The Gray Sisters: Family Matt...

By angel48183

161K 6.7K 1.8K

Lex and Piper are ready to settle down and have a family of their own. After celebrating the wedding of Mic... More

Please wake up
It isn't fair
Who are you?
Have you lost your damn mind?
New surroundings, sort of
The heart leads the way
Sage advice
Meeting the infamous Grammy Gray
Human emotions
Unexpected help
Getting to know you
Lock them up, boys and girls!
Getting to know Piper
When you come back to me
Love never dies
Damn son, you need to get a move on
Making up for lost time
Unsettling news
Planning a winter wedding
We cordially invite you to Lex and Piper's wedding
A Gray celebration
Honeymoon nightmares
Settling into married life
Boy or girl?
Welcome to the family Payton Gray
Life is crazy until you realize the raincoat broke
Here comes baby 2, Parker Gray
Family problems
Fearing love
You've got to be kidding me
So far, so good
Letting go with love
Live, laugh, and love
Five is enough
First day of school
A new love
A surprise
A whole new generation of Gray antics with the Gray Family

It's all good when you're conspiring together

3.6K 163 38
By angel48183


I knew I wanted to meet this girl it had involved me with in high school, but I couldn't help but drawn to Piper. Maybe I was hoping for too much for her to introduce us. What if it wasn't what I expected? Then again, Piper was engaged, although she hadn't mentioned her fiancé. I was curious about him.

"Who cares about some absent fiancé?" Kain asked me as I was working on a cake.

I looked at him strangely.

"What my impatient brother is saying is maybe it's not as serious if she hasn't mentioned him," Kaiden suggested.

"Isn't it wrong to take an interest in someone attached? Then you have this old girlfriend. I don't remember who I would like to meet," I told them.

"Lex, I know you hit your head, and your brain got bounced around, destroying memories of people around you, but this is a chance to start fresh," Kain suggested.

I arched an eyebrow at him. He acted like Uncle Nixon from talking to Uncle Nixon, and it was scary. Kaiden was more like his mom, sensible.

"I say just grab her and lay one on her," Kain told me.

"I will not go up to Piper and kiss her. I don't need some angry guy coming at me. For you to even suggest it, is weird. I thought this family was loyal to one person?" I asked him.

"Hahahahaha," Kain laughed loudly.

I looked at him, confused.

"Dude, your dad is the definition of someone who doesn't get their shit together. Your ma had to dump his ass, and even then, it took her losing her memory for him to get his shit together," Kain said emphatically.

I looked at him. This family sure knows a lot about my parents.

"Yeah, your dad was a tool," I heard someone say as we turned to see Nixon standing there.

"I'm learning that, but he seems like he's nothing like you all claim him to be," I told them.

"Only because his brothers helped set him straight. Even before they got together, he was a tool with her. He ruined a lot of good food," Nixon commented.

"Lex worries about this twit of a fiancé Piper has," Kain said, giving his dad a knowing look.

"Oh," was all he said as he nodded. What is wrong with this family? Seriously, what is wrong with them?

"Look, no offense, but I need to finish this cake before the customer shows up and questions why they don't have a cake," I told them as I went back to work.

The three of them left.

Nixon, Kain, and Kaiden walked out of the bakery.

"Well, that was useless," Kain huffed.

"Ye, have little faith, you twit," Nixon said to him.

"Listen, old man, I don't have time for your shit," he countered.

"Old? No son, that's your uncle Nash. I'm still in my prime, and I can still make shit happen," Nixon retorted.

"How?" Kaiden asked him.

"Watch and learn, boys, watch and learn," he told them as he rubbed his hands together.

If it was one thing, Nixon knew it was; if they fixed this, they would need help, which would take a set of brothers and sisters to do. He placed a call to said a collection of both, knowing full well, they would get what they wanted.

A wedding would happen, eventually.

Meeting with his brothers, Nixon explained his plan to them.

"That is a bad idea," Dad told him.

"It's only bad because you think it's bad. Its pure genius," Nixon told him.

"Nix, we can't just force him and Piper together. It has to happen naturally," Dad told him.

"Why not? We did it with you and Maggie," Nathan added.

He looked at Nathan, who shrugged.

"Nash, you know, that there is always a Gray that has their hand in the mix with the matters of the heart," Noah reasoned.

"I don't know. I don't want to pressure Lex any more than he needs," Dad sighed.

"Hey, if Grammy can get Ma and Dad together, and Ma and the four of us can get you and Maggie together, then we can get Lex and Piper together," Nolan reminded him.

"And if it blows up in our face, I was never part of this," Dad told them emphatically.

"Pft, we got this, and it will not blow up in our face because we have help," Nixon told him.

"Help from who?" Dad questioned him.

"Where are you, twits?" Larkin yelled as they entered Nixon's garage.

"From some lovely sisters," Nixon smirked.

My sisters walked up to where Dad and his brothers were standing.

"Is there a reason you all are standing around one light?" Lyric asked as she turned on the lights.

"It's called being stealth. Everyone knows when plotting and planning; it's usually in a dark place with one light," Nixon reasoned.

"No, it's called watching too many movies and not paying your electric bill," Lakin corrected him.

"Potato, potato, who cares?" He asked them.

They all looked at each other, then at him.

"Why are we here?" Larkin asked them.

"I gather us today to get your brother and cousin together," Nixon told them as everyone looked at him appalled.

"Okay, let me rephrase that. Your brother and your spouses' cousin need to get together," he told them as they rolled their eyes at him.

"I think the key to all this is Piper and Lex have to kiss," Noah suggested to them as they looked at him.

"Isn't that what we're trying to do?" Nathan asked Noah.

"No, we're trying to force them to be together. Think about it. When Maggie and Nash broke up, the only way they could find their way back to each other was a simple kiss. That was Nash's idea," Noah told them.

They all looked at each other as Dad said, "He's right. When Mags broke up with me, I just needed a one kiss to remind her why we belong together."

"The only thing everyone here is forgetting is, Lex has no memory. How the hell are we supposed to remind him of something he doesn't remember?" Nolan asked them.

"His mind may have lost his memories, but his heart never did. He doesn't know it," Noah reminded them.

That was the key to it all. When the mind doesn't want to remember, the heart always will. Human emotion is the biggest key in any memory. Whether it's love or anger, both are equally heavy, but given the wrong circumstance, they can be similarly devastating.

All you can do is pray; it doesn't blow up in your face. What the brothers and sisters had planned next would change everything for Piper and me.

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