NOT a Fairytale

By ClarissaFox6

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Diamond was done with love. She has been married 3 times, and lost two husbands to freak accidents. She gave... More

Chapter 1: Back story
Chapter 2: Whoops!
Chapter 3: Stalking
Chapter 4: Shut down
Chapter 5: Day off
Chapter 6: The Date
Chapter 7: Insecurity
Chapter 8: The fight
Chapter 9: The concussion
Chapter 10: Fear
Chapter 11: Aftermath
Chapter 12: Giving up
Chapter 13: Monotony broken
Chapter 14: Engaged!?!?
Chapter 15: Game Night!
Chapter 16: Championship Fight!
Chapter 17
Chapter 18: My worst Nightmare, shopping.
Chapter 19: Engagement party
Chapter 20: Respect
Chapter 21: Motorcycles and old friends
Chapter 22: Waffle house!
Chapter 23: The coming war
Chapter 24: Wedding 'stuff'
Chapter 26: The day of the ball
Chapter 27: The ball
Chapter 28: Kidnapped.
Chapter 29: My week of torture.
Chapter 30: Talking and nightmares
Chapter 31: New day
Chapter 32
Chapter 33: Diamond gets drunk
Chapter 34: Bachelor/Bachelorette parties
Chapter 35: Arrival of the in-laws
Author's Note
Chapter 36: The Wedding! part 1
Chapter 37: The Wedding! part 2
Chapter 38: The Wedding! part 3
Chapter 39: Married
Chapter 40: Honeymoon
Chapter 41: Gold Key
Chapter 42: The ex
Chapter 43: The ex- continued
Chapter 44: Tricky Tricksters!
Chapter 45: Christmas and New Years!
Chapter 46: Here we go again.
Chapter 47: Two weeks
Chapter 48: Donna
Chapter 49: Nina

Chapter 25: Bye Bye

55 3 0
By ClarissaFox6

Diamond's POV:

After the exhausting day of shopping, planning, spa, and seeing someone from my past. We were home. The Ball was the next day. I don't understand why we had to get our makeup done today, if the ball was tomorrow.

Everyone was in bed, and I snuck down to the kitchen to get me food. I was nervous eating. Maria knew I had s sweet tooth, and that I snacked when nervous. She always had late night, sweet, keto snacks for me. Tonight she had keto oreos, custard, and some special milk for me. The 'milk' was basically half and half, except not.

After I ate, I was ready to go to sleep. I had to walk past Roman's room. It was about 1am, and I heard noises from his room.

"Seriously? Diamond is next door. She will flip." I heard Roman. He wasn't trying to whisper. Then I heard something that made my heart sink. I female giggle.

"I won't be too loud. Promise. She will never know." I knew that high pitched voice. Katherine is her name, I think? I pressed my ear to his door.

"Daddy promised I could have you! " she said.

"How did you even get in? I told them to never let you past the gate!" Roman didn't sound happy. I was still hurting. My heart breaking.

"Well, one of the night guards owed me a favor. I, um, fixed his problem, a couple of times." She replied. Great, so she sleeps her way into getting what she wants.

"If Diamond finds you here, she will flip out. Neither of us want that. You need to leave!" It hurt that he isn't telling her no. He isn't saying he doesn't want her. Just worried about me freaking out.

"I don't want you Katherine. I want Diamond. You need to leave before you ruin everything." My heart stopped breaking. He said he wants me. Awe, he is afraid she will ruin what we have built so far.

"What does she have, that I don't? Why can't you want me?! She isn't as pretty as me! I have more money than her, I know this life style. I would be a better wife!" Ugh, toddler tantrum alert.

"She is everything you are not. She is strong, understanding. She is way more beautiful than you will ever be. She has grace, and even though she hides it, she has a massive heart. One kiss with her is more satisfying that fucking you."

Damn, wow. Didn't know I was that good. *slap*

"How dare you! You are mine Roman. Mine! If she is the problem, then I will get rid of her! Then you will come back to me!" This bitch just hit my man.

"Hey, get back here Katherine! Don't you dare hurt her! I will kill you if you lay one finger on her." Awe, he is protective over me. Wait, why isn't he stopping her from walking away.

"Roman, I have the keys. You can't even get off the bed my love. I am going to get rid of your bitch."

Oh she is coming after me? This should be fun. She has my man tied up, and thinks she can kill me. This bitch is crazy.

The door swings open and she walks directly into me. She is the same height as me, well maybe a little taller. Okay fine, she is taller than me. Damn.

"Have you been listening?!" Uh oh, she is mad. Hehe

"Yes, I have been." I'm angry, I don't even try to hide it.

"Come here." I grabbed her under her knees, and threw her over my shoulders. Damn she is light.

"Diamond, she has a knife! Look out!" Roman was cuffed to his bed. And struggling against the restraints. Before I could throw her, I felt a sharp pain in my upper thigh. She stabbed me. I threw her down. The knife still sticking out of my leg.

"Shit, that fucking hurt. Why you gotta be so aggressive? I was just carrying you back to his bed. Damn!" I'm taunting her.

"I want you dead bitch! He won't be mine I until I kill you slut!" She keeps insulting me. I pulled the knife out, making sure I didn't wince. She was on the ground.

I lunged down on top of her, and put the knife to her throat.

"Now, do I have to kill you to keep you away from my fiance?" I smiled at her.

"He isn't your fiance! I know that was a lie!" She screamed and knocked the knife out of my hand.

"Oh, that was, but he is my finance now." I grabbed her by the throat with my other hand. "But I think I'll have a little fun before I settle down, again." I smiled at her and leaned into her. Grinding on her. I put lips on hers, and kissed her. What surprised me, was she kissed back.

She drove her tongue into my mouth first. Dominating my mouth. I pulled back. She was now moving her body, grinding on me.

"Well maybe I won't kill you. I'll just keep you around as my little pet." I cood at her. And pulled her up to a sitting position by her neck. I kissed her again. Lust in her eyes.

"Diamond, what is going on?" Roman snapped me out of my thoughts, of what I wanted to do to her.

"He is mine, and only mine." I stood up and dragged her with me. One hand on her throat. The other with a handful of hair. I tugged her head back, and she moaned.

"Uhm, didn't know you liked girls too." Roman was slightly bewildered. I laid her on the bed next to Roman, still straddling her. I kissed her again. He was only cuffed by one hand. I took my hand out of her nasty hair, and slid it down her body. I groped her breast, and made her moan. I slid my hand over her stomach and down to her leg. Shit no key. I switched hands on her throat, and did the same with my other hand. I found the key. I drove my hand into her pocket, and handed it to Roman's free hand.

We heard the cuff unlock. She snapped her head over to Roman.

"You bitch unlocked him!" I smirked at her, and put both hands on her throat. I squeezed. She started clawing at me. Trying to scratch me.

"Diamond, don't kill her. Her dad is too important." I snapped my head over to Roman, and squeezed her neck a little tighter.

"Call him, and get his ass here now!" I seethed through my teeth. Roman had pissed me off, she had stabbed me, and was going to kill me. She passed out and I let go.

"She isn't dead, just unconscious. If she sets foot back in this house, I snap her neck." I went to walk away.

"Diamond, please wait." I looked over my shoulder to see a defeated Roman. He was shirtless, in shorts. His hair a mess with his shoulders slumped. He had tattoos all over his chest and shoulders.

"Let me get my leg cleaned up. We can talk after we handle her. Come get me when her father gets here."  I walked away.

Roman's POV:

I just watched Diamond make out and feel up my ex, to get me uncuffed. She didn't have to. I know what she was doing. She was asserting dominance over Katherine. Showing just how much of a whore Katherine really is.

"Roman, its 1am, there better be somebody dead." Her dad answered.

"Your daughter is unconscious in my home. She cuffed me to a bed, and tried to kill my fiance. You have 10 minutes to get her, before she ends up in a cell." I hung up.

I was mad at myself for ever dating Katherine. Our Fathers set us up. They thought it was a good match of power, and wealth. I just never could stand her. She cheated, and lied. I took the cuffs Katherine had used, and put them on her.

"Sir, Mr. Long is her for his daughter."

"Good, pick her up and take her to the main door. I'll get Diamond."

I walked into Diamond's room to see her lying on the bed, in her tshirt and underwear. She was cleaning her stab wound.

"You know we have people to help with that. Her let me help."

"I got it. It's fine. I just need a couple stitches."

"You can't stitch yourself, let me help. Please."

"Wouldn't be the first time I stitched myself. Just an awkward spot to stitch." She handed me the sutures. She was right, just two stitches was all she needed. I started the first stitch and heard her take a deep breath.

"Did you numb this already?"

"Just keep going, the numbing would hurt as bad as the stitch. It's a needle going in either way." She was right, but I don't like hurting her.

We got her stitched, and a bandage put over it. We went down, and got Katherine and her father situated. He swore she would no longer be a problem. Apologized for his daughters behavior, and left.

Diamond was walking away from me.

"Diamond, please wait. I want to talk."

She took a deep breath, and turned around.

"Roman, I really don't feel like talking. I am going to go read on Wattpad, and then try to sleep." She looked hurt, disappointed, angry, or something I really can't tell.

"Please, talk to me. I don't want to ever hurt you, or make you think I will hurt you." I took two steps towards her. She took two steps back.

"Do you know why I kissed her, and made out with her?" I wasn't expecting that question.

"Because you wanted to assert dominance over her?"

"No, because I planned on killing her. It was reminding myself that no matter how close, how trusting you are of a person. They always hurt you. The leave you one way or another." Those words stung. She really thinks I would hurt her or leave her.

"Diamond, I will never leave you. I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you." I try to reassure her.

"That's the thing Roman. One day you will die, and I'll be left here. Alone again. Everyone leaves, no one can stay forever." She looked so hurt, and vulnerable.

"What happens if you die before me, huh? What happens if we have this big wonderful life, we travel, raise kids together, have adventures, and finally after years of blissful, wonderful, amazing life we finally pass away of old age. Let me in please." I am begging her.

"Roman, I may die before you. We may have wonderful years. However, somewhere in the back of my mind I'll know. I'll know you will leave me. I know it takes one car wreck, one stray bullet to end a life, and then you will be gone. Leaving me here, to carry on. To keep living, to enjoy life. Except I don't enjoy life anymore. I live it, but wished my heart had stopped when my husband's did in a car wreck. Then I wished my heart had stopped when my third husband's did in the operating room. I've been shown what love is like, I've been shown the joys, the pain, the comfort, the discomfort. I know it all too well. I get attached easily, I fall in love easily. I always get hurt. I want to let you in, my fear prevents it. If I let you in and love you. You will die, you will leave. Leave me more broken and a mess. I don't know why you love me. I don't know why I said yes to marry you, because I know you'll leave." Tears wear streaming down her face. I've never seen her cry. I've never seen her so open and vulnerable. Then she stopped.

"Goodnight Roman. I'll see you tomorrow." She walked into her room. I was left standing there hurt, rejected, heart broken. Then I heard it. I heard her sobs. I heard her punch the wall. I heard glass shatter. She was breaking things, hurting. She was a broken mess. She was my broken mess.

I walked into her room. She was in a corner curled up, sobbing. She had thrown the lamp, and shattered the base of it. She didn't know I was there.

This was the real her. The broken, distraught, full of emotion and love woman. The woman she kept buried under the cold, ruthless woman.  She was vulnerable, and caring.

"Diamond, please, let me hold you." She jumped and tried to make herself smaller.

"Roman just go away. I'm sorry about the mess. I don't know what came over me. I'll- I'll cle- clean it up. Promise." She was stuttering, not sobbing, but stuttering. She seemed so small and fragile. She was afraid. I walked over to her, and she cowered even more. I have never seen her like this. Not even in her flashback. Then she was afraid, but fighting. I reached my hand out to touch her, and she flinched away.

"P-p-please, don't hurt me. I swear, I'll clean it up. Just don't hurt me. I didn't mean to make a mess. I'm sorry" I was so confused. Diamond never apologized. Was she in another flashback?

"Diamond, its Roman. I'm not going to hurt you, never Mia cara."

"I know it's you Roman. I'm no-not in a flashback. Just don't hurt me. Please. I'm sorry." I fell backwards. Was this the real her? A scared, fragile little woman. So broken by men that she feared me?

"Mia cara, never, never will I ever hurt you. Come here, please." I reached my hand out and she timidly took it.

"Let's get you cleaned up, and then go to sleep?" I was soft, gentle with her. She nodded but wouldn't look at me. She was submissive? I didn't think I would ever see her submissive.

I walked her to my bathroom, and she cleaned up her face. "Come here Mia cara, sleep with me tonight." She nodded, still not looking at me. She timidly, like a fragile child walked to the bed.

"Look at me mia cara?" I was soft with my voice, as much as I could be. She lifted her head, but not her eyes. "Look at me, please." She lifted her eyes. Then I saw why she wouldn't look at me.

Her eyes said it all. The hurt, she fear, the love, and vulnerability. She had let her guards down.

"Absolutely beautiful, amazing, wonderful." I stroked her face, brushing her hair, out of her face. She wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Promise to never hurt me?" Her voice was almost a whisper.

"Yes beautiful. I will never hurt you. I promise." She leaned up, and pulled me down so gently. And kissed me. Her lips trembling, soft, and tender. Nothing like our first kiss. This was so full of emotion. My heart nearly burst with love. I kissed her back. She pulled away, and just buried her head in my neck. I picked her up bridal style, and carried her to bed. I snuggled with her under the covers. She was asleep already. I smiled, kissed her head, and fell asleep holding her.

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