The YouTubers Amazing Race

By M1ckyj789

406 23 107

11 teams made up of fans and online social media influencers, race around the world to win a prize of 1 milli... More

The Starting Line
Leg 1 - Part 1
Leg 1 - Pitstop
Leg 2 - Part 1
Leg 2 - Pitstop
Leg 3
Leg 4
Leg 5
Leg 7
The Final Leg

Leg 6

14 1 6
By M1ckyj789

While Jane and David waited at the airport for the other teams to arrive, they noticed the first team starting to walk over, being Alex and Liam.

Jane: "Hey congrats on not being last for a change."

Alex: "It feels weird I can say that for sure."

Liam: "I have no idea where everyone else is."

David: "Any idea who could have come last? Or do you think we might finally get a non-elimination leg one day?"

Jane: "I doubt that. Following the TV show we should have had 2 by now."

As the two teams discussed the possibility of a non elimination leg. They heard the sound of sneakers on the floor as the third team cam around with the final two teams. Jay and Kim, with Milan and Chris as well as Roisin and Cheyenne.

Jane: "Oh wow who could have gone home?"

David: "I hope Lachlan went home, fuck that guy."

Alex: "Why do you hate him so much?"

David: "He has a face only a mother could love, and it wouldn't surprise me if even his original mother went no thank you."

Liam: "What about Luke and Ellen?"

Jane: "Have to ask them."

When all five teams came together, They all congratulated each other for surviving another leg.

Jane: "It's killing me, who came last?"

Jay: "Well, Lachlan and Caitlin came in last."

Kim: "Yeah so they got eliminated."

Jane: "There David you finally got your wish."

David: "Thank God for that."

Alex: "So where is Luke and Ellen?"

Roisin: "They were also eliminated. It was a double elimination leg. Two teams went home."

With shock spread across the first two teams. Jane looked at her team mate.

Jane: "Well there goes the idea of a non elimination leg."

Alex: "Who the fuck decided to have a double elimination? Especially this late in the game?"

Milan: "Don't know, but it's a scary thought when you realize anything can happen."

As the final five teams enjoyed the peace and quiet that came with a much smaller group. They boarded the plane as it arrived and began the journey to Dublin.

Jane: "So you've got a big target on your back this time."

David: "You would think so but honestly, I only ever worked in the city. So I had to travel in and out each day. That doesn't mean I'm going to know where everything is."

Jane: "You might know something?"

David: "Just depends on where it is we're actually going. If I do know something I'll let you know."

With the plane beginning its descent into the Irish Capital City. All 5 remaining teams headed through security and out to find thier marked vehicle. The clue hidden inside.

With Jay and Kim surging ahead, finding a vehicle in seconds with Milan and Chris close behind them. Roisin and Cheyenne in third place and a bummed David and Jane in 4th. Alex and Liam were having a lot of trouble finding the car. Not noticing what the others did. That the marker wasn't inside the car or hanging from the rear view mirror. It was on top of the car with a small red and yellow Tassle hanging down over the back window.

Alex: "Where the hell is it?"

Liam: "Don't ask me I'm just as confused."

With the last place team being left behind. The other 4 had got inside, found the clue and were heading off towards the Sweny's Pharmacy. While no longer a Pharmacy, the location was made famous by classic Author James Joyce in his book Ulysses. When they arrive they will find their next clue.

Jane: "Any ideas yet?"

David: "All I know is it's not a pharmacy anymore but I used book store. And it doesn't have a specific owner I think? More volunteers that work there."

Jane: "I don't think I'd be able to last as a volunteer."

David: "Well if you have free time at least you wouldn't get bored."

Jay: "Kim are you much of a reader?"

Kim: "No, bit late to ask that now don't you think?"

Jay: "Well no. If we are going to a pharmacy, wouldn't we need to maybe read ingredients?"

Kim: "Not sure mate."

Roisin: "Final five teams how the hell have we managed this?"

Cheyenne: "Honestly I don't know. After the first leg I thought we were screwed to be honest."

Roisin: "So did I don't worry about that. But we are still going strong. Did you see anyone behind us?"

Cheyenne: "All I know is I didn't see Alex and Liam anywhere."

Roisin: "So at least one team is behind us. Good."

Cheyenne: "Good? What if there's another double to make it final three?"

Roisin: "There won't be, even in a race like this they wouldn't eliminate four teams in two legs. That's entirely unfair and no one would want it to drop so quickly. You would be eliminating more teams than what is left. And that's just poor business."

Cheyenne: "Uh... Right? Anyway."

With Alex and Liam now behind, The two finally noticed the car and got inside, read the clue and then were on their way... Maybe a little faster than they should have been.

As they did start to eventually catch up to the four teams ahead, Jay and Kim arrived first, with Milan and Chris close behind, the two teams reached into the box, pulling out their clue and ripped it open.

Jay: "Route info."

Kim: "OH an actual challenge."

Milan: "Search the bookstore for the book that made the pharmacy famous. When you do, hand the book to the volunteer and you will revive your next clue."

Chris: "Sounds easy."

Jay: "You say that but look, it's like they specifically piled books on top of each other, all over the floor just for this."

Kim: "Well we can't just stand here."

With Roisin and Cheyenne And then David and Jane arriving behind them, the four teams began searching for the book in question.

With David and Jane still searching, David was trying to figure out what book made it so popular.

David: "Out of everyone surely you would know this come on."

Jane: "Any ideas?"

David: "I think so."

As he searched through the books, he pulled one from its place, Ulysses, Happy with his choice, he walked over to the volunteer.

David: "This is the one right?"

Volunteer: "It is."

Jane, more than happy, Got to her partner as the two left the store and back to their car.

Jane: "Do yoh think we should have told them about it? At least then Alex and Liam would be even further behind."

David: "And would out us four, far enough ahead to where it will be unlikely to see them finish ahead of one of us."

Jane: "Gotta play dirty now, there are only 5 teams left. What do you want to do?"

David: "Tell them, the further we all are ahead, the farther behind Last is."

As the two quickly got out of the car and went back inside, informing each team of the book they were looking for and why they were doing it. All of them were happy for the help and the strategy.

Kim: "So the four of us are working together then until the next leg?"

Jay: "I'd say so."

Roisin: "Any guarantee to the next leg is worth it to me. Here, Found one."

Cheyenne: "I just found another one."

Milan: "Here's the third."

As Cheyenne handed her copy to Jay and Kim, the three teams followed in David's suit, grabbing the clue and running to their car.

Chris: "What's it say?"

Jane: "Make your way to Temple Bar, Dublin for your next clue."

David: "Bar, my favourite word."

Jane: "Doesn't surprise me."

With the first four teams leaving the Pharmacy, and now making their way to Temple Bar. Ten minutes after they had left, Alex and Liam pulled up and parked their car before heading inside, Reading the clue and then beginning the search.

Alex: "A place made famous by a book? How the fuck are we supposed to know that?"

Liam: "Nothing in that head of yours that could help us?"

Alex: "Mate I have absolutely no idea what the fuck we are looking for, just try every God damn book you find."

With last place searching feverishly for anything that could help them. The first four arrived at Temple Bar and headed inside to find the box by the bar itself.

David: "Detour shit."

Jay: "Hand picked or Taste test."

Milan: "Taste test, teams must taste a small sample of whiskey, 6 different times, before matching the sample given to the larger bottle. When the patrons agree the sample matches the bottle, teams will be handed their next clue."

Chris: "That seems easy?"

Roisin: "Hand picked. Teams must pair off three different types of cheese, chocolate, and then seafood to the drink provided to them. Each set will be different for every drink so no combinations will be the same."

Chris: "I still think the alcohol would be the easiest one. Just a taste test right? Taste and spit."

Milan: "I know some people like that."

David: "Ew. But yeah I think the taste will be the same."

As the four teams lined up their drinks and samples, Milan noticed a few bottles looked the same across all tables.

Milan: "These two are the same, and so are those."

In fact, Kim proceeded to be aware of the situation. Noticing it wasn't just a few bottles that were similar, but it was in fact all of them.

Kim: "These are all the same, all six."

With that knowledge with them. The four teams made quick work, pairing off a drink to a team before the last two on supply they all tried to clear off. As they worked and paired off their drinks, they were pleased with what they thought was the right one. Pairing off the drinks together and calling for a judge to decide if they were right or not.

As the bartender walked down the line, making notes on his board. He turned to each team and told them they got it, With each team now receiving their clues and being spurred onto their way.

Kim: "Where are we going next?"

Jay: "In Dublin, Search for the statue commemorating Ireland's greatest Poet and Playwright, Oscar Wilde."

Kim: "Oh God where could that be?"

David: "I don't know where this is Jane."

Jane: "Well do we ask around or drive aimlessly."

Though Milan had a bad feeling.

Milan: "Chris we need to go fast."

Chris: "What why?"

Milan: "I just have a really bad feeling we missed something. Use the GPS for a second and out in Oscar Wilde, it should bring up something."

Milan pulled out the clues he had received so far for this leg. Quickly scanning them over, looking for anything out of the ordinary.

Milan: "It doesn't say anything about not being able to work together... Here, Fuck how did we miss it. There's another U-Turn coming go fast we need to get there first."

Chris: "Where does it say that?"

Milan: "In the clue we just got. What's the GPS say?"

Chris: "It's showing a place near the bookstore we were in earlier. Coincidence?"

Milan: "Trusting that thing has done well for us so far. I'm willing to trust it again."

Chris: "Alright."

With Roisin and Cheyenne, as well as Kim and Jay hopping out to ask around the immediate area. Jane and David, and Milan And Chris started driving... With Only Milan and Chris going in the right direction.

Jane: "I still feel like we should ask."

David: "It's a statue right? It can't be that hard to miss."

Jane: "Maybe if we were on foot and we had enough time to look."

After driving for ten minutes, David decided to eventually pull over and start working with Jane to ask around. In the mean time, Alex and Liam finally made enough guesses to where, when they handed the volunteer the correct book, she denied them at first.

Volunteer: "Oh wait, that's right."

Alex: "This was bullshit."

After grabbing the next clue and making their way back to Kim and Jay, and Roisin and Cheyenne. The two teams finally got a definite location. Working together, they hopped back into their cars, still failing to notice the U-Turn warning at the bottom.

As First place team Milan and Chris arrived near the statue, Parking the car and running towards it, they noticed the large, blank board with the words Savior on it.

Chris: "What's that mean?"

Milan: "Hang On, The clue. Uh Fuck, Here Saviours U-Turn. First place outs their photo onto the board. Everyone else must return to the detour and complete the other challenge."

Chris: "It must be a slow leg."

Milan: "Yeah, That's definitely one way to keep the race going without thinking of anything new."

Chris: "Shit now I feel bad."

Milan: "Feel bad, yes. Necessary to not fall behind? Also yes, I'll take a lead any day."

Putting their faces up into the board, they moved past and ahead to the clue box.

Chris: "After a U-Turn is usually the pitstop right?"

Milan: "There is usually another challenge but we know the budget of this show. And... Yep Pitstop."

Chris: "Kilmainham Gaol. Search the building for the next Pitstop."

Milan: "God damn OK. Well let's set it up on the GPS, Then head over."

With Milan and Chris now finally making their way to the Gaol, Kim and Jay, and Roisin and Cheyenne arrived close to the statue.

Kim: "U-Turn?"

Jay: "The fuck is that?"

Roisin: "There wasn't any indication was there?"

Cheyenne: "Maybe we just didn't read the clue properly. And it seems like Milan and Chris got lucky and ahead, good for them."

Roisin: "Everyone has to go back and complete the last challenge... Holy shit."

Jay: "Padding out the race, Nice."

Kim: "Well if we get there soon, we might get even further ahead."

Roisin: "Alex and Liam won't know about this yet, right?"

Cheyenne: "Neither do Jane and David."

Jay: "So where are we going?"

Kim: "Back to the other challenge. We all have to do it."

Jay: "OK."

With the teams making their way back to the other challenge, Alex and Liam arrived and decided to first complete Hand picked. Lining up the three chocolate options, with their three seafood, and last three cheese. As well 9 bottles. Each with the perfect pairing.

Alex: "Could it be process of elimination?"

Liam: "No, They won't tell us which ones are right and wrong."

As they were handed a book, in it was the information needed. With the correct answers blanked out.

Alex: "So we make guesses, based on the info on each product in the book. Then match it with these that make it taste best?"

Liam: "Seems pretty easy. See this one has a strong and dry taste, But this type of fish works well with it. Even though the name of the drink is all we got, we have the information for the food at the front here."

Alex: "How did you notice that?"

Liam: "Wasn't hard to notice."

As they worked extremely quickly, covering 6 of the 9 options. They noticed two other teams enter and begin working beside them.

Alex: "We didn't get ahead of you guys did we?"

Kim: "No, U-Turn."

Alex: "That sucks."

Liam: "Two of you?"

Roisin: "Jane and David are going to have to come back, same with you two. So might want to work quickly."

Alex: "You got it."

Liam: "Well we are blazing through here. If we give you help with these answers, can you show us the other side so we can complete that?"

Roisin: "Are we allowed to?"

Kim: "The clue never said we couldn't, And David and Jane aren't here still."

With the fourth place team, Only now finally finding the statue, after driving in the wrong direction for ten minutes. To say they weren't impressed with having to go back and complete the other task, was an understatement.

David: "How much time did we lose?"

Jane: "Not enough for Alex and Liam to have caught up that's for sure."

David: "Alright, come on let's go. I'm glad they got ahead though."

Jane: "It should have been us."

With them now making their way back to Temple Bar. Chris and Milan parked the car in the parking lot of the Gaol.

Chris: "It said search the building right?"

Milan: "Yeah, Meaning it has to be inside, and it won't be out."

Chris: "And you're sure?"

Milan: "No, But trusting my gut so far this leg has gone well for us."

As they stepped inside, through the lobby of the Gaol and made their way down the halls of the dilapidated and old building.

Chris: "Any ideas where it would be?"

Milan: "A large area, where there is a lot of empty space... The prison cells?"

Chris: "Not a bad idea."

After walking aimlessly for a few minutes, they stepped out and into a large room, the two on the highest level as Chris leaned over the edge, holding onto the railing and noticing Connor on the bottom floor.

Chris: "Bottom floor Milan down there."

As they ran back into the previous room, taking the stairs to the very bottom floor of the building before sprinting back into the large room, Boosting towards Connor as they stopped just short of him in the dead Centre of the mat.

Connor: "Well it's nice to see some fresh faces."

Chris: "Let me tell you, it's nice to be in first."

Connor: "What did you think of the Saviours U-Turn idea?"

Milan: "It was cruel and savage and I loved It. Well I didn't but it got us a first place finally."

Connor: "Speaking of, officially, Milan and Chris, you are team number 1."

Chris: "Fucking finally, took till top 5 to get there."

Milan: "We got there, that's all that matters."

Connor: "You are also one of 4 teams now racing for a million dollars. That's gotta be a good feeling?"

Milan: "You have no idea."

Chris: "I didn't think we'd make it past the team swapping."

Milan: "I did, Kim is a great partner to have, and smart too so She's likely carrying Jay."

Connor: "Well as yoh guys know, we've been handing out advantages to each team that finishes first... But as it's now only top 4. We can't just hand you guys an advantage with so few teams available. So instead, on your plane trip to the next leg, You will be flying in style in business class. Giving you time to relax, recuperate and be fresh and ready in the best state you can be for the next leg."

Chris: "That, sounds like heaven, I think I might just sleep the whole time, the hotels we are staying in between legs have been fucking with me."

Milan: "I'm a fan. Can't wait."

With first place secured. Roisin and Cheyenne were still worrying about getting Alex and Liam ahead.

Kim: "Sure, I'll help you guys out. Let's get this done."

Dumbfounded and surprised, Jay, Roisin and Cheyenne were as surprised as the boys were when Kim announced she would help them.

Alex: "Don't go back on your word."

Kim: "I won't."

Working with the two boys, Kim helped to complete her second challenge and the boys first, before making her way over to the bottles and shots of taste.

Kim: "This one goes with that, Then this one for the other one over there."

Cheyenne And Roisin took the opportunity to leave as quickly as they could, Keeping ahead of the other two teams before, only seconds later, Alex and Liam were complete with their task and the two teams followed suit. With the cars on the road, they began making their way back to the U-Turn, only for David and Jane to arrive to find the space empty.

Jane: "No one here, that's good. Come on let's get this done as quickly as we can."

As they began working on the combinations required, taking the book and making quick work, they still weren't quick enough. As Roisin and Cheyenne were solidified in 2nd place, Kim and Jay taking 3rd and finally Alex and Liam taking 4th.

Connor: "David and Jane."

David: "We haven't seen anyone in a while, that's good right?"

Connor: "Well that's true, it would be."

Jane: "We were ahead, Milan and Chris got to the U-Turn before us, But we were far enough ahead right?"

Connor: "Actually... You guys, Jane and David, I'm sorry to say you are the last team to arrive. Which means that, unfortunately, you have been eliminated from the race."

David: "Fuck off... Really?"

Jane: "How? We were so far ahead."

David: "We were in first."

Connor: "Actually, It was quite funny. They found a technicality."

David: "A technicality?"

Connor: "Kim found an exploit in the rules and we had to let it pass, Albeit we have since fixed the rule for that. Basically put, Alex and Liam were behind, and they would have been last. But Roisin and Cheyenne had told them about the U-Turn ahead. So Kim made them a deal to help them in the second challenge while Liam and Alex helped them with the first challenge that they had completed. And the rules never stated yoh can't work with another team."

David: "So they went behind our backs?"

Jane: "Anything to get ahead, Damn it."

David: "That's fucked, Fine. We missed out, that's not the worst thing to have happened."

Jane: "I was looking forward to winning."

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