
By pj_DuDe

330 84 8

She's a 15 year old Pixie. He's a 16 year old Vampire. Neither of them knows the truth of the other, but that... More

1. Elena
1. Spencer
2. Elena
3. Elena
2. Spencer
5. Elena
6. Elena
7. Elena
8. Elena

4. Elena

28 8 0
By pj_DuDe


After I ran out of class I went straight home without a second thought about what Spencer thought had happened, if anyone would grab my stuff, if my parents would ask what happened, or anything else. My mind was racing, I couldn't tell one thought from another. Too much was happening way too fast and I didn't understand if I should stop it, let it, or hide from it, whatever "it" was.

I had no idea what time it was but everyone was home and no one had tried talking to me yet so I decided before they could, I would just go to bed, I hoped it wasn't too early but I honestly didn't care, all I could get straight was that I was tired. Trying to fall asleep didn't seem to work too well as every feature I had taken in about Spencer kept running through my mind on replay, almost as if I had been staring at him for an entire day, a picture of him was locked in my mind with the key thrown away when all I wanted to do was sleep.

I have known this boy for just over three days and I am apparently already obsessed with him, I could not believe myself, why him? What was drawing me towards him in every way possible? I was not the type of girl to have a crush, Faye was going to freak if I told her, so I decided I wasn't going to tell her, she didn't need to know, just like she didn't, and still doesn't, need to know that I'm a Pixie. That's how that worked, right?

With all the thinking my mind was doing, without permission might I add, I had eventually fallen asleep. Sleeping had been a good idea until, guess who, showed up in the amazing dream I was having, he didn't talk but he was still there staring at me like a star that he was looking at through a telescope at midnight. I couldn't help but wonder if he was going through the same thing as me right now, I would die to know what was going on in his head when I was around.

I woke up just past 3:00 a.m. and hoped I could fall back asleep so I could go to school the next day but knew that probably was not going to happen either way because I had to talk to my mom again. This school year was off to a very bad start and it's only the 4th day back at school tomorrow, this year will be a lot harder after my 16th birthday though so I figured I shouldn't complain too much.

I had gotten a few more hours of sleep before waking up, stumbling my way downstairs and asking if I could stay home then whispered,

"I need to talk to you again."

She nodded and said to go back to bed for a few more hours since I had also mentioned that I slept like crap last night, and thankfully my dad was going to be out practicing for his hockey tournament again while my brother was at school, meaning I had all day to myself other than my mom. Just as I thought today was going to be a good day I got a message saying,

"Hey you going to be at school today? I wanna talk to you about something, and I grabbed your stuff and threw it in my locker so it didn't get lost."

From Spencer, and knew instantly that it was about what had happened yesterday, I was happy that he grabbed my stuff though because I didn't want to me losing school work on the first week of school. I didn't want to start a conversation with him so I replied with,

"No, I won't be, I got the flu, I'll be there tomorrow though. And thanks, I'll meet you at your locker tomorrow morning before 1st."

And hoped that he wouldn't reply back.

It was almost noon when I woke back up, I felt a lot more energized than I did this morning. I checked my phone for notifications but had none so I figured it's now or never if I want to talk to my mom. While I was on my way downstairs I tried to plan out what I wanted to talk about but found that I couldn't because there was just too much. Once I got downstairs I wandered around looking for my mom and found her on the couch reading a "Vampire Diaries" book, she looked so into it that I didn't want to disturb her but did anyways by saying,

"Hey mom."

"Hey honey, what did you want to talk to me about? Is it something bad?"

She asked, sounding a lot more worried than normal.

"No, it's not something bad, I just had a few questions."

"Oh, okay, ask away then."

"I was wondering if you felt drawn to dad when you found out he was "The One"? What did it feel like specifically if you did. And did you start doing weird things like matching your makeup choices to what some of his features were?"

"Wow, that's a lot of question, but as for the first one, yes I did, he was always on my mind, but you have to remember that it's different for everyone, but I did start styling my hair in a way that matched his, and I started dressing in the colors he did, care to elaborate why your asking?"

"Well, the makeup I wore yesterday matched to Spencer's eye color and hair color, and I just can't seem to think straight without the clearest image of him popping up, and it won't go away, and he showed up in my dream last night. I just wanted to know if this kind of stuff is normal."

She laughed a little but tried to hide it with a cough then said,

"Yes, it is very normal, and it won't stop until you bond together properly, which for you, won't be for a while unless you move out because I do not want another Pixie child running around in this house causing chaos, and baby proofing a house is not fun either."

She said while smirking, thankfully she didn't have to explain the entire process to me again because that was embarrassing, especially with my dad in the room at the time, and by now, I don't think I have to explain either. Being a Pixie sucked sometimes, but at the same time it helped with a lot of stuff. I laughed at her then said,

"Yes, I know mom, and I promise it won't be for awhile, especially if that's going to be with Spencer. Is there any way to stop the urge to be around him all the time?"

"You would have to keep yourself busy all the time, even while your sleeping which would be hard to do, I wouldn't try to do that though, let yourself go to him, figure out who he is as a person, that's probably the best advice I can give you at this point in time, sorry sweetheart."

She said, looking disappointed in herself for not being able to help anymore, I felt bad because what she said definitely helped so I said,

"Thanks mom, I'll keep that in mind in case it gets worse, I think I have to do something right now though so I'll come back downstairs later for supper."

And started walking away while listening to pages flip behind me. Walking up the stairs I thought about how I was going to do what I had planned, it was not going to be fun but it might be for the best because some things you just can't avoid.

Back in my room I was staring at my phone like an idiot, not knowing what to say, this message was going to be sent to Spencer and thought I should probably think before saying, but instead of thinking I just started typing,

"Hey, wanna meet up with me later at the coffee shop in town? We can grab a drink and hang out, if you want to obviously."

When I was done I read the message to see that I didn't do to bad of a job, but I didn't sound to sure of myself and what I was saying so I sent the message before I had the chance to back down and within 3 minutes there was a response saying,

"Sure, sounds amazing, what time?"

I had decided 6:00 p.m. was a good time for coffee and sent back a message saying,

"6 works for me if it works for you."

And got a simple message back saying,



At 5:00 p.m. I started getting ready, I knew it wasn't a date, but I had to be prepared for it to turn out that way so I put on the same makeup that I had yesterday because it actually suited me nicely, choosing an outfit was hard but eventually I settled on a plain black, low cut, skin tight dress that went down to my knees, I wanted to look good, but not too good just in case because you never know. I had asked my mom if she could drive me before getting ready and she said she would, at about 5:50 she had yelled up asking if I was ready so I went downstairs just to hear once at the bottom of the stairs,


Gotta love having brothers.

"Don't say that word Josh, your only twelve,"

Dad paused, looking at me with wide, angry, eyes, then continued by saying,


Thankfully mom had chosen that moment to walk in and stood up for me by saying,

"Leave her alone you two, she's going on a date."

While winking. I covered up my face, carefully, so I didn't mess up my makeup, extremely unimpressed with my mother, I had specifically told her it was not a date, apparently she didn't listen though. After she said that neither my brother or my dad had said anything else, instead they gave each other a look and walked in opposite directions. I was kind of happy that my mom had said that though because it made me feel proud of myself, and I didn't even need Faye's help, I'll admit, I did text her asking if she could disguise herself and sit at a different table so she could later on tell me what I said and did that was wrong.

On the way there I got told the three rules, if he tried anything I had to scream and run away then text one of my parents, if the date was over I had to text someone to pick me up because it was going to be dark and they didn't want me to get killed or kidnapped, and last but not least, DO NOT tell him that I'm a Pixie no matter what happens. Thankfully she didn't have time to say anything else thought because we were at the coffee shop. As I got out I briefly heard my mom mutter to herself,

"What is that girl wearing? I can see her ass falling out the bottom and she hasn't even been wearing it for twenty minutes."

And laughed to myself, already knowing that the dress was not that short, and that she was just being a mother.

Once I got inside I seen Faye at a back table with a huge donut and small latte and waved at her quickly before anyone noticed. I chose to sit at a table near Faye after looking around and seeing that Spencer wasn't here yet. I had been sitting at the table for just over ten minutes when Spencer walked in, for some reason he looked different than normal, I stood up preparing myself to go get a drink with him then sit back down but as he walked over to me it seemed as if everything felt like it was in slow motion, I watched his eyes move up and down my body and widening slightly, then seen a small grin spread across his face just to disappear a second later, and when we were finally standing beside each other in line to order I thought, "Well, let the talking begin, and I pray to god this goes better than I think it will."

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