Chapter 10

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It was not that Cat was too ashamed to let on about her sexual interactions with the prince over these past few months. She didn't feel shame. No regrets either. She was inherently practical that way. A baby was growing within her womb. She was going to be a very young mother. She didn't have a problem with that either. Not any longer. Not since the initial shock from finding out eventually wore off. She was now free from wrought. On that account, at least. Free to see her future for what it would become. She saw no flaws in it. Only more opportunities for happiness. But she knew her mum would have a fit if she knew Cat had been sleeping with the prince all this while. She knew her dad would be devastated by what he would see as a blind disregard for his wishes in seeing her remain the youth her age declared her to be.

But Cat had always been precocious that way. It was what pushed her along to achieve what she had. She didn't choose to conform to society's norm. Admittedly, that led her to certain heartaches. Some may even say the harder path through life. But it was a path of her choosing. And it was her life. Her heart was already set on medicine and the baby would simply have to come along for the ride. She lifted her baby blues to blink uncertainly at Sadiq. The only abnormality in all her calculations. She was beginning to understand she couldn't live without him. She was also clueless about how to fit him in her future. But she had an inkling he was about to take matters into his own hands and take the decision making out of hers.

But a sudden silence about her alerted her to the fact that Lucy's explanations had run dry. All eyes were now on the tall, lanky male who lounged languidly against the door frame with apparent disinterest. Cat's own gaze roved over him longingly. Unable to help herself from drinking in his features, his frame, his sheer magnificence. Despite the apparent threat he afforded to her peace of mind, and indeed her future. She still couldn't believe he was going to stoop to this. Blackmail. Cat narrowed her own gaze warningly at the glint in his eye.

"Cat?" Her father turned to her, needing to hear her version of it.

"It was just that once, Dad." Cat lied blatantly through her teeth, before Sadiq could take the bull by the horns and give his version of events. The truth. "At that party at Mark's house over three months back. I didn't want to tell anyone at first because—you know—the first three months is when any miscarriages, were it to happen... would have happened." Cat shrugged practically. "I didn't want to needlessly worry anyone," she ended matter-of-factly. Everyone turned to gape at her. Not so much because of her words but because her quiet tone was devoid of hesitancy. Cat spoke as she always did, with a steadfast matter-of-factness that marked her natural personality. She was determined to show she was as unaffected by her pregnancy as she had been before. That nothing fazed her. Never mind the inner tremblings of her soul.

"Three months?" Mum gasped out in shock. It was just one shock after another and even though Lucy and Emily already knew all of it, hearing it again was still a shock... of sorts. Mum looked about the table, but no one responded.


Again no one responded.

"Who's the father? If it was Mark—" began Patrick Little, ready to take on the world for his daughter.

"No, it wasn't Mark," called out Emily, eager to protect her latest love interest. Lucy threw her a dirty look.

"Then who?" asked Dad, tiredly. They looked about at each other, not sure how to go about this, and then there was a flicker of movement at the corner of the room.

Cat whipped back to watch Sadiq come forward and exercise his right to speak, "I am the father."

"Who the hell are you?"

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