Queen Of New Orleans

By Mikealsonlover12

26.4K 406 184

Book 5 My name is Aleah Labonair but most people know me by Angel Gilbert. I hate being what I am snapping at... More

Cast/Trailer/ Ship contest
The Original Bitch
The Original Doppelgangers
Forgive me father for I have sinned
Once Upon a time there was a Sociopath and Psychotic Bitch
Help! Ive been kidnapped by a sociopath
My first EDIT ever!!
Coming soon
Be on the look out
Another day in Mystic Falls
The wedding of Death
Last call for Sheriff forbes
Ancesteral Magic
Disaster wedding
I love you, Goodbye
Crescent Curse
Book 6

A/N Slightly Important

437 4 1
By Mikealsonlover12

Okay so this isn't my first edit but this is basically Kai and Angel's relationship through well this book.

Also follow me on Instagram @Thehybridbitch and subscribe to me on YouTube where I post all my videos @Thehybridbitch


Also my Teen Wolf readers if you see this just know I started on my chapter Saturday and I don't know when I'm going to publish it al I know is that it's sometime this week. Possibly Tuesday.

Also some of you want some ship videos between my OC and actual characters I'll try and make that happen for most of my books.

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