Press play || Noah schnapp x...


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continuation to the book "bullies || Noah schnapp x reader" if you havent read that one go read it! ( @-v0ii... Еще

//please read//
Part 16
17- a beautiful dream
18- i'm sorry?
19- a truth for a ache
Hey guys :0


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"Noah?" she asks "no noah today?" she asked and waited a moment but when no one answered she moved on

I sighed in relief then put my head down and kept it down.

She started off by introducing herself and telling us how she expects us to behave. I had my head down the whole time tired to death.

I was about to fall asleep until I heard the classroom door open. I didn't pick my head up just watched as the boys feet walked across the room to sit next to me.

"I'm sorry I'm late" the boy said, his voice was deep so I knew it couldn't be noah noah the one I dread seeing again some day.

"It's okay, just take a seat" the teacher said then proceeded talking about herself.

I felt him sit besides me and peeked at him.

Okay, so it's not him. Thank god.

This is way too many times that i've thought I saw him. It's not okay.

This is gonna be a long year.

The day went on as usual and finally the ending came.

I walked into the bus and saw sadie sitting alone.

"Hey, how was yee day" I ask taking a seat next to her.

"It was pleasantly boring" she smiles at me

"You got that right" I groan.

"But alas, we'll have to live like this for another 6 years depending on what you wanna be" She gives me a cheeky smile

"Hey girlzzzz" leo says as he walks in.

"Hey lion" I glance at him and find him staring at me quizingly

"Also! Y/n I have something to tell you!" sadie beams

"What is it?" I ask

"I'll tell you later"

"What why not now??" I ask annoyed. "You can't do that"

"I can and I did" she smiles, again.

"Hey losers" ash greets appearing out of no where.

"Heyy" I say, I feel completley drained.

"How were your guys' classes?" He asks

"They were whatever, super boring though" Sadie groans.

"A wise women once said; deal with it" I smiled at her and she rolled her eyes.

"You guys wanna go to mcdonalds? Im kinda hungry" Ash says.

"Oh, always" Leo winks and sadie and I nod. We lived pretty close to a mcdonalds anyways so it wouldn't be much of a walk.

Once we got out of the bus we went to mcdonalds and I ordered some fries and a smoothie.

I went to sit down with sadie waiting for our orders to come. Ash and leo were still ordering their stuff.

"Hey, so I have something to show you" Sadie moves her phone towards me and I look down.

It was a post about stranger things

Apperantly the cast is going to have a meet up soon this year.

Excuse me?

"Why wasn't I informed?" I ask sadie and she shruggs.

"I think they just thought you weren't gonna say yes" she said

"But I still have the right to know, they're excluding me now? Fucking great, This is why I hate them all" I roll my eyes and look down at the table

"Hey you know it's not like that" She tries to comfort me "I didn't get informed either maybe they accidently realeased this" she says but I see a slight discomfort in her eyes.

"What did you do?" I narrow my eyes at her.

"What? Nothing!" her voice got highee pitched. I stared at her and she sighed.

"Fine, fine. I might've texted the duffers on when we'll have a meet up. They said they've been thinking Bout it but didn't know if anyone would accept and now that I asked they made up a date and... Surprise!"

I stared at her. And stared and stared.

"When is it?" I finally ask.

"In two weeks" she tries to smile

"Who's going?"

"The whole cast"

"Bahahahahha then im not going, nope! No way" I cross my arms

"C'mon y/n i already said you would" she groans

"And why would you do that?" i ask

She was about to answer when ash walks back.

"What are we talking about?" he asks taking a seat.

"Nothing much" i answer, he was about to say something but my number was called.

I stood up and went to get it and as I was walking back Sadie was telling him.. really?

"Hey y/n you should go!" Ash says as he sees me getting closer.

"Hah! If you knew who was going then you wouldn't be saying that." I glare at them while sitting down.

"Oh come on, I thought you were over him! Besides if you're not then Ash and leo can go" Sadie pleads but I will not give in.

"First of all, I am but I'm not about to face the person who broke my heart, second of all oh no! They are not going" I took a look at Ash and he gave me a hurt look but then smiled "celeberties are way too self absorbed to be dealing with actual nice funny people"

"Well that one hurt but thanks" Ash gave me a wink.

"Hey leo do you wanna go with us to Florida in two weeks?" Sadie asks Leo as he walks up to us.

"Hell yeah! What for?" He asks taking a seat.

"It's a surprise" she winks and looks at me grinning like a mad child.

"Oh no! They are not going!" I glare at her.

"Why not?" They all ask in sync and I blink at them before laughing.

"Because! You guys are actual decent human beings and I would hate for you guys to be in front of the devil and his demons" I said actually meaning most of those words.

"Well we won't go if you go" Ash proposed.

"Not happening" i smile.

"Woah woah woah, what's going on? I thought we were just going to Florida to wrestle some crocidiles not meet the devil" leo says scratching his head with genuine confusion.

"See what I mean" i laugh and so does Sadie.

Sorry for taking forever to release these! I'm trying 💀 bear with me

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