One shots

By bombevil

89.1K 565 86

Series of one shots. A mixture of whirlwind romance, with a pinch of sexy and sprinkle of culture. They're u... More

City lights
Clear smoke
Crazy bird
Paper hearts (corazones de papel)
Written on the walls
All of you
Aching soul
Fine wine
Thousand years
Dancing in darkness
Speck of gold
Slow motion
Messages from her
Ruined by misery
And then I rise
Waiting and wishing
Dear darling
Little white lies
Volverte a ver
Lightning before the thunder
Sweet sunshine
Black and blue
Last first
Wild card
Rich risks
Pretty distractions
The play
Forget me not
Run Game
Free falling
You're Cold
Find me in the hopeless
The devils we know

Saints and sinners

997 8 0
By bombevil

La plus belle des ruses du diable est de vous persuader qu'il n'existe pas. - Charles Baudelaire.

Lisa you are totally fucked. Her words echoed through her head as he entered the room. Perfection. It was the only way she could describe him. Shaggy dark brown hair fell over his forehead instead of being slicked back like normal. Brown eyes that were almost black scanned the room analysing, remembering every face, noticing every movement of every flick of every wrist. It was the first time she saw him in casual clothes. Simple black jeans, a black v neck that stretched over his pecs and broad shoulders she had recently become accustomed to. Black biker boots covered his feet and he took his worn leather jacket off throwing it in the corner where others sat. His dress sense so out of his normal element of a black suit and black shirt. And as she drank him in their words swam in her head making it hurt, hitting her like a punch to the gut, knocking all air out of her. Don't bring too much attention to yourself they told her. Remember what your there for they reprimanded her. Remember to execute with precision they warned her. Don't fall for him they threatened her. Yeah she was definitely royally fucked.

Family he berated himself. They were all meant to be families of something bigger all holed up into this one room. He needed to stop being so paranoid, well not let them see just how much he was watching them. Never let your guard down, it was up there in the top three. He was here for family nothing else. No fights tonight. Even if his hand reflexively reached his lower back making sure it was still there, he could feel the cool of the gun against his back tucked into the band of his jeans. Show nothing, make yourself look unarmed. Bring no attention. The scene was brought to grate his nerves. No matter what something was happening tonight. He could feel it.

She acted nonchalant. Like she didn't see him. She cast a side glance at him whilst laughing a laugh as fake as the women she was currently in conversation with. Excusing herself, she weaved through the bodies of men heading straight towards the bar. She needed a drink, something strong to take off the edge of her nerves. They dragged her into this, into taking his family down. Ruin the network and they would step in. Take down the remaining men in power. No more harmony, no more peace. The bloodlust was written over the men's faces. The unknown killings of their men. The distrust directed at each other. Something would happen tonight. She felt it just unsure what. And she couldn't help but question her loyalties. How did she end up in the middle of this fuck storm.

Pats on the back and hostile hellos. They greeted him all around as he roughly nodded at the men he passed. He was the least talkative out of his brothers. Smile to and deadly, the best at scoping out. No doubt even though second in command he liked to remain in the shadows. Luc the eldest and ultimate leader was more than capable of leading, talking and instilling fear in the hearts of those here today. Andrea the second eldest had driven down from the family villa in Sicily where he was as he put it on vacation, to the city, running as the head of the faction he kept men that were stationed out here in check. He was close second in being able to freeze the blood of men and make them beg for an easy swift death. The younger twins Savas and Ormanno stood lazily relaxing against the frame of a door leading into the second living room. The youngest of the brothers Lorenzo was probably hiding in the shadows. The boy watched silently in the dark when bored. They were dangerous when put in a room together. They worked in silent harmony as if able to read each other's minds. Their connections ran far and wide globally. The inaudible truth rang clear that they were the most powerful family. The evidence written on the faces of those present here tonight.

"Tecero" the voice undoubtedly belonged to his bossman brother. Luc's voice practically bounced off the walls.

Looking around his eyes focused in on him standing near the twins. Andrea flanked his right side as Lorenzo pushed himself off a wall hidden in the dark playing with a knife in his hands. He shook his head at his antics. The youngest of them was most likely to get them into trouble if the mixed look of mischief and boredom written on his face was anything to go by. He could feel the pain growing at the bridge of his nose at the thought as he made his way towards the boys. He greeted them with short hugs and pats on the back. Eyeing Lorenzo he smacked him across the back of his head making his brother scowl.

"So, what is it?"

Andrea's voice was low. The look in his eyes was all that was needed to have him nod in return. Looking at Luc the order rang clear. Stay vigilant and aware. Ormanno and Savas stood straighter scanning faces. Lorenzo walked back into the shadows as fast as he had first made his being known, as quick as a flash. Andrea stood closer to Luc as they whispered strategy in case of needing to run. His hand rested in his pocket. There were no questions, they were all armed to the nines under whatever they wore. He took the lack of conversation towards him as the signal he could leave, blend into the shadows.

"Tecero." Luc's voice had him turn his head.

"Keep an eye on la tua donna."

He nodded in response. The others smiled at the thoughts of how much they would tease him with Lisa. But Luc knew all about his doubts. He confided in his older brother of his suspicions. From the day he met her he knew his capretta was hiding something. He caught it in her gaze the second their eyes met. The way they met replayed in his mind and yet here he was pretending, playing along. He had a job to do and he was damn well going to carry it out with precision. It did not matter what he was starting to feel for her. How she perfectly fit into his side and fit into his family like she was one of them, with every laugh and memory she created with them. It was just another periodic game of cat and mouse and he wasn't going to lose. He would break his capretta. But he felt none of the usual joy he normally did at the specific thought.

She felt unwanted calmness as he made his way towards her. The man stood a head taller than almost everyone present so she watched his head bob with every step he took towards her. She made no move to walk in any direction but rather bared herself to her predator. His actions were measured, talking all of her in as she picked up her second bourbon of the night. She had watched him closely like every now and then. The way he and his brothers conversed. It wasn't obvious but hinted, the men were prepared tonight, heavily armed under whatever they wore.

Her smile directed at him was lazy and sexy. They way her elbows rested against the bar counter pushed her small chest out and toned stomach. Her right leg peeked out the slit of her dress that hugged her form. It swung back and forth teasingly just like the rest of her. She was built, healthy and undeniably skilled. She was too comfortable to show fear like most women here displayed. Wisps of white hair framed high check bones and fleshy red lips. A strand of black sat cushioned in the long bob white as snow that she had pinned into some sort of bun at the back of her head. Hazel eyes leisurely took his frame in. They were by far the most dressed down couple here. But that seemed to have no affect on her. Stopping in front of her, he took her drink downing it in one go before hands held her by her waist between his legs. He turned abruptly so he was the one leaning against the bar, her hands snaked up his pecs around his neck running through his cropped hair.

"Capretta." He greeted her raising a hand asking for another bourbon.

"Maiale," she responded her smile sickeningly sweet.

"Cucciolo," he replied smirking a hand resting against the curvature of her back above her ass.

Head dipping he stole her breath away with one of his fiery kisses. It was hit and hungry, his lips soft as velvet against hers. She could feel her heart thrumming against her rib cage. He radiated warmth that she basked in subconsciously snuggly closer into his form ignoring the deadly glares of women around them. Her hands slithering around his waist anchoring him to her. And she let out the most contempt of sighs to have ever escaped her. He was wearing down her armour and she was reluctant to fight back. She wished she could forget everything and just remain here. With him.

He didn't appreciate the lustful stares she got by passing men. He wasn't a man of many words but he knew the kiss cleared any thoughts away. The act was full of possession and claim. She was his woman his doubting and the secrets between them be damned at this point. No one could deny the chemistry between them. He couldn't deny the feelings that arose in him. Nor the way she felt like home.

She officially hated the world. It was the thought running through her mind as the sound of glass shattered around them and the explosion of gunfire pierced through the suffocating tension. She was frustrated in more ways than one. Need burned through her. Want for freedom drove her. She hated them.

"Se folla tonto," she muttered breaking apart, rolling her eyes she couldn't help but let a small smile slip as his laughter vibrated through her.

"Idiots didn't think to bulletproof the fucking room, with the lives you guys live!"

He shrugged holding her closer. Act like the word around them at the moment wasn't falling apart, with bullets and knives slicing through the air. Or the masked men starting to enter through where the glass windows once stood.

"Bella, if this was our place we wouldn't chance shit like this. But well oldie over there is losing his fucking marbles." He replies signalling at an old man who just as she looked got shot down.

"Meet me at the entrance in half an hour, duty calls."

He left no room to reply, leaning in for one last kiss. She smiled into it, felt the ached deep in the out of her stomach. And threw one of the three thin blades holding her hair together behind her hitting a man in the throat who was holding a gun at them to the floor.

Her smile held a secret, her eyes lit up with adrenaline, " deal babe."

With that she sauntered off, adding extra sway to her hips, hypnotising him in. Throwing a wink at him she opened her clutch.

What a beautifully fucked up world, she thought to herself as she hid in the shadows preparing herself. Her clutch was long abandoned. The blades she stuck up into her hair, the gun she prepped putting on the silencer. Double checking she made sure the the gun strapped to her inner thigh was secure and ready to be used. Testing the slit of her dress she felt it gave amount room for movement. And if it resulted in hand in hand combat she felt the sleeves would be easy to rip off.

Killing men was becoming boring, she was doing it almost on a daily.

He didn't have time to ponder much on her. The woman was crazy sexy when she fought, she had successfully tackled down some of the highest men they had.  Hell the night they met she almost killed his best friend. He watched her sway away, extra swing in her hips. Tease. The smile slipped from his face, he had to find his brothers.

Men underestimated women. Well their ability to fight and hold their own. Especially in this sort of life. She didn't run or hide as hell broke loose around her. No instead she took measures steps into the chaos, gun raised and firing. Every hit piercing through a new piece of flesh. It was very quickly turning into a messy blood bath. And while she was all for it she actually like this dress not wanting to stain it. The ground floor cleared out she silently made her way towards the stairs. A foot placed in the first step, before manhandling hands roughly grabbed her, slamming her into the wall.

"Verdammt arscloch," the anger rolling off in waves as she swore at him.

The pain radiated through her for a split second. His hands hone down around her neck but she used her stilettos to her advantage by digging her leg into him. Swiftly followed by a tackled she got in a good hit before he sent a packed punch busting her lips open. She spat out the blood, a few drops staining the chest area. Now she was livid. She really did like this dress. Using the advantage of the banister to gain height, she wrapped a legs and arms around him sending the burly man to the floor. A hand dive into her hair, the knife plunging into the once beating jugular artery in his neck. Spatters of blood fell over her, pooling around his head and into her bare knee.

"You were asking for it babe," she shrugged dusting herself down.

Mentally checking how long had passed she more or less had fifteen minutes left. Looking down at her dress, mentally pouting she made a note to buy another one. And then proceeded to rip the sleeves away. With the mix of adrenaline and movement she was heating up quick.

Stealth was key in a situation like this. A smack across the back of Ormanno's head he signalled for him to leave the premises as well. So far from the ear piece he put in whilst in the middle of a shooting frenzy all his brother were out and safe on the run back to the home in the city. Except Enzo who was shot clear through the hip. He remained reassured the little shit would survive and that there was no damage, the little one never knew what giving up was. He however volunteered to clear out the area before following suit. And making sure his capretta got out too. Reaching the top floor he moved through each room systematically looking for any living bodies. The floors had turned crimson and shards of glass littered the place shining like diamonds.  Bodies lay discarded everywhere and he often found himself stepping over them.

The sound of shuffling had her halting all her movements. Turning body flat against the shadows of the stairs she watched waiting. Deadly silent except a pair of feet. Or was it two? Gun in hand in quick time she checked how many bullets. Two.

I watched her. The years of expertise written over the movements and control of her body. The way she steadied her breath making little sound and securely wrapped her hand around the gun. And then she went flying over the bannister. Tanned shapely legs wrapped around the head of a bald bulky man caught in surprise. The whizz of two shots met his smaller friend the first hitting him slightly to the left of his and second to his forehead. Her actions held absolute precision. Her body hit the wall behind as the man slammed her into it. Legs weakened around him and he found the split seconds needed to haul her ass over his head and onto the floor. Quick to react she manoeuvred herself in the last second to move away from his assault of kicks and put herself up. Spitting out blood she taunted him with a flick of her finger summoning him. And as he came running the hidden knife in her hand met his thigh. Blood ran like an river as he fell down. Head in her hands she took the moment to whisper into his ear before snapping his neck with a deafening crack. And in all that he made no movement towards her silently watching.

Never until this moment had someone's eyes trailing over her made her nervous. As blood still seeped out of the thigh of the man at her feet, her breaths fell in short pants. She didn't move to see his expression. Hands on her hips she watched him in complete silence as he bent down near the body to check for any of the families tattoos. Anything that would give him any sense of idea to who or what he was affiliated with.

"You won't find anything."

Her definite words hung in the air. It had her frozen to the core and had him stop in his tracks. He watched her m, under bed waiting for the slightest crack. An he would pounce. She wouldn't,  it tonight.

"I checked. All of them. I know how all this shit works Tesero."

She refused to meet his eyes. Her voice grew quieter as she directed her words at him. The feeling in his gut only grew stronger. He was in deeper shit than he first ever expected. Something he didn't want to focus on right now or even any time soon. So as the coward he being right now, instead of confronting and interrogating her, he resorted to clamping his hand down on her arm and dragging her behind him.

Dumbfounded, and a definite fool she let him drag her to his car. Though not deliverer he handling was rough as he deposited her in first like she was no human before climbing into the driver side and shooting off like one of the hundreds of bullets if the night. His hands remained tense on the wheel knuckles turning white under the crusty blood and his eyes remained glued to the night in front of him. Effortlessly he weaved through the cars of the night, the people oblivious to the macabre bloodbath  that just took place. What was to be a journey a little over an hour her cut down to half. Even though the to her it felt no more than a few fleeting seconds.

"Enzo got shot."

The words stunned the tension of the car as they came to a stop in front of his family home. In those minutes as she lay he hand in his bringing it into her lap Lisa saw the vulnerability and worry in him. The lines that marred his face making him look older than he is and she felt tears rise up in her. Could she have prevented this? Should she have told him right from the beginning? Would have everything worked, them able to keep everyone safe?  Wordlessly she lay a kiss on his knuckles. She didn't care about the dried blood on them. She payed no attention to any guards who may be watching as she climbed across his lap, straddling him, holding his face in her hands peppering kisses over his face in an act of comfort. Yet her heart broke for her man, who tried to remain strong for his brothers and his family as his hands dig into the curve of her waist.

He couldn't put it off forever. Opening the car door he cradled her in his arms as he walked into his home. Inside however was a circus. Men walked around in every direction you could see. The booming sound of Luc's raging voice shook the very foundations that kept the home upright. Men seemed to flood out the living room where no doubt was where his wounded brother Enzo would be laid out on the sofa. He was okay he reminded himself.

"Upstairs wait for me in the room."

With the repeating words she saw him return to the cold man he was. The death that radiates off him as his men parted like the Red Sea to let him through, nodding out of respect. And with his presence it was like fuel being added to the fire. She could make out the following g words of Lorenzo being okay. That they will move him soon enough. She could hear the chilling anger in Luc's voice as they went through their list of enemies. And the she felt nothing. Ice cold to her core like time itself had frozen. The familiar name had been spoken and it tainted her like an endless nightmare. This want her fault she cried to herself, even though her heart beat against her rib cage as frantically as her mind. They had welcomed her made her part of their family she hadn't betrayed them. Well, not yet.

The voices in her head were too much. Running from the eagle eyes of them men who watched her with narrowed eyes she was practically ripping her hair out. When had she become so involved in the familia. When had she started to care and see them as her own? The door to their room banged against the wall as she was close to throwing up. Her thought burned and her chest ached twisting in the most painful of ways. No, this wasn't on her. Then why not tell him?

He was tired. Tesero attempted to rub the fatigue away with his hand as he reached his room. Inside Lisa stood facing the window where the grounds were visible, lost from his entrance. He needed to feel her. In his arms would be enough to satisfy him for now, before he was expected back downstairs in two hours. It didn't matter that spatters of men's blood covered them. Not to him. Tired arms snakes around her waist pulling her to his front, his head resting in the crook of her neck where he lay butterfly kisses.

She wasn't made to feel. Or to think beyond what was excepted. But as she basked in the warmth of his arms, his breath skimming her skin sending pleasurable shivers down her spine she found herself at a loss. She wouldn't wimp out now. She would lay it out for him. Her love for him and his family outweighing any of the rational thoughts she had ever possessed. Just after this though she thought. One last time. One last time to be able to love him and feel worthy of it. To be his.

She turned to face him and his arms tightened around her. She surrendered to her inhibitions and the feeling that overrode her senses. In desperation, she dragged his lips to hers, claiming them with everything she possessed. She worked quick time in trying to Rome was every inch of skin that beneath. She breathed in him and only him and her hands traced his body mapping it all out. She would ingrain him into her mind, every dent, scar and sound.

She was using him and he let, giving as good as he got. Every frustration of the night they would pour into each other, now, here. He made quick work of ripping away the last sheds of her tattered dress, followed by the holster around her thigh and her barely there lace panties that always drove him mad. The thought of how many he had ruined followed by pride of seeing her satisfied and spent had him smirking against her lips. He was being his cocky self.

As soon as she kicked her shoes off he hoisted her up around his waist. Her legs automatically wrapping around him in a vice grip. There was no foreplay. Their movements in a frenzy as he held her against the cold of the glass, her hands tugging painfully at his hair he was sure he was going to turn bald if they kept at it like this. She was still beautiful despite the spatters of dried blood that covered her face and arms. Maybe he was a masochist after all like she always complained.With swift jerky movement he took her again and again. Each time bringing her closer to the verge of tears as they whispered sweet nothings at each other. They ravaged each other with a devastatingly primal need until they were completely spent, lost in each other with no notion of who started and ended where and desperately in need of sleep.

Her head fell into the crook of his neck. Her hands practically slack against him as she faintly brushed one though his hair. She trembled against him. It wasn't until he felt something wet against his shoulder that he stilled. Lisa was crying? His iron woman never cried never showed any emotion that would mean she was weak. It made he nervous in a crazy way. And the way her grip loosened as she pushed to be let me go made the embedded doubt and dread in his gut go stronger.


He never called her that. Not unless he was deathly serious. Faced away she sought out her panties in the mess of strewn clothes. It was one of the very few pair he had managed to actually keep intact. She knew what awaited her. Pulling them on, she reached out for his shirt. She spoke the nagging words in the back of her head first.

"I love you."

Her voice cracked and he stilled. Silence. Enough to suffocate her to death. To make her hide in humiliation. But then this was only the calm before the storm. She heard him exclaim merda under his breath, right before he grabbed the shirt off her pulling it on her body. They both seemingly lost to the blood stains as he hugged her shaking frame to his chest.

"Dio Bella." His voice halted.

"I love you too."

His voice ran like smooth honey over her as she effectively worked to do up the buttons. Enough to break her resolve as she sobbed into him. She was breaking, losing this fight when she was a fighter. She was cold and a killing machine she reminded herself. When did she become a woman like this. She pushed at him, for him to release her whist delivering blow after blow to his chest in defeat, so she could put as much space between them as she could. Don't feel. Remember what you were there for. Don't fall for him. Their swimming words all became background noise as her eyes met his. And the one familiar name she would utter would break any real love and trust established between them in this game of cat and mouse, bringing with it the flood of betrayal.

He understood but felt like he was dreaming. Cold fucking betrayal. Not her he chanted in his head. Not her. His eyes were ablaze with anger. With heartbreak. Lisa? He laughed hysterically as the pain consumed every fibre of his being.

"Cazzo!" The word splintered the plummeting  icy cold temperature of the room.

It was like he lost control of himself. Within a split second the room was trashed as his words undoubtedly rang alarm bells to the men inside the room. She didn't run. She stood frozen watching as she undone the only person she had ever loved. And in a blink she found herself held by the throat, back thrown into the wall. She surrendered to him, her feelings for him that shone in her eyes adding to the burning rage in him. She ached, hoped to explain. Nonetheless felt just as guilty despite not doing any actual harm. But you keeping quiet hurt him. Her newly found conscience reminded her.

"Fucking puttana!" He roared hand tightening as she saw the tears that shone in his eyes.

The door hitting the wall no doubt splintering did nothing to break the chilling coldness his glare sent towards her. Nor did the sight of a dishevelled wild eyed Luc followed by men screaming what the fuck was going on, as warily approached them. He reached for the gun conveniently sitting on the table in his reach brining it to her temple.

"You bitch," he couldn't do it. He didn't have it in him.

His eyes went blank. His hands went limp and she found herself falling to the ground at the very last moment. Eyes opening she saw him signal at the guards to take her. She would remain in a cell from now. She didn't fight as they literally dragged her and the carpet left burns. She felt numb. Because in front of her she saw her worst nightmare. A broken heart and a lost man.

"Your dead to me." The words rang through them room as she disappeared out of his sight as he turned his back on her.


The name hung with a definite defeat, as understanding washed over his older brother. She had played them all. Even him. Even as Luc came up to him hand around his shoulders in and attempt to comfort him, for the first time in over ten years a tear fell from his eyes and he felt. Hot searing pain, that chewed up from the inside out. How did he miss it? How did her let her get so close? How did this night just keep taking turns for the worst? His hands fisted and relaxed. Over and over again until her could finally utter something. Anything.

"Nessuno mi scompiglia con me e se ne va via," he managed to get out in a broken whisper.

Whilst the ringing of his I love you continued to taunt him haunting his mind.

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