Hamilton Gay Oneshots

By TheThotPolice

79.6K 834 2.3K

Ok, Gay oneshots! Definitely will be smut but with warning so bye! More

Lams Wedding ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Jeffmads Angst & Fluff
A Lazy Morning Mullette
Lams Two Lovers
Tea Time Geollie
Sick Jeffmads
Mullette Couch Sexy Time
Lams - Zoo & Turts
Forget - Lams
Jamilton - Idek
The Beach - Jamilton

Tea Time PT:2

2K 37 58
By TheThotPolice

Hello, I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while ;-; But here it is! This was requested by @BlueFlightChan so here you go all you Geollie lovers!

Ollie's POV

I wake up with someone's arms wrapped around me. I snuggle up into them but remember, I don't usually sleep with anyone. I look at the arms and then look up and see George. I remember what happened yesterday and bury my head into his chest.

"Good morning Ollie." I heard George say, his voice deeper than usual. I start to blush and bury my face deeper into his chest. "What is it love?" He said and I blush even more. "Aww, are you flustered my love, let me see." He says and I shake my head. He hooks his finger under my chin and lifted my face up. "There's my beautiful prince." He said, kissing me on the lips which I immediately return.

I pull away and bury my head back into his chest. He then starts to play with my hair and I smile into his chest.

"Your adorable." He whispered, causing me to somehow blush even more. "We have to get up love." He said, unwrapping his arms, causing me to whine. "D-Don't l-leave pl-please." I stuttered out, causing him to look down at me. "Its ok love, I wont leave you, I just have to get clothes" He said, kissing my forehead. "We have to get dressed and ready for breakfast. I should have something that will fit you." He said, walking into his closet.

He walks out and hands me a change of clothes. These clothes were probably worth more then my whole life.

"G-George, T-these cl-clothes cost as m-much as me." I say and he shakes his head in disbelief. "You could not put a price on you my love." He said and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I smiled and grabbed the clothes and walked to the bathroom, which was as big as my house, and got dressed.

George's POV

I got changed and waited for Ollie to come out. I sat down at my desk and spun around in my chair. I heard the bathroom door close and I looked over to see Ollie.

He was stunning, he was wearing one of my blue dress shirts and a pair blue breeches and a blue waist coat. I think he noticed I was staring because he started blushing.

"Do I look bad?" Ollie said, turning around. I stood up and walked over to him and grabbed his wrist, turning him around. "You look absolutely stunning." I said and pulled him into a hug. "Lets go eat love." I said and took his hand in mine. "Wont people notice were holding hands and eating together?" He said and I shook my head. "I dont care what they think. All I care about is that your by my side." I said, openeing my door and walking out with Ollie by my side.

As we were making our way down the hall, Ollie suddenly gripped my hand tightly and hid behind me. I stopped and looked down at him.

"What is wrong my prince?" I said and gently squeezed his hand. "Th-those pe-people would al-ways be mean t-to me." Ollie stuttered out on the verge of crying. "Hey, hey its ok love. They cant do anything to you now." I said and brushed a piece of hair away from his eyes. "Do you p-promise?" He said, looking at me. "I swear my love." I said and gently kissed his hand. He smiled gently and nodded.

We continued walking and I glared at the men who were mean to my prince. They all looked horrified and I smirked.

We made it to the dining hall and pulled out a chair for him. He blushed and whispered a small thank you. I smiled and sat down next to him.

I clapped my hand and immedietly a servant came running in. (I wish this happened when I was hungry ;-;)

"Good morning your majesty." My servant said, bowing before me. "Good morning Mac." I say and they stand up. "What would you like Ollie?" I say, turning over to look at Ollie. He leans up to my ear and cups his hand like he was sharing a secret. "Can we have tea and crumpets?" He said and chuckled. "Of course my love." I whispered back into his ear and he smiled. "Can we have some tea and crumpets please Mac?" I ask and they nod. "Right away your majesty." Mac said, bowing before leaving to go get us our food.

"You are adorable Ollie." I say, booping his nose. He giggles and I smile. "How did you sleep my love?" I asked, grabbing his hand again. "G-good?" He said almost like a question. "You dont have to be nervous my love." I say and kiss his cheek. He blushes and nods.

Mac then ran in with a tray of our food. I pour each of us a cup of tea and gave us each a crumpet. "You may leave Mac. Thank you." I say and Mac nods before scrambling off. Ollie and I finish our breakfast and then head to the garden.

Imma leave it there for now because I got nothing else X3 I would like to thank my discord friends for helping me on this chapter and yeah! I love you all and Au Revoir!

Your Obedient Servant,


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