Matilda's older sister

By Lil_Nyxie

97.8K 1.4K 803

What if Matilda had an older sister who also had mind powers like her. Who showed her love her mom, dad, and... More

|1| (Edited)
Should There Be a Romance?
not an update
Contest pt.2

|2| (Edited)

9K 176 51
By Lil_Nyxie

(Outfit of the day)

"Give me the cookies." Mike demanded from my Mother. "Here." Cookies for breakfast, great idea Mother. Matilda brought over some waffles to the table and sat next to me. "What 'cha doing Melody?" She asked, looking over my shoulder. "I'm filling out some paperwork for an assistant teaching job at a school close to here. They're most likely going to let me have a job because I'm already done with college. Thank god I'm psychic." I answered, whispering the last part. "That's so cool Melody." Matilda said, smiling up at me. "Thanks." Not a minute later I heard dad coming down the hallway. "okay, my boy! Heir to the throne!" Today we diddle the customers." Mike turned and looked at dad and then dropped his cookie. I looked up and tried so hard not to laugh. I looked at Matilda and smirked before giving her a high five.

The top of my Father's hair was bleached blonde! "What are you looking at?" He asked Mike. "Lovekins, where's my breakfast?" He asked my Mother, rolling his eyes at Mike.
"Here we are, my heartstrings..." Then she screamed and threw cereal everywhere. I sighed, guess who has to clean that up? Right. Me.
"Snicker-doodle. what did you do to your hair?" My Mother questioned, very concerned. 
"My hair?" He asked, walking to look in the mirror, my Mother and Mike followed him to see his reaction when he saw his hair. He screamed then fainted. In that time I used my powers and picked up all the cereal and threw it away.

After the whole hair fiasco, my Father dragged Mike, Matilda and I to his auto shop. I've been to the shop many times before, when my Father would go and show some people the cars, I would fix up the ones that needed it and make them safer than if he used super super glue. "One day, all this will be yours." He told Mike proudly. "This?" He was unsure but who wouldn't? "See this junker? I paid $100 for it. She's got 120,000 miles on her. Transmission's shot. bumpers are falling off... What do I do with her? I sell her!" My Father brought out his famous super super glue and painted it on a bumper. "We should weld these bumpers on, but that takes time and money. So we use Super Super Glue instead." He got Matilda and Mike to put the bumper on the car. "Go ahead. Put it on there."

"Won't it fall off?" Mike is a bit smarter than I give him credit for. "Definitely." He responded.
"Isn't that dangerous?" Matilda asked. "Not to me. Okay? Transmission! The sawdust lets the engine run sweet as a nut. for a few miles." Cheater. "Daddy, that's cheating." Thank you Matilda. "Nobody ever got rich being honest. 20 years ago we had to turn the numbers back by hand. Here take my hat." He told Mike. Mike set it on the table. I looked at Matilda and smirked. She was confused for a minute. I looked at the glue then dads hat. She understood now. 

"But the Feds like to test the ingenuity of American businessmen. Two-directional drill. If you run it backwards, the numbers go down." 

"Cool!" Not cool Mike. Illegal. "Daddy, you're a crook." My Father stopped what he was doing and turned to Matilda. "What?" I rolled my eyes. "This is illegal." What is with this girl and reading my thoughts? "Here, keep drilling." He told Mike. "Do you make money?" He asked her. No idiot, she's 6. "Don't people need good cars? Can't you sell good cars?"

"Listen, you little wiseacre, I'm smart, you're dumb. I'm big, your little. I'm right, you're wrong!
There's nothing you can do about it." He poked her shoulder 3 times at the end. I am fed up. "Touch her and belittle her like that again and I'll do something." I said walking up behind Matilda and I put my hand on her shoulder.(Protective big sister mode. Engaged) I am as tall as mom so I tower over him, and he looked pissed. He was about to say something but mom pulled up in her pink car. 

"Harry, I won! I hit the double bingo! I'm taking you all to Café Le Ritz!"
"Here's your hat, Daddy." Matilda said she smiled sweetly. That's my girl. "You never take us out." My mom said.
"I took you to The Flipper." My Father argued. My Mother took a passing glance at me and stuck her nose up. "I can't believe you Melody. That outfit is horrible." I just rolled my eyes. "Oh shut up mom." 

"Don't talk to your mother that way." My Father said, I just sighed and shook my head. "Harry, take your hat off. Nobody cares about your hair." I took a seat at the table ready to enjoy the show. Matilda was about to as well but Mike put his feet up in her chair. I sighed and pulled her onto my lap and put my arms around her waist. She leaned into me. "Get ready for the show." I whispered to her. She nodded.

Long story short Mom tried to get the hat off slipped and flipped over a table. Dad fell back and flipped the desert table. A nice small cake landed on the plate in front of Matilda and I and a cake landed in front of Mike and icing got all over him. Matilda took a fork and took of a piece of the cake that landed perfectly and took a bite. "Mm-mm." She took of another piece and put the fork near my mouth and I took a bite." Mm, That's good." She smiled and we shared the rest of the cake. 

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