The Doll-A TAWoG Fan-made Epi...

By SynthMusic

5.8K 117 82

Christmas has just ended and everyone is relaxing from the stress of the holiday season...that is everyone bu... More

Part One
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Bonus Chapter: Ending Theme

Part Two

1K 20 31
By SynthMusic

     Snow slowly fell down from the sky above as the boys stood outside Carrie's mansion. The atmosphere seemed bleak, yet calming in a way, as if the world stood still for once. This made Gumball feel a little better as he and Darwin approached the front porch. They stood there for a moment, wondering what it was that Carrie wanted. Darwin was especially worried, as Carrie was his girlfriend. Was she hurt? Did she need comforting? Whatever it was, he'd be by her side in a heartbeat.

     "Okay, could you please knock on the front door? I'm starting to lose the feeling in my feet." Gumball said suddenly, interrupting the young fish from his thoughts. "What?" Darwin shook his head rapidly to rid his thoughts. "Oh, yeah!" He took a few steps towards the door, the floorboards creaking with each step he took. Darwin exhaled sharply and knocked on the door. He then stepped back, waiting for Carrie to answer. 

But there was no response.

     "Okay,-so-maybe-this-was-all-a-prank-and-she-really-didn't-need-to-talk-to-us-sooo....good one, Carrie! But-I-think-we'll-be-on-our-way-now-!" Gumball spoke rapidly. He turned to leave, but Darwin grabbed him by the sweater. 
"We can't leave!" he said, gritting his teeth. "That'd be rude! And besides," He let go of Gumball's shirt and crossed his arms. "I am not about to loose my girlfriend over some simple thing like impatience!"  

     "Dude! I can't wait any longer!" Gumball protested.  "Can't we just, you know, use the alternative method?" The two boys knew that calling a ghost's name 5 times would summon them at any time. They remembered using it while trying to free Carrie's father from a curse a year ago.

"Again, no! " Darwin yelled, his voice cracking. "Can't you just be patient for once?!" 

"Darwin, I've been standing here for so long, my legs have frozen in place."

     Darwin looked down and sure enough, Gumball's legs looked as frozen as a tub of ice cream that had been sitting in the freezer for too long. He sighed. Of course, he loved his brother, and he didn't want him to suffer from hypothermia. But at the same time he didn't want his reputation as a patient, loving boyfriend to be ruined. If Carrie saw that he was being impatient, she'd probably chew him out. Or even worse...possess him. And when you're possessed by a ghost who happens to be your girlfriend at the same time...oh, Darwin didn't even want to know what would happen. He shuddered at the thought. 

     Darwin turned back to his brother and sighed again. "Fine." He replied reluctantly. "But you know I'm gonna get in trouble for this..." He closed his eyes tightly and clenched his fists. 

"Carrie! Carrie! Carrie! Carrie! Carrie!" 

     Immediately, a ghost in the form of a punk girl with white bangs appeared before the two brothers. Darwin slowly looked up and swallowed bravely, ready for Carrie to give him a piece of her mind. 

     "Guys, I was on my way! You could've just waited for me!" Carrie yelled as she put her hands on her hips. She glared daggers at Darwin and he gulped again, this time, harder. 
"Uh...yeah, i-it's just that things got a little out of hand is all, y-you know...heheh." Darwin rubbed the back of his neck while beads of sweat formed on his forehead. 

     "Well, don't do it again, okay!" Carrie snapped. She turned and opened the door telepathically. Before walking in, Darwin nudged Gumball in the stomach, hard. 
"Ohh!!"  Gumball grunted and clutched the place Darwin hit. Darwin bared his teeth at his brother. "Thanks a lot, man!" He then stomped into the room not even holding the door for Gumball. 
     Gumball sighed as a feeling of guilt rushed over him. He didn't think Carrie would get mad for just summoning her. He gently rubbed his side and opened the door again to catch up with the couple.

     "So, uhm, anyway, what did you want to talk about?" Gumball asked hesitantly. "Carrie turned towards the boys with a concerned look on her face. 

"It's about the movie I saw a few weeks ago."

     "Aw, crud-OW!" Gumball rolled his eyes then fell to his knees as Darwin nudged him again. He let out a small squeak of pain. "WhAt tHe WHaT?!" Carrie and Darwin proceeded to walk up the grand staircase and towards Carrie's room. Gumball slowly got up, holding his side as he hobbled up the stairs.

     Carrie opened the door to her room and the boys walked inside. She then floated towards one of the alcoves and got out an old book from a cardboard box. It seemed to be ridden with age; it had cobwebs all over it and some of the pages were torn at the seams. Carrie blew the cobwebs off. Dust flew into the air, making the boys cough. 

     "Yesterday, I was looking in my spell book -'cause I was bored and had nothing else to do-" She explained "-and I came across a page that I just couldn't  take my mind off of." She opened the book and the pages flew until it stopped at a certain page. The boys gathered around her while Carrie read the passage.  

     "It says here that the ghost of a young girl by the name of Adele O'Connor is rumored to have died around Elmore, specifically around the school area. She lived during the 1870's and died due to a fire accident when she was in the basement of her house. Legend has it that her spirit still floats among the town, searching for revenge on the one who brought her demise..."

The two boys exchanged nervous looks. 

     "W-wow...good story Carrie." Gumball said, whilst clapping slowly. "But what does this have to do with the movie?" 

"I was looking it up online and I saw that the film makers based the spirit of the doll on a real life-" 

"Yeah, we know. It's based on a true story, the owners had to get rid of the doll, blah, blah blah, ect cetera, et cetera." Gumball interrupted.  

     Carrie sighed. "But this book also says that she had a doll with her when she was burned alive. Surprisingly, when the authorities came to retrieve her body, they couldn't find it. All they could retrieve was the doll, untouched from the flames. "

     "They brought the doll back to her parents and a few weeks after her death, strange things began to happen in their house. Her mother went to Adele's room, placed the doll on her bed, and kept in there as a memoir. However, when she would come back into the room a few minutes later to tidy it up, the doll would be in a different part of the room.  Not only that, but she heard strange voices around the house, screaming for help, and once even saw an apparition of her daughter standing in the hallway."

Darwin and Gumball stared in shock. "Have you been practicing this?" Gumball asked in confusion.  

     Carrie ignored the question and continued with the story. "Adele's parents had a feeling that it was their daughter who was making all of this activity happen. They called a medium and asked to hold a séance so they could communicate with her. During the séance, the doll was placed in the middle of the table, along with an Ouija Board. " 

     "As the medium called out to Adele, the couple used the board to make out any words Adele's spirit might create. As the séance continued, they were able to get a few words out, such as 'DOLL,' 'REVENGE', and 'FIRE'. The medium told them that Adele would not rest until the one who killed her would be brought to justice. She would use her doll as a vessel and said that her killer should be brought to trial immediately or they would 'pay with their own lives.'"

    "The medium told Adele's parents to not take their daughter's words lightly, as this was a spirit who was far more dangerous than any one she had summoned before.  The couple quickly acted and searched for months to find the killer. But they were too late, as the killer had escaped, with no records as to where he went. Adele began to grow more impatient as time went by and pretty soon, she couldn't wait any longer. She ended up putting a curse on her killer and his descendants, one that she wouldn't lift until a family member confessed to her murder." 

     Carrie closed her eyes and sighed. She closed the book and it teleported out of sight. "This story is very similar to the one that the one that the horror movie was based off of."

     The two brothers were holding each other tightly for dear life, whimpering nervously.  

     "O-okay, even I admit that was pretty creepy," Darwin let go of Gumball and rubbed his arm nervously. "But again, why did you bring us here other than to tell us that?" 
Carrie floated towards the alcove again and got out a jar containing a creature with wings the wings were pink at the tips and the creature was flying around the jar, trying to escape. 

       It stopped struggling and breathed heavily. It then looked towards Gumball and Darwin and let out a deep demonic growl that shook the jar. Gumball yelped and stepped back while Carrie tried to steady the jar. 

"Guys, meet Adele O'Connnor." 

     "What?!? Are you insane?!"Gumball shrieked quietly. "Didn't you say that this was a pretty dangerous spirit?!" 

"Don't worry, I've dealt with worse spirits than this.... I think." Carrie replied in an insecure tone. 

     "Well, either way, could you keep it a fair distance away from us?" Gumball asked whilst chuckling nervously.  "'Cause that thing looks like it wants to swallow our souls-AAAT ANY SECOND!" He then squealed as Adele scratched the edge of the glass jar, trying to crawl her way out. 

    "Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, you don't wanna get on her bad side." Carrie warned as she placed the jar on her desk.  "Like, you don't even want to challenge her. Some pretty bad things haven happened to people who haveSome things that shouldn't be mentioned..." She shuddered. The trio turned to towards the jar in suspense. "But if that jar ever breaks, she's gonna bring a living nightmare upon this town. "

     Darwin's heart began to beat faster. Just the sight of Adele made a lump form in his throat. He turned towards his brother.  "Well, anyway, we should probably leave. It's getting kinda late."  He suggested. Gumball agreed and the trio made their way to the door.  

   Before heading out the door, Gumball took one last look at the jar. Adele's eyes  turned towards him with a creepy smile plastered on her face. She seemed to be staring straight into his soul. 
     Gumball's tail curled up in fear. "Good luck falling asleep tonight, man..." He said to himself thoughtfully. 

"Hey! You coming?!" Gumball snapped his head around as he heard Darwin call from downstairs. "Wha-? Uh, yeah! Yeah, I'm coming!" Gumball stuttered as he closed the door and made his way downstairs. 

     After he closed the door, Adele's spirit let out a muffled scream and banged in the glass with all her might. The jar began to move towards the edge of the desk fell to the ground, with shards of glass covering the wooden floor. 

     Adele, shook some of the glass off of her and hurriedly looked around. There was an open window next to Carrie's bed. She grinned. This was her chance for revenge. 

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