Sick bts

By fruityappledreams

423K 3.9K 2.5K

Hello! This is a collection of bts sick fics I am writing. Some will be one shots and others will have more t... More

Sick Jimin part 1
Sick Jimin part 2
Sore throat 1
Sore throat 2
Sick at school
Stuck in the rain
Peanuts = Death (not really)
Yoonjin travling
Freakin pumpkins !
Just push through it (1)
Fixed up
Just Push Throuh It (2)
A Fever Named Scarlett
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Jin hyung
Kookie needs a rest
Hobi ๐Ÿ’–
Have my coat tiny
Grammy Nerves
Jin's Stomach flu

Jin Hyungs recovery

7.1K 122 85
By fruityappledreams

I know in the last part this was based in a different city, but I got to 1500 words when I realized they weren't at home. 😵 Just pretend they were about an hour or two from home.

Also, panick attack warning this 🌸 will be the warning before it happens


A day and a half later, Jin was finally discharged from the hospital.

It was a sunny morning, but looks can be deceiving. Yes it was a bright sunny morning, but the temperature was not matching up in any way shape or form. An acrimonious wind blew wildly through the trees, like there was an invisible storm. Namjoon, Hoseok and Jungkook were waiting in the lobby for their friend. They were bundled up like eskimos. Long black coats, hats, maybe a scarf, I mean, could you blame 'em. It had a double purpose, to keep them warm and hide their identity. None of them were up for sasaengs spreading information about their location and making an annoying fuss.

Jungkook, much like a fearful child, held tightly onto Namjoons hand. Nervous was an understatement. He was terrified. Jin was his eldest hyung, practically a parent to him. To watch him crash and end up hospitalized was the worst experience of his life. Every time he was separated form Jin, his mind began to race and worry.

What if he needs help and the nurses don't get there soon enough? Will he be able to perform again? Will he be kicked out?! What if he's suffocating right now and I don't know it?

By that point Jungkook would end up in tears. Nothing like this had happened yet, none of the boys knew what was to come. The doctors told them the day before that they needed to give Jin a week or two of rest. His energy level would return gradually, and he needed to refrain from dancing and exercising. Due to the scheduling, it was very tough work to get everything settled to insure Jin a safe recovery. Thankfully, it got done.

"How much longer?" Jungkook mumbled into Namjoons shoulder.

"Not too long. Look here he comes." Namjoon smiled, dragging Jungkook forward to where Jin exited the elevator with two nurses.

"Hey hyung, how're you doing?" Hobi asked, while Namjoon talked with the nurses.

"Tired. You guys parked close right?" He asked, talking fairly quietly.

"Of course!" Hoseok shined.

Jungkook shoved his way over and wrapped his arms around Jin's back, cuddling into the eldests shoulder. Jin returned the hug, planting a kiss on Jungkooks head.

"Hey, JK." He greeted wearily.

"I missed you." Jungkook whispered.

"I missed you too. Let's get home, yeah?" He said, clearing his throat.

Everyone nodded and started toward the door. Jungkook grabbed Jin's arm, making sure he was steady and stable. They walked upon the carpet and walked out through the sliding glass doors into the wind. Jin gasped quietly, squinting and blinking his eyes. Jungkook's attention snapped quickly from the cold to his hyung.

"Do you need a wheelchair?! Is it too hard to walk?!" He asked frantically, even though the car was only a few feet away. Namjoon even had his hand on the door handle.

"I'm okay Kookie, just cold." Jin reassured, continuing his steps.

Jungkook nodded to himself, climbing into the car after everyone else. The group gave the staff one more thanks and took off. Hoseok drove, Namjoon sat in the passenger, and Jungkook and Jin took up the back. Jin sat silently with his eyes shut, slowly letting his body doze off against the car seat. Jungkook remained anxious, bouncing both of his legs wildly. He knew Jin was okay, he knew if he needed something he would tell them, he knew the eldest was only going to get better, but he couldn't help but feel panicked. What if he was wrong?

Throughout the drive, Jin stayed still, his muscles achey and sore. The group had done some intense rehearsals for the show, lasting nearly eleven hours. That was one of the biggest leading reasons to his collapse. Jin was still fairly shaken up from the experience, but with the weight of exhaustion looming over his shoulders, he just slept it away, hoping no one would make too big of a deal. All he wanted was to get back to normal life.

After an hour, Hoseok carefully parked the car and looked back at Jin and Jungkook. Jin appeared fast asleep, his lips parted and eyes lidded. Hoseok smiled to himself, letting his gaze slowly trail over to Jungkook. He looked like a nervous wreck. Jungkook was staring at Jin, chewing on his lip and bouncing his legs like a maniac.

"Kook-ah, everything's okay now. Let's get him inside and to his bed." Hoseok said caringly, giving Jungkook an assuring smile.

The maknae nodded and proceeded to get out of the car like everyone else. He hurried over to the other side of the car where Namjoon was quietly waking Jin from his slumber. He watched like a hawk as Namjoon mumbled to his hyung.

"C'mon, let's get you inside where you can lay down. Your bed has new sheets that are waiting for you." Namjoon said, helping Jin unbuckle and get to his feet.

Jin laid his head on Namjoons shoulder and grumbled, hazy and worn out from the car ride, even though he had fallen asleep. He quietly tucked himself away, being engulfed in Namjoons arms and height.

"I'm tired, Joonie." Jin whispered.

Jungkook watched with worry, fearful that he might need to return to the hospital. Jungkook looked up at the pair one last time before taking off inside. He had an idea.

Jungkook leapt into the apartment and ran to Jin's bedroom. He dug around his closet, pulling out the silkiest pair of pajamas he could find and laid them out on the bed. Then he bolted to the kitchen, accidentally bumping into Jimin, and getting a cup of water. He took the glass back to Jin's room and set it on the bedside table.

"Are you planning to steal Jin's room again?" Jimin asked from the doorway, staring at the younger.

"Huh? No, I was just getting ready, so he can relax." Jungkook explained, gesturing to the glass and pajama set.

"Ah, okay." Jimin said, a taller figure appearing behind him.

"Scoot over Jimin." Namjoon said, tapping him with his finger. Jimin took four steps into the room and watched, as Namjoon lead Jin in.

"Hi Jin-Hyung!" Jimin said, smiling brightly. He walked towards Jin and pulled him in for a hug. "I'm glad you're finally home."

"Me too." Jin responded, basking in the Jimin hug. Jimin gave the best hugs. They were like a tiny bear nestled up against your body.

"Jin- Hyung!" Another voice exclaimed.

Yoongi and Taehyung stumbled noisily into the room, latching onto Jin like bees to a flower. He gladly accepted their love and swayed them side to side.

"Be carful!" Jungkook winced, getting confused stares from Jimin and Jin.

"It's okay, Kookie." Namjoon said, putting a hand on his back.

"Hi, guys." He mumbled, tussling Taehyungs hair.

"I can't wait to play games with you! I got an extra controller while you were gone, so now, you, me and Kookie can play." Taehyung beamed, smiling away.

"Sounds fun, I think I'll do that with you guys tomorrow." Jin said quietly, exhaustion continuing to sit on his shoulders like a stone statue. 

"I'm glad you're back." Yoongi mumbled, stepping away from the hug.

"Me too. I'm glad to have my own bed." He said, rolling his eyes. "The ones they have there are like cardboard."

"Looks like everyone had their reunions. We need to let him rest." Hoseok said, popping into the doorway.

Taehyung pouted, but complied, following everyone else out of the room. Jungkook stayed still, keeping his eyes on Jin to make sure the slightly aggressive hug didn't do any harm. Jin sat down in his bed and sighed, which was followed by a yawn. He ran his hands over his fresh sheets and pulled a pillow into his arms.

"I'm going to take a nap, Kook." He announced, swinging his legs on his bed.

Jungkook grabbed Jin's pajamas.

"Here! Change into these, they're more comfortable." Jungkook said, handing the outfit to his hyung.

"Oh, thanks." Jin said, slightly startled by the maknaes sudden behavior.

"No problem. I'll go wait outside." Jungkook blabbered, striding to the door.

"You don't need to worry, JK. Just go do something fun, I can put myself to bed." Jin smiled, slowly becoming amused by Jungkook.

Jungkook nodded to himself and left the room, puffing our a breath, as he shut the door. He heard Jin shuffle and change, eventually getting into bed. Jungkook walked away from the door and headed to the living room where everyone else had gathered. He placed himself between Namjoon and the side of the couch, laying his head on the others shoulder.

"Should we order food for dinner tonight? I don't think any of us are up for cooking and cleaning." Yoongi said, craving his favorite chicken meal.

"Ohhh, that'd be nice!" Jimin exasperated, stretching himself out along Yoongi and Taehyung. "Is Jin-hyung napping?"

"Yeah." Jungkook mumbled, picking under his finger nails. The maknae let out a quiet yawn, letting his body melt against Namjoons.

"I think you need a nap." Namjoon chuckled.

"No, I'm fine." He lied. In all honestly, he was exhausted. The past couple nights were spent worrying and rocking back and forth. Jungkook was not having the best week and could probably use the extra rest.

"If you says so. Let's watch a movie or something. We have extra time until dinner time." Namjoon suggested, playing with Jungkook's soft hair.

"Okay." Taehyung said, turning in the tv with the remote. "How about The Purge."

"No! We are not watching that." Hoseok said, pointing his finger.

"Oh, come on! It's just a movie." Taehyung whined, throwing his head back.

"Let's just watch whatever's on kbs." Jungkook mumbled, not up for any obnoxious bickering.

Everyone agreed and turned their attention to the random show playing on the tv. Jungkook watched for the next ten minuets, feeling his body grow heavy with sleep. With his arms crossed at his chest, Jungkooks head periodically fell forward, snapping back up with speed. Namjoon glanced over with every doze, smiling to himself and pointing it out to the others with his thumb.

"Cute~" Hobi awed quietly.

"I'm going to bring him to his room." Namjoon whispered, carefully maneuvering Jungkook into his arms. He walked slowly down the hallway and into kook's room, making sure not to drop, or wake the boy.

Namjoon laid Jungkook down on his crumpled sheets, pulling the comforter that had been kicked to the ground back over his body. The maknae whined, growing slightly conscious and passing back out in a matter of seconds. Namjoon held his breath, and quickly left the room after shutting off the light. He ran a hand through his hair and made his way to Jin's room. Just to check.

He creaked the white door open and peaked his head around it, hair fluffy and uneven. Jin lay peacefully, his breath easy and soft, cheeks colored pink and eyes closed. It was a lot better to see than just a couple of days ago. Namjoon smiled and left back to the living room to join the others.

"We're all set. Jungkook and Jin are both asleep." He confirmed, plopping himself back into his designated cushion.

"The youngest, and the oldest." Hoseok said, making a squishy bread face and shaking his head.

"Yeah, no shit." Yoongi mumbled, getting a look from Namjoon.

"You don't need to be rude, dummy!" Hoseok retorted.

"You didn't have to mention it!" Yoongi grumbled, crossing his arms.

"I was just making a comment!" Hoseok said back.

"Yeah hyung!" Jimin butted in.

"Guys can you just relax! There's nothing to start a fight over." Namjoon intervened.

"I don't feel like being around people." Yoongi murmured, hoisting himself off the couch and scampering off to his room. The boys didn't even blink, it wasn't surprising anymore. Yoongi preferred to be alone sometimes, especially when he felt like everyone was being annoying.

The boys continued to watch tv, turning to  their phones during the commercials.Yoongi sat in his room, looking at different music artists from around the world and popular music videos for the next couple hours. Namjoon was going to wake Jin, so he could write down what everyone wanted for dinner, when he heard crying coming from the other side of the hall.

"Jungkook?" He asked himself, identifying the maknaes cries almost immediately.
Namjoon raced to Jungkooks door and opened it, revealing a pile of distress. Jungkook was tangled in his blankets, sobbing loudly, his cheeks bright red and wet with tears, as he tried to get out of the sheets. Namjoon watched in shock for a second before approaching the struggling boy. Jungkook seemed to be talking, but through the crying and heavy breathing it was impossible to understand. The youngest threw his bed covers off the mattress and sprinted past Namjoon like Usain Bolt.

"Jungkook!" Namjoon said, grabbing Jungkooks elbow and pulling him to his chest.

Jungkook tossed around in his hyungs arms, screaming for him to let go.

"Let go! Let go! Let go!! Let me go!" He sobbed, sounding as if he was going to rip his vocal chords. The other five members came rushing down the hallway at the alarming noise, piling into the room. Namjoon held Jungkook tightly, lowering him to the ground.

"Jungkook, look at me. Shhhh, calm down." Namjoon encouraged, holding back his own tears at the panic Jungkook was in.

"N-No! Let go! N-N-Need to-" Jungkook broke off into more cries, digging his hand in his own arm.

"Shhhh, I've got you, Jungkook. Everything's okay, you're okay. It's all okay." Namjoon soothed, slowly taking Jungkook hand from ripping his own arm off.

Jungkook didn't calm down, he only shook his head frantically, sobbing incoherent words. Everyone watched, unsure if Jungkook needed more comfort or less. It was never easy to tell, but Jungkook only wanted one person. He wanted Jin. He needed to make sure he was okay. His mind was wrecked with disturbing thoughts of 'what if' and how the world would change if he was gone. Jungkook couldn't stop thinking about how dark and grim his funeral would be. Millions of people would cry for weeks. Jungkook couldn't take it anymore.

His mind snapped. Making those thoughts a reality in his dreams. Making the whole ordeal feel so true and real, that when he woke up, he was sure Jin was gone.

"J-Jin-hyung! Don't go! Don't go!" Jungkook screamed, his vision a mess of tears.

"Jungkook, breathe honey. Jin's here. He's right here." Namjoon said, rubbing his back and pointing across the room where Jin was standing.

Jungkook looked up, worried it was just some sick prank. It wasn't. His hyung was right there. Jin kneeled next to Jungkook and took him into his arms. This sent another wave of crying out of Jungkooks heart.

"Shhh, kook-ah. I'm here. Hyung is here, I'm not going anywhere." Jin cooed, petting Jungkooks hair to calm him down. "Focus on my heart beat, yeah? Just listen to that. It's okay to cry. Shhhh, I've got you."

Jungkook continued to cry soaking Jin's pajama shirt, but the eldest didn't mind one bit. All that mattered in that moment was Jungkook. Eventually, 10 minutes passed and Jungkook was crying normally. His breathing had evened itself out and his eyes seemed drained of tears. Jin didn't let go, if anything he held tighter. The boys had all experienced some kind of panic attack, especially Yoongi, Jimin and Namjoon, but it was incredibly rare to see Jungkook in such a state.

"It's okay, sweetie." Jin whispered, pulling out nicknames his mother used to use when he was upset. Jin slowly rocked side to side, calming Jungkook down enough so that he was only sniffing his nose.

"That's it, everything's alright. Can you guys get some tissues and-" Jin looked up as he spoke, not bothering to finish his sentence.

"Already done." Taehyung said, handing the glass and box to Jin, Jungkook clinging to his shoulders.

"Thanks." Jin said, nodding.

"Drink some water, Jungkook. All that crying will really dehydrate you." Namjoon said quietly, scooting close enough to rub his back. The other boys joined, sitting on the floor around the three.

"Th-Thought you were g-gone." Jungkook whimpered, as Jin helped him wipe his nose and face. "Had a dream."

"Oh, Jungkookie. You know your dreams aren't real." Jin comforted, letting Jungkook sip some water. "But I'm sure it must've felt very real this time."

Jungkook nodded, retreating back into Jin's chest.

"I'm guessing Jin's hospitalization really struck a nerve with you, kookie." Yoongi said, looking at his knees. "You could have talked to us. We're always there." Everyone nodded.

"I know. I-I just, I don't know. It was t-too much...and I couldn't stop w-worrying and no-no one else was, a-as upset." Jungkook mumbled, on the verge of tears again.

Jin felt the youngest's body tense up. "Shhh, let's just relax, guys." He said, ending the conversation.

"Jungkookie, I'm okay. I'm home now, because I'm okay. Yeah, I might still be tired and a little sore, but that's nothing I can't handle. Hell, I've survived you all these years." Jin smiled, lightly tickling Jungkooks sides.

Jungkook smiled, but refused to show it.

"If something was wrong, and this goes to all of you, I would tell you immediately. Don't worry about me too much, I should be worrying about you." Jin stated, looking around at all of the boys.

"You should be worried about too, hyung." Jimin said meekly.

"I guess, but, what I'm saying is, you guys don't need to fear anything like what happened, occurring again. If I feel like I physically need to take a break, I will and you will too." Jin explained, resting his head back on Namjoons shoulder. One of his favorite places.

Everyone nodded silently.

"Are you feeling better, Kookie?" Namjoon asked, fiddling with his hand.

"Mhm, I just want to stay here." Jungkook whispered.

"Okay, we can do that. We can always do that."

Yay! I hope you like this long ass update! Sorry about the drama, I hope it wasn't too intense for anyone.

Keep your comments coming I love to read them. Next update will come eventually, but no longer than three weeks.

I love you guys 💕 thanks for reading Don't for get to vote!

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