the boy in the rain ✘ seungji...

By sunshineseungminnie

194K 10.7K 11K

When an introverted boy meets the boy in the rain. "Who knew that only you could make me feel alive?" - Seun... More

二十二 END.


4K 228 178
By sunshineseungminnie

190119 | 01:13


Hyunjin placed his head on the table and tried to catch up some sleep. But his ugly ass classmates had to be so loud about that stupid party that's In a week. He just don't want to heard anything from it.

"Is this place empty?"

Hyunjin looked up, his eyes focusing on the petite body and shook his head.

"What's wrong?" Changbin threw his bag on the wooden floor. He shove the chair lazily back and took a place in the empty seat next to the boy.

"Nothing much. I'm just tired of all those party talks. I'm happy I'm not going." He stated firmly.

"To bad," Changbin slammed a piece of paper on his desk with a loud thud that caused the other sit up in reflex.

"What the hell is this?" The taller grabbed the flimsy and thin paper between his fingers and held it up the air.

"Fill this in or else Woojin is going to hunt you down."

He grabbed the paper and placed in front of him.

The yearly New Years party is already around the corner! Write down what you've done for the party. Are you going? Yes or yes? Remember, a good deed always repays!

Hyunjin just rolled his eyes and shove the paper far away from him and rested his body on the table again. "I'm not going to do anything for it."

"Me neither," Changbin sighed. "You can write something random down and you're allowed to go."


The latter sighed again. "Alright, don't complain to me if you need to do something."

Hyunjin raised his thumb up, obviously not caring that much about it.

"I only gave this to you because," Changbin already chuckled. "I heard that Chan asked Seungmin and he agreed to go."

Suddenly the boy was wide awake. "Asshole," he mumbled under his breath. "Give me that paper."

"Nope. Good luck on doing your good deed." Changbin folded the paper in two and stuffed it inside his bag, leaving the boy in annoyance behind.

"Wait," Hyunjin stood up and walked after him. "Isn't it better if i convince Seungmin not to go?"

The boy just shrugged his shoulders. "I thought about that too but everyone has to go and especially since this is our last year."

"When is the party even?"

"It's a New Years party."

"Oh right."

Changbin rolled his eyes. "Just do what Woojin asks you to do since you didn't want to listen to me."

"Urgh. Fine."

"Anyways, I'm going to my class now."

Hyunjin frowned. "We're in the same class for history tho."

"Right but I have math now so that means: we don't have history now."

Hyunjin widened his eyes and dashed inside the classroom again and threw his stuff inside his bag, not caring about the mess he just made. He stood up and dashed out of the room, all eyes on him. "Thanks dude." He yelled before disappearing.


It was finally Friday, meaning weekend is already around the corner and also that the party is already in one week.

The weather was absolutely amazing. The trees gently ruffled against eachother as the wind blew through the branches. It was cloudy yet sunny at the same time.

Hyunjin tucked his hands tightly in his pockets as he hid half of his face in his cosy turtle neck. The powerful wind just made him moody for some reason.

He walked through the extremely busy streets. It was packed even though it was only 11 in the morning, what was quite unusual.

But it was logic since New Years is around the corner and there is a lot to buy, such as food and presents for family members. It was the time of the year to gather the family together or just to spend with friends.

He sighed as he looked at the gray mess that nature created. He just wishes school was over so he could be home alone. He took his earbuds out of his bag and tucked them in, letting the music blast into his ears.

He used to love to celebrate with family and friends but for the past year, it was everything except something he was looking forward to.

"Hyunjin!" A spontaneous voice called him.

Hyunjin looked around but he just couldn't see the owner of the voice through all these people.

"Peek a boo!" He felt a slight weight on his shoulders and he quickly turned around to meet the owner of the voice. He took one earbud out of his ear.

Who the hell is th-

"I'm woojin!" The boy seemed excited for whatever reason. "I'm from your class."

"Alright." He was about to put his earbud in again but the latter stopped him by grabbing his arm.

"So," he started. "Since everyone has to do something for the New Years party, I need to ask you for a favor."

Hyunjin raised his brows. "And you couldn't ask in school?"

"I couldn't find you." Woojin rolled his eyes.

The boy seemed to be impatient and sighed. "Just say what you want so I can leave."

"Here," he handed the boy a pack of flyers and boy, he already knew what was going to come out of his mouth. "Hand them out."

Hyunjin was confused as hell and shook his head. "To who? Everyone of our school knows that there is a party."

"That's exactly it, no one else knows it outside the school so I want you to hand them to different shops so they can sponsor us."

Hyunjin kept quiet since he knew protesting against this talking beast wasn't the best thing ever so he just gave a nod and ticked his earbud in again.

I swear life is treating me like a piece of crap.


He pressed the pack of flyers against his body.

He hated it.

Not that party but due the fact that the world is making him do so much stuff. Or wait, also the party.

It was almost new year and since its schools tradition, theres going to be a huge party, organized by the students themselves. It's a party with a lot of dancing, partying and drinking. And with drinking, I mean a lot of drinking.

It's also known as the party of the year to celebrate the end of a hectic year.

"Do I seriously...?" He looked at the flyers and just had the urge to throw them away. The colorful layout just made him moody.

He wasn't that social awkward but he just wasn't in the mood to hand them out energetically.

He walked through the streets and just had no clue where to start.

Just hand them out quickly so you'll be free from this punishment.

He was thrown off guard when the first rain drops fell on his pale skin.

God no.

Soon it started to rain. He looked at the people around him and the umbrellas started to appear. The boring and one tone streets was soon filled with colourful umbrellas.

He cursed out loud, firstly, he didn't want to do this and he just wants to go home quickly but no God had other plans for him.

He looked around as he used the flyers to block the rain out of his sight.

The first thing he noticed was an old bookshop where he was standing and without much thoughts, he walked inside.

It was so small but packed with books. The bell rang as the door swung open by the boy. There was no person inside the store. Or that's what he thought at least.

He wandered around through the small store.

"Hello?" He said.

He turned around when he heard a ruffle sound coming from the back of the store.




The boy looked at his trembling hands that was now full with flyers.

Woojin gave a nod. "You're the only person who hasn't done anything in our class."

Seungmin but his bottom lip. Me? Do they expect me to walk around and talk to strangers? No way!

"B-but..." Seungmin tried to think of something to convince him that he's probably not the best person to do this task but he just didn't want to talk back to his senior.

"You also can just leave a pack at the library or something since a lot people go there to look for events." Woojin gave a smile, "anyways, just go to as much shops as you can."

Seungmin slowly nodded and waited for Woojin to leave the spot so he could have a mental breakdown.

And there he was, standing in the middle of the crowd, feeling lonely and lost. He had no idea why he didn't asked for something else like why this out of everything? He was probably not even planning to go.

Soon it began to drizzle and he absolutely hated that but luckily, he brought an umbrella with him. But instead of taking it out of his black backpack, he decided to go the bookstore that was located right infront of him.

He stood in front of the huge Windows and admired what nature created. Even thought the wind was kind of chilly, he didn't cared. The raindrops slowly fell on the top of his shoes, drenching them little by little.

He turned around and looked inside the store, just to see an old man who seemed to struggle a bit. Without second thoughts, he stormed inside the store and took over the pack of books of the old man after he placed the flyers on a table.

"Oh," the man looked at him in surprise, "thank you young man."

Seungmin didn't said anything but instead, he smiled a bit. He walked over to the table, clenching tightly into the pack of flyers. "I-I'm here t-"

"Can you take the rest? You haven't been working for a while." The old man spoke, smiling shorty afterwards.
It was obvious that he confused Seungmin for someone else.

Seungmin raised a brow and wanted to tell him the truth, that he never worked here before but again, he wasn't the type to do that. "O-okay."

He followed the man to the back of the store. There were boxes everywhere, from big to small once. "Can you take this and close the store?" Suddenly, he reached for his pocket and fished out a huge bush of keys and handed it to the confused boy.

"S-sure..." He replied and before he know it. He was left alone in a store he had never been before.

What the hell is going on today?!

At that moment, the bell rang loudly and that made him everything except happy. He was still in that small room, looking at the boxes that he apparently had to organize.


The faint voice echoed through the nearly empty room. He felt his hand trembling and the sweat forming on his bare forehead.

He quickly adjusted his glasses on his face to look if the person needed help.

Ofcourse they need help that's why they are calling me.

He honestly had no clue how he would help the person in the first place like its his first time here too.

"Excuse me?" He turned around to face Hyunjin.

Both of them stood there for a second, no one saying anything as they had to proceed that they are now standing in front of each other.

"Long time no see." Hyunjin smiled.

His... His smile. Damn it.

Seungmin couldn't help but to smile. "Yeah."


Wow okay I'm so bad at uploading like why are so many people still readying this omg.

Anyways, I have no idea where this story is going ACSHHF


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