FREAKS || Jerome Valeska¹

By Inspired_By_Insanity

208K 5.5K 2.1K

〖Book one: Reese Nygma Trilogy〗 Season 1: ❝I can't cover this hole in my chest anymore You twiste... More

*Before We Begin - A/N
*Season 1
01 || A Riddle and A Joke
02 || Charisma
03 || More Than Enough
04 || Two Broken Hearts
05 || A Liar
06 || 'Apology'
07 || Unforgettable Night
08 || Beautiful Madness
09 || Curiosity Killed The Cat
• • Playlist S1 • •
*Season 2
10 || Arkham's Ginger
11 || Riddle Me This
12 || Troubled Doll
13 || Teenage Boy in Love
14 || Breakout
15 || Ladies & Gentlemen
16 || Oh No!
17 || Familiar
18 || I Know You
19 || Sickos & Fortune Tellers
20 || Rodolfo & Julieta
21 || The Bloody Night
22 || Heart Ache
23 || Fate
24 || Alter Ego
25 || Sedate
26 || Hereditary
27 || Bitter Sweet
29 || Don't Look Back
30 || Stagecraft
• • Playlist S2 • •
*Season 3
31 || Before Time's Up
32 || New Beginnings
33 || The Clean Election
34 || Hold My Tongue
35 || Nygma Duo
36 || In A Heartbeat
37 || Your Broken Watch
38 || What It Feels Like
39 || Misunderstanding
40 || Two Different Worlds

28 || All Is Fair

2.8K 101 19
By Inspired_By_Insanity

Nearly three months had passed since that sentimental night. I've slept easier since. It wasn't a complete healing, but the absence of Theo's looming presence allowed me to grieve without being haunted by him. He was dead. And the world would be a potentially better place without him in it, and if I could find Tabitha someday and do the same... it'd be better.

They'd discovered Theo's body almost immediately, and his demise made headlines. The police department conducted a manhunt in search of Oswald and me; they were going above and beyond. They interrogated my brother and ransacked our home, trying to find me, and they almost caught me once in a dirty alley. That was the only time I slept there before I moved away from the obvious and crowded places and into discreet ones — abandoned warehouses or easy-access rooftops. I lived in constant vigilance, even when I snuck into the loft to shower and sleep. I had been prepared my whole life for chases like these. They didn't stand a chance.

Almost a month later, James Gordon testified in court about what had happened — He was quickly exonerated and reinstated. He denied being part of the murder; instead, he chose to confess part of the truth, the one that benefitted him. Only Oswald and I did it. What did the police department do? They doubled down on their search. Penguin hadn't been so lucky and was sent to Arkham Asylum. He refused to snitch on Jim. I didn't even want to imagine the horrible things he would have to endure. It was disgusting and painful.

Amidst the chaos, Edward had been the only one out of us to be doing somewhat good. There hadn't been any more murders, but he was allowing his mind to explore. He wasn't afraid to come out of his shell. Harvey Bullock had a taste of this new phase. Ed had stood up to him after being belittled. From what I was told, the defensiveness had frightened Harvey into a little apology. I would've paid to see that. I was proud of my brother and liked his new confidence.

Unfortunately, nothing good ever lasts, and he is worried because Gordon has begun snooping into Officer Dougherty and Kristen's disappearances. He was getting suspicious.

To remediate, Edward devised a plan to get rid of Jim Gordon. I would help him put this plan into motion tonight. I didn't want to do this to Jim because he had a baby on the way, but I couldn't have him investigating my brother's business. If he found out, Ed would be sent to Arkham, and I would lose my mind. There would be no way for us to communicate. I also wanted to do this for Oswald; he was left to rot in Arkham when Jim pulled the trigger and killed Galavan. He was not taking responsibility or helping. He didn't care about all the ugliness happening to Oswald as long as it didn't affect him personally.

This morning, Edward had anonymously called Internal Affairs using a voice modulator. He reported witnessing Gordon shoot Theo, not Oswald or me; to add credibility, he gave information not divulged to the public — The umbrella and the knife work we had made. It was so credible that Internal Affairs reopened the case.

Then, we unleashed chaos at the Gotham Museum of Art — We ignited a smoke bomb and spray-painted some paintings with green question marks. Art that hinted at Union Railway Station on Market Street, where we placed a real bomb inside a locker. When the bomb was activated, it set up a payphone call beside Officer Pinkney's (a rookie) apartment. Ed fabricated a statement from 'Pinkney' and had him sign it at Union Station. It said he wanted to speak to Barnes about Jim. The crowbar used to pry the locker at the train station would be used to kill Pinkney. We knew Gordon would go out looking for these clues, and he'd stumble into the dead man. Barnes would find him and the crowbar at the scene, and since he was already suspicious, this wouldn't help. This would accuse him of Pinkney's murder as well as make him viable for Galavan's.

It was an intricate plan. Jim Gordon was already suspicious, he was destined for conviction immediately. There was no one to vouch for him. Edward had was a fucking mastermind.

I idly doodled on a notepad while Edward worked on something. The markings were nothing special — messy curls, hearts, stars, and happy faces — enough to keep me occupied as I waited for Edward. We were headed to Pinkey's tonight.

"Reese, could you please eat less of that? We don't have time for you to get cavities," Edward advised from his spot on the bed with somewhat of a fatherly tone, scribbling something inside his notebook.

A mischievous smile played on my lips as I carelessly chomped down my chocolate bar. "Riddle me this, sir: Who do you love, has the prettiest face and doesn't really give two shits?" Edward paused, directing a narrowed gaze at me. I grinned innocently and raised my hands triumphantly, " Ding, ding, ding! Me. The answer is me."

He snorted, unimpressed, "Know what? Fine." A shrug followed, making me giggle as his diva side flared up. "Mess up your teeth. It's not like I care."

"Thank you." I muttered sarcastically, resuming the doodling before biting my snack, "Yum." I mocked my brother, smirking to myself. My delight was destroyed by a giant fluffy pillow to the face. The sudden impact caused me to drop everything I was holding. "No." I tossed the pillow off and frantically searched but found no trace of my food.

"Looking for this."

My head snapped up to see Edward holding my snack from its shiny wrapper; lips pursed as if holding laughter. "Edward." I glared, not truly angry but annoyed that my food was in someone else's hands.

"Reese." He mimicked my tone and placed the treat on the table. "This isn't good for you. You had one this morning."

"I have done so much worse, and this is what you reprimand me on?" I remarked with crossed arms. His smile never left; in fact, it amplified. I grabbed my notepad and ripped a page from it as he looked away. It was crumpled into a ball and tossed at his forehead, making him flinch. "You suck."

He laughed quietly, "Aw, Ree, are you upset I'm protecting you from losing your teeth?"

"Honestly? Yes."

"You're not getting cavities on my watch." He joked before pointing between his eyes and me as if challenging. I groaned but decided not to do anything, hoping he wouldn't throw it away. "Those hurt so bad." Edward could be like any other older brother — annoying and impossible to get rid of. He could go on like this all day.

Ed kneeled beside a green duffle bag, opening it. Inside was the crowbar he had taken from our precious wrongdoing. Suddenly, a loud knock came, triggering panic as we wondered who it could be. He motioned me to my room, placing a finger over his lips. I quickly interpreted the message and tiptoed to my bedroom, fingers shaking with anxiety. I waited for something to alert me to run. I listened for every noise, hearing the door slide, and waited for a cop-like, loud voice.

Nothing like that came.

Instead, I heard my brother laugh mirthfully. "Ree, come out! Look who's here!"

My eyebrows furrowed, and I cautiously emerged, only to be met with a familiar face. Penguin stood there, covered in feathers from head to toe. I gasped, my eyes becoming big. "Ozzie?" I grinned, bouncing on my toes.

The short man beamed brightly, "Reese? Oh my goodness, it's so good to see you! I've missed having you both around." Ed and I exchanged grins. We also missed him. It was nice to see him again, looking better. When we first met, I considered him the most annoying and demanding person in the universe, but you get used to his attitude and miss it when it's gone. "How have you been, old friends? Well, I hope."

"Well, even better now that you're here again." I gushed, making him grin, his fair skin tinting a bright shade of pink.

He laughed, embarrassed, waving me off, "Oh, Reese, you're so sweet." He glanced at my brother, asking with his eyes how he had been.

"Yeah, well, I have been... been busy. I've been really busy," Edward stated excitedly but gave me a knowing look. I returned it. "And what about you? We heard you've been released. What-What's —" He motioned to the odd plumage Oswald had glued to his coat.

"Seriously, what happened?" I snorted. It looked like a flock of birds had attacked him. "What's all this?"

"Oh, oh." He looked down and giggled at the chaotic state of his clothes. A smile grew on my lips, noticing how genuinely happy he was. "Just good old Butch and Tabitha having fun. They talked about killing me, so this was actually pretty nice of them, considering." He narrated in the calmest voice I had ever heard him speak.

My joy vanished immediately, my gaze turning to my brother. We shared a look of disbelief. "Huh?"

"Pretty nice of them?" Edward inquired earnestly; he received nothing but a grin. "They did a pretty good job on you in Arkham, huh?"

The raven-haired man smiled wider. "I'm here to tell you, Ed and Ree, as a friend, violence and anger are not the answer." He advised sincerely. I smirked, still totally baffled at the new person I was witnessing. Before, Oswald would've killed them for even trying to humiliate him like this. Now, he's like a squishy-gooey marshmallow. It was so adorable... but also so fucking bizarre, "I'm a changed man - better - and you can change too."


This is by far the weirdest thing I've ever experienced. Think he's serious?

They must've fried his brain at the mean ol' Arkham Asylum. Good old ECT. She giggled then cleared her throat, beginning to mock his sanity. Even if I thought it was rude, it was hilarious. I pursed my lips hard, holding in the laughter that wanted to spew.

"Cool." Edward simpered. Oswald was so euphoric that he failed to catch the sarcasm in the tone. "Tempting offer." Ed laughed with his hand resting on his hips before clearing his throat. Clearly, neither of us were expecting this. "The thing is, the me I am right now is kinda hitting my stride."

"Oh." Oswald chuckled and nodded, slightly disappointed.

"And I am really grateful for all that you've taught me." My brother admitted, causing the latter to smile shyly, waving the compliment off. "And that bad stuff you told me about Jim Gordon is really paying off." He laughed excitedly.

Oswald giggled, "Is it?" I could not get over his happiness; it was an everlasting glow.

"It is. It's helped me to create the perfect puzzle to get rid of my Jim Gordon dilemma." Edward revealed, beaming proudly, hands clapping once and intertwining his fingers. "Normally, I would love to share, but to be honest, the new you is kinda freaking me out." The shorter man's smile dropped, making me narrow my eyes at Edward condescendingly. It felt like he'd kicked a dog. I liked seeing Oswald smiling; he looked much more approachable. Edward began escorting our friend to the door, opening it wide. "Ree and I are just very busy right now."

"Well, I'll be on my way." He muttered sadly and put his destroyed beanie on with a chuckle. My lips formed a frown; I quickly embraced him. He gasped softly. "Oh, okay. You don't - You don't care about the feathers." His arms hugged me back.

I pulled away with a tiny grin, keeping my hands on his shoulders, "We have to hang out some other time, Oswald."

He smiled sheepishly, "Of course, I'd love that." With that, he stepped out the door and waved, going to say goodbye.

"Thanks for coming by." My brother smiled and shut the door.

My eyebrows raised in disapproval. "That was really mean, Edward," I dusted off any feathers left.

I received an eye roll. "Reese, that doesn't matter right now. Get ready; we're leaving." He announced in a quite bossy tone. I sighed at the lack of empathy and went back to my room. I knew that he was right. We needed to finish this as quickly as possible, or it would give Jim time.

▪ • ▪

"How exciting," Edward gushed quietly, smirking, as we made our way down the hallway. I couldn't help but grin at his twisted enthusiasm. It was fascinating how quickly he'd come to appreciate this darker side of himself.

Upon arrival, Ed motioned me to stand behind him, placing the crowbar into my gloved hand. His knuckles rapped on Pinkney's apartment door, announcing our presence. My fingers anxiously tightened around the cold metal bar, waiting for it to open. And when it did, a grin spread across my face, neurons firing as I envisioned violence and gore — a feeling I couldn't control.

Poor Mister Pinkney. Well, I'm sure it'll all turn out good in the end, right?

"Yeah!" She chirped, followed by a surprised hum. "For us. Not him because, you know, he'll be dead." A hand quietly covered my mouth, suppressing laughter.

"Hello, Officer Pinkney," My brother greeted in his cheery tone, "I'm so sorry to bother you at your home. Can I come in?"

There was a moment of silence. "Uh, sure." The young man replied, confusion audible. Footsteps sounded, suggesting that he was walking off. "Make it quick; the ball games on."

My eyebrow raised in disbelief. Is he serious? What kind of officer lets a stranger enter his home without explanation, then turns his back as if Edward were his trusted friend? See, cops are dumb - well, at least this one is proving to be.

Ed turned his head, giving me a strange look. I'm positive he was thinking the same thing I just was. He walked further into the home, and I closed the door quietly behind me. We followed Pinkney, who had gone directly into the living room.

"What's this about?" He questioned, a little too late, as his back faced us. The baseball game had practically eviscerated his focus. I shook my head disapprovingly. It's sad to witness this kind of idiocy.

I wonder if his last thoughts will be like: Man, I should've just turned around. I bit back a snort.

"Oh, Detective Gordon'll explain. He's just behind me." Edward replied.

The officer crossed his arms, enthralled with his last-ever game. "Ah, okay," He mumbled with disinterest. I bet he would forget he'd let someone into his home if we just stood quiet.

My brother grinned evilly. "Hey, Pinkney, what do you call a tavern of black birds?" That caught the young man's attention; he went to turn around, but I swung hard, smacking him across the face. Pinkney groaned and fell over in pain. Edward and I laughed maniacally as a rush of shared insanity overcame us. "A crowbar!"

I glanced at my brother, confused about his riddle. "What was that?"

"You get it? A crowbar?" he pressed on while kicking the cop in the stomach. I shook my head, snickered, and handed him the metal. "I know, it's kind of lame, Ree. I just came up with it on the spot."

I laughed. "That's such a dad joke."

He hummed. "Yeah, sorry." As I was about to do the same, a hand tightened around my ankle, trying to pull me down. I stumbled back, my foot trying to shake off the tight hold. My brother began to smack the man with the bar repeatedly. "Let go!" He growled. Pinkney's hands loosened from my ankle, and I could free myself. Silence came from him; I could only hear my brother's loud panting.

"I think he's dead," I whispered, kneeling to check Pinkney's pulse - Nothing. A smirk curled as I looked up. "Eddie, you actually killed him."

"Oh, my." He mumbled sarcastically and began to laugh his madness away.

▪ • ▪

Jim Gordon couldn't have anticipated what was coming his way. As Edward had set up, Captain Barnes found the detective at the crime scene. He arrested Jim, and when the crowbar was examined, they only found the detective's fingerprints. He was facing a forty-year sentence for the death of Officer Pinkney and Theo Galavan at Blackgate Penitentiary.

It sucked that he was separated from Lee and would miss out on his baby's birth. But all is fair in love and war, and I couldn't have my only family go away. Blackgate is boring and pretty much the same every day, but it is easier than Arkham. You never knew what would be in store for you; That place is hell.

When I asked Oswald Cobblepot to meet him again, I never thought it'd be like this. I currently stood in front of a church, dressed in black. It felt strange to be doing this, hesitation coursed through. Grief weighed on my shoulders by simply staring at the entrance. It took me a while to gain courage and walk inside the old building. To my relief, there weren't many people - About eight, including Oswald. A casket adorned with beautiful white lilies at the end of the aisle.

With a deep breath, I approached my dear friend, who was sitting alone on a bench. I pulled my black scarf down and gently touched his shoulder. "Oswald?" I whispered. Startled, he turned, revealing red, swollen eyes — the weight of emotional pain. A frown cascaded down my expression once I saw his state.

"Reese," he croaked, sniffling, and stood up with all the strength he could muster. "You came."

My arms immediately wrapped around his body. "Oz, dear friend, I'm so sorry for your loss." The man cried quietly on my shoulder, making me tear up. I squeezed him a little more, and it was reciprocated gently.

It took him a while to pull away, "I had just found him. Why did he have to die too?" He whimpered. My heart shattered into pieces as I watched him break down; I wanted to do something to make it all go away but couldn't. Oswald sniffled. "Where is Ed?"

"GCPD. It's been complicated because of what happened with Jim. Forensics isn't an easy job to be excused from." I explained, making him seem more disappointed - He truly wanted Ed to come. I felt terrible for lying; Edward was at the police station in case something about Gordon came up. "He asked me to tell you he was sorry for your loss. I am positive he would've wanted to be here with you."

Oswald smiled sadly, hugging his coat closer to his body. "I can understand that. I'm very grateful you came, thank you."

My hand rested upon his shoulder. "Of course."

We sat on the wooden benches; cold seeped through my jeans, making me shiver a little. A deep silence engulfed the church, letting the grief settle in. An older man, whom I assumed to be the priest, strolled into our view and sermoned. Biblical philosophies, impactful messages to commemorate Oswald's father and to try to soothe friends and family.

I wasn't religious. I hadn't grown up in a religious environment, and my father, who had once been, stopped going once my mother left him. So, I had never been inculcated the importance of church or religion. I found the speech lovely, comforting in some strange way. Unfortunately, it only created more melancholy for my friend, who began crying harder.

I frowned, offering my hand to him. Oswald sniffled and hiccuped, staring with hesitance. He then took it, fingers looping together, seeking comfort. I knew it wasn't enough. He tried to maintain his composure, but he was destroyed, and his expressions only made me want to cry, too. 

I thought of the past, imagining what it would've been if my parents had loved me more. I would've been a different person; Graduating high school, getting into college, getting my first job. I know all of these things could've been just as achievable now, but I wasn't nearly as happy as I should've;  I'd always felt like I didn't have a greater purpose. Maybe it was my self-deprecating tendencies flooding my brain with negativity... but all these guesses don't matter anymore.

I'm stuck here and will still be here even if I were to close my eyes and dream.

It took a while for the priest to stop talking and incense to be walked around the room. I loved the smell - Burnt and sweet. Oswald walked to his father's casket, tears still falling. I removed my gaze for a second to look around. There sat an older woman wearing a furry cheetah-print coat with black leather sleeves and a big black hat with a transparent veil across from me. Beside her, two adults - A young woman and guy. They resembled each other. I assume this is the long-lost family Oswald talked about. I didn't miss the stare the mother sent, condescendingly inspecting me. There was an odd vibe, but I wasn't going to get bothered now. I was here for my friend, and if she had questions, she could ask; otherwise, she could stare until her eyes ran dry for all I cared. I sent her the same look, purposefully scanning her in disapproval, before turning away uninterested.

I smirked, hearing her scoff.

"I will never forget you." Oswald's loud sobbing echoed through the building. I felt my heart sink to my stomach; I hated seeing the people I cared about in pain. "As long as I -"

A loud sigh came from across, my head turned again. His step-sister cocked her head in an annoyed manner and shared a look with her family. They all began smirking as if they were mocking his pain. My eyes narrowed in disgust, knowing there was a fishy situation here. I wanted to say something, kick their asses but out of respect for Oswald and his dad, I decided to stay quiet.

My friend turned around and waddled back, sitting down with squeezed eyes. His cries did not cease. My arms wrapped around him, letting him feel what he wanted without pressure. I'd never seen him so torn apart, and it made me feel so bad.

The ceremony ended shortly after; everyone had begun leaving, giving Oswald and his stepfamily their last condolences. Ushers began to take apart the beautiful set-up to take the casket, but before they could remove all the lilies, Oswald took a bouquet. He had slightly calmed down, walking around almost as if numb, hugging his lilies tenderly like a prized possession. Our arms linked together as we made our way back to the entrance.

"What a bore that was." I heard a female say in a loud undertone, causing my head to turn back. It seemed like they noticed my gaze because the two abruptly shut up, acting like nothing had occurred.

Are they fucking serious?

"Bitch." I mumbled and turned around, continuing to walk with an unstable Oswald. "Do you want to stay over?" I whispered.

Oswald blinked mutely, confused. "What?"

"Mine and Ed's? Do you want to stay over?"

He hummed, congested. "Are you leaving now?"

My head bobbed up and down, glancing out the door at dark blue skies, the clouds tinting it grey. "I'm sure Edward's home by now. He'll be worried if I'm not back yet, considering I'm still a fugitive and all." I muttered quietly, not wanting anyone to hear my conversation.

The raven-haired man paused between the aisles and nodded. "That's understandable. Edward is a good brother and cares about you a lot." He placed a hand on my shoulder, his eyes going glossy again. "I can't thank you enough for being here with me despite your circumstances."

"Oswald, you're my friend, and I will always be here when you need me." I embraced him for the one-millionth time today, squeezing. My eyes landed on his family, who eyed me like hawks and glared back. I pulled away. "You don't wanna stay with us for tonight?"

"No." He whimpered, "I think my family needs me."

"Oswald, I really don't think -"

"I'll be fine." He sniffled with a smile, "Promise."

"Pinkie promise?" I raised my finger.

He chuckled through tears, interlacing our small fingers. "Promise."

"Okay." I smiled and glanced at his family. "Just don't trust them."

"Wha -?"

"Don't trust your father's family." I clarified. He only became more baffled. This was Arkham's fault; they made him too friendly and blind to the evil in the world. "Protect yourself. If you ever need me, just call, okay?"

He nodded, emotionally drained. "Of course."

A hand was placed over his shoulder. "I hope we see each other soon."

"I hope so too, my friend."

"Take care of yourself, and stay strong."

He smiled woefully. "I will... Please, do the same and take care of your brother, will you?" I pouted, nodding, grateful that he managed to care for us despite being a mess. We shared our goodbyes, and I walked off, trusting that he could care for himself. He was Oswald Cobblepot. I don't believe Arkham truly changed his instincts, just subdued them enough to the point he could not recognize them.

I hoped the blind would come off soon.

Published: 05/08/24

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