Love and Serenity: Book 1

By SxlarDream

307 13 1

Julian starts off his first year at college, and one of his biggest secrets are out the closet 😉: He's gay... More

Chapter 2: No Pressure
Chapter 3: Regrets
Chapter 4: True Love
Chapter 5: Love Hurts
Chapter 6: Third Party Drama
Chapter 7: Jealousy Gets You Nowhere
Chapter 8: Desires
Chapter 9: Kisses
Chapter 10: Gotta Make a Choice

Chapter 1: Welcome to So Cal!!

57 2 0
By SxlarDream

(Julian in Media)

Julian is on a flight from Dallas, Texas, to San Diego, California. He is looking out of the window, reminiscing about his old friendship with his best friend Arianna.

Three months earlier...

Julian's POV

I was getting ready for graduation with Arianna at my house.

"Remember, be as bad as you can be... and if you can be Beyoncé, be Beyoncé" Arianna said.

"Girl, what?" I asked laughing as I fixed my cap and gown.

"Hey! I am the Valedictorian! I can say whatever I please" Arianna said smiling.

"Bitch" I said laughing.

"Haha!" Arianna laughed.

"Are you ready? Cause I'm ready" I said smiling.

"Yeah, I'm ready. Let's ride" Arianna said smiling.

We went to the school gym and got in line for graduation. Arianna gives me a quick hug, before going up to the podium to say her valedictorian speech.

"... and remember... always be as bad as you can be... and if you can be Beyoncé, then be Beyoncé" Arianna said smiling as she finished off her speech.

Everyone started clapping, and as Arianna came back to sit down next to me, the principal walked up to the podium to speak. He gave us a long speech about how he supposedly "loved" the class of 2018, knowing he didn't. We all got our diplomas, and we have officially graduated high school. I met up with Arianna, after the graduation, and we shared an intimate hug.

"Oh my god, Julian. I'm really gonna miss you so much!" Arianna said frowning.

"I'll miss you too, girl!" I said smiling.

"Remember what I told you about relationship drama. If a guy wants you, don't let him have it easy, cause it makes you look like a hoe. Make him work for it" Arianna said smiling.

"And remember what I told you about relationship drama. If a guy wants you, don't let him bust it open on the first night, he's gonna think you don't have manners" I said smiling.

"Oh, I love youuuu Julian!" Arianna said smiling as she pulls me into another hug.

"I love you too, girl" I said smiling as I hugged her back.

Present day...

Julian's POV

As soon as the memories faded away, I felt the plane reach the ground, at the San Diego International Airport, and I finally made it here. I miss Arianna so much already...

"Ready to get settled in, sweetheart?" My mom asked smiling.

"Yeah" I responded smiling.

"Alright. Let's just get us a rental car, and let's ride" My mom said smiling.

"Alright" I said.

We got off the plane, and went to get a rental car. When we got it, we drove out from the San Diego Airport, and drove closer towards Downtown San Diego. About 20 minutes later, we reached California University, and we opened the trunk to unload all my things.

"What's your dorm number?" My dad asked me.

"Um... let me see... it's room... 317" I said.

"Alright. Let's get your stuff up there" My dad said.

My dad helped me get most of my stuff upstairs, and my last box is on the ground, as I prepare to say my goodbyes.

"Alright, son. I love you. Don't mess up" My dad said.

"I love you too, dad!" I said smiling, as we shared a hug.

"My sweetheart. Do good in school. Don't go to EVERY party" My mom said.

"Ok mom. I love you" I said as I let go of my dad and wrapped my mom in a hug.

"I love you too, sweetheart" My mom said passionately.

"Have fun!" My dad said smiling.

"I will! See you guys soon!" I said smiling as I blew a kiss to them.

My parents got back in the car, and drove off to their hotel that they are staying in. I picked up my last box and went up to my room. As I got out of the elevator, I ran into a guy, and dropped my box.

"Oh" I said shocked as I bent down to pick up my box.

"Oops. My bad" The guy said.

"It's fine. Don't worry about it" I said smiling as I grabbed my box and stood back up.

The guy took a quick look at me, and smiled.

"Well, shit. You're cute" The guy said.

"Oh! Uh... thanks" I said smiling.

"No problem. What's your name?" The guy asked smiling.

"My name's Julian. You?" I said.

"Julian... Julian... that sounds familiar... huh. But anyway, my name is Kai" The guy said.

"Nice to meet you, Kai" I said smiling.

"Nice to meet you too!" Kai said smiling.

"Well, I gotta get this last box to my room. So... see you around?" I asked.

"See you!" Kai said smiling.

I walked down the hall as Kai got in the elevator. I put my last box on my desk, and sat on my bed. Shortly, I heard the door open, and I went out into the hall, and a girl greeted me excitedly.

"Oh my gosh! Hey! You must be one of my roommates! I'm Lauren! Nice to meet you!" Lauren said smiling.

"Hi! I'm Julian. Nice to meet you" I said smiling.

"I'll give you a tour of the house. Come on!" Lauren said smiling as she grabbed my arm, and dragged me to the living room.

"Okay, so this is the living room... and there's the kitchen... and that's pretty much it" Lauren said smiling as she points to the desired section of the dorm.

"This place is actually huge! We have this place to ourselves?" I asked.

"Ha! I wish. This school's in a housing crunch. We share this house with two other guys, and two other girls" Lauren said smiling.

"Cool! That sounds exciting" I said smiling.

"Well, I'm pretty sure you know where your room is, so I won't show you that" Lauren said smiling.

I giggled for a second.

"Are you coming to the Welcome Week Beach Bash?" Lauren asked me.

"The what?" I replied.

"Welcome Week Beach Bash! Every year, the school throws this giant beach bash at the beginning of the school year. Everybody's gonna be there! You should come!" Lauren said smiling.

"Well, in that case... I'm in!" I said smiling.

"Great! So get ready so we can hit the party! It's already started!" Lauren said smiling.

"Alright" I said smiling.

I took a moment to switch out of my jeans, and put on My American flag swim trunks, and head over to the beach with Lauren.

Kai's POV

Ok, so on my way to the beach, I met this guy named Julian. He was so fine! His name was so familiar when I met him though. Why was it so familiar? I guess I'll find out. I snapped out of the thoughts of Julian when I heard someone speak.

"Hey, you there?" The person asked.

"Oh! Sorry Natalie. You were saying?" I asked.

"I'm so glad we're roommates! We're gonna have fun this year!" Natalie said smiling.

"Haha! Yeah" I said smiling.

"Wanna come in the water with me?" Natalie asked me.

"Sure! Why not?" I replied smiling.

Natalie and I stripped out of our clothes, revealing our swimsuits, and we dashed into the water.

Zeek's POV

So, I'm here at the beach party, and it's actually kind of fun. I'm meeting all kinds of people here. I'm standing alone, having a drink, and I then see a guy, walking with a girl over here to the beach. I might have stared at him a little, and they both noticed me. I saw them speaking to each other, but I couldn't hear because they were at a distance.

Lauren's POV

"Hey, who's that guy staring at you?" I asked smiling.

"I have no idea. But he's attractive" Julian said smiling.

Zeek started smiling as he saw Julian smiling. I immediately realized something.

"Oh my god. He likes you!" I said smiling.

"Huh?" Julian asked.

"He likes you! It's so obvious!" I said smiling.

"How exactly is it obvious?" Julian asked me.

"Do you not see how he's looking at you?" I asked.

Julian and I looked back over to the guy, and he is still smiling at Julian.

"Okay, I see what you mean" Julian said smiling.

"Obviiiiii" I said smirking.

"But what should I do?" Julian asked.

"Talk to him!" I said smiling.

"What? No!" Julian said nervously.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because! It's not easy talking to a cute guy!" Julian said nervously.

"Welp, too bad" I said smirking.

"Why too bad?" Julian asked.

"Because he's coming over this way" I said smirking.

"What?!" Julian asked nervously.

"You talk to him, and I'll go grab a drink" I said smiling.

"No! Wait—" Julian said nervously.

"Byeeeeeee!" I said smiling.

I walked off, as I looked back at Julian, and he had his fist balled up.

"Girl, Imma beat your—" Julian mouthed over to me.

He was interrupted by Zeek.

Zeek's POV

I started talking to Julian. I wanted to get to know him, and know more about this guy. So I gathered the courage to talk to him.

"Hey" I said smiling.

"Oh! Uhm... hi!" Julian replied.

"I couldn't help but see you talking to that girl over there. Is she a friend?" I asked.

"Yeah. That's my roommate. She's a whole mess" Julian said smiling.

"Haha! What's your name?" I asked smiling.

"My name's Julian. What about you?" Julian asked smiling.

"I'm Zeek. Nice to meet you" I said smiling.

"Nice to meet you, too" Julian said smiling.

We both then heard a voice, calling for me.

"Hey! Zeek!" A girl yelled over to me.

"Well, I'd better go" I said smiling.

"Yeah, you do that" Julian said smiling, as he pushed me slightly.

"Haha!" I laughed.

I started walking backwards, saying one last thing to Julian.

"Hope to see you around" I said as I formed a smile.

I bit my lip, looking at his cute self, and then turned around to meet up with my friend Kiara. I kept smiling, thinking to myself.

"He's cute as shit! I want him to be mine so bad" I thought to myself.

Julian's POV

I thought to myself...

"Oh my god! I just got here, and two guys want me... and they're both cute!" I thought to myself.

I then decided to walk over towards the snack section, and then a girl approached me.

"Hey!" The girl said smiling.

"Hi!" I replied back.

"You're, Julian... right?" She asked.

"Yeah! How did you know?" I asked smiling.

"Because we're roommates! I'm Desiree! I'm so excited to meet you, and get to know you this year!" The girl said smiling.

"Oh, sweet! This year sounds popping already!" I said smiling.

"Haha! Have you met Lauren?" Desiree asked smiling.

"Yes. She's a whole mess already. She tried to play matchmaker for me" I said smiling.

"Oh my god! Really? Who did she try to match you with?" Desiree asked smiling.

I scanned the beach to see if I could find Zeek, and then I saw him at a table, talking with a girl.

"That guy over there" I said as I pointed at Zeek.

"Oooooohhhhh. He's cute!" Desiree said smiling.

"Yeah. I know" I said smiling as I looked back at Desiree.

"Are you gonna go for it?" Desiree asked smiling.

"Hm... I don't know" I replied.

"I personally think you guys look cute together. But it's your call" Desiree said smiling.

"Wanna come in the water?" I asked.

"Sure!" Desiree said smiling.

Desiree and I both dashed into the water to play for a few minutes. After 20 minutes of playing in the water, Desiree and I come out, and get dressed again. Desiree checks her phone, and reads a text from Natalie.

"Hey, everyone's here and at the dorm. Wanna head over?" Desiree asked.

"Sure!" I replied smiling.

Desiree and I grabbed the rest of our things and headed back to the dorm. We quickly place our things in our rooms, and then we head upstairs to our rooftop balcony for a meet and greet type thing.

"There you are! We were waiting!" Lauren said.

"Sorry guys. It's my fault. Anyways, guys, this is Julian. Our other roommate. Julian, this is Natalie" Desiree said smiling.

"Hiiiii Julian! It's so nice to meet you!" Natalie said smiling.

"Hey! Nice to meet you too!" I replied smiling.

"You already know Lauren... there's Brendan" Desiree said smiling.

"Yo! Wassup, Julian?" Brendan asked smiling.

"Hey! Nice to meet you!" I replied smiling.

"And Julian, this is the last guy roommate, Kai" Desiree said smiling.

"Actually, we've met" Kai said.

"Kai?! You're my roommate?!" I asked surprised.

To be continued...

Heeeeeyyy! That's the end of the first chapter! Like this story, and want more? Remember to:
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For more! Ilyyy all sssmmmm!! 🥰
—Kisses! 😘 —Marquis — starlxghtx 🦋💕❤️

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