A More Fortunate Series Of Ev...

By Maliciousjellybean

33.9K 580 669

Selena Strauss has been living with her aunt Justice Strauss next to her neighbour Count Olaf for years and... More

Meeting the baudelairs
What a pedo and what's with the haircut?
Chores, chores and wait......MORE CHORES!!
What do you mean 'There's no more chocolate?'
What kind of performance was that?
That's Abuse you piece of trash
I don't know about you but I ain't no flower girl
Are you serious? MARRIAGE!
'A Marvelous Marriage'
Reptiles? I guess they're somewhat cute...
You Again!
MOVIE NIGHT!! Gone wrong...
In Tears
Aunt Josephine
Sad endings and a new beginning
I'm so sorry (A/N)
Yes an author's note (I'm lazy k)
The miserable mill
A Race against time
Prufrock Prep
Escape Plans
Winning yet losing
Ersatz Elevator
A/N: Christmas Updates!!
Past Repercussions
The Ersatz Elevator
The Vile Village
Leaving town
Hospital Admittance
The Library of Records & Hidden Truths
Haunted Hallways
Hospital Madness
The Hostile Hospital
Important A/N
Carnival visit
Circus Freaks
The House Of Freaks

A Fortunate yet Unfortunate beginnings and delicious cupcakes

2.4K 50 16
By Maliciousjellybean

Klaus Baudelaire's POV.

In all my years of living with my parents, I had never expected anything bad or so unfortunate to happen to us. But after hearing the news from Mr. Poe, I still find it hard to believe they're really dead.

I just want to wake up from this never ending nightmare to the be around my mother downstairs or Violet and Sunny telling me we are going to go out together as a family. Sadly the truth is as unpleasant as the reality I am living in now.

We had stayed the night at Mr. Poe's house and believe it or not they weren't as hospitable as you would have thought or believed.

To my great displeasure, Mr Poe's wife was a news reporter for some newspaper article. I wasn't listening to her rambling but Violet being a kindhearted person was graciously thanking her that night for letting us stay, which Mrs. Poe didn't give such a good response to.

Now we are in Mr. Poe's car on our way to our new parent,a guy named Count Olaf.
"Your parents have instructed me specifically to put you in your closest living relatives home, Count Olaf that is, which is very nearby." Mr Poe said happily as if we were supposed to be happy over the loss of our parents.

"Does he understand what close living relatives mean?" I asked looking over at Violet who was holding a quiet Sunny.

"I don't think so." She responded giving me the same look I was giving her.

After a couple of minutes we arrived at our destination, stopping in front of a big house with a beautiful outdoor garden if i do say so myself.

Mr. Poe got out of the car first having a bit of a coughing fit before straightening himself and taking the lead walking up to the house with us in toe. He pressed the doorbell.

A couple of seconds later we heard murmuring before the door was abruptly opened to reveal a small girl with sparkling, brown doe eyes and a cute baby face.

"Why hello little girl. My name is Mr. Poe and these are the baudelaire orphans. We are here to see Count Olaf, may we speak to him."Mr. Poe said with that never fazing business tone.

The girl's nose scrunched cutely up a bit, probably from confusion or distaste before she directed her gaze to us  smiling a friendly smile,before abruptly turning back to Mr. Poe.

"Oh right sorry...Aunt Strauss! Mr.Poe and the Baudelaires are here!"She yelled before turning back to us after hearing a response.

Suddenly, a woman with a judge like appearance stood by the door placing her hand on the girl's shoulder smiling softly at us.

"Hi Mr. Poe nice to see you again and this must be the orphans. Hi children my name is Justice Strauss." She said politely before turning to the girl,"And this is my niece Selena." She said with enthusiasm evident in her voice.

"Hi welcome to town Violet, Klaus and Sunny baudelaire. I hope your doing alright thus far from the news I've heard." She said in a calm tone which made me feel at ease in an instant.

Violet smiled in comfort at her.

"We are doing well so far. My name is Violet.Thank you for your concern Selena." She said. I knew from this moment they would be close because of their similar personalities.

"Hello!" Sunny said in her gibberish that other people except me or Violet wouldn't understand.

"Hello there little one you must be Sunny i presume." she says lightly tickling Sunny's foot making her giggle happily.

"You understand her?" I asked openly surprised. This is because not many people understand Sunny. She turned to me smiling lightly at my confused expression.

"If you listen closely you'll get at better understanding at what babies are saying. I used to be a babysitter for my friends little brother so i got a better understanding. You must be Klaus i presume?" She said tilting her head to the side in a suggestive way.

I couldn't help but admire her for a second before snapping out of my thoughts blushing slightly.

"Yes that's my name, nice to meet you." I said shyly before turning the conversation to a very impressed Justice Strauss," Are you Count Olaf's wife?" I said praying that she's our new guardian.

She looked suprised before shaking her head no," Oh goodness no, he lives over there." She said apologetically.

In unison we turned to see a broken down house with dusty windows, an uncut lawn and what looked like rotting wood barely protecting the house. My siblings and i shared a look of discomfort and worry before turning to an apologetic Selena and Ms.Strauss looking a tad bit disappointed.

"Oh but don't worry children I'm sure he will be a suitable parent. Even if I haven't really met the man before." She said trying to ease the slight tension that had formed from our worry.

"Now that I think of it guess what, I had bought things from the store, a tool kit and some food. Selena you should have been there with me because I had bought a big baguette and forgot the buy a bread cutter to cut it into nice thin pieces. Oh-"she had now started to ramble about a different topic while Selena looked amused by her aunts banter. Violet decided to step in at that moment.

" There's no need to worry Justice Strauss. My sister here has a sharp set of teeth and we wouldn't mind stopping by to help."she said kindly.
Justice Strauss was surprised yet intrigued by her offer.

"Oh that would be wonderful." She responded enthusiastically, " you can stop by house any time if you want. Selena gets bored at the house sometimes and I sure could use an extra set of hands."

"Before i forget have these cupcakes before you go. Just to ease your nerves.
I've never talked to Count Olaf before but I will visit when i can to check up on you guys." Selena said reassuringly before dissapearing inside to grab the cupcakes.

I don't know what to expect from Count Olaf but I hope we will be fine.

She came back with four freshly baked red velvet cupcakes.

"I don't think we baked enough for Count Olaf but i don't think he would mind. Here." She said handing one to me then Violet and Mr. Poe.

"Sunny can eat this right?I don't want to give her anything bad." She questioned Violet.

"No she likes to eat tough things, but i think she won't mind this once." Violet responded.

Selena gave Sunny a cupcake which she bit into immediately humming in delight.

"Thank u."Sunny said smiling cheekily with icing still on her face.

I nodded appreciatively to Selena.
Mr. Poe bid them good day before we crossed the street to Count Olaf's house.

We were all enjoying the cupcakes Selena and Justice Strauss made as we stopped infront of  the ominous house standing tall and ominous.

Mr. Poe rang the doorbell. We listened closely as the doorbell chimed and suddenly we heard someone repeating a hello in different voices. Not long later an eye was looking through the peep hole.
A series of locks were unbolted before the door opened to reveal a tall lanky man with gray hair,on his head and beard with a strange mixture of white.

His eyebrows were strangely amusing to me as he smiled a smile that would trick anybody if they didn't look close enough.

"Hello hello hello children." He said in a  sinister voice looking at each of us.

"I am Count Olaf the renowned actor and your new guardian."he said looking at each one of us.After a moments silence he said,"You're welcome."

"Thank you." Violet responded.

"Right, please step this way into my humble abode." He said with his jaw clenched into an almost painful smile.

We walked in and watched as Count Olaf looked at Mr. Poe as he entered.

"And mysterious man with a hat?" He said with curiosity and a bit of an edge to his tone.

"My deepest apologies sir, my name is Mr. Poe and I am a banker in charge of the orphans affairs department and multuary money management ." He stated with a pleasant smile.

"Doesn't ring a bell."He responded.
"The bank, I'm from the bank."

This news seemed to make Count Olaf's smile widen in delight.

"Wonderful, I believe the orphans fortune should help better this place. " He saud lifting a suggestive eyebrow. Mr. Poe seemed baffled at his response before replying.

"You must be mistaken Count Olaf sir, the childrens'  fortune is to be protected until Violet Baudelaire the eldest has come of age as stated in their parents will." Mr. Poe said looking unfazed by the man's sudden change in mood.

"Which one is Violet?" He asked. Mr. Poe pointed over at Violet who was with Sunny looking uncomfortable.

Count Olafs smile had dropped and he growled under his breathe.

"Alright then, well I hope I can prove myself to be the father you never had."

I decided to speak up.

"We had a father." I quickly stated the obvious.

"Yes and a mother, remarkable woman flammable." He said with a small smirk painted on his face.

We exchanged a look from his words feeling unnerved.
He directed his attention back to Mr. Poe.

"So do I need to sign something or.." he questioned.

"What.. no." He responded startled.

"Well as they say in the theatre, exit stage right." Count Olaf responded awkwardly.

"Ok goodbye violet, goodbye sunny and Klaus, i'll come by If you need any questions then-" Mr. Poe said before he was cut off by Count Olaf closing the door.

"Well children before I give you a tour of the house aren't you going to thank me?"



Hi people I really don't know. Just wanted to say that I'm thankful for you coming this far in reading the book (not that I know how to write one really)

Just a couple if words:

1) Don't like the main character you can picture someone else. I just like Selena Gomez.

2) No hate please and I know what you're thinking (in the comments section or you personally) I really don't mind critiques but at some point there is a limit to being hurtful and being plain out disrespectful. Grammar is my weak point as well as punctuation see anything just say it. The storyline of this book is different not really word by word but feel free to tell me about your concerns

3) Be kind to one another. This means be respectful of other peoples opinions. You may not like them but there is no I need to start a war.
I don't have beef with anybody really I'm just saying your choice.(now I want some beef)

4) You know the drill muffins. You can comment or vote if you wish but just a warning (Count Olaf us a freaking pedophile so yeah, you can forget this book existed.) If you're a silent reader I understand because I am kind a one of those people when I want to be.😅

5) Hey I see you weirdos with corrupted minds. I know probably a couple of people are dirty minded (I won't judge because since the start of highschool I have been corrupted) keep some of the smutty comments to yourself if u really smutty. Humor me though I don't mind.

6) What are you craving right now? Cuz I'm kinda hungry.

7) May God bless you have a wonderful day *awkward sibling hug pat pat*😆

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