportunity to have her say and plead with the queen for her freedom.

"I have no wish to wed Sadiq," she announced to the sudden quiet in the room.

"And you think that matters, why?" the queen questioned smoothly, her sarcasm not entirely unexpected.

"Let's not play games here. You don't want me married to Sadiq any more than I wish to marry him," said Cat, her blue eyes turning hard.

The queen merely raised a brow at her temerity but didn't call her impudence into question. She couldn't. Not when they both knew Cat was saying the very thing the queen had come there to hear.

"You are a rude and foolish woman," said the queen. "You are not suitable to be his bride. It is good that you realise this. But the wedding is already set."

"No," whispered Cat hoarsely, the queen's words dashing her hope.

"Yes," said the Queen. "You will wed tomorrow. Marina will assist you with preparations." The queen rose to her feet and glided towards the door, leaving Cat to stare after her, shattered.

Spice of Love - CompletedHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin