It Started With A Letter

By darlingmariska

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( UPDATED AS OF 2018 ) Olivia Benson is a teenager in Highschool, still secretly dealing with the secrets of... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
I need you Help! :)

Chapter Eleven

465 21 6
By darlingmariska

As they leaned in for a kiss, the loud beeping of the stove made them jump apart, with hearts racing. Olivia started laughing while Elliot softly started cursing out the stove as he walked to take the Pizza that he had put in for them earlier.

Hoping up on the counter with her water bottle, she watched as Elliot placed the pizza a top the stove, cutting it into strip for both of them. "That smells really good." She pointed out, her mouth watering as he pulled a slice of onto a plate for her, the melted cheese oozing off the sides. Handing her the plate, Elliot served himself up a slice as well before they both made their way towards the couch where the movie menu was playing.


When the movie finally ended, Elliot looked down where Olivia lay sleeping on his lap. In the middle of the movie she had migrated a little closer to him, eventually placing her head down in his lap, spreading the rest of herself long ways on the couch. Running his hands through her hair, he sat there thinking about the events that had played out. He needed a game plan. There was one thing he knew for certain. He did not want Olivia heading back to her house at all, but he also didn't want her to get in any more trouble then what she probably would be getting if her mom came back home later tonight to look for her. There were so many unanswered questions that Elliot had. Slowly, Elliot stood up all the while making sure not to disturb Olivia to much, laid her head back down on a couch pillow that he had, before draping a throw blanket around her. Once he was satisfied that she was still sleeping, he picked up her bags and headed towards the room that she would be sleeping in. Unpacking her clothes, he put it in the top drawer of the dresser. Taking out her laptop, he set it up along with the charger on the desk he also had inside the room.

Deciding that he needed a shower, with one last glance at Olivia asleep in the living room, he walked towards his bedroom, entering the bathroom for a very very needed shower.

Out in the living room, Olivia sturred a bit, before groggily waking up and seeing that Elliot was nowhere in sight. Listening closely, she could hear the faint noise of water running. Smiling a bit, she stood up and made her way towards the middle bathroom that Elliot had showed her earlier. Closing the door behind her, she turned and looked at herself in the mirror. Sighing, She examined the hefty bruise on her face. It went from the top left corner of her forehead, all along the side of her nose squaring off into the top of her cheek bone. Lifting her shirt, checking up on the bruises she found earlier, they looked and even deeper purple with tints of red in the inner parts. Deciding that since he was getting a shower she would too, she opened the door, turned the lights out and made her descent down the hallway towards the room Elliot said she could sleep in. Walking in, she found the light switch flipping it on, only to stop and smile at the thoughtfulness of Elliot, that he had pulled all her items out to make her feel as comfortable as possible. Walking on over to the desk she sat down in the chair opening her laptop to check for any emails that she may have missed. She had an IM from Alex and a IM from Casey.

Immediately opening up Casey's IM, she read what she had to say,

C: Hey Liv.. Listen I'm sorry about my outburst earlier in the house, it was completely uncalled for and completely out of character. I was just really worried about you. I love you too much to just watch you be in pain. I hope that you didn't end up pushing Elliot away. I message him a bit after I stormed out, but I haven't heard back from him yet so I'm not sure what happened. Call me please when you get the chance so I know that we're okay? Or at least update me on the most recent outcomes.

Olivia wasn't mad at Casey. Was she a little upset earlier? Of course, but it was only because she was still confused and not really paying attention to anyone else's problems. The only thing running through her mind was the fact that everything was crashing down around her so quickly that she couldn't see straight.

O: I know what your intentions were Case, I promise I'm not mad at you. Once I find out where my phone is I'll give you a call, okay?

After sending the message back, she looked in her bag for clothes, but then realized that Elliot had placed them in the dresser, again, how thoughtful of him.

Heading out of the shower and walking down the hallway, he saw that the shower was also running in the middle bathroom. At least she felt comfortable enough to use his shower he laughed to himself. Turning the TV off in the living room, he cleaned up the mess they had made with their midnight snack, turning down the lights, he headed back towards his bedroom, keeping the lights on and the door open for when she came looking for him after her shower. The day had really been stressful, and he was trying to figure out what he could plan to do tomorrow to make thing's a bit lighter. He had messaged Fin again and asked if he would want to come over tomorrow with the rest of the gang, figuring they could all hang out at the apartment and or head down to the pool room that they also had in the building.


Jumping a bit from being lost in his thoughts, he turned and saw Olivia standing against the door frame with her hair still wet from her shower and her pajamas on. Her face was completely free of the little makeup that she had been wearing early that night. Even with the bruises on her face, Elliot still thought she had to be the most gorgeous girl he had ever laid his eyes on.

"Hey. Did you enjoy your shower?"

Stepping through the threshold of the room, she walked closer to him, but still keeping a slight distance from where she stood, and he, sat on the bed. "I did, it was very relaxing." She looked around tentatively, avoiding eye contact. " I uh- I wanted to thank you, for today. You really didn't have to run after me, nor did you have to let me stay at your place. It shouldn't be your job."

"No, it's not my job. Nor do I feel obligated to do so." Leaning forward, he grabbed her hand, pulling her closer to sit next to him on the bed, all the while turning to face her. " I am so glad that I went after you. I am also, very happy that I invited you to stay here, especially having you agree to do so," Sighing, " I would do it again in a heartbeat."

"You, Elliot Stabler, are the cheesiest guy I've ever met." Olivia laughed, resting her head on his shoulder, letting out a soft sigh. " So, have any plans for tomorrow?"

"Ah yes actually. The group is actually going to be coming over, you know to hang out for a while, order some Chinese food. Fin and I used to do that all the time. I already messaged Casey and she messaged the other girls and they've all agreed that they'd like to come over."

"Alright sounds like a plan. Well, since they'll be over in the morning, and considering it's almost 2 in the morning, I'm going to go ahead and get some rest. Goodnight El." Slowly leaning over, she presses a soft kiss on his cheek before standing up, walking out to the hall, shutting his door along the way to her room. Smiling, he touches his cheek at the ghost of her kiss still lingering on his face.


When Elliot woke the next morning, he heard music playing from the kitchen along with an extremely soothing voice singing along with it. Throwing on his discarded sweats that were on the floor along with a plain white T, he quietly exited his room and walked down towards the hallway, following the beautiful melody. Slowly entering the kitchen, he saw Olivia stirring something in a big bowl singing along to a country song that she couldn't quite make the title off, but whatever it was, it sounded like angels singing out of her mouth. Still singing, she began dancing around a little, poring the substance into a pan on the stove, Elliot having watched her long enough, decided to make his presence known.

"You sing beautifully."

Jumping, she turned around quickly, throwing her hand over her heart, grasping the fabric that lay over it, letting out a short shriek of terror. "Oh my god you ass! Don't do that!"

Throwing his hands up he laughed at the terrified look on her face, before complete;y doubling over from giggling. "I'm sorry! I had to, I saw and opportunity and I took it!"

"Yeah, well now that opportunity left you to no pancakes." Olivia replied rolling her eyes turning back around to flip over the discarded delicious goodness.

Walking up behind her, he snaked his arms around her midsection, laying his chin on her shoulder so his face was mere inches away from the side of her. "Did you sleep alright?" All laughing and teasing was now gone from him voice into actual question and concern.

"Yes actually, that bed is quite comfortable." She leaned back into his arms enjoying the sweet embrace. She honestly couldn't place why she felt so ridiculously comfortable with Elliot. Not that she was complaining, she just wasn't used to it. With the girls it was another thing, but with her potential partners, and or actual partners, she never wanted to fully rely on them. With Elliot, it was just, different. Those are the only words she could rely describe it as. "When was the group heading on over?"

"They should be here soon, it's what 9ish now?" Taking a quick glance at his watch double checking the time. " Yeah, i'd give about another couple minutes."

"Alrighty. Well,"grabbing the pan, she dumped the last too freshly made pancakes on the plate that was already filled to the brim, "I'm going to go ahead and get dressed. Do let me know when they get here?"

"Ofcourse. I'll go ahead and pull out some plates on the table."

Olivia smiled, placing a kiss on his cheek as she walked past and descended towards 'her' bedroom. She had woken up much earlier shaken from a nightmare. To take her mind off of thing's she had decided that she would go ahead and make both him and the group some breakfast. Waltzing back inside the room, she went straight towards the dresser slipping into a pair of black leggings and a sweatshirt. She had to admit, that for a guy, he chose decent clothing out of her wardrobe. After she had thrown everything on including a super cozy pair of socks, she heard a knock at the door. "Come in!"

Tentatively Casey walked in, quietly shutting the door behind her. "Hey.."

Turning around at the sound of Casey's voice, she instantly ran towards her pulling her into a big hug, both girls letting out a harsh sob.

"I'm so sorry." Casey hiccuped while pulling back to look at Olivia, feeling even worse seeing the bruises that lay there.

"Hey," Olivia bent her head down a little to capture Casey's eyes, "Don't be. I promise I'm okay, and you and I are okay." Olivia smiled at her genuinely showing her that they were okay. Casey heaved out a breath and smiled back at her before smirking at her.

"So, How was staying the night here last night?" She asked suggestively.

"Oh my god Case! Nothing happened."

Raising her hands in surrender, "I'm just saying. He's ridiculously hot."

Rolling her eyes, Olivia shoved both of them out of the bedroom, with Casey chuckling as they made their way back down the hallway to join the others in the living room. As they neared closer they could hear Elliot and Fin bickering about what TV show to watch.

"You guys sound like you're 5" Casey exclaimed shaking her head, plopping herself down next to Fin, snatching the popcorn bowl, off of his lap.

"Hey!" Fin whined at the fact that his buttery snack had been stolen from him.

Casey stuck her tongue out at him, placing a couple more pieces into her mouth.

"And you called us five.." Elliot muttered, throwing on an innocent smile when Casey shot him a dark look.

"You're all five, now someone better make room for me before I lay over all of you." Olivia smirked as Elliot and Casey both scooted to make room for her. Sitting down, Elliot opened his arms allowing her to be able to lean into him, pulling her legs up underneath herself making her unbelievably comfortable. "So when is everyone else getting here?"

"Well, Alex and Melinda both got caught up, as much a they wished they didn't." Casey responded.

"And John and Chester had to head over to their parents house. So it's just us for the rest of the day." Fin said, smiling when Casey scooted closer setting the bowl of popcorn on both of their laps.

"Okay, sounds good. Now throw on something good before I get to bored! " Olivia said causing them all to laugh


Olivia walked up towards the high school entrance, glancing back once more to see that Elliot had drove off. They had spent most of the morning with Elliot trying to convince her to stay home one more day. It had nothing to do with the fading of the bruises that occupied her face, it was more of Elliot couldn't protect her while she was in the school building. After she reassured him multiple times that she wouldn't need protection, he relented and made sure to tell Olivia that if she needed him, to call him and he'd be there immediately.

Taking a deep breath she opened the entrance door and saw the normal hustle and bustle of the high school students that occupied the place. Looking around, she spotted Casey and Alex standing near their lockers. Jogging over a bit, she made her way towards her girls.

"Hey! You're here!" Casey stated shocked, but made sure to pull her into a hug.

"After swimming around sharks and jumping over volcanoes, yes I am." Olivia rolled her eyes.

"That bad, huh?" Casey raised her eyebrow. Casey had spoken to Elliot earlier in the week and they had both wanted to distance the gorgeous brunette from attending school until at least some of the more visible bruises healed enough to be covered up by makeup. After everything that happened at Dave and Busters, the little group that Dean had been with didn't need the satisfaction of honesty. There hadn't been really any talk about Olivia around school though, so the girls figured it should be all clear, but you never really know.

"I mean, I don't blame him." Olivia sighed rubbing her neck. " I know he's just worried about me, but I don't want him to be you know? I know how to take care of myself. I'm a big girl and I don't need saving. I'm not a pity project." She knew she was being unreasonable. She knew the intentions that Elliot had. She was just so overwhelmed with everything. Ever since she was little she did it all by herself. She definitely did not rely on anyone.

"No one thinks of you as a pity party Olivia." Alex said firmly. "No one doubts your ability to take care of yourself. Being there for you is not the same as what you call 'Saving you'."

"Yeah, yeah, I get it, let him in." Olivia smiled rolling her eyes. The girls had made it a thing to make sure Olivia didn't pull away from Elliot. She was notorious for running when thing's got too serious to quick. She didn't have to worry about moving to fast when it came to Dean. Like your typical guy, the fact that he had a girlfriend was enough. Commitment terrified him.

"Good." Casey shut her locker after grabbing out her English books. "Well, let's head on over to class before we get yelled at by the hall monitor" The girls all laughed.

Walking Down the hallway towards their first class of the day, Olivia noticed some students would look down once she passed by, or completely stop talking. Figuring it was because she was gone a couple days, or because of her still fading black eye, she thought nothing of it and went on with her day. By lunch time, she was getting annoyed with it and decided that when she met up with the girls she would ask them if they knew what was up.

"Hey Liv, over here!" Melinda waved over, seeing Olivia by the doors looking around for them.

Setting her bag down in the seat next to her she asked, " Can I guys ask you an honest question? DO you know why everyone is basically like, i don't know, not looking at me?" Silence rang throughout the group, Casey looked down at her twiddling fingers, while Alex and Melinda looked at each other a little panicked. Squinting her eyes a bit she asked on, " What aren't you guys telling me?"

"Well we-"

"Well look who we have here." Came Dean's voice from behind Olivia. Groaning she turned around. "You know, I honestly didn't think you were going to come back to school."

"God Dean, do you always have to be such a dick? Why don't you run along and go blow one of your minions." Casey sneered, looking at him with a glare.

"Why don't you shut your mouth Novak, everything that comes out of it is insignificant anyways." He glared. Turning back towards Olivia, he smiled leaning his hand out, caressing her face. "Such a same a beautiful face has to get put through so much-" Olivia slapped his hand away. "Abuse." He finished, smirking at her."

"Do you have nothing else better to do with your life Dean besides making everyone completely miserable?" Alex growled out.

"Oh what, now four eyes is butting in to protect you Olivia? You're pathetic." His voice raised a couple octaves, making sure to bring attention to them. "You're so sad to look at Olivia, more little girl you can't protect herself from her classmates or her mommy." Him and his minions laughed,a long with a couple kids in the cafeteria. Tears instantly swelled in her eyes, as Dean continued, "I mean, makes sense considering your mother couldn't even pro-" He was cut off by the punch that was swung at his jaw, knocking him to the floor.

"Shut up, shut up shut up!" Olivia screamed with tears streaming down her face, grabbing her backpack she ran out of the cafeteria, with all three girls following her lead.

"Olivia,wait up!" Alex hollard, as they kept chasing her out of the school building. They kept running until they saw that in her panic, Olivia wasn't paying attention to where she was going and continued to run into the street.

"OLIVIA!" Casey screamed out, just as a car came ramming into Olivia causing her to flip onto the windshield shattering it.

The girls ran faster over to wear she lay, as nearby drivers quickly got out of their cars.

"No no no no no, Olivia" Casey fell to her knees quickly scooping up Olivia's seemingly lifeless body. "Liv wake up, please wake up."

"Shit, I am so sorry! I didn't see her coming! It happened so fast!" The driver panicked seeing the teenage girl laying in the other arms limp, and covered with blood.

Melinda quick to it pulled out her phone and quickly called an ambulance, checking for Olivia's pulse seeing that it was there but very faint.

"Don't you dare fucking die on me, do you hear me Olivia!" Casey screamed, tears rushing down her face as she clutched Olivia's body close to hers.


"So how are things going with you and Liv?" Fin asked, as he took a swig from the beer bottle he had been cradling for a while. He had decided to come over for a bit, to keep Elliot company, also because he had missed his friend.

Elliot sighed, but a small sigh fell upon his face at the thought of her. "We are good, considering the situation. It sucks, ya know? I don't want to see her in pain. I hate that she has to deal with all of this, and has had to deal with this. I just want to take all her pain away, I want to show her happiness and that some people are different." Elliot, chugged the rest of his bottle before leaning back into the couch.

"No one wants to see the one they love in pain. Just be there for her El, she her that you care, show her you aren't going anywhere."

Nodding his head, Elliot turned his head towards Fin, and smirked, "How about you and Casey, How's that going?"

A grin instantly popped on his face, "God, this girl is something else, but she makes me so fucking happy."

"I'm happy for you man."

Getting torn away from their conversation, Elliot heard his phone ringing. Getting up from the couch he grabbed his phone seeing Casey's name popped up on the screen, "Speaking of Casey," He laughed before answering. "Well hello." He smiled, walking back into the living room. "Elliot!" Casey yelled through the phone. "It's liv, there's been an accident, she was hit by a car, they're taking her to Mercy, Please hurry." All the blood drained from his face. This couldn't be happening. 

I am so so sorry for the EXTREMELY late update! I had such the hardest time trying to figure out where to go with this Chapter! I decided on what I wanted to do next for the story but didn't know how to lead into it until today, I apologize for the short chapter and I promise that Chp. 12 will be a lot longer. Thank you so much for keeping with this story! Don't forget to vote and comment on the story or send in any suggestions! Bye lovelies - A K

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