NOT a Fairytale

By ClarissaFox6

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Diamond was done with love. She has been married 3 times, and lost two husbands to freak accidents. She gave... More

Chapter 1: Back story
Chapter 2: Whoops!
Chapter 3: Stalking
Chapter 4: Shut down
Chapter 5: Day off
Chapter 6: The Date
Chapter 7: Insecurity
Chapter 9: The concussion
Chapter 10: Fear
Chapter 11: Aftermath
Chapter 12: Giving up
Chapter 13: Monotony broken
Chapter 14: Engaged!?!?
Chapter 15: Game Night!
Chapter 16: Championship Fight!
Chapter 17
Chapter 18: My worst Nightmare, shopping.
Chapter 19: Engagement party
Chapter 20: Respect
Chapter 21: Motorcycles and old friends
Chapter 22: Waffle house!
Chapter 23: The coming war
Chapter 24: Wedding 'stuff'
Chapter 25: Bye Bye
Chapter 26: The day of the ball
Chapter 27: The ball
Chapter 28: Kidnapped.
Chapter 29: My week of torture.
Chapter 30: Talking and nightmares
Chapter 31: New day
Chapter 32
Chapter 33: Diamond gets drunk
Chapter 34: Bachelor/Bachelorette parties
Chapter 35: Arrival of the in-laws
Author's Note
Chapter 36: The Wedding! part 1
Chapter 37: The Wedding! part 2
Chapter 38: The Wedding! part 3
Chapter 39: Married
Chapter 40: Honeymoon
Chapter 41: Gold Key
Chapter 42: The ex
Chapter 43: The ex- continued
Chapter 44: Tricky Tricksters!
Chapter 45: Christmas and New Years!
Chapter 46: Here we go again.
Chapter 47: Two weeks
Chapter 48: Donna
Chapter 49: Nina

Chapter 8: The fight

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By ClarissaFox6

Roman's POV:

After changing, I hurry out of my room. I'm wearing workout shorts, and a tshirt. I find Diamond walking down the same hall, looking at my family portraits.

"That's my family. That's me growing up." She jumped at my words. She was lost in thought. She smiles, a hurt smile. As much as she tries to hide her emotions, when you get to know her, everything she feels comes across her face.

"Ready to spar?" She asks. I offer my hand, and she eagerly takes it. It makes me so happy she is letting me hold her hand. She is trusting me. I lead her through the maze of hallways and doors, I call home.

"Finally!" She yelled. We reached my gym. I helped her into my boxing ring. She started warming up. So did I. I knew my second in command was watching on the CCTV from my office. He had texted me and asked if I was really sparing her, or if I offered to teach her some things. I just laughed and shook my head at the camera.

"Ready?" She asked me.

"No gloves? No tape?" I asked, looking at her hands.

"Nope, well, actually do you have any resin or chalk? My hands are clammy." She finishes her statement a little shyly. I hand her the resin, and look at the camera, and smirk.

"Okay, I'm ready." She says

"So am I, I'm expecting you now. So you won't surprise me." I shoot her a smile and a wink. I start circling around her. She just stays in her spot, but following me walking around her. I switch to my opposite side stance. She switched as well. Then she stops, and stand straight. I watch close her eyes and take a deep breath. She just stands there.

"Diamond, are you okay?" I ask, but not letting my guard down.

"I'm fine, just keep going." She is cold, calm, collected. It's a scary turn on. I see my second in the door way, with a few guards behind him. I stop moving to see if he needs me. Suddenly I see Diamond move, I see her drop down and swipe her leg out. She knocks me completely off my feet. Before I have time to recover, she is back on her feet. In the same position. Eyes closed.

I kick my self up, and take my shirt off. I'm hoping that when she opens her eyes, it catches her off guard. I'm at her back now. I decide to put her in a sleeper hold. I go to lunge for her my arm out stretched out. She grabs ahold of my arm shifts her feet and flips me. I realize she now has me in an armbar.  I struggle against her, but she just pushes her hips more. I try just curling her up, but she is stronger than she looks. I stand up with her. She let's go with her upper body and swings with her legs on my arm, somehow she managed to get her arms around my neck and put me in a sleeper hold.

"Don't hold back Mio Caro." She whispers in my ear. I would have moaned, except she was crushing my windpipe. I saw red. I don't know what happened. But suddenly she was in front of me.

"Now we are getting somewhere. Did I make you see red?" She mocked me. Alright serious time.

I go to throw a right hook, but she dodges. Then a quick left right combo. She jumps back, and I miss her completely.

"Come on Babe, why are you toying with me." Call out to her. Her eyes are still closed.

"Because you don't have on a shirt. " she talked through gritted teeth. She was angry I didn't have on a shirt?

"Babygirl, don't be like that." I call out in a sing song voice.

Suddenly I see her fists clench and she starts shaking. She takes to long, almost leaps toward me, her last she has jumped up so her fist is coming down on my face, with her punch, she opens her eyes. I can see rage, anger, hurt in her eyes. She is on top of me. Throwing punches at my face. I put my arms up to block her.

"Don't you ever fucking call me babygirl again. You don't get to call me that. You lost that right, a long time ago." She is almost a whisper, but the hurt and anger is dripping on her every word. I realize she is seeing red. Calling her that, was not a good idea. I see my guards and my second running towards me. I grab her wrists and flip her, pinning her.

"No! No! Stop! I said no!!!!" She starts screaming.

"Bella, Diamond. Calm down it's me, its Roman." I'm trying my best to talking soothing, but she is screaming over me. She us having a full blown flashback.

"Please get off of me, please don't do this." She us begging and crying. Suddenly she goes limp. I let up, and she stays limp. I start moving over to the side of her. My second and guards are just standing in shock. Two of them she took down. They know what she is capable of. She starts silently sobbing. And rolls away from me, and curls up in a ball.

"Diamond. Diamond Mia Cara, can you hear me?" She doesn't respond.  Just silent sobs. I scoop her up in my arms carrying her bridal style.

"Call Tom, he has a spare key to her house. He will know what she needs from her house. GO, Anthony!" He turns and starts running, with his phone in his hand. I carry her to the room next to mine. I lay her on the bed. She just silently sobs.

"ISABELLA! I yelled out the door."

"Why are you yelling Roman?" My sister comes in and sees Diamond on the bed shaking in sobs.

"What did you do to this poor girl!?" Isabella growls at me.

"We- we were sparring, I triggered her PTSD, I didn't know I would. She wanted to spar." I was so distraught. My sister could see it.

"What's with the yelling Roman? I was trying to get to sleep?" Shit, my mother.

"What happened to this poor girl? Her knuckles are bloody, and she is shaking! Roman start explaining now!"

"Mom, please don't yell. Don't startle her." I watched my mother walk over to Diamond, before I could say anything my mother put her hand on Diamond's back. She didn't flinch. She didn't attack. I was so confused.

"You are okay sweetheart. I got you now." I heard my mother talking and saw Diamond relax. She stopped shaking and sobbing.


"Uncle Tom?" Isbella ran out the door.

"Where is she Isabella, where is my sweet girl? What did he do to her?!" Tom was livid.

By now I had come over to the edge of the bed, holding Diamond's hand. I saw Tom at the door way.

"Tom it was an accident, they were sparring, and he triggered her PTSD." My sister spat it out so fast i barely understood her. Tom's face dropped.

"You called her babygirl, didn't you?" I just stood in awe, of how Tom knew.

"A customer called her that once, and she knocked him out cold. I had to pull her off him before she killed him. She started crying and sobbing. She passed out after that. She doesn't remember attacking him, she doesn't remember anything before serving drinks."

He walked over to me and set a hand on my shoulder. "Your mom can touch, cause women have never really harmed her. She doesn't trust men."

"Whose dog is this?" I heard Isabella

"Astro!" He came running to me. I pit him on the bed with Diamond. He snuggled up to her, and grabbed ahold of him.

"She is coming out of it, ladies, would you please leave. Let's not overwhelm or embarrass her." Tom at barely a whisper.

"Fine, but one of you two better come explain, in just a minute!" My mother whisper yelled and eyed Tom and me both. We both nod.

"Where am I?" I heard Diamond's voice. "Shit, who did I beat this time?"

Diamond's POV:

I woke up in an unfamiliar bed, but I could feel Astro snuggled up to me. Then I got a pounding headache, and my knuckles and wrists hurt.

"Where am I?" Shit, I said that out loud. Ugh my eyes won't open. I've been crying. My mind linked crying with hurting wrists and knuckles, I saw red and beat someone. "Shit, who did I beat this time?" I heard a manly giggle. "Roman?"

"Yes Mia Cara?" He answered me, but I still couldn't will my eyes open.

"Who did I beat the shit out of?" I heard another manly giggle.
"Tom? What are you doing here?"
"I got called that you hulked out, and then passed out. I grabbed you meds, and Astro. I came to beat Roman, but you beat me to it." He giggled again.

"Roman? I beat you?" I was finally able to open my eye, and I see a red mark on Roman's face, I see his forearms are bloody, red and turning purple already.

I shot bolt upright, and grabbed Roman's face and gently poking at making sure I didn't break him. Then I grabbed his arms, the blood wasn't his, it was mine, but I bruised his arms pretty good.

"Tom, he needs some ice for his face and arms."

"Diamond, what about you? Look at your knuckles. Oh baby, I bruised your wrists!" Roman grabbed my arms gently.

"Roman, I'm going to let you in on a secret. I don't feel pain like a normal person. I have to break a bone, have something womanly going on for me to show pain or really even feel it." Roman looked like that was the most ridiculous thing ever. He looked at Tom, he nodded smiling.

"Roman, I watched her take a beating from three guys, before me or the bouncers could get there she had beaten two of them into submission. I knocked the other one out. She had a busted lip, bruised ribs, a nasty gash on her head, and several bruises. She was in the next day practicing for the burlesque dancers, and perfecting her pole dancing. She got stitches in her head and refused numbing medication!" Roman was looking dazed and confused.

"Roman, look at me. Follow my finger with your eyes, but not your head." I moved my finger in the H shape, then brought it to his nose and back.

"Okay, you are good with that. Stand up for me?" He stood up and was little wobbly, but leveled himself out. "Stand on one leg, now the other." He was wobbling.
"He has a concussion. Guess that means someone has to stay up with him?" I looked at Tom.

"Don't look at me, it's your fault. You are going to be the one to stay up with him." Tom says matter of factly to me.

"Puh-la-ease! You are like his uncle, why can't you stay up with him? I need my beauty rest, I have to look fabulous tomorrow." I tousled my hair and rolled my eyes.

"Girl you never really sleep anyway! Plus you always look beautiful! You are the one who gave him a concussion!" Tom's giving me his glare.

"We don't know for sure I have a concussion, would you two stop bickering like an old married couple? It's making my head hurt." Roman finally pipes up.

"Concussion!" Tom and I say at the same time.

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