Queen Thorn (complete)

By TeresaSullivan427

165K 4K 1.3K

Rose was driven from court, because of the treatment she received from Dimitri and Lissa. But what happened t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57

Chapter 47

1.3K 46 48
By TeresaSullivan427

"You are so yeblya stupid. Do you not know what a blood whore really is?" (fucking)

"Someone who allows someone else to feed from them."

"Wrong!!! A real blood whore is someone who allows someone else to feed from them during sex. And likes it!!!!" I roared in his face.

"She let me feed from her while we had sex." He sneered.

"No the fuck she didn't. Are you forgetting that I was the one in that room?!! That I am the one who pulled you off of her while you were trying to force yourself on her and tried to force her to allow you to feed from her!!!!"

"She wanted it, that makes her a blood whore!!!"

"I should just snap your fucking spine right now." I threatened. But instead I punched him right in the middle of the face and I didn't pull my punch any either. If he hadn't of been being held up by guardians he would have gone flying. Because I'd hit him so hard that even the four guardians holding him were rocked and stumbled back a couple of steps.

"What could I have possible done to you that you would want to take revenge on me by using my children?" Lyubov' moya asked this sick sukin syn. (my love, son of a bitch)

"You taught people to restore strigoi!!"

"And?" We were all confused by his answer.

"I was having the time of my life, there were no more rules, I could drain as many people as I wanted to. I had the strength and the power to inflict as much pain as I wanted to on anyone. I had people willing to do whatever I told them to, people worshipped me, they begged and paid me to awaken them. I was a fucking god!!!! And one of your teams fucking ruined all of that!!!"

"Wait, so you have done all of this because you were a strigoi that one of my fiancée's teams rescued and restored?"

I so wanted to say that this shocked me, but with it being this piece of garbage it didn't.

"They didn't rescue me, I was right where I wanted to be. I would have taken over the whole world if it weren't for her!!! I would have had thousands of slaves and blood whores!! But because of her I am a fucking moroi again!!!"

"No, you are not a moroi, you are a moronic spineless fucking idiot!!" Ivan screamed as he stalked his way right up into Jesse's face.

"Our queen gave you your fucking life back and instead of treasuring the gift that she gave you. You instead used it to endanger my family, my nieces and nephews!!!!" Ivan roared as he got even closer into Jesse's face himself.

"I didn't want it back, if I wanted to be a gutless, pathetic, wimpy, good for nothing, chicken shit moroi then I would not have awakened myself!!!"

Everyone gasped. We'd all just assumed that he had been turned. We never even thought for a moment that the ublyudok turned himself. But I guess that the way that he said he was 'awakened' instead turned, we should have known. Sick grebanyy ublyudok. (fucking bastard)

"Who did you kill?" My Roza asked.

"What do you care?!"

"Who. The fuck. Did you kill?!!!!" She roared.

Oh man she was pissed.


"But he was your best friend."

Jesse smirked for a moment, then he sneered. "No, he wasn't. He was just another hanger on, a wanna be, just like Mia Rinaldi and Cerci. Another nothing, another nobody that wanted to be a royal, wanted to be important, wanted to matter. They are all nothing in comparison to me. You are fucking nothing compared to me!!!"

"It's Mia Castile actually, you pathetic asshole." Eddie sneered at Jesse.

"Baba?" (daddy)


"He is yours to do with as you please."

Abe rubbed his hands together in glee. "Thank you."

"You're welcome, just have fun and make sure that you do away with his body completely."

"I will drop him into a volcano, from an airplane without a parachute."

Lyubov' moya and I laughed and she said, "make sure that he is still alive when you drop him in." (my love)

Abe bowed his head to her and with a smile he said, "as you wish kizim." (my daughter)

"Baba?" (daddy)


"I want him to suffer a hundred... nay a hundred million times more than you have ever made anyone suffer before."

"I give you my word kizim he will. He will pay for what he has done and tried to do to you, as well as the danger that he placed my torun in." (my daughter, grandchildren)

"Thank you, baba." (daddy)

We all watched for a moment as Pavel and Sergei chained Jesse up and then gagged him.

Turning to Sonya lyubov' moya asked, "has he compelled her?" (my love)

We watched as Sonya examined Cerci's aura. Soon Sonya reached out and lifted a necklace from underneath Cerci's shirt with a pen. She turned and looked at Roza and I.

"This is why she can deny him nothing. He has had it charmed to where no matter what he say, does or asks she has to agree to it."

"Bastard." Lyubov' moya growled as she looked toward Jesse. Who wasn't smirking anymore. (my love)

"Sonya, please remove the necklace."

When Sonya had removed the necklace Cerci collapsed onto the floor.

"Is she free of its influence now?"

"Yes, but it was so strong that she will need some time to recover fully. And her conscience will torture her with what could have happened to the children, for a very long time to come."

"Is she a danger to them anymore?"

"No, your majesty."

Roza turned to Alberta, "I want her and every single member of the staff, rings like all of the rest of you have."

"Yes, your majesty."

"No one is to be within five feet of any of us, if that person in our group isn't wearing one of those rings, for any length of time. From now on anyone that works for us and their families, all of our friends, families and guardians are to have rings like all the rest of you do. I refuse to leave any of us vulnerable ever again."

"I understand your majesty and I will see to it."

"Thank you, so much Alberta."

Alberta simply smiled and nodded to lyubov' moya. (my love)

"Sonya, has she ever endangered any of her other charges before?"

Again Sonya studied Cerci's aura as one of the guardians lifted her up off the floor.

"No, your majesty."

"Will she need therapy?"

"Yes." Sonya nodded sadly.

"She will need a great deal of very intensive therapy for a long while to come. She will feel violated, she will most like feel as though she has been assaulted. Mentally, emotionally and even sexually. I mean what he did was pretty much rape her repeatedly after all."

"You're right, that is exactly what he has done to her. I wish that baba could kill the little bastard over and over and over again."

"Don't forget that he tried to force himself on you too my Roza. You and Cerci may not be his only victims."

"That is all true Comrade, and if there are more victims I wish that we could do something for them."

"So do I Roza, so do I lyubov' moya." (my love)

"Will it be safe to allow her to keep her position as nanny to the children, on an as needed basis?" My angel asked Sonya.

"Yes, your majesty. It may even help her to look after them on occasion, but not for a while."

"So, be it. Karo, would you mind finding her another position for when she is not needed as a nanny?"

"Of course not. Would you like it in the main palace or somewhere else?"

"Somewhere else please, maybe even here in the old palace."

"Of course."

"Guardian Jacobson, please take her to the hospital and have them check her over and watch her for a couple of days. Be sure to tell them what Jesse has done to her sexually because she is going to need therapy. If they can't find her some then we will."

He bowed his head, "yes, of course, your majesty." With that he left with Cerci in his arms.

My Roza then turned to Jesse again. "You know, I would like nothing more in this moment than to cut your throat myself and just sit here and watch you bleed out in the floor. But as a mother and queen I can't do that. I don't want my children to think that the only way to take care of a problem is to use violence. So, I am letting someone who enjoys violence even more than I do, have his fun with you instead. I already know that he will punish you for not only what you did to his only grandchildren. But also for what you did to me, his only child, while we were at the academy. So, I hope that you enjoy paying for the things that you have done in this life. Because after you are dead you will be paying for them for an eternity... in hell." She growled that last part.

I saw Abe smile and nod happily, and given the look on his face I had no doubts whatsoever that Jesse was going to be regretting most of his life choices very soon.

Abe had some of his private guardians put a hood over Jesse's head. Before they took Jesse somewhere that they could and would hold him until the trial was over and sentence had been passed. After which he, Janine, Pavel, Sergei and some of his other guardians would disappear with Jesse for a while.

I was sooo very tempted to ask Abe to record and take pictures of everything that they were going to do to Jesse. But I refrained, one because I didn't want there to be any evidence against any of them, just in case. And secondly because I knew that my Roza could take the memories of all of them and show them back to me like a movie. That way we would be able to see what happened without there being any evidence against any of them for anyone to ever be able to get their hands on.

On the second day of the trial Guardian Ethan Moore was called on as a defense and rebuttal witness. Major mistake on Mr. Smythe's part if you asked me.

Especially when Roza and I had both told Tasha that he was going to be told about everything that she had done. I guess she would find out soon enough that we had not been kidding and that we had kept our word.

"Guardian Moore, could you please tell us all what your last assignment was."

"I was one of the former Lady Natasha Ozera's guardians."

"You were her head guardian, is that not correct?"

"Yes, I was."

"So, you were with her constantly is that also correct?"


Smythe looked shocked at Ethan's answer.

"Please explain."

"Well as I said, I was not her only guardian. So, I didn't guard her twenty four hours a day seven days a week, even guardians have to sleep after all. There were also two other guardians that helped me keep Ms. Ozera safe."

"Ahhh I understand now, my apologies."

Ethan just nodded.

"Also, not only were you Ms. Ozera's head guardian, but you were also her boyfriend were you not?"

"I was her lover, and I thought that I was her boyfriend."

"What do you mean?"

"On several occasions I have heard her saying that she was going to get a new guardian and boyfriend..."

"Do you know who she planned to replace you with?"

"I know that she had delusions of the former Guardian Dimitri Belikov becoming her guardian and someday marrying her."

"What makes you say they were delusions?"

Ethan looked at him like he was crazy, which I whole heartedly agreed with.

"Well for one, the former Guardian Dimitri Belikov in question, is our current king. And even before he became our king he was and still is engaged to and in love with our queen, he is also the father of her children. And why would he want to be with the person who tried, on multiple occasions, to kill the love of his life? The person who was the one who caused his being turned into a strigoi. The person that tried to molest him as a child, again on multiple occasions, and also tried to compel him into her bed multiple times. Would you like for me to go on?" Ethan asked as he raised a questioning eyebrow at Mr. Smythe.

The gathered crowd laughed.

Smythe cleared his throat. "No, that is quite enough thank you. So, you say that you overheard her plans to replace you in both roles in her life. Tell us how you overheard her exactly."

"I heard pieces of several phone calls."

"Do you know who she was talking to?"

"No, I do not."

"As the disgruntled lover and about to be replaced boyfriend and head guardian. How are we supposed to believe what you have to tell us about Lady Natasha Ozera?"

"Well, you called me to testify, I didn't come to you."

After coughing a bit Mr. Smythe said, "yes, thank you Guardian Moore. I have no further questions of this witness you majesties."

"Very well Mr. Smythe. Lord Rufus do you have any questions for Guardian Moore?" My beautiful love asked.

"Yes, your majesties."

"Then you may proceed."

"Thank you your majesties." He bowed his head.

Turning back to Ethan he asked, "Guardian Moore, can you tell us what you overheard the former Lady Natasha Ozera saying in those phone conversations?"

"On one of the phone calls I heard her telling someone to go to a place called Baia. When this person arrived they were to locate and murder the entire Belikov/Belikova household."

Once again the room filled with gasps.

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